3:49pm Feb 3 2015 (last edited on 3:54pm Feb 3 2015)
Normal User
Posts: 23
Laugh while you can, sing while you live, dance while you have legs, love while your heart still beats. Because someday, some where you make an orphans day, you make a old man cry out in joy, you\'ll one day may save some ones life, and the world will be a better place because of you.
Normal User
Posts: 23
Hi, how can i help you?
Laugh while you can, sing while you live, dance while you have legs, love while your heart still beats. Because someday, some where you make an orphans day, you make a old man cry out in joy, you\'ll one day may save some ones life, and the world will be a better place because of you.
Posts: 3,216
Bump- ( To post Bump on a thread) When some one posts on a thread that thread is then placed on top of the thread list in its category, when a user posts bump they moving the thread up to the top, either so more people will see it and there for (hopefully) get more customers/ notice or keep the thread going.