For Fantasy, what animals would be suitable or only people?
If animals...
Rannok lifted his head with his stubby antlers to Aleu, his mother. She nuzzled him with her velvety snout, nestling him down to sleep. The lead buck, Trechin, was standing at the top of the hill, guarding the meadow where the herd slept. A howl was overheard as the dead of night had arrived, the most vulnreble.
Hooves thundered around Rannok. Rannoch turned his head as fast as he could. Every deer scattered as vicious snarls were heard around the scattered herd. Rannok had never seen his mother scared, her nostrils flared and her eyes were almost at the back of her head. "Go darling." she whispered. "Go!" she pushed him up on his feet, and they began to run, and Rannok could not keep up. A deer stumbled and fell, wolves began tearing it open, but Aleu covered the scene for Rannoks eyes by standing infront of it. Trechin was the head, leaping over logs. "He'll never clear it!" Aleu snorted. Who? Rannok thought, as his tiny legs were begginning to succumb to the distance. He began to tire, but Aleu kept pushing him on. The log was up close. He couldn't jump over it, and the wolves were ten feet away. "Jump!" she whispered. "Jump!" he couldn't do it. As a deer grabbed him from the other side, he whisperd, "Mama?" The deer began to pick up speed, but Rannok didn't see Aleu anywhere.
Aleu's corpse lay on the frozen ground, eyes glazed with fear. Rannok was 3 now, and had his antlers, and he could still fondly remember the wolves, snapping their vicious jaws. Rannok wished his mama was still here, but he knew up in the stars, he would reunite. Once more.