The cash point contest

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9:36am Jul 20 2013 (last edited on 9:38am Jul 20 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 878
So basically, this is whats going to happen.

If you have any left over cash points, that you can't do anything with (like 8 or 11), you send them to me. Why? You really can't do anything with them.

1 cash point= 1 ticket
5 cash point = 6 tickets
10 cash point= 15 tickets
20 cash point= 30 tickets

After gaining enough tickets, we will then buy one of those packs.

Clothing Pack
Gender Pendant Pack
CS Creatu Egg Nest
Name tag pack
NCJB pack
RMP pack
Trance potion pack

*please keep in note that I will also get one of those prizes, so if there are 3 Cs eggs, 2 will be up for picks. :> I want something to!!!!!

After that I will use to pick a number, so its fair.

Those (insert number here) of people will be able to pick their prize accordingly to the order their number was picked.

(BTW, if you forgot about the contest, I"ll rmail you, but if its the same thing (like gender pendants) I"ll just send it to you)

When will this end?

I guess until we get enough Cash Points.

Are there Refunds?

No, unless the contest is over.

What happens if we have left over cash points and we can buy another pack?

I buy the pack and use, but the previous winners can't win

I want to enter this contest but I don't have any Cash Points! Can I buy Tickets With TU?

Uh... Hm... I don't know. We Don't really need TU.... 1M per ticket? We don't really need TU...

~ Tickets ~

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