Aruna - orchid female zenirix
Username: makana100
Creatu name: Aruna
Species/color: zenirix/amber
Why do i want her: i love zenirixs and my favorite color is purple and i have dreamed to have a orchid zenrix =)
What is its future: I will keep her in my showroom so everyone can see and injoy her and if i do take her out i will never let her die. I might even stardust her! =)
Chatain- natural male jahra
Username: makana100 Creatu name: Chatain
Species/color: jahra/natural
Why do i want him: I am trying to get at least 1 of every type of creatu on res and i do not have any jahras yet =)
What is its future: I will love and tresure him forever and keep him in my showroom and never let him die =)
FallenBlizzard- azure male leverene
Username: makana100 Creatu name: FallenBlizzard
Species/color: leverene/azure
Why do i want him: I love the color blue and the color yellow mixed together.
What is its future: He will live happily in my showroom =)