Oh heck. I'll give it a try.It's worth a shot, and what have I got to los? ;p
Patrick: Roar!! -derp-
LeTainted: Pitchforked! RAAA
Xeeroh: death..xee!!
Muffinz:I <3 muffins!
Dragonling: Pss...ling
Gunmetal: I love guns and metal.
ScrubTech: Scrub scrub scrub
Kurokayce: when you wish upon a star...
Starulynn: I think I see a starr!!
Jesslovesluke07: I <3 luke.
Kir: Give me pets! I eat pets.
Xespsa: No ebilia!!
Xoria: Jaaku!!
Frank1110987: Yum...franks
Vallyandra: Is there a valley nearby?
Kiaraneko: meow! i'm a neko!
demotional: want to hear my new demo?
Horselova: I love horses!
riyo: Hey yo! I'm ri!
Detenth106: Det! Det! Det!
14brokenmirrors: I <3 broken mirrors!
mugiwara: gumiraw!!
Fish84:I <3 fish
Wishies: wish?
MYSTERY USER : Kirsti?kelloofwoof...