2:46pm Dec 13 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 138
hey, I'd like to update the amount I'm willing to spend. i think I said 2mil? Raise it to 10. I'll be generous. Its resmas. <3
Boop Doop
9:49pm Dec 13 2014
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Posts: 1,324
9:14am Dec 14 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 655
What is your goal: I'm collecting names from the Unsounded webcomic and the Wakfu universe. I'm also hoarding 20k Messengers lol. What would you like: 20k Messengers, OR Easero/Aerix/Uilus/Aukira. What do you 'need': Nothing, really. How much are you willing to spend: About 15mil, give or take a little.
they/them/theirs :)
5:22am Dec 17 2014
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Posts: 1,324
~All updated!~
4:42am Dec 19 2014
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Posts: 1,324
If we can get one more person, I can start today. Otherwise tomorrow, late because I have a friend over.
1:40pm Dec 19 2014 (last edited on 1:44pm Dec 19 2014)
Normal User 
Posts: 202
I'll join, let me just fill out the form
Edit: What is your goal: My current goals are: 1. to get an ivik egg. 2. To get every hatching colour of narwi. What would you like: Anything, I like to be surprised. If you don't like to think up a surprise a narwi with a nice name would be appreciated. What do you 'need': To wish you all a happy christmas :) How much are you willing to spend: About 10 mil
6:15pm Dec 19 2014 (last edited on 6:15pm Dec 19 2014)
Normal User 
Posts: 323
What Is Your Goal: 50,000,000 TU or Every Single Color of Meiko (includes dye kit colors) What Would You Like: A dye kit (any color is fine) What Do You 'Need': A lovely Christmas (and maybe some TU) How Much Are You Willing To Spend: I'm currently broke, so I will spend 500,000 TU + Ysabellia (my easero) + maybe my Ageless Exctract.
P.S. Am I to late?
10:00pm Dec 19 2014
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Posts: 1,324
~All Updated~
I just got a phone call saying my horse has colic which is life threatening. I will most probably do names much later today. Thank you all for understanding.
8:15am Dec 20 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 202
Oh no, I hope your horse will recover soon! Colics are the worst!
8:30am Dec 20 2014 (last edited on 8:44am Dec 20 2014)
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Posts: 1,324
Okay, thanks all for being so patient. I'm sending r-mails soon! (My horse is fine.)
9:19am Dec 20 2014
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Posts: 1,324
All r-mails sent! If you didn't receive one or forgot who you have. R-mail because I kept the numbers + names! :) ^-^ XD
11:58pm Dec 20 2014
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Posts: 1,324
Okay, everyone!
You may send it to the person you have received, go ahead! But send me an r-mail to tell me! If you want it to be a secret send it to me! But send me a r-mail of what you got for your person!
11:46pm Dec 21 2014
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Posts: 1,324
Oh my gosh everyone!
I am so sorry to say that I deleted all the r-mails about the gifts. If you have sent a gift to me or the user, could you please send an r-mail to me saying what you got them. If you have sent it to the user, tell me you have sent it to the user and what you got them!
I feel so bad! Sorry everyone! (I was trying to move them into a Secret Santa folder where they will be save and I deleted them by mistake!)
10:39pm Dec 22 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 1,324
~Hello Everyone!~
Some people haven't sent me an r-mail yet about Secret Santa! Some people haven't sent me their gift. If they do not send you a gift, I will make sure I will give you a gift. Then a whole other plan to sort it out!
Thanks everyone! :)
Regards, ~Tinky~
3:54pm Dec 23 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 26
Thanks so much! (sorry i couldnt get in touch, i had no internet connection) Hope your horse is alright, and so do i rmail you saying who my secret santa person is and send their gift to you? i just woke up so im processiing this slower :3
4:27pm Dec 23 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 236
what if you sent ur secret santa gift but didnt recieve one?
7:19pm Dec 23 2014
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Posts: 2,403
I haven't received one yet! D:
8:05pm Dec 23 2014
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Posts: 236
9:58pm Dec 23 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 1,324
Okay! If you have sent your gift to the user, you sent it! I haven't sent any one their gifts yet! I do that on December 25th! So please, be patient and allow me to do want I need to do!
9:59pm Dec 23 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 236
oh ok sorry hun. i forgot u send then. sorry its been a long few days