The Haiku Game!

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8:25pm Nov 7 2016


Posts: 2,161

Startla. You have already guessed today, and you can't guess until tomorrow, even though you have to wait for the answer. Please read my posts |D

Makana, you're correct! That's a point for you owo


9:19pm Nov 7 2016

Normal User

Posts: 571
coolio ^-^
at first i thought it was pi, but then i remembered the tiger in that wasnt really considered "caged", and i remembered the other book i read, so i guessed that one =P


7:25am Nov 8 2016


Posts: 2,161
I'm actually impressed someone got it so quickly! I loved that book when I first read it, I still remember most of it and I haven't read it for several years xD


9:01am Nov 8 2016 (last edited on 9:01am Nov 8 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 735
Because I floofled up my first tempt, I'm gon go for a safe Haiku

Video Game:
Climbing lots of things
No, it's not Assassin's Creed
El Dorado sucks

Uncharted: Drakes fortune

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

9:05am Nov 8 2016


Posts: 2,161
Two points for Flygon, and one for Startla ;w; congrats guys!


9:17am Nov 8 2016

Normal User

Posts: 216
Is Erin's Alice in wonderland


9:22am Nov 8 2016 (last edited on 9:23am Nov 8 2016)


Posts: 2,161
Nope, sadly not :c good try though!

You're now down to 0 points, and Erin now has 1 x3


9:28am Nov 8 2016

Normal User

Posts: 556
Corn is master race
Launch the father into space
His daughter was right

Is this Interstellar?


9:52am Nov 8 2016


Posts: 2,161
Yes! That's another point for you owo great job~


12:11pm Nov 8 2016

Normal User

Posts: 182
cereal cat

You look just like me
So does this girl who just died
Far too many clones

This is Orphan Black yes?

I eat my own crew
You know what, I'll eat you too
Fite me 1v1

Please tell me this is Tharsis

I think I know the third one too but I'm not 100% sure so I'll save it for another day~

Who the hell is Bucky?


12:36pm Nov 8 2016 (last edited on 12:37pm Nov 8 2016)


Posts: 2,161
Yes for the show, and sadly no for the game! You don't get any points for those guesses </3 good try though!


1:41pm Nov 8 2016 (last edited on 1:42pm Nov 8 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 9
Is the show for the safe haikus Steven Universe?

I'm not sure if my first post is still here, but cereal cat, to be safe.

2:17pm Nov 8 2016


Posts: 2,161
And, that's all the safe haikus gone! Great job guessing everyone owo


12:30am Nov 9 2016

Normal User

Posts: 556
Gotta get Schwifty
Cronemberged up the whole place
Don't Think about it

Is this show Rick and Morty?


9:54am Nov 9 2016


Posts: 2,161
Wow Wander, you're on a roll 8D one more point for you!


10:03am Nov 9 2016

Normal User

Posts: 16
cereal cat

Magical creatures
Smart white male protagonist
Saving magic world

Is it Harry Potter?

10:14am Nov 9 2016

Normal User

Posts: 571
Cereal Cat

In this made-up tale
The food is oddly colored
The color of leaves

is this one green eggs and ham by doctor susse?

White people kill brown
Befriend all the animals
Brown girl follows whites

is this pokahontis?


10:39am Nov 9 2016


Posts: 2,161
Makana, I've stressed several times already to multiple users that you can only guess ONE USER'S HAIKUS AT ONCE. Please obey the rules of this game or you will be blacklisted.

This goes for anyone else who continues to disregard the rules. If there is confusion, read them again. I am hosting this game for free and honestly as of right now it's more of a chore than enjoyment. From now on, if anyone has already broken two of the rules, the third time you will be blacklisted. Read. Them.

Thank you, and have a lovely day~

Makana is now back down to 0 points. ErinHunter's book was correctly guessed and is no longer available to guess. The second guess was not.

From now on, if anyone else breaks the one person's haiku(s) per day rule, or the guidelines for submission, they will have all of their points revoked. I apologize if this sounds harsh or unfair, but I've received more broken rules over rmail as well and am getting sick of it.


10:44am Nov 9 2016


Posts: 2,161
Unfortunately winkie, your guess was incorrect :c You're now back to 0


12:01pm Nov 9 2016

Normal User

Posts: 182

Super creepy game
Sometimes everyone will die

Is this Until Dawn?

Who the hell is Bucky?

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