The Planet Games Year 2!: Reiflem's Year

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4:11pm Feb 22 2015

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Posts: 211
Are the events due tomorrow?

4:14pm Feb 22 2015

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Posts: 392
hey wildgirl again didnt get an rmail from you


4:47pm Feb 22 2015

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Posts: 356
Ok boomboom, Relcore team sent you our submission for task 5. We were going to send it in one giant r-mail, but my r-mail weirded out on me and earased a bunch of stuff so I had to piece the story back together again going through all the rmails back and forth with my co-captain and had to send you our story for task 5 in two parts. It is so weird, my r-mails keep disapearing and a picture of some girls avatar I have never seen before ends up on a blank page instead of my saved letters to other players or letters they have sent me. I open my r-mail and stuff is just gone with a picture of a girl and that's it. WEIRD!

5:05pm Feb 22 2015 (last edited on 5:06pm Feb 22 2015)

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Posts: 2,200
Luna- I Rmailed you back and explained the girl thing to you :) 
wild- Yup :D

8:09pm Feb 22 2015 (last edited on 8:13pm Feb 22 2015)

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Posts: 236
hey just letting you know that there is 5 parts of refleim's event 5 so let me know if any of the parts get cut off, thanks love and night :D


8:16pm Feb 22 2015

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Posts: 211
Okay thanks Boom! Jojothefirst, I didn't send any Rmail out yet. Rmail me!

6:03am Feb 23 2015

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Posts: 2,200
water- I haven't gotten Reiflem's yet at all.

10:52am Feb 23 2015 (last edited on 11:06am Feb 23 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 236
really? hold on love I'll try to resend it...
ok i resent them but i think i sent part 1 twice :/


7:54pm Feb 23 2015

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Posts: 356
Hey, I was thinking that when these particular planet games are done and the judging is all over with etc..., we should share are stories with those who are interested in reading them. 

8:24pm Feb 23 2015

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Posts: 2,200
That would be up to the team captains if their team feels like it, but I would be okay with that :D

8:50pm Feb 23 2015

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Posts: 211
Yeah! I would love to see Reiflems and Relcores ideas very much!

9:10pm Feb 23 2015

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Posts: 356
Cool. I will share later and would love to read yours as well!! 

9:34pm Feb 23 2015

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Posts: 211
Okay ^-^

10:42pm Feb 23 2015

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Posts: 236
I'll have to check with the team but it sounds like fun ^_^


6:15am Feb 24 2015

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Posts: 2,200
Event 5 is now OVER and I hope you all had a great time. I'm now just waiting for judges to give me the results and then I'll be able to give out prizes. But, right now I'd like to know how all you guys liked this so I ask that you please fill out the form so I know how I can improve the games.

Would you like to see the planet games happen again?:

What was your favorite part?:

What was your least favorite part?:

What would you like to see change?: 

Any other ideas?:

7:36am Feb 24 2015 (last edited on 7:51am Feb 26 2015)

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Posts: 211
Would you like to see the planet games happen again?: Oh my goodness yes! ^-^

What was your favorite part?: I really enjoyed working with Scria! It was so fun to work with my friends!

What was your least favorite part?: I didn't really like that two people on my team were hardly active at all.

What would you like to see change?: I would like it if the people who joined the teams all had to be pretty active. Also, if the events were crazier and maybe the teams had one more person.

Any other ideas?: I think that it would be REALLY cool if next time we actually got stranded on another teams planet in the games. Because we wouldn't be adapted to such harsh environments because we are so used to our own planet. For example, Relcore could go to Scria.

7:52am Feb 24 2015

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Posts: 1,324
Would you like to see the planet games happen again?: Yes.

What was your favorite part?: All.

What was your least favorite part?: None.

What would you like to see change?: Players on teams being more active. Maybe more challenges.

Any other ideas?: 


12:32pm Feb 24 2015 (last edited on 4:13pm Feb 24 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 487
Would you like to see the planet games happen again?: YESSSSS

What was your favorite part?: EVERYTHING

What was your least favorite part?: people not being online lol. 

What would you like to see change?: nada

Any other ideas?: not really... :D

Edit: I also agree with Luna's idea about starting out with wacky objects so we can be more creative! Sounds really fun :D

"He was a dreamer at heart, chasing the stars"

Get your own adoptable in Planet Kusher!

12:45pm Feb 24 2015

Normal User

Posts: 432
Would you like to see the planet games happen again?: Yes. :D

What was your favorite part?: All of it!

What was your least favorite part?: None.

What would you like to see change?: Players on teams being more active. more challenges with different environments.

Any other ideas?: Nope none to add atm.


12:55pm Feb 24 2015

Normal User

Posts: 356
Would you like to see the planet games happen again?:Yes, Maybe as a judge next time around.

What was your favorite part?:Coming up with crazy plots and having to work around the task, even when we had to get creative to make it make sense!

What was your least favorite part?:The fact that my team came in on the 2nd task, replacing the orig team that bailed, and didn't get to put our own spin on that first task we missed.

What would you like to see change?: I think there should be 4 judges instead of three. One judge from each planet.

Any other ideas? Maybe some super wild items that each team starts out with, then we can roll on the floor laughing to see how people use them.
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