What's in a Word? :: Visual Art and Writing Contest :: Pure TU Prizes

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1:12pm Jun 26 2012 (last edited on 2:41pm Aug 12 2012)

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Posts: 1,679
What's in a Word?
Can you explain a single word in a photo? In a poem? A drawing? A story? Show the judges and win loads of pure tu! Judging is ba[injection]sed on creativity! Deadline August 15.[url=http://bit.ly/RZctyV]
Greetings, and welcome to the latest Creative Contest by Tacos!

Are you an author?  A sculptor?  A poet?  A photographer? A film maker?  An artist?

Well then, you've come to the right place!

After the success of last summer's Color Contest, I thought I'd open another contest in the same spirit.  What spirit?  Well, this contest isn't designed to produce a bunch of pictures of one of my pets or my fursona or my favorite pokemon.  Instead, it's a celebration of the arts - entrants will be rewarded for creating great art on practically every subject imaginable.

So, last year the theme was colors.

This year?  It's words.

That's right, words, which means that this year's contest is even less restricted than last year's.


Please, read on!


The Overview

No matter what discipline of art you practice, you are welcome in this contest.

There will be two categories to choose from: Writing and Visual Arts.

The premise of the contest is as follows:

Use a piece of art to represent one word.

This must be a single word - no spaces or phrases allowed.

It must be found in the dictionary.  

The word may be in any language, and it's up to you whether you want to translate the word to English or not.

The word may or may not be used directly in your piece - that's up to you!


All genres are welcome in the writing contest!  Whether you like rhyming, free-versing, short stories, sc
ript-writing, or even nonfiction, this contest is for you!  Just pick a word and express it through your favorite style of writing!

A few guidelines for writing:

Entries should not exceed 1500 words.  This should leave plenty of room to work with, but just in case you're a very ambitious writer, keep this limit in mind.  The limit should keep judging reasonably speedy.  If you need, say, 1511 words to finish your ideas, that's fine, but please try to pay attention to the limit.

Entries must be primarily in English.  I love other languages, which is part of the reason why your inspiration word may be in any language.  However, the only language that I speak fluently is English, and since this site is in English, it's the only language I can count on to be readable for everyone.

Additional guidelines may be added.

Visual Art

And now for all you visual artists out there!  Whether your art is digital or traditional, color or gray-scale,  photography or sculpting, typography or videography - I'd love to see what you've got!  Take a word and turn it into a feast for the eyes!

A few guidelines for visual art:

The technical quality of the art isn't everything.  Only a third of your score will come from technical aspects - the rest comes from interpretation and originality.  So don't stress if you're not the greatest realist who ever walked the planet.  I'm looking for your creativity!

An explanation of your piece is optional.  If you want to make sure your audience gets your point, you are welcome to write a short synopsis of your piece.  You can also leave the interpretation entirely up to us - your call!

Additional guidelines may be added.


No art theft.  This should go without saying, but just in case.  You may not steal anybody else's work and claim it as your own.  This includes partial works.  If you're quoting something, use quotation marks.  If you're borrowing an image, credit it.  But for the most part, I'd like to see entirely your own work.

Entries must be appropriate.  In general, anything that breaks the site rules is not okay for this contest.  Try to keep entries PG or a light PG-13 - and really, I'd prefer entries that don't rely on being risque.

You must specify your inspiration word upon posting your entry.  As mentioned in the overview, the word may be used directly in your piece, or you may leave it out.  Either way, you must separately state your word when you post your entry.

You may enter up to 3  pieces.  This is three pieces total.  So, you could enter all three in the writing section, or two visual art pieces and one piece of writing, or two entries in the visual art section.  Or just perfect one piece.  It's up to you!  However, each user may win only one prize.  The highest prize earned will be rewarded, and the entry prize will be given for all other entries.

Collaborations are welcome.  But they count as one entry per user, and you must split the prize.

Additional rules may be added if necessary.

A preference:

I prefer entries made specifically for this contest.  I'm sure you've made some great works in the past, but I'd like something entirely fresh for this contest.  So please think of your word before you put the pen to paper or snap your photo.  This way the art comes from a certain word and isn't just matched to it.  
You are still welcome to use something old that fits a certain word, but if you have the resources to make something new, please try to do so.


I have found four judges in addition to myself who will be judging this contest!  This is to ensure that lot of different eyes see each entry, so that the winners aren't left to a single person's personal tastes.


1. Me (luv2eatTacos)
2. ShaoXbaby23
3. sapphierwolf
4. Fenikkusu
5. IpetsLE22

Here's the breakdown for judging.

The Writing category will be judged on the following scale:

Quality (Mechanics, Grammar, Fluidity, etc.) /10
Interpretation (Did you represent your word well?) /10
Originality (Is your view unique and creative?) /10

Total /30 x 5 judges = Grand Total /150

The Visual Art category will be judged on the following scale:

Quality (Detail and evident skill/effort appropriate to style) /10
Interpretation (Did you represent your word well?) /10
Originality (Is your view unique and creative?) /10

Total /30 x 5 judges = Grand Total /150


Yeah yeah yeah, on to the prizes.

Each category will have a identical prize breakdown as follows:

1st Place :: 20 million tu
2nd Place :: 10 million tu
3rd Place :: 5 million tu

Up to 5 Honorable Mentions per category will receive 1 million tu.

All other entrants will receive a pure tu prize ba[injection]sed on their overall score.  This prize is per entry.

And who knows, maybe I'll add some other prizes as the contest goes on.  It depends on how many entries come in. ;)


The deadline for this contest is set for August 22.
That's a Wednesday.
In order to close the contest on that date, I will be looking for a minimum of about 15 entries per category. Hopefully I will get more. :)

So tell your friends and get your entries in! The more the merrier!

If for any reason whatsoever I need to cancel this contest, everyone who has entered will receive significant compensation.  But I don't see that happening.

Well, what are you waiting for?

Let's get those creative juices flowing!  I can't wait to see your entries!

Don't be afraid to ask questions!

Good luck and have fun!

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1:12pm Jun 26 2012 (last edited on 4:20pm Aug 12 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 1,679

Visual Art

cec (2)
Silverstream94 (2)
skypi (3)

Total Entrants: 5
Total Entries: 9


FluzzMe (2)
shadowfax (3)
eskao654 (2)
Susanqua (2)

Total Entrants: 8
Total Entries: 13

Click for Graphic Commissions

1:16pm Jun 26 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2,315
Can we enter already?


1:19pm Jun 26 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,679
Yep absolutely, the contest is open for entries!

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3:17pm Jun 26 2012

Normal User

Posts: 520
I am totally going to enter :D


3:19pm Jun 26 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,679
Sweetness. :D

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5:08pm Jun 26 2012

Normal User

Posts: 520
Can you place three entries based on different words, or do they all have to be on the same one?


5:52pm Jun 26 2012

Normal User

Posts: 25

oh wow, this sounds awesome. ^^

would we post our entry here on this thread, or could we put it somewhere else and link you to it?

and dude, thanks for doing this. heh. you must have a lot of tu to spare. xD


7:41pm Jun 26 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,679
Silver :: Your entries can be all different words.  In fact, I think I'd like that best.

eskao :: You can post it here, just make sure you link if it's a large image.  Or if you'd rather rmail it to me, that's fine too.

And lol yeah, I have a fair amount of tu I'm not really using.

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7:48pm Jun 26 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,372


9:20pm Jun 26 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2,315
Here's my first
http://www.flickr.com/photos/81225266@N07/7444341034/ word: decrepit  


9:23pm Jun 26 2012

Normal User

Posts: 53
Cool! I might try it

9:34pm Jun 26 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,679
Req :: c:

Gorge :: Thanks, looks great!

Christine :: I hope you do!

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8:13am Jun 27 2012


Posts: 3,216
id love to join :D 


1:49pm Jun 27 2012

Normal User

Posts: 617
can we make the visual arts in pixels and in another game like minecraft?


2:08pm Jun 27 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,679
Skypi :: Yay!

DawnOfThe Dragon :: Pixel art is fine, but if I'm understanding your question correctly - no, you can't use an online character or landscape builder to make your art.  I'm not very familiar with Minecraft, but it sounds like you mean something like that.

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2:29pm Jun 27 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,792
Hiya people :D for those who don't know me, I'm Shao! Happy to be one of your judges in this competition.



3:42pm Jun 27 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,792
Ooh, people :D



8:46am Jun 28 2012 (last edited on 2:29pm Jun 28 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 737
Once upon a time, there was this young girl who was never liked by anybody. So, she had no friends in school. She made an imaginary friend. And, oh, how she loved her new bff. She played with it all the time. Years and years passed. Then, she got a job. She still liked to play with her imaginary friend but not as much because she found some friends at where she works. Then, she almost completely forgot her imaginary friend because she found a boyfriend. She saw her one day and the imaginary friend asked," Is this the choice of love you make?"And the girl took one last look that she did not know was going to be her last. When she married her boyfriend, she got pregnant. When she had her baby, she died. When they had her death ceremony, the imaginary friend looked over her body and said," This is the choice of love you made."

Love is my inspirational word.


2:23pm Jun 28 2012 (last edited on 2:25pm Jun 28 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 1,679
GaltaGirl :: If you'd like to enter that, you'll need to post your inspiration word. :)

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