The Haiku Game!

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1:11pm Nov 9 2016


Posts: 2,161
Yes, it is! Great job! <3


12:07am Nov 10 2016

Normal User

Posts: 556
TesuriXD - 

Death kickflips, blinking
and breathing, doing the splits
Fix your spine please, sir

Is this Manual Samuel?


5:54pm Nov 15 2016


Posts: 2,161
Yes, that's correct! Adding another point for you~


6:04pm Nov 15 2016 (last edited on 10:27am Nov 24 2016)


Posts: 2,161

Safe Haiku time!

These will only be added once a week, if at all. Friendly reminder of the rules for guessing safe haiku:

You may only guess ONE from each batch.

If you get it wrong, you won't lose a point.

That being said, here are this batch's haiku!

Owl movie fail
Nothing like the books at all
What the heck is this

Yellow robot leads
I really like the orange one
Megs replaced with dog

Several chosen ones
Must go and meet a badger
To decide their fate


6:15pm Nov 15 2016

Normal User

Posts: 216
Is Buckys Pocahontas 


6:16pm Nov 15 2016

Normal User

Posts: 216
Owl movie fail
Nothing like the books at all
What the heck is this

Guardians of gahool


6:19pm Nov 15 2016


Posts: 2,161
Startla. I have given you this warning several times, and if you do so again you will be added to the blacklist. I am holding this game for free and the least you could do is read the rules. Do. Not. Guess. More. Than. One. Per. Day. 

Your guess for the safe haiku is also null and void because of this broken rule. Do not do this again, or you will no longer be allowed to play.


7:40pm Nov 15 2016

Normal User

Posts: 216
 the rules say we can guess a users and a safe hiku


7:44pm Nov 15 2016

Normal User

Posts: 216
I've seen users guess multiple at times my thing was I accidentally submitted two post when I mentioned for the two to go on the same post


8:49pm Nov 15 2016 (last edited on 8:51pm Nov 15 2016)


Posts: 2,161
No. The rules say that your safe haiku guess counts as your guess for the entire day. One guess per day, only one person's haikus. "*note: they do count towards your daily guesses. if you have not guessed today you may guess one of them, but if you have already guessed you must wait until tomorrow.*"

It wouldn't have made a difference if you'd posted both on the same post. You still broke the rule. Do it again and you're banned from the thread. I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but I am holding this contest for free and could easily cancel it and hatch the egg for myself. Users not abiding by the rules is extremely stressful and turning this thread into more of a chore than anything else.


11:20am Nov 20 2016 (last edited on 2:58pm Nov 22 2016)


Posts: 2,161
This thread seems to be at a standstill right now :c if it goes another week without participation, I think I'll just cancel the contest and keep the egg. I'm sorry to anyone who has entered in advance, but as this is a free contest there's really no reason I can't cancel it if I feel the need to. ^^'

*note* I am shutting this contest down on November 25th if the thread remains dead. Maybe I will hold another one of these contests at some point, as I had fun writing haiku poems and reading yours, but if no participation is given within the next three days the contest will be over. :<


3:29pm Nov 23 2016 (last edited on 3:32pm Nov 23 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 571
Is the book for the safe one The Wind in the Willows?


3:32pm Nov 23 2016


Posts: 2,161
Nope! I actually have never heard of that book. ^^; 


3:34pm Nov 23 2016 (last edited on 3:35pm Nov 23 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 571
XD lol ok
If someone hasn't already I will guess again tomorrow ^-^
That is ok, right?


5:03pm Nov 23 2016


Posts: 2,161
Yes, guessing the same one tomorrow is allowed c:


8:43pm Nov 23 2016

Normal User

Posts: 556
Is the game for the safe haiku OFF?


7:33am Nov 24 2016


Posts: 2,161
Yes 8D good job!


10:16am Nov 24 2016

Normal User

Posts: 571
Ok my new guess for the same one is

The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian


10:26am Nov 24 2016


Posts: 2,161
Nope! I... actually don't remember a badger at all in that book o-o


10:29am Nov 24 2016


Posts: 2,161
After this batch of safe ones, I won't be adding any for a while. I want to encourage people to take the risk and guess each others'! That's what makes this a contest/game and not a giveaway x3

You're always welcome to add some more of your own as well, provided you follow the instructions uwu

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