The Easiest Way to Win a Jaaku egg or Uilus egg

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5:29pm Jun 25 2009

Normal User

Posts: 9

Contest Ended.

 I have 3 favorites....


5:30pm Jun 25 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,220


Came too late... aw...

By Me
I'm Feline♥

5:36pm Jun 25 2009 (last edited on 5:37pm Jun 25 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 1,446

wow, looks like I just barely made it, that's good

Edit: aww, I'm sorry Feline, I'm sure it woulda been pretty, but honestly, I can't say I'm too sad that there's less competition, I'd have a lower chance of winning if you made it ^-^ I still love you though? 


5:44pm Jun 25 2009

Normal User

Posts: 524

So when are you going to post the winners? And will there be one grand winner and that's it, or have you decided to give away both eggs?


5:49pm Jun 25 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,446
Heh, if she does decide to give away both eggs to different people, the winner should definitely get first pick, it wouldn't be fair otherwise.


6:25pm Jun 25 2009

Normal User

Posts: 9

The Winners Are.....


2. Wolfspirit25

3. Water

Congrats to the winners.

Jobs well done to everyone thanks for all your hardwork and creativity.



7:10pm Jun 25 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,446
YAY!!! I placed in a contest!!! Best thing that has happened to me ever. I obviously don't get first pick, but I really hope I get the jaaku egg, if not, Uilus makes me happy too.


7:38pm Jun 25 2009

Normal User

Posts: 597

Click him, <3
I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.

8:47pm Jun 25 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,220
Thanks wolfspirit, and congratz! =3

By Me
I'm Feline♥
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