The Wish Fairy ~ Merry Resmas!

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5:22pm Dec 1 2016

Normal User

Posts: 635
Only accepting 6 more nominations.

On a major quest for Omnis. Kthnx

4:47pm Dec 4 2016

Normal User

Posts: 12,418
I would like to nominate Zelda. She's been extremely helpful since I got back from a five year hiatus. She's extremely sweet and wonderful.

(Banner made by Kina)

6:45pm Dec 5 2016

Normal User

Posts: 106

I'd like to nominate Rika.  We've been best friends since we met on Rescreatu when I joined a good many years ago, and we talk every single day.  She's so sweet and always tries her best to help me get nice things.

She deserves all the gifties!

6:45pm Dec 5 2016

Normal User

Posts: 209
I would like to nominate lovett for being there even when everyone else I've been friends with when I met them is long gone 


6:45pm Dec 5 2016

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
I wanna nominate Sherlock!! She's dealt with me for SO MANY YEARS and she's so nice and helps me a lot and she's just a rly good person and idk how all to rly say it without being a rambly mess ;u;

but ye

i nominate Sherlock!!


6:46pm Dec 5 2016 (last edited on 9:22pm Dec 5 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 365
I would like to nominate Imaginary for being Imaginary ~ thx <3

The weirdest Imaginary Person I've ever had the displeasure of meeting <3
(That was totally a joke ^ kind of.) (This is a serious nomination.)

Art by Zen

6:47pm Dec 5 2016

Normal User

Posts: 169
i'd like to nominate Phantom. He's such an awesome friend, i rly love him. He makes me incredibly happy and idk how to type these things heck he deserves 4,000+ hugs and love from everyone


6:49pm Dec 5 2016

Normal User

Posts: 194
I would like to nominate Altair because they are a great moderator/support person and they are a great person to be around. They light up the chat box whenever they are around, literally (This would be because I have the night chat box.) and non-literally.


1:59pm Dec 6 2016

Normal User

Posts: 635

On a major quest for Omnis. Kthnx

2:01pm Dec 6 2016 (last edited on 8:28am Dec 10 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 635
You have sent your creatu Durrvil to Steampunk.
Your Random Morphing Potion has been sent to Steampunk.

You have sent your creatu Squigglederp to Darksoul93.
Your 5 Million TU Barter Token has been sent to Darksoul93.

You have sent your creatu Bergz to Lovett.
Your Name Tag has been sent to Lovett.

You have sent your creatu Yipeh to Sherlock.
Your Natural Colored Jelly Bean has been sent to Sherlock.

Your Random Morphing Potion has been sent to Alien.

You have sent your creatu Hotderp to Imaginary.

You have sent your creatu Derpylicious to Moro.
Your 5 Million TU Barter Token has been sent to Moro.

You have sent your creatu Ekrondo to Ghost.
Your Name Tag has been sent to Ghost

You have sent your creatu TerrorStricken to Rika.
Your 5 Million TU Barter Token has been sent to Rika.

You have sent your creatu Penino to Drow.

Your Natural Colored Jelly Bean has been sent to Satan.

You have sent your creatu fkjsdnfskjdf to Mystical.
Your Name Tag has been sent to Mystical.

You have sent your creatu Kalamaqa to Zelda.

You have sent your creatu Elemenopi to Lunasparkle.

Your Random Morphing Potion has been sent to Tiberius.

You have sent your creatu Oukuba to Sparklecutsey.

Your Natural Colored Jelly Bean has been sent to Mugiwara.

You have sent your creatu Minetr to Guzma.

Your Name Tag has been sent to Anubis.
Your 5 Million TU Barter Token has been sent to Anubis.

Your Magenta Dye Kit has been sent to Dmann.
Your 5 Million TU Barter Token has been sent to Dmann.

Your Natural Colored Jelly Bean has been sent to Infernofire.

Your Indigo Dye Kit has been sent to Veram.

Your Orchid Dye Kit has been sent to Snowpea.
Your 5 Million TU Barter Token has been sent to Snowpea.

Your Natural Colored Jelly Bean has been sent to Jess.

Your Veram Box Car has been sent to Phantom.
Your 5 Million TU Barter Token has been sent to Phantom.

Your Natural Colored Jelly Bean has been sent to Zen.

Your Shaefu Gingerbread Cookie has been sent to Altair.
Your Albino Vaspi Wings has been sent to Altair.
Your Key of Justice has been sent to Altair.

On a major quest for Omnis. Kthnx

8:29am Dec 10 2016

Normal User

Posts: 635
ALL NOMINEES Have received their gifts. 

Thank you all for joining me in spreading the love <3

On a major quest for Omnis. Kthnx

1:57pm Dec 10 2016

Normal User

Posts: 789
Thank you for doing this, Wishies! 

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