What's in a Word? :: Visual Art and Writing Contest :: Pure TU Prizes

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12:29pm Jul 17 2012 (last edited on 4:27pm Jul 17 2012)


Posts: 3,211
i was watching a program about bears and how many people view them as some horrible violent beast while thinking of a word i could use in this contest. As i thought about bears and words my mind basicly went down to bears are just misunder stood like so many other animals on this earth. i see them as beautiful, inquisitive creatures with emotions. I tried to get across a sense of wonder and how beautiful the bear and its home is ( i may just be being soppy xD)

Tried to make this simple :) the gun can tell its own story about how its been used and why.

word~ Protect 
D: its muzzle is too short 

i hope you like them :) 


3:35pm Jul 17 2012

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Posts: 1,997
Heyyo again! :D I've got my second entry.

It’s a deception, a lie, though it is the only thing that
shines through the hate. It’s so simple, yet it is so complex. It is a riddle,
a word out of place. It makes everything so clear, yet everything impossible to
understand. If there was ever a master of trickery, this would be it. If you
could tell the perfect lie, the perfect words to throw one off of your trail,
these are them. These are the words of truth, the words that will hide in the
shadows until the time is right, to come out of the darkness, and into the
light. The truth is the only lie that can never be detected.

Soliek. The word is Truth. -shot- And I wrote this because to me, the truth is a perfect lie.

Good luck to everyone! ♥~♥


4:38pm Jul 17 2012

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Posts: 1,679
Sona :: Don't worry about it, take your time. You can have all the way up until the deadline if you need it.

skypi :: Lovely entries, thank you so much!

Fluzz :: Very nice, thank you!

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10:28am Jul 20 2012

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Posts: 1,679
The second post now contains a list of entrants, including a running total of the number of entrants and entries for each category. Keep spreading the word, I'd love to see lots of unique entrants!

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2:41am Jul 24 2012 (last edited on 7:52pm Aug 14 2012)

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Posts: 2
^-^ Good luck to everyone else~


7:15am Jul 24 2012

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Posts: 3,828
Pig; Lol, you're supposed to make your own pictures/stories. o^o

hello my name is elder price

11:02pm Jul 24 2012 (last edited on 11:02pm Jul 24 2012)

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Posts: 1,679
Yeah Pig, as Shadow says, you must enter something you have created, not something you found on Google. Could you please erase the link you have up right now? They are stretching the page. At any rate, you could not have come back with more even if those three entries were legitimate. Did you read all the rules on the first post?

I hope you can still create some of your own art and enter!

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11:19pm Jul 31 2012

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Posts: 1,679
All right everybody, we have just over two weeks until the deadline. At this rate I'm going to have to try an extension - that is unless I get the number of entries I'm looking for.

No matter what happens, I promise that prizes will still be handed out. But I'm really hoping for more participants if I'm going to hand out so much tu. The more the merrier, right?

Please please please, encourage your friends to join and keep those entries coming in. Everyone can do something with at least one medium or style, right?

 If you're currently working on an entry, I'd love to know that too. It would help to gauge how many more entries I can expect at this point.

I'll keep you all posted - thanks so much to those who have entered so far.

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2:47am Aug 5 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
I'm a terrible person. ;w; I'll enter...I will try my absolute hardest to remember to...


4:37am Aug 5 2012 (last edited on 4:37am Aug 5 2012)

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Posts: 3,809
The word is Life. Ty is entering in the Writing category.
*Note* The idea that there is life after death because of the fact that energy is never-ending was, to Ty's knowledge, first coined by Albert Einstein.

And who am I to judge you, to say that you are not worth my time, to say that I know every detail about you, every contour of your personality?

To say that I know it all; to make even the most pitiful of attempts at defining who you are, in simply a few small, meaningless words, to try and captivate all you are and ever will be.

All you ever were, and never will be. Who am I to say you will not live on forever? Who am I to say it is impossible? Who am I to state, with perfect certainty, that you cannot achieve immortality? 

And who are we to try and give structure and sense to something that is so clearly fluid, shapeless, formless, and without anatomy, system or fr[injection]amework, as it has always been and always will be?

And who are we to try and force upon something so free and beautiful, a specific skeletal structure, guidelines and rules, as if we ourselves are divine gods?

And who are you to say that life ever truly stops, to say that neither soul nor spirit, neither mind nor matter, will ever continue on past its designated time, to say that death is a matter of odds?

After all, our very scientific rules which we use to back up these lies, this deception,
They point in the opposite direction.
Yet we do not make the connection,
We are loathe to see our own imperfections.

Energy is never-ending; it is neither created nor destroyed, but simply changed from one form to another, seamlessly, effortlessly, and without any shadow of a doubt.

So, therefore, on the day that we die, can we truly say with certainty that our souls, the soul in itself being a form of energy, are simply cast out?

No, we cannot ever really be certain; for certainty, factual logic, and the Laws of the World, are simply fairy tales, nothing more and nothing less. The things we teach in school, at home, in the street and at college.

These things are all designed to make sense of our lives, but in giving ourselves such a narrow-minded, pathetic view of things, we place a barrier, a wall, between ourselves and knowledge.

For what is knowledge? Knowledge is understanding of life. And the only understanding that can ever be made with complete certainty about our lives, is that there is no certainty. Where one sees pain and torture, death and destruction, another sees beauty, vibrant goodness.

The sooner we accept that life and death are both nothing more than illusions, things we cannot understand, things we should not understand, the sooner we will all achieve that beautiful, perfect happiness.

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

5:01pm Aug 6 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2,503
when does this end? And does the art have to be GOOD, or does it just have to represent it really well?

psalm 103:12 |-/

5:33pm Aug 6 2012

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Posts: 3,828
Those links Pig posted are stretching the page a lot for me. x_x

hello my name is elder price

11:43pm Aug 6 2012

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Posts: 1,679
sona :: I hope you can!

Yours :: Thanks so much! I'll add you to the entry list. :)

neo :: It's currently scheduled to end on the 15th. I may extend that, but if so, not by much. Creativity and interpretation do count for more that "good" art, but play to your strengths. There are many different media to be explored, so don't necessarily take a straightforward approach. There are more details on these things in the first post, so I suggest you read that more closely. I love your siggy, by the way. :)

shadow :: I know, mine too. All of my threads seem to be getting stretched lately. xD Ah well, guess we just need to get onto a new page.

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1:40am Aug 7 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,809
Thank you. C: And yeah, spacing on Ty's entry might appear a little messed up on the page because of the stretchi-ness, but the spaces between the lines are as they should be, in so far as Ty can see.

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

11:42am Aug 7 2012

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Posts: 2,503
Tacos: Thank you! I understand now. I may enter, but I might be backed up on commsions and the like. >3< And thank you! waniver3 made it. I think it only cost like 300k or something. You should really check it out!

psalm 103:12 |-/

7:05pm Aug 7 2012

Normal User

Posts: 356
I'll enter. I've almost decided on my three words.


8:04pm Aug 7 2012

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Posts: 1,679
Ty :: Okay, sounds good!

neo :: I hope you have time to enter! And cool! I usually make my own banners, but maybe I'll look into a trade or something. I especially love the quote on yours. :)

kitk :: Can't wait to see what you come up with!

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2:36am Aug 9 2012 (last edited on 2:37am Aug 9 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 31
I wanna enter a second Photo in the Visual part of the contest! <3
Word: Poise
Definition of word that i am going for- A dignified, Self confident manner or being. 
Little tid-bit about the photo: i took this at the Philadelphia Zoo with my baby cousin, i have had the photo for a while, but i have not used it for anything! But back to the photo! i was walking around the reptile area while they were just recently fed (maybe?) and this lizard was sitting/ standing in or on its bowl just looking up in to the light like it was ready for a photo op! it was just silly and cute that i could not help take  a picture of it.


5:07am Aug 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 34
Inspiration word: Book
Freeverse poem

Magic exists in many forms

the sparkle of sunlight off snow,

the last strains of a chord, hanging gently in the air,

loving eyes

These are magic, but not its purest form
For that, that is a book

True writing is not merely scratchings on paper

It is the author's mind and soul
The good thoughts of a hero, a philosopher
The mean thoughts of a human
And the thoughts you dare not think, the thoughts of your shadow
When you read writing, you pour yourself into the world of words

Words are the grounding for raw inspiration, the lighting flashes around the crackling core of fire that is a strong mind

Books have immense power, they have changed the world, have improved lives, have killed millions

That a few words should have such power seems absurd, and yet, the evidence is all there

The purest form of magic is a book.

"I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that makes living worthwhile?" Death thought about it. \r\nCATS, CATS ARE NICE.

3:25pm Aug 11 2012 (last edited on 3:30pm Aug 11 2012)

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Posts: 3,163
Inspiration word: familiarity

Today is Saturday. It always has been. Day after day, week after week, I wake up only to find out the same thing: It's still Saturday. Each day I wake at the same time, in the same place, and do the same things. The only thing I can freely do is think. It's as if someone has cast a spell on me.
It seems as if I am doomed to play my part in Saturday forever. Each morning I try to remind myself that today could be different, today could be Sunday. Then I wonder why I even bother. This has been going on for too long, and the reality has begun to sink in. There's no point in waiting for tomorrow, because it will never come. Then one day, I wake up and I don't hear the clatter of dishes I always have. My mother comes into the room and whispers " Good morning," into my ear. She gets me up, and I get dressed, thinking to myself all the while, It finally happened! Today's really Sunday!  But maybe I spoke too soon. For when I go back to my Mom, I don't see the scar she got from scraping her forehead on the counter's sharp edge. She had gotten it Saturday evening. Then reality struck. I was dreaming. As soon as I realized this, the room melted away, and I woke up for real. Then I heard the sound of utensils scraping bowls and was greeted by a sensation I had gotten to know too well for comfort. It reminded me I had heard that clang before. It had the haunting voice of something many people have not really experienced yet. That voice was deja vu.

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