The Planet Games

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9:36pm Jun 20 2014

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Posts: 9

Dont forget to come on the 21st.


9:09am Jun 21 2014 (last edited on 9:33am Jun 21 2014)

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Posts: 2,200
Good Morning! You were just dropped off a space ship onto a strange planet. All you were given was: your planet clothes, a small backpack with a rope, a water bottle, and a knife. You look around to notice that the planet you are on is mostly made of snow. There is a small foresty area and lake over to the south, some mountains in the east, but otherwise its really open, boring and... snow. It's freezing and slowly getting dark. At night it will get even colder. Your first task is to get warm by making a fire. You and your team will put your brains together and think of as many ways as you can make a fire. The team that can come up with the most ways (that work) will win this event. Using materials that you can find on this planet given by what you have and what there is or you can infer there is, is very important. Here is the points that will be given: every player on the winning team gets 15 points, second 10, third 5, last place gets 3 points. Team Captains are already chosen. Please look on the front page to see them. Please do not post on this thread your ideas for your team, the team captain can Rmail their team so they can communicate or however they decide to do it. Please have just the team captain from every team Rmail me their ideas. If your team captain if unavailable please have the co- captain send it. Make sure to have your ideas turned in by 9:30 res time on Monday. Please Rmail them all at once. If your team captain doesn't the team will all get 0 points. If you have any questions please post here or Rmail me. 
PS: Sorry that this first event kinda sucks The second one is WAY cooler.

7:38pm Jun 22 2014 (last edited on 8:14pm Jun 22 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 2,200
Reminder: Make sure to have fire ideas Rmailed to me by tomorrow at 9:30 Am Res time. If your captain was not here or slacked off your co-captain may Rmail me the ideas. Any team that doesn't get them into me by tomorrow at 9:30 Am res time will get 0 points.

7:40pm Jun 22 2014

Normal User

Posts: 9
Thank you for the reminder for the players.

9:51am Jun 23 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,200
Because I was unlear on am or pm for the time, I will be extending the time to 9:30 Pm res time Tonight. If ideas are still not turned in, your team will get 0 points. If you team already turned it in, You may re-submit it once if you have more ideas. 

8:19pm Jun 23 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,200
One opening for Scria! 

8:19pm Jun 23 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,200
One opening for Scria! 

8:20pm Jun 23 2014 (last edited on 8:21pm Jun 23 2014)


Posts: 2,161
Ey guys. Idk if I can do this, but I want Titan as my co-captain. Cause Titan is boss. :U and also the only other Scrian actually participating lol


9:05pm Jun 23 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,200
sure thing:) 

9:37pm Jun 23 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,200
The first event is over! If you want to know your score please Rmail me. The next event will be released tomorrow.

9:49pm Jun 23 2014 (last edited on 9:49pm Jun 23 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 9

Ok , good job everybody. 


8:40am Jun 24 2014 (last edited on 8:41am Jun 24 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 2,200
Welcome to the second event! This will be a SOLO event, which means you will Rmail me your finale project, not your captain. You might be getting a bit hungry on this planet, so today you are tasked with finding something on the planet, the res has and this planet would to. You will then use or creative mind to make it more interesting. EX: Make a rainbow fish sandwich and explain how. You will be judged on simplicity and creativity. Each judge will rank you 1-20, I will than take the average of all the judges scores for you and the will be your score. Please have your recipe Rmailed to me by 8:45 am res time on Thursday. If you do not get it in by then you will get 0 points. I will NOT be extending this event. If you have any questions please Rmail me

1:19pm Jun 24 2014


Posts: 2,161
Hey :D MicrowavedApples is joining to fill the last empty space in the Scria team! 


1:21pm Jun 24 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1
Ayyy, I'm here to fill in the empty spot in Scria~

1:31pm Jun 24 2014 (last edited on 1:31pm Jun 24 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 256
Are we going to be making more than one idea for a meal like last time how we had many options or just one idea?

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2:13pm Jun 24 2014

Normal User

Posts: 96
Question: Considering the supplies, how violent can we be?

There is, I think, humor here which does not translate well from English into sanity.

3:11pm Jun 24 2014 (last edited on 3:13pm Jun 24 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 2,200
taila- Just one. The best one will win, but make sure that it could all be found on the planett using what you have and could find. 

dmann- You may kill fish, creatu, and other things if needed. Try not to kill each other though. 

Apples- you may do this event and I will give you credit for the last one. 

3:38pm Jun 24 2014

Normal User

Posts: 9
Ha ha smart thinking boom.

9:28pm Jun 24 2014

Normal User

Posts: 275
Are you supposed to combine items to make food like the one in your example? 


10:00pm Jun 24 2014


Posts: 910
Okay. boomboom, I do not mean to step on your toes or anything here, but I would like to respond to dmann's comment. (Sorry if this upsets you, boom. I know this is your contest :C but I feel as though this should be mentioned)

dmann, please keep in mind that excessive violence is against the rules. So regardless of what is allowed in this contest violence-wise, please make sure it is well within the lines of the rules. 

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