9:07pm Jun 2 2016
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Posts: 498
I've never gotten the flu vaccine ever and have only gotten sick once. Although what's odd is once a year I get a nose bleed and am never sick for that year, the one year I didn't get a nose bleed is the same year I ended up catching a pretty bad cold.
So Drenn, did you try the yogurt?
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12:44am Jun 4 2016
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Posts: 2,290
Makana: the gold or silver stardust urn is already on the wish stock. the two creatu have been granted to you
thunder: yes I did :3 sadly I already had thousands of blisters since I am allergic to aloe. the pharmacy said the cream didn't have aloe but it did. I had to get cream from the doctor for the blisters. it works on bad cuts and burns. the aloe turned a normal sunburn to a second degree burn. happy to say its now back to a normal sunburn. the yogurt feels nice when it itches.
currently trying to save the life of a chipmunk. my cat I guess brought it in a few days ago. it got lost in my downstairs office area. I finally found it and it was starving. it can barely move. so trying to nurse it back to health *fingers crossed* I really don't want to have to put it out of its misery or have it die on me. I have a soft spot for chipmunks. even saved a painted turtle this morning. it was in the middle of the road trying to reach the pond on the other side since its original water source dried up. so I stopped on the side of the road and grabbed it and took it to the pond. boy was it happy XD took off in the water right when I put it in

1:20am Jun 4 2016
Normal User 
Posts: 571
ok =) thanks drenn
Next: -Crockliz the frostlit vogar -malenarwi the magenta narwi
12:01pm Jun 4 2016
Normal User 
Posts: 498
plain yogurt is sorta like the duct tape of the food world. You can use it for all sorts of things and you can eat it.
Hope all goes well with the chipmunk, reminds me of when our cat caught a mouse. I saved it and put it in a little tank. All I did was make sure it had food and fresh cold water, just let it stay there in the tank and after 2 days it was ready to be released.
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9:39pm Jun 5 2016
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Posts: 2,290
sadly the poor little guy had a seizure in the night and passed away.
9:41pm Jun 5 2016
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Posts: 498
It could have died from shock, shock is actually really deadly for tiny creatures.
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9:42pm Jun 5 2016
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Posts: 2,290
true. but the poor little guy was just skin and bones when I got to him. I think it had to do more with starvation than anything
10:01pm Jun 5 2016 (last edited on 9:28pm Jun 6 2016)
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Posts: 15
I would actually like to have anything post apocalyptic- the cheapest thing there is. But, don't worry about it if you can't afford it, Drenn. :D
2:02pm Jun 6 2016
Normal User 
Posts: 571
Thanks dren! Can I wish for the Spinning Emote Squishy and the Sad Emote Squishy please? Thanks!
11:16pm Jun 6 2016
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Posts: 2,290
Ill try on granting some wishes after I get home from the dentist
1:06am Jun 7 2016
Normal User 
Posts: 193
I would like to wish for Halloween Recipe Card 2012 and Valentines Envelope please. Thank you.
1:46pm Jun 11 2016
Normal User 
Posts: 23
Could I change my wish for a blond zenrix to a silver malal (for kir) thanks
3:33pm Jun 16 2016
Normal User 
Posts: 11
I would like to wish for a trance potion pack please
9:44pm Jun 19 2016 (last edited on 11:29am Jul 9 2016)
Normal User 
Posts: 20
I would like to wish for a Ginger Paor and a (Preferably Female ) Silver Quelis named Kolkwitzia. Quite Specific but I would really like one and I don't have any Quelis eggs ): No one please steal my names. And thank you :)
9:56pm Jun 23 2016
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Posts: 2,290
I will hopefully have everything updated and a couple more wishes granted this weekend. kinda been hectic after my uncles friend had a heart attack. ive been helping him out this past couple weeks
4:28am Jun 24 2016
Normal User 
Posts: 124
Hello Drenn Can you please remove my wish for the Albino Arder please. I found one in the rancher shop for sale and bought it myself.
Thank you! Billbee
3:30pm Jun 27 2016
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Posts: 23
I wish for a Random Morphing Potion
11:32pm Jun 28 2016
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Posts: 4
to Drenn
i have really wanted this item for a really long time and if i got it, i would cry in joy. i know its a lot but if granting this with is not possible that is ok :) i wish for a pair of easero wings please
thank you for your time
i <3 Aukiras
1:57am Jun 29 2016
Normal User 
Posts: 23
Just hatched a silver malal and handed it in to kir so could I change my wish for a silver malal to a blonde roditore? Thanks
6:21pm Jun 30 2016
Normal User 
Posts: 12,418
Hi Drenn, I'd like to make two wishes.
An Albino Iluvu (I've been wanting this for such a long time. Five years to be exact)
A cream Narwi (for k1r)
Take your time :) I'm in no hurry. Thank you so much!
 (Banner made by Kina)