I shall post a funny post about my res life so far. lD
Kay, so, first i was intorudced to an old friend of mine. :D She was completely obsessed and when i joined she was all like

and then i was all like

And then later i became obsessed after finding out how awesome res was and was all like

And since then every time i played res i'd be all

And then the rollback came and i was kinda like

and a little

and of course

And then my account got deleted and I tried to control myself and was like

but then i couldn't hold it in and was all

And because i lost everything and outside i was all like

And inside I was totally


so then when i finally came to terms with all hope being lost I was all just

So And I hated the hacker and i just wanted to

Or maybe even

So i created a new account and was all

And when i was starting to feel a LITTLE better i was reminded of all the tu i'd lost and the happiness just went all

And then my friend gave me 5mil to start off and i was all

So there i was being all high and minding my own business

and then my other friend told me that Res sucked. And i thought she was joking so i was all just

And then i realised she was serious and i was all

But i suppose she knew she'd ruined my mood and she was all

So I naturally just wanted to

But then she was still like

So i just wanted to

Jess gave me a Gold habbie and i was literally like all

So I gave Jess a santas snack bag. XD
Then OmenaApple gave me a habbie and a shaefu. lD
And i gave her the ezahni book. :D
I realised i was worth ALOT so i was kinda like

And then i realised I probably just gave away ten mil or so and i became super paranoid and was all like

So then I was like

And the Jess gave me a bino kioka squishy and i was like

But still because of the ezahni book i was just all

So i sold me Kioka to tryst and got 20mil pure and some other stuff
And I dyed Zephero azure and was all

And then i snagged the name Shinkushoku meaning crimson in japanese on an ebbie and i dyed him rose and was all like

and then while hopping around i fell and my mum was all

And TODAY WAS THE BEST DAY EVERRR. (in real life. :3)
i woke up feeling all

Because today was a happy day. lD
Cus we were going for breakfast with my aunt and cousin. :D
I was like, uber sleepy
And I sorta lazed around in bed until like, there were only 5 minutes left.
And I still got ready on time. :D
I feel so proud of myself every time i do that. XD
So anyway,
when we went down i saw this fluffy thingy
sticking out from behind the wall
and i was all

zomfg a dog!
But it was just this fluffy keychain thingy on my aunt's bag.
So i felt cheated and was all

So after breakfast i went home and i saw an overturned frog and was all

Because i'd never seen anything like it, so i help0ed it over and i went back home
I was downloading music and listening to the favourite part of my favourite song and my sis called and i just wanted to go all

Because between me and my sis it's always

After lunch with jie jie i went to bryan's house to play tennis. :D He's my cousin. XD
So at first i lost and was all

And then after that i won and was all

and then I won again and bryan was like

And the second round he was kinda like

and i won and i was all

and he looked like he wanted to go all

so the 'last' one he was all
and i was just like

and i beat him handsdown and he was like

And when i realised i'd won without even breaking a sweat i was all just

so he was all like

and then when i told him to admit defeat he was like 'you cheated' and it was all

So we finally decided to have one last one and he was all

and i was all relaxed and really was just

and when he served he was all like

and i returned easily and was just like

and throughout the whole thing he was just all
and as for me, i was pretty much just

And when i won he was all

and then he went all

and i felt really high and mighty like whitey down there


The end. Lol.