The Biggest Loser- Res Style!

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1:42pm May 4 2014

Normal User

Posts: 425
i actually went to the gym 3x this week guys :)...hey where did everyone go?

✿by Lake

✿by Sage

1:53pm May 4 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,020
Im not sure Call ;w; and awesome job!


9:20pm May 6 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,200
I will post my weight tomorrow but, after wards I'm biking 24 miles and than I have soccer practice so...?

9:22pm May 6 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,020
Awesome boom ^^


3:59pm May 9 2014

Normal User

Posts: 425
i lost 1 lb :3

✿by Lake

✿by Sage

8:22pm May 10 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,200
sorry I didn't post, but I was 98 lbs and i might be going vegetarian this week:)

2:20pm May 12 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,020
Hey guys, I just wanted to make an update post and to see where everyone was at.

Currently I am about 210, which isnt much of an improvement, but one none the less. Sadly I havent really seen anyone else join this competition, so while this may have been a good idea to begin with, I am thinking about shutting this down after the months end. Prizes will still be handed out to those who have made the greatest improvements and all who participated, but there has not been enough interest to really keep this going. For those who are still losing weight and really trying to lose it, dont give up! And for those who are trying to put on muscle/more healthy weight, dont you give up either! This was all about trying to get healthy, and even though it may have not been too successful in terms of attention, it has helped a few people, and thats what matters.

Another reason why I am shutting this post down is because I am not on Res all that much anymore. I lurk sometimes, but for the most part I am doing other stuff. If anyone else would like to take charge in this who is on Res a lot more than I am, then go right on ahead ^^ but I am growing farther away from Res with each day, so I wont be here all that much other than dailies. I am always open to Rmails though ^^

Hope you guys are having an awesome day, and I'll talk at you later ^^


12:22pm May 13 2014

Normal User

Posts: 425
aww butts yes i am still taking part :3 i started at 194 and last thursday was 193 so i will be getting on the scale again this thursday!
ive been prepping myself lunches like salad and apples and fun things like that for the week  on fridays and it has really helped when i know what i have to look forward to for lunch and snack times. Ive also been doing really well going into the gym at work on my breaks and getting on the treadmill, it makes me feel good when i do it!

✿by Lake

✿by Sage

6:19pm May 13 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,200
lost 2 pounds!
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