The Factory

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7:18am Oct 12 2016

Normal User

Posts: 56
Hello Drenn, thank you for this whole thing, you're a very kind person to do all of this. We hope you're doing okay!

I was wondering if my wish could be an albino Ahea for Kir, and a Deep Tesuri please? 

*functions better with coffee or redbull

3:38pm Oct 14 2016 (last edited on 3:38pm Oct 14 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 2,290

Everything has been updated.  Will grant more wishes when we get more tu stock and prices go down some.

gladly feeling pretty good for the time being so thank you all for your support and all your help with this forum and being so patient with me


10:58pm Oct 15 2016

Normal User

Posts: 285
Tribecka has been given 5mill 


8:22pm Oct 16 2016

Normal User

Posts: 2,290
will do. updating.  thank you once more for your help and donation


3:57pm Oct 18 2016

Normal User

Posts: 5
May I wish for a Frost Light Icicle and Curse of the Undead?
Thank you so much!

1:39pm Oct 21 2016

Normal User

Posts: 2,290
sure thing


12:19pm Oct 23 2016

Normal User

Posts: 570
Just dropping in to say that Castiel got a name change and is now Link, but there is also a newer user who has the username Castiel xD 

I believe the Castiel you have in your list is the old Castiel, now Link


5:03pm Oct 23 2016

Normal User

Posts: 43
Hey Drenn,
It's Star again. I didn't know I wasn't supposed to have multiple accounts, so my second was banned and this one was reset. So I won't be needing the Azure Easero Wings anymore, nothing I put on in my wardrobe seems to save. :( But thank you so much for everything! The tu really came in handy in earlier days. If possible, a Blonde Paor would be good for my Kir's Quest. Thanks so much! 


10:11pm Oct 24 2016

Normal User

Posts: 2,290


2:53pm Oct 25 2016

Normal User

Posts: 124
Hello Drenn. Can I please update my wishes as I no longer need the Albino Meiko (for Kir). I now need a Blonde Skaldyr (For Kir) please. Thanks so much for updating this for me when you get the chance.


12:25am Nov 5 2016

Normal User

Posts: 1,250
Hey Drenn, I was wondering if I could have the pile of gold stardust in the item stock as my wish?


5:46pm Nov 7 2016

Normal User

Posts: 2,290
Ill update as soon as I can.  Ive been having intense pain with my right ear for days now and cant see my doctor till tomorrow.  I will update once I can get this pain to go away.  right now it feels like someone is stabbing the inside of my ear so focusing on anything is hard. mostly just been sleeping.  thank you all again for your patience and understanding.  billbee and relicdreamer, yes to both your questions.  I should hopefully update in the next couple of days.


5:59pm Nov 7 2016

Normal User

Posts: 260
I hope you can get better Drenn ;c


10:29pm Nov 8 2016

Normal User

Posts: 498
omg guys....October sucked...hope November is better..
I WAS supposed to be moving but the first realtor would not answer the phone whenever we called her...and this second one is starting to push it too...

then my mother went in to get some surgery done, and now is in a medical malpractice case. She went in thinking she was going to get her tubes tied and instead the doctors put something in her that was black boxed by the FDA in February, and the doctors never told her anything before they did it.

Enter smart/witty signature here!

9:37am Nov 10 2016

Normal User

Posts: 557
Hi, may i have a trance potion, Calico Goiba (for Kir) and 20mil. Thank you!!


10:22pm Nov 20 2016

Normal User

Posts: 2,290

ThunderMouse:  That's horrible.  I hope you guys get things sorted and that your mother will be ok.



2:23pm Nov 23 2016

Normal User

Posts: 2,122
Hello I am currently working on a goal to change Chewy into a wyrae. 

So if my two wishes could be..possibly two RMPs?

Thank you and I hope its not too much trouble!



6:50pm Nov 25 2016 (last edited on 6:54pm Nov 25 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 2,290

Kina: understood.  adding to wish list.  only one 'store' is carrying it for almost 15mil.  hoping for Christmas more will be listed and hopefully items in general go down a bit

hopefully Christmas will be good and I can get better hatches to sell for granting wishes.


7:31pm Dec 11 2016

Normal User

Posts: 2,290
UPDATE: New CS in the Factory category of my showroom.  link is also at the beginning of this forum.


7:51pm Dec 11 2016

Normal User

Posts: 275
Sent a nattie aerix. I mean don't know if anyone wants it but I have enough natties lol XD

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