Rescreatu - Virtual Pet Game

The mysterious contest!

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5:55pm Dec 17 2010

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Posts: 1,369


5:58pm Dec 17 2010 (last edited on 5:59pm Dec 17 2010)

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Posts: 444

Sianinator and I (Westie) have a theory, brace your self.....



keep going....








A little more...



One more scroll...



Ooops, i lied...

 Surprisedtle="Surprised" />


Here you go! ^_^

Since everyone is wierd and no one is normal, if you are wierd your  normal and if your normal your wierd! :)

I tell that to so many people and they look at me like I'm an alien!     (or am I)


6:02pm Dec 17 2010

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Posts: 1,369


6:05pm Dec 17 2010

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Posts: 1,036
Toast actually doesnt always land butter side down for magical reasons, it just so happens that the average height of a human hand or kitchen side provides said toast with just enough room to do half of a full rotation.

6:07pm Dec 17 2010

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Posts: 1,036
Honestly, the cat would probably splat head first because it's the heaviest part of the body, too. o_o So. Yeah.

6:58pm Dec 17 2010 (last edited on 6:59pm Dec 17 2010)

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Posts: 1,018

So this morning I woke up to a chilly breeze, to wake up to my door open. No one was home und I was alone, alone in this old house. Since it was unlikely for me to be up at this hour und I was kind of hungry, I decided to make some breakfast.

Waffles, toast, und scrambled eggs sound really delicious at this current time, so I decided to make that. As I was getting the eggs, waffles, bread, pans und ingredients out I felt yet another, chilly breeze. I shiver und shutter to myself, ignoring that oddly breeze. While making breakfast I heard the loud sound of the wind. The wind? I question myself looking outside to see a calm, winter morning, cold, wind. Am I crazy? No, maybe just a little...not this kind of crazy. I go back to preparing my morning meal, again when I am almost done, more gusting winds....und that chilling breeze. Someone help me....I need help. I turn to get a plate, turn scrambled eggs are gone. What the...? Turning again to look around, my waffles, toast...are missing too. Where did...? The room suddenly went in a whip-lash, und that is my last morning. hoody ate me.


8:41pm Dec 17 2010

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Posts: 670
Fun Fact:  All of Santa's reindeer are female.  Male reindeer lose their antlers in the winter.

Adopt one today!

9:14pm Dec 17 2010

Normal User

Posts: 520

This is, without doubt, an interesting post. However, it is ever so interesting that you fail to understand completly why this post interests you. After all, the others have a vast display of colour, time-consuming stories and poems revealing their authors' own concept of a 'mysterious post' (and the general feel of effort.) So why, ask yourself, is this post so full of suspence?

 Is it the fact that you recieve very little detail?

Is it because it is slightly more intense than a blurred up cat with a superhero cape?

Maybe because when a sentence ends in,




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9:20pm Dec 17 2010 (last edited on 9:20pm Dec 17 2010)

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Posts: 17,364

Scroll Down--->
















































Scroll Up<----


10:11pm Dec 17 2010

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Posts: 1,015
interesting post.

12:46am Dec 18 2010

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Posts: 65

Once upon a time, there was a fat little hamster named Patrick.

Patrick was poor, since he had spent all of his money buying hamster treats, so he had to live with his mommy hamster.  Patrick was very lonely.  No one wanted to talk to the guy who lived with his mom and had more fat folds than a shar-pei.  He spent all of his days hanging out alone in his basement/bedroom playing on his computer.  

One day, he was boredly typing a message to an online friend when he accidentally misspelled 'creatures'.  Instead, he wrote the word 'rescreatu'.

"Hmm..."  Thought Patrick.  "That's an interesting word.  I should find a way to use it."

So Patrick stayed up late into the night, typing away, letting his ideas flow until his mother told him he had to go to bed.  He kept working on it the next morning and, by lunch time, Patrick had created the first Creatus.  

Over the next week, using the finely-toned computer skills he had gained from playing on his Mac all day, he created the Rescreatu website, pixel by pixel.  Soon, he had the foundations for a fully-functioning virtual pet site.

Problem was, there was no one to run it.

Patrick could not successfully run the site himself (it could cut into his hamster treat time), but he still had no friends who could help him.  

So Patrick spent days surfing forums and chatrooms, looking for beings like himself.  Beings with great talents, few friends, free time, and empty wallets.

It wasn't too long before he had applications coming at him left and right.  He read them all thoroughly, reviewed their qualifications, interviewed each candidate extensively over the computer, researched each one's criminal and work backgrounds, then threw them all into a hat and pulled some out at random.  Patrick was lucky enough to pull out a great team.  He gained some real interesting people as his staff, such as Allen, another lifeless being, but one who intended to lead his army of minions to world domination.  And, of course, Broken, who had a thing for throwing random mystery contests asking people to write interesting forum posts.

Soon, Patrick had his dream site up and running.  Rescreatu grew in popularity.  New people joined every day, intent on hatching their own creatu.  Soon, there were people who practically made their homes on the site, such as Ramencow, who took up residence in the Enchanted Spring.

And, as Rescreatu grew in popularity, so did Patrick.

Pat wasn't friendless anymore.  Sure, he was a fat hamster who lived with his mom, but now he was a popular fat hamster that lived with his mom.  He had moved up in the world.  His site's success brought him the attention and love he had always wanted.  It also helped get him a little extra money to help pay the hamster treat bills

But, most importantly, it started something even bigger than Pat's largest fat fold.  It brought hundreds of people together, from across the globe, all on the neutral grounds of Atquati, Relcore, Scria, and Reiflem to fulfill one purpose.

To hatch them all.

And that is the story of Rescreatu. 

-As told by the overtired Saint after having a long conversation with Ramencow concerning the 'origins' of Res. 


1:35am Dec 18 2010

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Posts: 1,731
She broke my 14 mirrors.


9:29am Dec 18 2010

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Posts: 1,679
Did you ever see a ship go
Did you ever see a ship go -
Oh wait, this is supposed to be interesting, not pointless.  My bad.  ^o^ 

Click for Graphic Commissions

10:59am Dec 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 572

Interesting post, aye Batty?

I'd rather go steal our teal mobile and take it for a a spin. Ohyah. That is how i get thee ladies ^o^

-and a new day will dawn, for those who stand long, and the forest will echo with laughter-

11:54am Dec 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 312
The funny thing about this post is that by the time you finish reading it you will realise that it isn't anything important and you have just wasted 1 minute of your life reading it :3

"Imagine the things you could do, if you just let your imagination run wild" ~ SerenityMist ;) "OMGZ It's Serenity! NO-WAI!" (sayz you) --- YES-WAI :D I has posted in this thread ;) Feel Special. Am currently looking for a SILVER UILUS FOR KIR if you have one let me know :)

3:13pm Dec 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 10,925
Paige eats burnt marshmallows.

We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.


3:13pm Dec 18 2010 (last edited on 3:14pm Dec 18 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 603
8c 8c 8c 8c 8c


5:14pm Dec 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 458

Did you know that honey is pretty much bee vomit?

I just learned that today o.o 


6:01pm Dec 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 969
I don't know any "interestings."
Therefore I cannot make them post.


6:31pm Dec 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,191

This post was deleted because it was too interesting and harmed everyone else's chances at winning.




--edited by LeTainted at 3:30 PM, December 18th, 2010

my name's russ and i only care about uldavi and cute men
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