Hi Guys! This is my first raffle! I don't have the best prizes but this is just for fun!
1. ALL res rules apply
2. NO whining and complaining if you don't win!!
3. Have fun
Ticket price: 5K (5000 tu)
1st: Silver Intes, Black/Sepia Zenirex (you can choose colour) Natrual Mutant Sirleon and a Natrual Mutant Mirabilis
2nd: Black/Sepia Zenirex (you get the one the winner did not get), Sepia Intes and a Present
3rd: Food pack and super healing potion
If you don't win don't complain you shall get a food pack! Food Pack contains 5-10 items!
How it works:
The more tickets you buy the better chance you have of winning!
If it ends you SHALL get your tu back!
Ticket Numbers:
Spirit1212: 80 tickets
Angel123456: 75 tickets
Johomo 50 tickets
Boomboom39: 20 tickets
This shall end the 1 September 2013 10:00 A.M. res time!
Thanks a whole bunch for doing this! Please tell your respals!