SUPER BIG MEGA AWESOMESAUCE WINFUL THANKS goes to my judges: sapphierwolf, ShaoXbaby23, Fenikkusu and ipod2259. Please give them all your thanks as well, I couldn't have done it without them!
Once again, congratulations to all winners!
But remember, this contest was a celebration of the arts and creativity! So...PRIZES FOR ALL YAYZ. Seriously though everyone gets tu. :) I was so happy with everything you all turned in.
I need to go to bed, so I won't be awarding prizes until tomorrow after school.
BUT one thing.
To all of my entry prize winners: you will be receiving your prizes, no questions asked.
To all of my placing winners, honorable mentions and up: I will be rmailing you tomorrow, just to make sure that you are still active. That way I don't send the tu to somewhere where it will never be used...because I'm giving out a fair bit of tu lol. But the rmail will always be there, so should anyone taking a hiatus come back, I will be glad to send the tu then. If anyone has an ob[injection]jection to this, rmail me. But I think it's fair.
If you'd like to beat me to the punch by posting here or rmailing me ahead of time, you'll receive your prizes at the same time I send all the entry prizes out.
Don't forget, those who entered multiple pieces will receive an entry prize for each one, even if one of them has already placed.
Once again, thanks everyone for making this contest so much fun. I hope you all enjoyed thinking outside the box and seeing everyone else's thoughts as well. Stayed tuned for another contest in the future, perhaps next summer if not before.
EDIT: lolob[injection]jection