1:11pm May 4 2016
Normal User 
Posts: 37
Never mind my last post
It is mostly random items, but I have some pretty cool stuff in my merchant shop.
10:00pm May 8 2016
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Posts: 2,290
Everything Has Been Updated
5:42pm May 9 2016 (last edited on 5:42pm May 9 2016)
Normal User 
Posts: 571
Thanks Drenn! Can I update my wishes to:
-Gold or Silver Stardust Ern -Gribblin the Mutant Paor from the Pet Stock -Carlotia the Mutant Leverene from the Pet Stock
12:36pm May 10 2016
Normal User 
Posts: 37
Can I change my wish from a Rose Dye Kit to any suitable wishlist item?
It is mostly random items, but I have some pretty cool stuff in my merchant shop.
3:07pm May 13 2016
Normal User 
Posts: 2,290
rescreatu123456: can you be more specific? Makana100: lets wait since ive given you a ton of pets already. if no one asks by the end of the month ill send them to you. you will just have to remind me then
3:09pm May 13 2016
Normal User 
Posts: 571
Drenn: could u r-mail me "Makana100: lets wait since ive given you a ton of pets already. if no one asks by the end of the month ill send them to you. you will just have to remind me then" please? Thanks!
10:32am May 16 2016
Normal User 
Posts: 28
Hi, I love the concept of this forum. I would like to wish for a black baby Uilus or 6 mil in order to buy one from a rancher shop that I've been keeping an eye on.
10:31pm May 16 2016 (last edited on 11:06pm May 16 2016)
Normal User 
Posts: 2,290
eva: I added your wish. also you will need to open the tu bank account if you want tu transferred to you
10:40pm May 16 2016
Normal User 
Posts: 280
Drenn...I ended up beaning a Albino Tesuri. May i actually get the Capricorn Zodiac Squishy. Im a collector of Squishy and really squishy cost a lot for me to collect. One day I will collect all the squishies on Res. Thanks Drenn
10:46pm May 16 2016 (last edited on 11:18pm May 16 2016)
Normal User 
Posts: 2,290
hear ya there.
Everything Has Been Updated!
11:32pm May 16 2016
Normal User 
Posts: 28
Thank you so much Drenn! I honestly never expected my wish to be granted so fast. I used to play on here *eight* years ago and a black Uilus was always my dream creatu. I'm so happy, you've made my day :) Little Melianistic will be my treasure
7:22am May 17 2016
Normal User 
Posts: 37
Thanks a lot Drenn!
It is mostly random items, but I have some pretty cool stuff in my merchant shop.
10:46pm May 17 2016
Normal User 
Posts: 2,290
glad you love him. im glad to grant everyones wishes when I am able :3 thank you all on this forum for your loyalty and help to keep this forum up and running
11:29am May 18 2016
Normal User 
Posts: 37
Donated Glowing Ghostly Flower and Pile of Gold Stardust!
It is mostly random items, but I have some pretty cool stuff in my merchant shop.
8:32pm May 18 2016 (last edited on 8:32pm May 18 2016)
Normal User 
Posts: 2,290
thanks dude. adding to gallery
9:14am May 19 2016 (last edited on 9:25am May 19 2016)
Normal User 
Posts: 37
I wish for A Guide To The Society Class and an Archmage Spellbook.
It is mostly random items, but I have some pretty cool stuff in my merchant shop.
10:45am May 19 2016
Normal User 
Posts: 392
Can i change my wish to an albino sirleon?
10:12pm May 19 2016
Normal User 
Posts: 2,290
It has been updated
12:42pm May 20 2016
Normal User 
Posts: 127
This is going to be a long shot, but Kir hates me :P Albino Sirleon is my wish. Hopefully this doesn't classify as the over 50m rule
6:31pm May 20 2016
Normal User 
Posts: 15
I would like my wish to be a black noctis dress, the most expensive one is about 50mil. But there are much cheaper ones.
Thank you.