3:34pm Dec 2 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 749
Good idea, I'll do that. Awesome siggie!
3:35pm Dec 2 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 2,290
thanks ^^
3:38pm Dec 2 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 749
What level of sanity are you on? If it was one to ten (1 being completely sane and 10 being totally bonkers), I would be nine. Eight on a good day.
3:54pm Dec 2 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 2,290
same ^^
3:55pm Dec 2 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 119
~testing the signature~
 Awks moment when a platerpus appears .-.
3:58pm Dec 2 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 749
It works!
3:59pm Dec 2 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 119
 Awks moment when a platerpus appears .-.
1:40pm Dec 13 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 749
TRWW's Christmas Contest
Hey guys, hope we're all having a merry December so far!
As promised, the TRWW contest for Christmas starts today. Well, it's not really a contest, because you guys will have to work together! Throughout December you'll be experiencing a Resmas adventure where YOU choose the ending (and your prize)! There'll be a passage of text everyday, and two or three options as what to do next. Rmail me your choice and I'll take a vote as to what path to take. So, will your Resmas be a seasonal spectacular or a festive flop? You decide!
None so far
Day 1
Any Rescreatu veteran will tell you that Resmas is a mixture of excitement, thrill and the busiest time of the year! There's saving up that precious tu, figuring out what your growing list of Respals want, and of course, finding a seller. And finding a seller is exactly what you've been doing today. But my goodness, is it hard. Your legs are numb, your hair is falling out in messy clumps from under your hood, and you want nothing more than to just collapse on the snow and have a nice, soothing nap. Despite all of this, you put on a brave face and continue walking to your home. All of the items and pets on your list are ticked off, apart for one, a Gold and Silver Dye Kit. You sigh woefully and wish Malcolm would be a little more lenient with his prices. Anyway, you must not waste time, you're expecting a visitor soon.
As you hurry home, something twinkles in the corner of your eye. You squint towards it and can barely make out an iron gate left ajar. Huh, you think. You've never seen that gate before, even though you've been here a million times. Quickly glancing at your watch, you realise you've been staring at that gate for a long time now and gaze around, embarrassed. You're about to leave, when something halts you abruptly. Should I take a chance? Behind that gate might be the dye kit I need. Then again, I can't risk being late.
Well? It's up to you. Do you either...
A. Take a chance and explore beyond the gate. You have plenty of time!
B. Go straight home and relax. Better safe than sorry!
Please Rmail me your choice!
10:53am Dec 14 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 2,503
Bump! ^^
 psalm 103:12 |-/
10:58am Dec 14 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 749
Thanks Pickle!
7:35pm Dec 14 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 4,754
Different and extremely unique, huh? I'm contemplating whether to take that as an insult or a compliment xD Anyways, I'm here just like I promised to compete in your contest ^.^
6:42am Dec 15 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 749
For the sake of kissing up, I'm going to say it was a compliment. ;D
12:23pm Dec 15 2012 (last edited on 12:23pm Dec 15 2012)
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Posts: 749
The results are in! It looks like everyone on Res is a fan of adventure, because option A won by a mile. Here's the vote:
Option A: 5 votes Option B: 0 votes
Before I post the next passage, here's just a couple things you might want to know.
- You can pick passages you want to join in on. You can vote on a passage even though you didn't on the last one, and you can drop out completely. - There will be a big tu amount at the end, which will be divided among participants. The amount you get will be determined by how much you participated. - If you new participants want the previous passages to see what you missed, just Rmail me.
A. Take a chance and explore beyond the gate. You have plenty of time!
Day 2
Hey, what have I got to lose? You inhale deeply, and walk confidently towards the gate. It's a foggy day, and you can barely see anything through the breaks in the gate. Bracing yourself, you wonder what will be waiting for you on the other side. Rabid Drachids, savage Berroks or ferocious Ebilias? You reluctantly extend your leg and kick the gate open.
On the other side, you see a seemingly deserted street straight out of the nineteenth century. You groan, disappointed. Bad idea, what in the name of mutant Berroks was I thinking? You turn around, about to leave, when you hear something, the sound of delicate singing. It seems to be coming from an old shop to your left. "I knew someone was here!" you exclaim to yourself, as your confidence rebuilds. You stroll up the two entrance stairs and knock on the door. A beautiful girl dressed in a flowy multicoloured dress answers the door, seeming quite shocked. "Well look at that, an actual customer! I haven't had one for years. My name's Scarlett!" She extends her arm, and you politely shake it. Hmm, she's a bit foolish to stay here if she hasn't had a customer. What's so appealing about this place anyway? Still, she seems nice.
She hastily tugs you inside, and leads you down a dusty, but stunning hall, with dozens of doors, each marked with a category. You pass 'Eggs', 'Seasonals' and 'Food', but no sign of dye kits yet. Finally, after climbing a few flights of stairs, you arrive at the door you were looking for. Scarlett smiles when she sees you staring at it, and pulls out a key which unlocked the door.
Inside, the room shimmers with colour, not unlike Scarlett herself. You're astonished by the amount of dye kits, and wonder how she got the tu to buy them. Not wasting any time, you assertively stride over to the most valuable dye kit of them all; the elusive gold and silver. Before you inquire about the price, Scarlett speaks up.
"8 million tu, only pure allowed, and no haggling." Her normally friendly tone had disappeared, instead replaced with a harsh, icy one. You feel around in your pocket, a little bit intimidated by Scarlett's glare. You've got around 3 million.
"I'm sorry, I don't have enough. I'll just make my way out then." You frown, and start to head out the room. As you rest your hand on the doorknob, Scarlett walks over to you and firmly tears your hands away from the door.
"Wait." She says. "Alright, I'll offer you a compromise. If you do a task for me, it's all yours. But it's confidential. I can only tell you about it if you agree to do it for me first."
Well, what do you do? Do you...
A. Take the offer. How hard of a task can it be? B. Leave. You can tell this Scarlett girl means business, and you don't want to think about what she'd do to you if you can't complete the task. C. Stand your ground. Tell Scarlett firmly that you want to hear the task first before you accept.
Once again, please Rmail me your choice!
3:57pm Dec 21 2012 (last edited on 3:58pm Dec 21 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 749
It's a bit closer this time. Here are the results of the second part of the contest!
Option A: 2 Option B: 0 Option C: 4
Remember, if you miss a part, Rmail me to see what you missed out on!
C. Stand your ground. Tell Scarlett firmly that you want to hear the task first before you accept.
Day 3
You don't understand why Scarlett is being so secretive. It's probably just a cunning trick to manipulate you into accepting a notoriously hard task. You look at Scarlett, she's standing just a few feet away from you. You can see desperation in her eyes, but you don't take any pity, thinking it's just a scam. You silently gulp, and look straight ahead.
"Look Scarlett, I appreciate you doing this for me," you begin. "But I just can't accept any task without knowing the details. So you can just tell me everything I need to know, or the deal's off." Her hazel eyes, once gleaming with innocence, were now full of rage. She stares at you, taking in what you said. "No one talks to me like that!" She clenches her fists, and you decide to make a break for it.
Outside, it's the dead of night. You're all alone on that quaint little street, just like you were before. You sigh, wishing you never wasted the time to knock on Scarlett's door. To your right, you see the gate. On the other side is your home, your creatu, your life. To your left, the road continues. There doesn't seem to be any more signs of life. You close your eyes, hoping when you open them a magical Ezahni will suddenly swoop down and present you your dye kit, plus a couple billion tu. You quickly open your eyes, but nothing's changed. You're still there, on a deserted little road. Shuddering, you replay the scene of Scarlett's fit of rage in your head. Lunatic. You drowsily slump, wondering what would happen if you didn't provoke Scarlett's anger. Still, it's never too late to make amends! Hopefully. You ponder on what to do.
If you go back on the other side of the gate again, where your home is, you might catch Malcolm on one of his midnight shifts. He's well known for his shifty deeds when it's dark. Plus, it's way safer. Who knows what might happen to you if you continue down the road.
If you continue down the road, your Resmas might be saved. Sure, you might face a few dangers, but it would definitely be worth it to get your hands on that dye kit. You have to do whatever it takes!
If you try to make up with Scarlett, you might just have a new companion. If you manage to complete her task, great! You can collect your dye kit, go home, and forget about this whole episode. And if you don't, well, Scarlett's not magical. She can't harm you, and you can easily escape from her.
It's your choice again! Do you...
A. Get back on the other side of the gate. B. Continue down the road. C. Make up with Scarlett and accept her task.
Just a quick note, this will be a shorter round, so get your votes in quick!
Once again, please Rmail me your choice!
4:35pm Dec 21 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 112
Hope I can join in mid-way! Sending my option. =)
4:39pm Dec 21 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 749
No problem! Everyone is welcome to join.
10:57am Jan 14 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 4
I wish for a Male Silver Berrok, please?
5:56pm Jan 14 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 2,290
cad: this is no longer for wishes, its a contest thread, unless its changed recently without me know, but you can make wishes at the factory
@sophie: if im wrong on this not being for wishes and just contest only, please let me know.
6:07pm Jan 14 2013 (last edited on 6:07pm Jan 14 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 2,503
Maybe you should link to TRWW, not the factory, it IS a TRWW thread, after all... ;)
 psalm 103:12 |-/
8:20pm Jan 14 2013 (last edited on 8:22pm Jan 14 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 4,754
Woo go Drenn O.O... maybe you should link it to TRWW... (just messing with ya, linking to TRWW would probably be better.)
Is... is TRWW still running though? And the contests and everything? I haven't heard from you in ages, Sophie :c