The Massive Monthly Modlet Miracle

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10:20pm Feb 25 2013 (last edited on 4:41pm Apr 10 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 280

So we made this game for you!


Rmail me the answer to this question and you get a ticket for this raffle!
If you are the first person to rmail me the correct answer, you will get two tickets.

~April's Prizes~
1st: Azure, Lemon, Indigo, Rose, Lime, Magenta, Orchid, Amber, and G&S DKs
2nd: Indigo, Rose, Lime, and Magenta Dye Kits
3rd: Amber, Orchid, Lemon, and Azure Dye Kits
We would like to thank the user Judge for his contribution to this month's prizes!

RMAIL THORNLESSROSE the answers to these questions or you will be DISQUALIFIED for a full week!
The subject of your rmail needs to say what the date is, and what question number you are answering.

March 30th: Which mod has the join date of May 7th, 2011?  Wolf

March 31st: What type of eggs were found in a random event April 1st, 2012?(hint: It's an item, and you can ask users - just not on the shoutbox)  Kuoka, Loyure and Omnu. (But I also took any of the Plastic Easter Eggs)

April 1st: Name one creatu that does not have the color Achromatic yet (As of March 31st)  Meragon or Roditore

April 2nd:  Which creatu was the last to get the Cosmic effect?   Haberisaur

April 3rd:  How many food items can your food pen hold?  An Unlimited Amount

April 4th:  Which planet is stripped of growth and life by violent storms?  Uldavi

April 5th:  Which creatu can have the undead effect, but has eggs that are not findable?  Drachid

April 6th:  What toy has eyes that make it appear to beg to be picked up and snuggled?  (Hint:  There are several variations of them)  The Chirping Easero Chicks!

April 7th:  Who is a user on Rescreatu that once was a staff member who no longer is, and what was their position?  There are many different answers for this one.  But no one answered it, so.  :c  Some would be Vawn (Support) or Fizzeh (Support/Content Manager) 

April 8th:  Find my forum post that says 'Pumblefumble' in it.  On that post, there will be instructions on how to get your ticket(s)!!<3 [tle="" target="">Link]
Idea for this task submitted by 14BrokenMirrors<3

April 9th:  Since this question opened late, feel free to send it in on the 10th as well.  What color is Malcolm's eyes?

April 10th:  How many different colors of Rescreatu Staff are there?

NEW to this raffle!!
A mystery prize shall be given away at the end of each period a mod takes over!  This prize is awarded to the user who answered the most questions correctly during that week!  If there is an equal amount of questions answered for the week, then it shall be based upon how many tickets were earned

The date to answer this question MUST be the date the current date Rescreatu time.  Any rmails earlier than the date of a question/task shall be ignored.

1) Do not post answers on this thread.  You can bump it (or ask for hints) if you want<3
2) Include the day's date (based on what day it is on Rescreatu) in the subject of the rmail, along with the question you are answering.
3) You can discuss the question and answer 'privately' meaning that you can not discuss it on the shoutbox.  Doing so will get you disqualified from the raffle.
4) Please don't be upset if you don't get the question right.  There is always the next day!!
5) Please only answer the question for a certain day on 'that' certain day.  Such as, don't answer March 4th's question on March 2nd.  Sometimes we may need to put up questions in advance.  If we receive an answer for a question that is not on the right day, it shall be ignored.   (Days and Time goes by Rescreatu [Central] time)
6)  HAVE FUN!<3333
7)  We LOVE you<3

Donations are excepted and are EXTREMELY appreciated<3
Feel free to advertise for us! 
 If you can give us documented proof (Screenshots) of you advertising for this thread, we will give you a free ticket for every five advertisements.  :3
Screenshots are to be rmailed to ThornlessRose.

If you have any good ideas for questions, please rmail ANY of us.  We may just use it!<3
To rmail a suggestion, please state your question and then tell us why it would make a good question<3

3rd:  Pox
2nd:  Salt
1st:  BowEcho

Want to watch me draw the winners?  Click the x below!  :3

Congratulations to SkyeNight for answering the most questions during the week! (The week starts on Friday and ends on Thursday)
You have won an incubated, fresh Uilus egg!

 photo ZaphieBannerProgress_zpsa364f1e4.gif

10:22pm Feb 25 2013 (last edited on 9:20am Apr 3 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,071


1:13pm Feb 26 2013 (last edited on 12:03pm Mar 29 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 777
March 22nd-28th

Hi everybody come have some fun. We dont bite much :D

Rmail answers to Me and ThornlessRose and follow all the rules or all the little wizards will come chasing you with sticks or you will be disqualified. Llama's questions are actually quite simple as one day she went a bit nuts making ascii art for res this leading to...

What Creatu am I?

Previous days

March 28th Click for full size image


10:23pm Feb 26 2013 (last edited on 4:20pm Mar 15 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,586
First off, HELLO GUYS
Are you enjoying the raffle? Yes? No?
I'm glad (since I am sure you answered yes)
you better have answered yes


March 8th-14th is LAKE'S TURN

Aren't you all excited?
Yes? Yes.

Okay... Rules. Yep.
1. Follow all the ones in Thorn's post
2. Rmail ME your answers as well as Thorn.
3. Be awesome

Now, remember that you can not answer the questions till reset of the specific Day. I will most likely post them a bit early so you can try to get it as fast as possible but don't message me ahead of time.


March 8th Task:
Draw this little guy right here
As originally as you like. The most creative sent will earn 2 tickets. Creative. Doesn't need to be well done, it can be a stick figure done on MSpaint or Sumopaint which you can find for free online without downloading anything. Most C.R.E.A.T.I.V.E. I don't want people complaining it's skills. I will have other mods help me pick as well.
Every other entry will get 1 ticket no matter what as long as it's turned in on time.
March 9th Task:
Create a haiku OR limerick (it's your choice, whichever you think will be more fun for you)  that has something to do with either a.) your favorite type of weather, b.) the last thing you laughed at, c.) a friend, or d.) cheese.
March 10th Task:
Toss one item into the Relcore trash that you might think someone would enjoy picking up and screenshot it for us to see. Anything that you might think is different or interesting that what is normally in there.
March 11th QUESTION:
What weirdly colored creature can be pulled up at one of Relcore's favorite pond?
What place on Res
can be described with three words. Money, mafia, and mendacious.

Answer: Reiflempor Square
March 13th Question:

How many calico jelly beans are in the game?
Answer: 89

March 14th QUESTION:
What is one of the 3 newest items that has been added to the site? Not necessarily released yet, just added. Or whatever.
Answer: Leprechaun hat, Gold Clover Pin, & Green Clover Pin

Things We Have Accomplished This week:

March 8th's Most Creative:

Other awesome entries
Also Pox -[injection]tled_1fox_by_katenitaly-d5xddy7.jpg
Dawn -



Softly blows the wind
As the clouds roll through the sky,
Carrying sweet smells

Other entries:
Pox & Kibo (ask them if you want to read theirs ^^)

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

10:24pm Feb 26 2013 (last edited on 10:10pm Mar 29 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,990

Yup. I'm... Kinda back. Not entirely, but I'm here to do this because even if I'm not blue, I'm still a mod at heart and shall return one day, even if that day is longer than I thought it would be.

So for the next seven days, you are stuck with me. <3
(Make sure to rmail ThornlessRose, though)

You can do March 29ths on either that day or the next!

March 29th

I am a creatu, but which one?
Below are a few brief qualities of various creatu, just give what they are. Then give me another unique quality about said creatu.

1. My ribbon-wrapped hooves never touch the ground.

2. You'll never find my hiding place, it's an ancient mystery.

3. You can tell my age by my flesh.

4. When I'm young, I have a hard time climbing and tend to get myself into trouble. Therefore, I'm 'always' being watched over.

5. My well-groomed fur is designed to keep me cool.

6. I'm a crafty one! Don't leave your food unguarded for even a moment or else it'll be gone the next.

7. Despite my acidic nature, I'm actually quite a friendly one!

8. A little known fact, but I have developed the wings to glide across Atquatic waters.

9. I take hundreds of years to reach my full maturity.

10. I'm so timid, at the slightest noise or scent, I'll dart right back into my hole!


10:24pm Feb 26 2013 (last edited on 4:44pm Apr 10 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 280
Raffle Tickets

~March 30~
These tickets will be counted towards April's raffle<3
Due to some issues that popped up<3
Redrock: 1, 2

~March 31~
These tickets will be counted towards April's raffle<3
Due to some issues that popped up<3
Redrock: 3, 4
SkyeNight: 9

~April 1st~
Redrock: 5, 6
Judge: 7
SkyeNight: 8

~April 2nd~
SkyeNight: 9, 10
Megabyte: 11
Judge: 12

~April 3rd~
SkyeNight: 13, 14

~April 4th~
Redrock: 15, 16

~April 5th~
Redrock: 17, 18
SkyeNight: 19

~April 6th~
SkyeNight: 20

~April 7th~
Redrock: 21, 22

~April 8th~
MaiKaida: 23, 24
SkyeNight: 25

~April 9th~
SkyeNight: 26, 27
MaiKaida: 28

~April 10th~

Disqualified List
No one~<3

!!Free Tickets!!
MaiKaida (1/5):

 photo ZaphieBannerProgress_zpsa364f1e4.gif

5:28pm Mar 1 2013

Normal User

Posts: 280

 photo ZaphieBannerProgress_zpsa364f1e4.gif

6:46pm Mar 1 2013

Normal User

Posts: 777
What you waiting for ;D


6:47pm Mar 1 2013 (last edited on 6:49pm Mar 1 2013)


Posts: 546
/Fails majorly


6:48pm Mar 1 2013


Posts: 546
Also subscribing cos I fail.


8:30pm Mar 1 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,020
Subbing =3


10:31pm Mar 1 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,250


11:21pm Mar 1 2013

Normal User

Posts: 280
The second question has been posted!  Be sure that you wait until March 2nd on Rescreatu to send in your answers though!  :3

 photo ZaphieBannerProgress_zpsa364f1e4.gif

12:25pm Mar 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 204
*nomnom* i shall try then :D good luck everyone ;)


7:32pm Mar 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 29
this just seems like a fun brain scavenger hunt x3
i sub and enjoy hunting for info on the site~! xD

8:23pm Mar 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 130
Wow this sounds cool! Is today still open?

come help make the perfect country! You decide the laws!

8:38pm Mar 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 141
Subscribing! ;)


9:05pm Mar 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 280
The third question has been posted!  Be sure that you wait until March 3rd on Rescreatu to send in your answers though!  :3

 photo ZaphieBannerProgress_zpsa364f1e4.gif

10:37am Mar 3 2013

Normal User

Posts: 204


10:46am Mar 3 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,673


Rejoining, I have a lot of TU that I find unused up. Got any good pets? Let me know, I might buy them
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