The Planet Games Year 2!: Reiflem's Year

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6:02pm Dec 27 2014 (last edited on 7:41am Jan 28 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 2,200
Last year Reiflem took the win with their team captain Llama. The grand winner was Katiee. And this year the prizes are going to be bigger and better! If you don't know anything about the planet games I would suggest that you take a look at last year's thread. (Just to make it clear anyone from last year can still join again this year).

The rules will all be posted their also. Next, on our list is team captains for this year. If you donated tu to the Planet Games 2, you will be team captain unless someone else for your planet donates more. You still have time to donate. Donating has ended. 

If no one for your team donates, everyone on your team will get to vote for who they would like to be captain. The winner is captain, the person in second will be co-captain. Their may only be four people per team, so first come first serve, but if the list is full for your team you will be put on the waiting list. You can get off by a team not having enough players or if someone doesn't participate in two events in a row without telling me why. 

This year will be a bit different than last year because it will be more team based and all events will be done with your team. The team captain will Rmail me, but if they can't then the co-captain will.  

Also, this year you will have 4 days to complete each task and there will be 5 tasks so that it doesn't get to long. Everyone will start of with a pillow, two water bottles, a small knife, an apple, a zenerix egg, and a sleeping bag. The team captain will also get a first aid kit and a flag with a picture of their planet on it to help their team.

tle="Sponser" target="">Sponsoring info. A bit out dated, but still has the basic stuff

If you have any questions or concerns please comment below. Signing up has ended.

I will post events here starting Today (Jan. 28).

Welcome to the planet games 2! Today is your first day and you will be given your first task, be told what the planet you're on is like, and be given your supplies. Team captains: If a player from your team dosen't reply to Rmails for two events, in a row with out an explanation, please Rmail me. You have just landed off the rocket onto the planet. The fist thing you notice about this planet is that it's very dry. The whole planet seems like just a desert, but on the center, there is a large mountain with who knows what up on it. You break off into teams and I start telling you your first task. "You will have four days to complete this task. Your task is, you must find a way to travel to the mountains quickly without wasting energy. along the way you better stop for food and water. 5 feet under this dry rocky sand there are millions of potato, but they will make you very sick if not boiled." Everyone will start of with a pillow, two water bottles, a small knife, an apple, a zenerix egg, and a sleeping bag. The team captain will also get a first aid kit and a flag with a picture of their planet on it to help their team. Are you ready? Let the Planet Games 2 BEGIN!


6:08pm Dec 27 2014 (last edited on 7:34pm Feb 27 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 2,200
Signed up:

Scria: (FULL)
Flygon25 : Co-captain
tinkytasha: Captain

Relcore: (FULL)
LunaSparkle: Captain
Trenthepunkid: Co-Captain

Reiflem: (FULL)
water51: Captain
DarkDragonMagic: Co-Captain

jojothefirst: Co- Captain
Wildgirl123: Captain


6:10pm Dec 27 2014 (last edited on 7:42am Feb 28 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 2,200
Winning Team: 15 Mil

Team Captains: Special creatu (choose a creatu from my SR)

2nd Team: 10 Mil

3rd Team: 5 Mil

4th Team: 1 Mil


Most creative user:

Best Team Captain/Co-Captain: 

Prizes WILL change as I get more tu.

6:11am Dec 28 2014

Normal User

Posts: 500
I'd love to join! My planet is Atquati :P

Having a Show Room Clean Out! . Selling Albinos, Achromatic\'s, Calico\'s, and dye kit Colored Creatu, Seasonal\'s and MUCH, MUCH more, at the CHEAPEST price!

10:28am Dec 29 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,200
Added :)

I seiously surprised that as Reiflem won last year, no one from Reiflem has joined yet.

10:25pm Dec 29 2014

Normal User

Posts: 323
I'd like to join, my planet is Scria.


6:34pm Dec 30 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,200
Added :) 

Also, everyone who joined before this forum was made, please Rmail me or post to let me know you are still interested. If you don't let me know before January 5th, you will be replaced.

4:50am Dec 31 2014

Normal User

Posts: 663
May I join as a Relcore citizen?


2:42pm Dec 31 2014

Normal User

Posts: 178
Can I be a judge please?


4:25pm Dec 31 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,200
I'll Rmail you.

9:26am Jan 2 2015

Normal User

Posts: 2,200
Changed the end dates.

1:08pm Jan 2 2015

Normal User

Posts: 349
I'd like to join! :D


8:58am Jan 3 2015

Normal User

Posts: 2,200
Added :)

12:56pm Jan 3 2015

Normal User

Posts: 236
id like to join but i dont have much tu right now. my planet is relcore


2:43pm Jan 3 2015

Normal User

Posts: 392
ill stay joined


11:32pm Jan 6 2015

Normal User

Posts: 236
hello! i'd love to join i'm from Refleim :3


8:09am Jan 9 2015

Normal User

Posts: 2,200
bumpy :)

6:05pm Jan 14 2015

Normal User

Posts: 2,200
Changing the date to get more interest

7:06am Jan 16 2015

Normal User

Posts: 2,200

8:13pm Jan 18 2015

Normal User

Posts: 2,200
I would like at least one more person per team so Please join peps!
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