Rescreatu - Virtual Pet Game

You + Survey = Prize!

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1:38pm May 10 2009

Normal User

Posts: 3,642
Bwah. I just realised something I should have included for the Pokemon question. |o Edit tiem.


2:51pm May 10 2009

Normal User

Posts: 507

1) You are in the ShoutBox, and you notice a n00b who is spamming. What do you do?
A. Ignore them.
B. Tell them nicely to stop.
D. Gang up on them.

sumteimz n00bz dnt no nt 2 use cht spk.

2) You are in the ShoutBox, and an older user tells you that you're a phailure/your shop prices are too high/you are a bad user. What do you do?
A. Ignore them.
B. Cry, beg for mercy, be a coward.
D. Get your friends to spam up their inbox.

Sounds like fun!

3) Someone in the ShoutBox is being rude to you! They're calling you names, picking on your friend, or making fun of your profile. What do you do?
A. Ignore them.
B. Tell them that you're gonna report them OMG ur mean.
D. Make a blog about your miserable life.

E- I dun care. My profile sux. But then I go and throw rotten-egg squishies at dier mommas

4) Someone snipes one of your creatu from your ranch! You want it back, so you can give it to who you intended it to go to. What do you do?
A. Ignore it.
B. Whine in the SB onoez someone sniped my creatu TT^TT.
D. Remember that creatu are just pixels and chill.

That'll teach 'em. My shooz are stinky.

5) You get in a fight with your friend because they gave you a gift, and you sold it. You asked them if it was okay, and they said they didn't care, then got all upset when you sold it. What do you do?
A. Ignore it.
B. Cry to your mommy because your friend resents you.
D. Hey, they're just pixels - it's not like you sold an actual gift. (if i actually sold it)


6) Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi

7) Lemon or Lime? Lime

8) Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate

9) Curly or Straight (hair)? straight

10) White or Black (Colors, not races)? White

11) Halloween or Christmas?  Christmas- PRESENTS!!!

12) Literate or "Txt-Tlk"? LITERATE STUPIDZ

13) ricki or LeTainted (staff members)? xD Whit.

14) Pokemon or Digimon? Pokemon

15) Drawing or Photoshop? Drawing

16) Rap or Pop (music)? Dancing :D

17) Cats or Dogs? Doggies


18) Snakes or Spiders? SPIDIES

19) Death or Living? Death

20) Ghosts or Monsters? Ghosts

21) Cemeteries or Morgues? Mogues

22) Sweeney Todd or SAW? SAW

23) Old age or Freak Death? FREAK DEATH

24) The Bizarre (just plain freaky) or The Disgusting (gory horror)? digusting


25) If you got lost in the woods, what would you do? Ride a deer to the nearest StarBucks

26) If your house burned down, what would you do? Live like a stinky Hobo

27) If someone locked you in a padded cell with nothing but a bowl of Jell-O and some newspapser clippings, what would you do? Spread the Jell-O on me and roll in the newspaper

28) If you wound up in jail in a foreign land, what would you do? Eat dier headz and rul da WORLD

29) If you ran out of toilet paper whilst using the facilities, what would you do? Use nothing. NOTHING AT ALL...

30) Do you enjoy comics in the newspaper? The newspaper has comics? :o

31) Have you ever been out of the country you live in? Si.

32) What is your strangest dream? I got a job. o_O

33) What is your weirdest pet in real life? My sister.

34) Dream pet on Res? I like to stay on my level of achievnesses.

35) Your favorite animal? BUFFALOZ PWN

36) Your favorite color? Orange

37) Your favorite food? n00bs

38) Your favorite Song? Hey Ya!! -OutKast

39) Your all-time favorite creatu (only 1)? Hienzerinie. Ginger Meiko. MINE.

40) Is this survey stupid? I'm Stupid

3:06pm May 10 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,148
I enjoy the email surveys more. XD They seem broader and like... I totally go crazy on them. o 3o


4:33pm May 10 2009

Normal User

Posts: 120

1) You are in the ShoutBox, and you notice a n00b who is spamming. What do you do?
A. Ignore them.
B. Tell them nicely to stop.
D. Gang up on them.

2) You are in the ShoutBox, and an older user tells you that you're a phailure/your shop prices are too high/you are a bad user. What do you do?
A. Ignore them.
B. Cry, beg for mercy, be a coward.
D. Get your friends to spam up their inbox.

3) Someone in the ShoutBox is being rude to you! They're calling you names, picking on your friend, or making fun of your profile. What do you do?
A. Ignore them.
B. Tell them that you're gonna report them OMG ur mean.
D. Make a blog about your miserable life.

4) Someone snipes one of your creatu from your ranch! You want it back, so you can give it to who you intended it to go to. What do you do?
A. Ignore it.
B. Whine in the SB onoez someone sniped my creatu TT^TT.
D. Remember that creatu are just pixels and chill.

5) You get in a fight with your friend because they gave you a gift, and you sold it. You asked them if it was okay, and they said they didn't care, then got all upset when you sold it. What do you do?
A. Ignore it.
B. Cry to your mommy because your friend resents you.
D. Hey, they're just pixels - it's not like you sold an actual gift.


6) Coke or Pepsi?

7) Lemon or Lime?

8) Chocolate or Vanilla?

9) Curly or Straight (hair)?

10) White or Black (Colors, not races)?

11) Halloween or Christmas?

12) Literate or "Txt-Tlk"?

13) ricki or LeTainted (staff members)? xD

14) Pokemon or Digimon?

15) Drawing or Photoshop?

16) Rap or Pop (music)?

17) Cats or Dogs?


18) Snakes or Spiders?

19) Death or Living?

20) Ghosts or Monsters?

21) Cemeteries or Morgues?

22) Sweeney Todd or SAW?

23) Old age or Freak Death?

24) The Bizarre (just plain freaky) or The Disgusting (gory horror)?


25) If you got lost in the woods, what would you do? Call For Help.

26) If your house burned down, what would you do? Call 911.

27) If someone locked you in a padded cell with nothing but a bowl of Jell-O and some newspapser clippings, what would you do? Eat The Jell-O Then Read The Newspaper :).

28) If you wound up in jail in a foreign land, what would you do? Contact The American Embassy

29) If you ran out of toilet paper whilst using the facilities, what would you do? Use My Dad's Shirt. lol!

30) Do you enjoy comics in the newspaper? YES!

31) Have you ever been out of the country you live in? Nope.

32) What is your strangest dream? A Giant Ape Comming To My School. XP

33) What is your weirdest pet in real life? I had A Tadpole, and i had two Mice, But now? one mouse nammed Tickles.

34) Dream pet on Res? A Lime, Magents, Rose, Blond, Or Silver Easero!

35) Your favorite animal? Bunny =P

36) Your favorite color? White

37) Your favorite food? Bratwurst =)

38) Your favorite Song? Gives you Hell by All American Rejects OR Poker Face by Lady Gaga

39) Your all-time favorite creatu (only 1)? My creatu, AzureAngel:

40) Is this survey stupid? Nope, Not At All I loved it!!

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5:23pm May 10 2009

Normal User

Posts: 481

You have given ribunny123 a Ahea Creatu Egg!

You have given WingedGorilla a Zenirix Creatu Egg!

You have given Firoia a Paor Creatu Egg!

You have given Supermonky a Kayoki Creatu Egg!

You have given luvin0it a Draqua Creatu Egg!

You have given LeTainted a Vampire Otachie Squishy!

You have given Balet a Candy Heart Box!

You have given ssgarcia97 a Otachie Creatu Egg!

You have given Mageangel a Vogar Creatu Egg!

You have given yoshirules a Aukira Creatu Egg!

You have given StarZ a Sirleon Creatu Egg!

You have given Uwibami a Guide to Goths!

You have given Ping a Meiko Creatu Egg!

You have given BlueFox a Valabex Creatu Egg!

You have given Raru a Paor Creatu Egg!

You have given HappyBunny a Sirleon Creatu Egg!

You have given Girlsmackback11 a Ahea Creatu Egg!

You have given Heavensangle a Zenirix Creatu Egg!


5:33pm May 10 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,148
ilysm Fang. o 3o


7:34pm May 10 2009

Normal User

Posts: 481
You earned it, Whit. xD


9:27pm May 10 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,148
xD I like have all the otachie squishies now known to members. o 3o


11:03am May 11 2009 (last edited on 9:16am May 21 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 123


1) You are in the ShoutBox, and you notice a n00b who is spamming. What do you do?
A. Ignore them. Deprive them of their lifeblood!
B. Tell them nicely to stop.
D. Gang up on them.

2) You are in the ShoutBox, and an older user tells you that you're a phailure/your shop prices are too high/you are a bad user. What do you do?
A. Ignore them.
B. Cry, beg for mercy, be a coward.
D. Get your friends to spam up their inbox.

3) Someone in the ShoutBox is being rude to you! They're calling you names, picking on your friend, or making fun of your profile. What do you do?
A. Ignore them. Or tell them to ask their parents for a hug.
B. Tell them that you're gonna report them OMG ur mean.
D. Make a blog about your miserable life.

4) Someone snipes one of your creatu from your ranch! You want it back, so you can give it to who you intended it to go to. What do you do?
A. Ignore it.
B. Whine in the SB onoez someone sniped my creatu TT^TT.
D. Remember that creatu are just pixels and chill.

5) You get in a fight with your friend because they gave you a gift, and you sold it. You asked them if it was okay, and they said they didn't care, then got all upset when you sold it. What do you do?
A. Ignore it.
B. Cry to your mommy because your friend resents you.
D. Hey, they're just pixels - it's not like you sold an actual gift.


6) Coke or Pepsi? Coke.

7) Lemon or Lime? Lemime. o.o

8) Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate.

9) Curly or Straight (hair)? Straight. VERY VERY STRAIGHT.

10) White or Black (Colors, not races)? Oh, I love black-and-white chequered patterns. >_>

11) Halloween or Christmas? The Nightmare before Christmas. >D

12) Literate or "Txt-Tlk"? Litrut LOLERRZ.

13) ricki or LeTainted (staff members)? xD Tainted. She buys my arts. |D

14) Pokemon or Digimon? Poket Monsterrrrs yaaay.

15) Drawing or Photoshop? Photoshop. I make too many mistakes on paper.

16) Rap or Pop (music)? INDIE.

17) Cats or Dogs? Kitty-cats.


18) Snakes or Spiders? Spiders.

19) Death or Living? The Dying. They're all... wrinkly. o_o

20) Ghosts or Monsters? Monsters, I guess. You never know what to expect.

21) Cemeteries or Morgues? Morgues. I bet they smell funny.

22) Sweeney Todd or SAW? I don't like scary movies. At all.

23) Old age or Freak Death? Freak Death. It must be all 'One cheese san-- GAAAAH!'

24) The Bizarre (just plain freaky) or The Disgusting (gory horror)? Gore ewww.


25) If you got lost in the woods, what would you do? Hitchhike. :)

26) If your house burned down, what would you do? Well, that's the last time I cook dinner.

27) If someone locked you in a padded cell with nothing but a bowl of Jell-O and some newspapser clippings, what would you do? Um, where's the toilet?

28) If you wound up in jail in a foreign land, what would you do? Sit, and pretend to go slowly insane. Then I'll overthrow 'em!

29) If you ran out of toilet paper whilst using the facilities, what would you do? Either call out, or use the squirty-hose thing.

30) Do you enjoy comics in the newspaper? So much.

31) Have you ever been out of the country you live in? Oh, yes. I'm a long way from home.

32) What is your strangest dream? The one where I worked for some murder investigation squad with Robin Hood.

33) What is your weirdest pet in real life? My bro. :)

34) Dream pet on Res?  Antichrist the albino ebilia. -drools-

35) Your favorite animal? Red Panda! :D

36) Your favorite color? Ah, changes constantly. The whole spectrum!

37) Your favorite food? Shanghai noodles with pickled cabbage. Or a nice lollipop.

38) Your favorite Song? Ga, so many. Perhaps Glittering Clouds by Imogen Heap.

39) Your all-time favorite creatu (only 1)? -throws arms up- My Hakky baby! ;D

40) Is this survey stupid? Only if I don't get a prize. >(

click it.

2:15am May 12 2009

Normal User

Posts: 44


1) You are in the ShoutBox, and you notice a n00b who is spamming. What do you do?
A. Ignore them.
B. Tell them nicely to stop.
D. Gang up on them.

2) You are in the ShoutBox, and an older user tells you that you're a phailure/your shop prices are too high/you are a bad user. What do you do?
A. Ignore them.
B. Cry, beg for mercy, be a coward.
D. Get your friends to spam up their inbox.

3) Someone in the ShoutBox is being rude to you! They're calling you names, picking on your friend, or making fun of your profile. What do you do?
A. Ignore them.
B. Tell them that you're gonna report them OMG ur mean.
D. Make a blog about your miserable life.

4) Someone snipes one of your creatu from your ranch! You want it back, so you can give it to who you intended it to go to. What do you do?
A. Ignore it.
B. Whine in the SB onoez someone sniped my creatu TT^TT.
D. Remember that creatu are just pixels and chill.

5) You get in a fight with your friend because they gave you a gift, and you sold it. You asked them if it was okay, and they said they didn't care, then got all upset when you sold it. What do you do?
A. Ignore it.
B. Cry to your mommy because your friend resents you.
D. Hey, they're just pixels - it's not like you sold an actual gift.


6) Coke or Pepsi? neither, i dont drink soda :P

7) Lemon or Lime? lemon

8) Chocolate or Vanilla? ever since i got a migraine from eating too much chocolate, vanilla has looked a lot more appealing to me

9) Curly or Straight (hair)? curlycues

10) White or Black (Colors, not races)? zebra stripes

11) Halloween or Christmas? halloween for sure. i am biased, as i work at a halloween store seasonally

12) Literate or "Txt-Tlk"? Literate, always.

13) ricki or LeTainted (staff members)? xD BRUTAL. letainted, cos she's mai frennnd

14) Pokemon or Digimon? POKEMON PWNS ALL

15) Drawing or Photoshop? drawing

16) Rap or Pop (music)? pop. britney spears may lip-sinc and all but i find her entertaining and catchy. so there ^_^

17) Cats or Dogs? ooh. catdog.


18) Snakes or Spiders? spiders! i dont even like crushing them! i hate the feeling of their exoskeletony bodies! i like snakes. my boyfriend has a boa and i hold it all the time. its getting bigger though and i am becoming wary of it

19) Death or Living? death now that i am enjoying life. not too long ago it was the opposite. depression is noooo good.

20) Ghosts or Monsters? ghosts, because you can't kill them.

21) Cemeteries or Morgues? morgue

22) Sweeney Todd or SAW? SAW. although people being baked in pies is creepier

23) Old age or Freak Death? freak death. old age isnt scary, its natural and your bodies cant help but fall apart :P

24) The Bizarre (just plain freaky) or The Disgusting (gory horror)? gory horror, since i have an aversion to blood.


25) If you got lost in the woods, what would you do? unfurl my magic carpet and get myself outta there!

26) If your house burned down, what would you do? salute my goodbyes to a normal life for a while.

27) If someone locked you in a padded cell with nothing but a bowl of Jell-O and some newspapser clippings, what would you do? start pasting the newspaper clippings into poetry across the walls, using the jello as glue.

28) If you wound up in jail in a foreign land, what would you do? learn the language. and plot a way to escape. maybe use my super distant dragon whistle to summon my pet to save me

29) If you ran out of toilet paper whilst using the facilities, what would you do? yell at someone to come bring me some more hahah. or if i were in a public stall, reach my hand under the divider to the other stall's toilet paper stash

30) Do you enjoy comics in the newspaper? quite! my favorites are dilbert, zits, and foxtrot

31) Have you ever been out of the country you live in? yes - the bahamas~! and mexico, and rome~!

32) What is your strangest dream? well the most recent dream i had, i was going to do something bad. but a girl advised me against it. it was strange because in dremas you usually just do what you want, you know? you dont develop a conscience for dreams..

33) What is your weirdest pet in real life? i used to have an invisible dog

34) Dream pet on Res? a sort of jellyfish or squid creature!!

35) Your favorite animal?  im fond of snow leopards and unicorns

36) Your favorite color? sparkling grey

37) Your favorite food? thai food is so good. and indian curries mmm and mexican food and italian.. I CANT CHOOSE

38) Your favorite Song? simple and clean by utada hikaru :D

39) Your all-time favorite creatu (only 1)? thats SO hard to choose. right now i've been liking valabex.

40) Is this survey stupid? no i like surveys :D


2:14am May 13 2009

Normal User

Posts: 194


1) You are in the ShoutBox, and you notice a n00b who is spamming. What do you do?
A. Ignore them.
B. Tell them nicely to stop.
D. Gang up on them.                                                                                                                                                                      E. E. All of the above, depending on my mood.


2) You are in the ShoutBox, and an older user tells you that you're a phailure/your shop prices are too high/you are a bad user. What do you do?
A. Ignore them.
B. Cry, beg for mercy, be a coward.
D. Get your friends to spam up their inbox.                                                                                            E. It depends which user, some of them I have much respect for. Others (not naming names) I don't.

3) Someone in the ShoutBox is being rude to you! They're calling you names, picking on your friend, or making fun of your profile. What do you do?
A. Ignore them.
B. Tell them that you're gonna report them OMG ur mean.
D. Make a blog about your miserable life.                                                                                               E. I eatz dem and throw them up in my chunder. (ask Sugseh, it's true)

4) Someone snipes one of your creatu from your ranch! You want it back, so you can give it to who you intended it to go to. What do you do?
A. Ignore it.
B. Whine in the SB onoez someone sniped my creatu TT^TT.
D. Remember that creatu are just pixels and chill.                                                                                E. I take the smart option, my own method...trickery, I shall say no more.

5) You get in a fight with your friend because they gave you a gift, and you sold it. You asked them if it was okay, and they said they didn't care, then got all upset when you sold it. What do you do?
A. Ignore it.
B. Cry to your mommy because your friend resents you.
D. Hey, they're just pixels - it's not like you sold an actual gift.


6) Coke or Pepsi? Fanta. It doesn't give you holes in your teeth.

7) Lemon or Lime? Lime it's greener. Save the planet!

8) Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla. It's just better.

9) Curly or Straight (hair)? Straight. 'Cause I like straught hair.

10) White or Black (Colors, not races)? Both.

11) Halloween or Christmas? Christmas, you get holidays.

12) Literate or "Txt-Tlk"? Literate...sorta.

13) ricki or LeTainted (staff members)? xD No comment xD I don't have *coughTaintcough* favourites.

14) Pokemon or Digimon? Pokemon. Gotta catch em all! 

15) Drawing or Photoshop? I can't draw and don't have photoshop. Doesn't leave many options.

16) Rap or Pop (music)?  Not rap. Almost anything else.

17) Cats or Dogs? Dogs. They're 'Man's Woman's best friend.' (sexist piggeh!)


18) Snakes or Spiders? Snakes, I saw this movie once...

19) Death or Living? I've never been dead, so I'd have to say living.

20) Ghosts or Monsters? Monsters.

21) Cemeteries or Morgues? Morgues. I had to look that one up in the dictionary lol.

22) Sweeney Todd or SAW?  Haven't seen either.

23) Old age or Freak Death? Old Age.

24) The Bizarre (just plain freaky) or The Disgusting (gory horror)?  Likes both :D


25) If you got lost in the woods, what would you do?

 Chop down all the trees, then I wouldn't be lost in the woods. Then check the map, I wouldn't be lost. See, I'm smat.

26) If your house burned down, what would you do?

Go and watch next door's house burn down to cheer myself up.

27) If someone locked you in a padded cell with nothing but a bowl of Jell-O and some newspapser clippings, what would you do?

What's Jell-O?

28) If you wound up in jail in a foreign land, what would you do?

The finger is a universal sign,no?

29) If you ran out of toilet paper whilst using the facilities, what would you do?

Yell to the person next to me 'Hey Mate, you got any bog roll? I dun mind if it's second hand.'

30) Do you enjoy comics in the newspaper?

...some of them.

31) Have you ever been out of the country you live in?

Yes *shifty eyes* why?

32) What is your strangest dream?

That one where pikachu would stand near this cartoon fireplace with an evil ex
pression and ask me questions. I would always get them wrong and he would throw me into the fireplace. I used to have that dream every night when I was 4 or 5.

33) What is your weirdest pet in real life?

Oscar the Great Escapee. Sadly is no longer with us. I liked that ... whatever it was, some kind of bug.

34) Dream pet on Res?

Meragon. Albino. Not very wonderful & fantastic & grand, but thats what I want.

35) Your favorite animal?

Arctic Eagle, Snow Leopard, Panda, Koala (not koala bears!!!), dogs, squirrells, hampsters, crocodiles, and the list goes on.

36) Your favorite color?

All of them.

37) Your favorite food?

Potato Chips (hot or 'crisps')

38) Your favorite Song?

American Pie, Nepolitan Dreams, Sugar Sugar ♥, Land Downunder, Rock & Roll.

39) Your all-time favorite creatu (only 1)?

ONLY ONE?! Thats no fair. I likes meragons AND uilus, I refuse to decide.

40) Is this survey stupid?

Do you really want me to answer that?

Well, not when you're bored.


Thanks Fang. I was bored. Now I must do my homework. Wonderful.


9:19am May 13 2009

Normal User

Posts: 72

:o 'Twas a very enlightening activity. Yus.


1) You are in the ShoutBox, and you notice a n00b who is spamming. What do you do?
A. Ignore them.
B. Tell them nicely to stop.
D. Gang up on them.

B. Well, in certain cases. If they don't stop, I'll start to reconsider. I can be mean when I want. ...I think.

2) You are in the ShoutBox, and an older user tells you that you're a phailure/your shop prices are too high/you are a bad user. What do you do?
A. Ignore them.
B. Cry, beg for mercy, be a coward.
D. Get your friends to spam up their inbox.

E. I would try to be nice and ask them why I phail, although in the case of my shop prices I will grin and say they seem reasonable to me and no-one is obliged to buy anything. Although I may also ignore them, it probably won't be the case.

3) Someone in the ShoutBox is being rude to you! They're calling you names, picking on your friend, or making fun of your profile. What do you do?
A. Ignore them.
B. Tell them that you're gonna report them OMG ur mean.
D. Make a blog about your miserable life.

E. o_o Have I committed an unforgiveable crime? Do my socks smell? Or perhaps my hair is messy? I apologize greatly for my interference, Majesty, I truly mean nothing by it!

4) Someone snipes one of your creatu from your ranch! You want it back, so you can give it to who you intended it to go to. What do you do?
A. Ignore it.
B. Whine in the SB onoez someone sniped my creatu TT^TT.
D. Remember that creatu are just pixels and chill.

E. Depends on which creatu it is. o3o If it's one really precious to me, I'll mail and ask for it back. Otherwise, well, I'll just have to sulk in my corner. o3o

5) You get in a fight with your friend because they gave you a gift, and you sold it. You asked them if it was okay, and they said they didn't care, then got all upset when you sold it. What do you do?
A. Ignore it.
B. Cry to your mommy because your friend resents you.
D. Hey, they're just pixels - it's not like you sold an actual gift.

D. Like said above--they're pixels. Just pixels. o-o Now, real stuff, that's a different matter altogether.


6) Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi. BUT MILO IS BETTER. >O

7) Lemon or Lime? Lime. Green pwns yellow. o3o

8) Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate. Or double-chocolate with chocolate chips, sprinkles, and whipped cream. *nods*

9) Curly or Straight (hair)? Straight. Curly hair'd be a bother to brush, and I run late every day.

10) White or Black (Colors, not races)? Whiiiiite. 8D Except for shirts. I'd get it dirty in, oh, half a minute?

11) Halloween or Christmas? I don't celebrate Halloween, so Christmas it is. Besides, I get funky presents. o3o

12) Literate or "Txt-Tlk"? Literate. I'm so bad at chatspeak, I wouldn't be able to speak it if I wanted to.

13) ricki or LeTainted (staff members)? xD Whit, yus. 83 Awesum boards.

14) Pokemon or Digimon? What, I'm supposed to choose? D; Nuuuu. I choose Swampertmon.

15) Drawing or Photoshop? Drawing. There's no Photoshop in the middle of boring classes. *nods*

16) Rap or Pop (music)? Pop. There aren't even legible lyrics in rap.

17) Cats or Dogs? I'd say cats, if only because of the cat ears. o3o


18) Snakes or Spiders? They're both too kyoot! >O

19) Death or Living? Death, unless all my friends are already gone and I'm the last one left. o_o

20) Ghosts or Monsters? Ghosts. At least you can see monsters, even if they're lime green, slimy, tentacled creatures oozing mucus and come from the depths of the toilet bowl.

21) Cemeteries or Morgues? Morgues. Cemeteries have epitaphs. o3o

22) Sweeney Todd or SAW? Wut? *chooses at random* SAW. Sawing is scaaary, and wood and I had a falling-out when I was six. o3o

23) Old age or Freak Death? Freak Death. I'd rather get about with a walking stick at seventy than get whammed by a car at fourteen.

24) The Bizarre (just plain freaky) or The Disgusting (gory horror)? The Disgusting. The Bizarre can be... amusing. I think.


25) If you got lost in the woods, what would you do? Slap the mosquitoes before they bite me. >O I hate mosquitoes.

26) If your house burned down, what would you do? Dig a grave for the charred remains of my computer.

27) If someone locked you in a padded cell with nothing but a bowl of Jell-O and some newspapser clippings, what would you do? Eat the clippings, then hypnotize the guards with a Jell-O ball and get out.

28) If you wound up in jail in a foreign land, what would you do? Gabble at the guards as fast I can in Chinese and hope they take my words as death threats and let me out. Or give me a phone to call the Embassy, at the very least.

29) If you ran out of toilet paper whilst using the facilities, what would you do? I always have tissue in my jeans. o3o But if through some crazy fluke I don't have any, I use muh underwear! >D

30) Do you enjoy comics in the newspaper? I can never seem to get my hands on the newspaper, so I suppose not...

31) Have you ever been out of the country you live in? Well, I just got my passport last month, even though the only place I went was across the border to Singapore. o_o 'Twas only a drive.

32) What is your strangest dream? The-Super-Complicated-Big-Fat-Dream-Concerning-A-Game-I-Watched-My-Sister-Play-(But-Was-Still-In-Character). No, I'm not elaborating. o_o Although there's also that one about how I dreamed someone was trying to trap me in a lorry loaded with brown sacks, but in the end they let me out and cooked breakfast.

33) What is your weirdest pet in real life? Does my copy of Good Omens count as my pet? I take it for walks, really I do. o_o

34) Dream pet on Res? Gold Omni. @_@ I already got my Rose Ebilia, so that's my next goal. *subtly pokes POT*

35) Your favorite animal? Dragons! >O They're beeg and fat and breathe fire and-- *shot* Okaaay, fine. Ravens, those are kewl. o3o

36) Your favorite color? Azure. *is self-centered*

37) Your favorite food? Spaghetti FTW. >O Except with meatballs. I hate meatballs. (No offense to any and all meatballs. Please do not be angry at the world, I am just a meatball hater.)

38) Your favorite Song? I change favourites every two days... Er, Seirios by Rurutia, it's Japanese and named after one of my characters. xD

39) Your all-time favorite creatu (only 1)? Rose Ebilias. o_o Went crazy over them when they first came out, and when I (finally) dyed Ceryx I was grinning like anything. My sister was probably beginning to think I'd never stop.

40) Is this survey stupid? Nah, I'd have fallen asleep if it was. o3o

Azure's writing commissions: Click here!

12:13pm May 13 2009

Normal User

Posts: 677


1) You are in the ShoutBox, and you notice a n00b who is spamming. What do you do?

D. Gang up on them.(Only if Wind feels like a tornado)

2) You are in the ShoutBox, and an older user tells you that you're a phailure/your shop prices are too high/you are a bad user. What do you do?

A)Ignore them.(They aren't worth my time if they're a jerk)

3) Someone in the ShoutBox is being rude to you! They're calling you names, picking on your friend, or making fun of your profile. What do you do?

A. Ignore them.(That way I can watch them stuggle to anger me,thus amusing me.)

4) Someone snipes one of your creatu from your ranch! You want it back, so you can give it to who you intended it to go to. What do you do?

E)I wouldn't of been dumb enough to do a shop trade.

5) You get in a fight with your friend because they gave you a gift, and you sold it. You asked them if it was okay, and they said they didn't care, then got all upset when you sold it. What do you do?
D. Hey, they're just pixels - it's not like you sold an actual gift.


6) Coke or Pepsi? -Coke.Used to be green and made of illegal substances.Also their commercials=Win.

7) Lemon or Lime? -Lime,for Lime Green=Win.

8) Chocolate or Vanilla? -Chocolate all the way.O.O Vanilla's just too...bland.Besides,Chocolate= Girl's bestfriend...When not adding pounds on her thighs.

9) Curly or Straight (hair)? -Stright,you can do so much more with it.

10) White or Black (Colors, not races)? -Black,for it is the absence of all.

11) Halloween or Christmas? Halloween,I liek dressing up and getting candy,okay.D;

12) Literate or "Txt-Tlk"? i leik b-ing litrat

13) ricki or LeTainted (staff members)? xD Whitlove,cause I've talked to her more.O;

14) Pokemon or Digimon? Pokemon,becuase atleast I know what evolves into what.O.O

15) Drawing or Photoshop? Drawing,I'll master pixle art after I'm finished with Pencil art.

16) Rap or Pop (music)? Neither.Rock and Metals=Love.

17) Cats or Dogs? Kitties.They like to sleep all day,just like me.


18) Snakes or Spiders? Spiders.Snakes are epic.

19) Death or Living? Living,for so much can go wrong.

20) Ghosts or Monsters? Monsters.Becuase they can be 'humans' too.

21) Cemeteries or Morgues? Morgues.Atleast you can't see the dead in a Cemetery.

22) Sweeney Todd or SAW? Neither.Movies don't scare me.Especially gorey ones.

23) Old age or Freak Death? Old age.I'm afraid of knowing what the world will be like if I live that long.

24) The Bizarre (just plain freaky) or The Disgusting (gory horror)?  Re-read my answer to #22.Also I haven't seen either Film so I can't give any opinion.


25) If you got lost in the woods, what would you do?
Stay there.I'd rather be lost in the woods for an eternity than lost in society.

26) If your house burned down, what would you do?
Find out if any of my possesions survivied,then try to make it look like I died in the fire,so I could be free to live in the woods.

27) If someone locked you in a padded cell with nothing but a bowl of Jell-O and some newspapser clippings, what would you do?
I would probably think of eating the Jell-O,but dismiss the thought so I could think through it later once I calmed down.But I'd probably read the newspaper clipping to see if I could make any links between them and my situation.
If nothing if found I'd make sculptures with the paper and stick the pieces together with the Jell-O.

28) If you wound up in jail in a foreign land, what would you do?
Probably panic a bit,due to me not being familiar with their customs of punishment and I may beg to be released,saying it was all a big mistake on their part.
I may also demand to call someone.

29) If you ran out of toilet paper whilst using the facilities, what would you do?
What is this 'Toilet Paper' you speak of?

30) Do you enjoy comics in the newspaper?
I enjoy some of them,yes.But there are a few in there that I find have very dry humor and make me want to retch as I read them.

31) Have you ever been out of the country you live in?
No I haven't.

32) What is your strangest dream?
It has parts in it that are unapropriate for the public of Res(Violence and such),so you'll have to RM me for that question.C:

33) What is your weirdest pet in real life?
Was Devin.Now it's probably Charlie or Amana,the two Spiders that share space with me.

34) Dream pet on Res?
Black Omni.But I keep busting all my savings on other pets.

35) Your favorite animal?
Snakes.Sharks.Wolves.Tigers.Polar bears.But I love all animals.

36) Your favorite color?
Green,blue,purple..and Black if it were a colour.

37) Your favorite food?
Sushi and Eggrolls.So many nice flavors in those things.

38) Your favorite Song?
I have too many to list.I'll think of a few later.

39) Your all-time favorite creatu (only 1)?

40) Is this survey stupid?
Not at all,Fang.It was time well wasted.


2:08am May 17 2009

Normal User

Posts: 155


1) You are in the ShoutBox, and you notice a n00b who is spamming. What do you do?
A. Ignore them.
B. Tell them nicely to stop.
D. Gang up on them.

Well I am not aloud to go on the shout box but I would do A.

2) You are in the ShoutBox, and an older user tells you that you're a phailure/your shop prices are too high/you are a bad user. What do you do?
A. Ignore them.
B. Cry, beg for mercy, be a coward.
D. Get your friends to spam up their inbox.

As I said I not aloud to go on the shout box but I would do A.

3) Someone in the ShoutBox is being rude to you! They're calling you names, picking on your friend, or making fun of your profile. What do you do?
A. Ignore them.
B. Tell them that you're gonna report them OMG ur mean.
D. Make a blog about your miserable life.

Why must i be shout boxes?! Oh and I would do A.

4) Someone snipes one of your creatu from your ranch! You want it back, so you can give it to who you intended it to go to. What do you do?
A. Ignore it.
B. Whine in the SB onoez someone sniped my creatu TT^TT.
D. Remember that creatu are just pixels and chill.

Ummm... I'm not a rancher.

5) You get in a fight with your friend because they gave you a gift, and you sold it. You asked them if it was okay, and they said they didn't care, then got all upset when you sold it. What do you do?
A. Ignore it.
B. Cry to your mommy because your friend resents you.
D. Hey, they're just pixels - it's not like you sold an actual gift.

Well all of those answers are not nice. And I would appologies and try to get it back.


6) Coke or Pepsi?


7) Lemon or Lime?

Both 'cause it will make gewd kasturi

8) Chocolate or Vanilla?


9) Curly or Straight (hair)?


10) White or Black (Colors, not races)?

 White and black :)

11) Halloween or Christmas?

 I like both 'cause they are cool.

12) Literate or "Txt-Tlk"?

 I wouldn't understand what I wrote if I use "Txt-Tlk".

13) ricki or LeTainted (staff members)? xD

 All of them!

14) Pokemon or Digimon?


15) Drawing or Photoshop?


16) Rap or Pop (music)?

 I like Enya music!

17) Cats or Dogs?

 Like puppies and kittens!


18) Snakes or Spiders?

They both scare me but if they are in a petshop I'm alright!

19) Death or Living?

I dunno.

20) Ghosts or Monsters?

Well both 'cause yeah.

21) Cemeteries or Morgues?

 I've never been to morgues so cemeteries.

22) Sweeney Todd or SAW?

Benjamin Barker!

23) Old age or Freak Death?

Umm... Old age?

24) The Bizarre (just plain freaky) or The Disgusting (gory horror)?

The Bizarre.


25) If you got lost in the woods, what would you do?

 Wait for Raru to panic so she could get me. 

26) If your house burned down, what would you do?

 Stay with Raru

27) If someone locked you in a padded cell with nothing but a bowl of Jell-O and some newspapser clippings, what would you do?

Use my phone to get Raru.

28) If you wound up in jail in a foreign land, what would you do?

  Wait for Raru to bail me out.

29) If you ran out of toilet paper whilst using the facilities, what would you do?

 Scream to Raru and Ping to get me 

30) Do you enjoy comics in the newspaper?

 Yes, but until I find something interesting I read it.

31) Have you ever been out of the country you live in?


32) What is your strangest dream?

 Ummmmm... In it I'm crying 'cause pots are rolling down a hill and crashing.

33) What is your weirdest pet in real life?

 Only Ping and Raru had one.

34) Dream pet on Res?

 I don't have any dream pet.

35) Your favorite animal?

 I like a lot of animals.

36) Your favorite color?


37) Your favorite food?

 Chicken and fish curry.

38) Your favorite Song?

 Whats New Pussy Cat.

39) Your all-time favorite creatu (only 1)?


40) Is this survey stupid?

 Well I think question 5 is stupid.


2:36am May 17 2009 (last edited on 8:23am Jun 3 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 4

situation questions

1) you are in the shoutbox, and you notice a n00b who is spamming. What do you do?
a. Ignore them.
b. Tell them nicely to stop.
c. Eet there hedz lol.
d. Gang up on them.

eerrhhh i can't go on shout box

2) you are in the shoutbox, and an older user tells you that you're a phailure/your shop prices are too high/you are a bad user. What do you do?
a. Ignore them.
b. Cry, beg for mercy, be a coward.
c. Backs*censored* thm 4 b-ing meen.
d. Get your friends to spam up their inbox.

can't go on shoutbox

3) someone in the shoutbox is being rude to you! They're calling you names, picking on your friend, or making fun of your profile. What do you do?
a. Ignore them.
b. Tell them that you're gonna report them omg ur mean.
c. Get all mad and throe a big fit.
d. Make a blog about your miserable life.

can't go on shoutbox�

4) someone snipes one of your creatu from your ranch! You want it back, so you can give it to who you intended it to go to. What do you do?
a. Ignore it.
b. Whine in the sb onoez someone sniped my creatu tt^tt.
c. Screem and throe shooz at them.
d. Remember that creatu are just pixels and chill.

a.Others are not what i expected�

5) you get in a fight with your friend because they gave you a gift, and you sold it. You asked them if it was okay, and they said they didn't care, then got all upset when you sold it. What do you do?
a. Ignore it.
b. Cry to your mommy because your friend resents you.
c. Throe compootr into neerst wall.
d. Hey, they're just pixels - it's not like you sold an actual gift.

a.Same on 4�

which do you like better?

6) coke or pepsi?

i say coke�

7) lemon or lime?


8) chocolate or vanilla?


9) curly or straight (hair)?

straight i wanna be sencible�

10) white or black (colors, not races)?


11) halloween or christmas?

cristams 'cuz it's nice�

12) literate or "txt-tlk"?

what you mean i don't get it�

13) ricki or letainted (staff members)? Xd

hhhmmm..... I don't rlly know but i think ricki�

14) pokemon or digimon?

eerrrhhh....This is too hard hhmmm....*throws a ball on the wall*�

15) drawing or photoshop?


16) rap or pop (music)?

niether i hate both 8f�

17) cats or dogs?

hard to think of i have both bf�

which scares you more?

18) snakes or spiders?


19) death or living?

it haunts me when i think of what will happen when i die�

20) ghosts or monsters?

monsters is scary�

21) cemeteries or morgues?

what are morgues cemeteries are creepy�

22) sweeney todd or saw?


23) old age or freak death?

freak death�

24) the bizarre (just plain freaky) or the disgusting (gory horror)?

the disgusting eerrhhh... It's crazy�

random questions

25) if you got lost in the woods, what would you do?

get a flashlight and light my way�

26) if your house burned down, what would you do?

find the person who burned it and call the cops on the person�

27) if someone locked you in a padded cell with nothing but a bowl of jell-o and some newspapser clippings, what would you do?


28) if you wound up in jail in a foreign land, what would you do?

ask the cops"where am i?"and wait for someone to bail me or wait for freedom�

29) if you ran out of toilet paper whilst using the facilities, what would you do?

walk to the next toilet that has the paper�

30) do you enjoy comics in the newspaper?

i read it all the time�

31) have you ever been out of the country you live in?

yes,all the time�

32) what is your strangest dream?

the one that i fell down the endless hole�

33) what is your weirdest pet in real life?

the small dog�

34) dream pet on res?

hhmmm... I'll answer when(maybe)the narweep is made�

35) your favorite animal?

hmmmm...A crab�

36) your favorite color?

what i'm using right now(font colour)�

37) your favorite food?


38) your favorite song?

"gotta be somebody"by nickleback�

39) your all-time favorite creatu (only 1)?


40) is this survey stupid?

zzzzzzzzzzzz(that means quite)zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz�


3:08pm May 17 2009 (last edited on 3:19pm May 17 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 371


1) You are in the ShoutBox, and you notice a n00b who is spamming. What do you do?
A. Ignore them.
B. Tell them nicely to stop.
D. Gang up on them.

2) You are in the ShoutBox, and an older user tells you that you're a phailure/your shop prices are too high/you are a bad user. What do you do?
A. Ignore them.
B. Cry, beg for mercy, be a coward.
D. Get your friends to spam up their inbox.
E. All of the above. I forgot to tell you that I have mood swings.

3) Someone in the ShoutBox is being rude to you! They're calling you names, picking on your friend, or making fun of your profile. What do you do?
A. Ignore them.
B. Tell them that you're gonna report them OMG ur mean.
D. Make a blog about your miserable life.
E. Where's them staffies?

4) Someone snipes one of your creatu from your ranch! You want it back, so you can give it to who you intended it to go to. What do you do?
A. Ignore it.
B. Whine in the SB onoez someone sniped my creatu TT^TT.
D. Remember that creatu are just pixels and chill.
E. Oh well. I was sellin' it anywayz. Least I got a tu more than I hads. :D

5) You get in a fight with your friend because they gave you a gift, and you sold it. You asked them if it was okay, and they said they didn't care, then got all upset when you sold it. What do you do?
A. Ignore it.
B. Cry to your mommy because your friend resents you.
D. Hey, they're just pixels - it's not like you sold an actual gift.
E. Chill, you booger. Tis just a cluster of them pixel thingy majigerz.


6) Coke or Pepsi?

7) Lemon or Lime?
Shoeberry. :D

8) Chocolate or Vanilla?
Strawberry. >D

9) Curly or Straight (hair)?
Well, me has pickled hair is good. :D

10) White or Black (Colors, not races)?
Haha, black. Hay shadowz, yous black, raight?

11) Halloween or Christmas?

12) Literate or "Txt-Tlk"?
Literate txt-tlk. :D

13) ricki or LeTainted (staff members)? xD

14) Pokemon or Digimon?

15) Drawing or Photoshop?
Drawing. No funny stuff.

16) Rap or Pop (music)?
I...dunno. Stop asking me questions! D}

17) Cats or Dogs?


18) Snakes or Spiders?
Spider snakes. In mah shoez.

19) Death or Living?
Living hell is nice.

20) Ghosts or Monsters?
Ghostly monsterz. DUR.

21) Cemeteries or Morgues?
Scawy, foggy calculus. D:

22) Sweeney Todd or SAW?
Whu iz dat? D:

23) Old age or Freak Death?
Freak death at an old age.

24) The Bizarre (just plain freaky) or The Disgusting (gory horror)?
The Bizzare Discusting horror.


25) If you got lost in the woods, what would you do?
Scream in my French language.

26) If your house burned down, what would you do?
Play in the ashes.

27) If someone locked you in a padded cell with nothing but a bowl of Jell-O and some newspapser clippings, what would you do?
Eat the newspaper clippings, play with the Jell-O.

28) If you wound up in jail in a foreign land, what would you do?
Yell curses inz ma American language so dey cain't uberstand.

29) If you ran out of toilet paper whilst using the facilities, what would you do?
Let's use mah unders! :D

30) Do you enjoy comics in the newspaper?

31) Have you ever been out of the country you live in?
Nope! :D

32) What is your strangest dream?
So...weird. D:

33) What is your weirdest pet in real life?
My imaginary friend. :D He's a dogosaur.

34) Dream pet on Res?
A magical little albino Ebilia.

35) Your favorite animal?
A dogosaur. *pokes number 33*

36) Your favorite color?
Red 'n black.

37) Your favorite food?

38) Your favorite Song?
Profile song. :D

39) Your all-time favorite creatu (only 1)?
Albino Iluvu. No question.

40) Is this survey stupid?
Uhh....hey, a butterfly! :D


8:00pm May 20 2009

Normal User

Posts: 299


1) You are in the ShoutBox, and you notice a n00b who is spamming. What do you do?
A. Ignore them.
B. Tell them nicely to stop.

D. Gang up on them.

Either A or B; depends if a staff has already said something or not.

2) You are in the ShoutBox, and an older user tells you that you're a phailure/your shop prices are too high/you are a bad user. What do you do?
A. Ignore them.
B. Cry, beg for mercy, be a coward.
D. Get your friends to spam up their inbox.

Why ignore them? 'Cause I'd just pretend I wasn't paying attention to the shoutbox anymore. (:

3) Someone in the ShoutBox is being rude to you! They're calling you names, picking on your friend, or making fun of your profile. What do you do?
A. Ignore them.
B. Tell them that you're gonna report them OMG ur mean.
D. Make a blog about your miserable life.

This is a tough one. I wouldn't say anything back to them, but I might rmail a staffie and register a complaint ;)

4) Someone snipes one of your creatu from your ranch! You want it back, so you can give it to who you intended it to go to. What do you do?
A. Ignore it.
B. Whine in the SB onoez someone sniped my creatu TT^TT.
D. Remember that creatu are just pixels and chill.

I would probably ask for it back, but it would've been my fault because there is a completely safe pet trading system that I could've used.

5) You get in a fight with your friend because they gave you a gift, and you sold it. You asked them if it was okay, and they said they didn't care, then got all upset when you sold it. What do you do?
A. Ignore it.
B. Cry to your mommy because your friend resents you.
D. Hey, they're just pixels - it's not like you sold an actual gift.

If they're good friends and not whining babies, they'll come back, where they apologize or not


6) Coke or Pepsi?
Uhm.. neither. I like to stick to the grape/orange/creamsoda/rootbeer kind of stuff o3o 

7) Lemon or Lime?

8) Chocolate or Vanilla?
Chocolate..... Vanilla?  hehe... tie? :S

9) Curly or Straight (hair)?
Straight hair, luvs it.

10) White or Black (Colors, not races)?
White, its so, pure. It's actually my favourite color.

11) Halloween or Christmas?
Halloween; heh. Free Stuffs! (Edible Version :P)

12) Literate or "Txt-Tlk"?
Literate!! txt talk annoys me, unless it really is a txt.

13) ricki or LeTainted (staff members)? xD
Well, I see more of LeTainted.. but its a hard decision. xD

14) Pokemon or Digimon?
Pokemons :P

15) Drawing or Photoshop?

16) Rap or Pop (music)?
Pop, although I don't mind some rap. 

17) Cats or Dogs?
Dogs.. 'Cause I love my wolfehs. 


18) Snakes or Spiders?

19) Death or Living?
Honestly.,.. Living.

20) Ghosts or Monsters?
Monsters.  I'm a fan of dem ghosts :P

21) Cemeteries or Morgues?

22) Sweeney Todd or SAW?
SAW; only because its mentally disturbing. 

23) Old age or Freak Death?
Freak Death. I want to live my life to the fullest, but I'm not afraid of dying.

24) The Bizarre (just plain freaky) or The Disgusting (gory horror)?
The Disgusting 


25) If you got lost in the woods, what would you do?
Try and find a landmark, or build a shelter and stay put until someone finds me.

26) If your house burned down, what would you do?
Cry. :'( 

27) If someone locked you in a padded cell with nothing but a bowl of Jell-O and some newspapser clippings, what would you do?
SING!!! 8D

28) If you wound up in jail in a foreign land, what would you do?
Fight for my rights. (How did I get in jail in the first place? D8) 

29) If you ran out of toilet paper whilst using the facilities, what would you do?
This is in a stall right? Like at Wal-Mart? :P Okay, I would wait until someone came in then disguise my voice and politely ask for some toilet paper in their stall. :) We don't want to know what would happen if they refused. You just don't. >83

30) Do you enjoy comics in the newspaper?
Yes, haha. But I also enjoy reading everything else.

31) Have you ever been out of the country you live in?
No,. maybe someday.

32) What is your strangest dream?
I hardly ever dream, so I don't know. Probably a dream that involved World of Warcraft caused by the previous day of 24/7 WoW playing.

33) What is your weirdest pet in real life?
My black lab, I can't even begin to explain how stupid, yet cute and funny she is.

34) Dream pet on Res?
Black Omni :3 

35) Your favorite animal?
I refuse to see a day were the wolf goes extinct.

36) Your favorite color?
White.  (Purple and Neon Green are epic too though.)

37) Your favorite food?
I'm rather fond of cheese...

38) Your favorite Song?
Heh.. It always changes. Probably Baby, It's Fact by Hellogoodbye

39) Your all-time favorite creatu (only 1)?
Omni; They look like no real-life animal and have a very unique pattern. Whoever created them is a genious. 

40) Is this survey stupid?
No! Who doesn't enjoy a good survey? :) It got me thinkin' .


2:10am May 23 2009

Normal User

Posts: 122

Okay, here are my answers. DONT laugh, okay? 

1) You are in the ShoutBox, and you notice a n00b who is spamming. What do you do?
A. Ignore them.
B. Tell them nicely to stop.
D. Gang up on them.

2) You are in the ShoutBox, and an older user tells you that you're a phailure/your shop prices are too high/you are a bad user. What do you do?
A. Ignore them.
B. Cry, beg for mercy, be a coward.
D. Get your friends to spam up their inbox.

3) Someone in the ShoutBox is being rude to you! They're calling you names, picking on your friend, or making fun of your profile. What do you do?
A. Ignore them.
B. Tell them that you're gonna report them OMG ur mean.
D. Make a blog about your miserable life.

4) Someone snipes one of your creatu from your ranch! You want it back, so you can give it to who you intended it to go to. What do you do?
A. Ignore it.
B. Whine in the SB onoez someone sniped my creatu TT^TT.
D. Remember that creatu are just pixels and chill.

5) You get in a fight with your friend because they gave you a gift, and you sold it. You asked them if it was okay, and they said they didn't care, then got all upset when you sold it. What do you do?
A. Ignore it.
B. Cry to your mommy because your friend resents you.
D. Hey, they're just pixels - it's not like you sold an actual gift.


6) Coke or Pepsi? Coke

7) Lemon or Lime? Lemon

8) Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate

9) Curly or Straight (hair)? Straight

10) White or Black (Colors, not races)? White

11) Halloween or Christmas? Christmas

12) Literate or "Txt-Tlk"? Literate

13) ricki or LeTainted (staff members)? xD LeTainted

14) Pokemon or Digimon? Pokemon

15) Drawing or Photoshop? Photoshop

16) Rap or Pop (music)? Pop

17) Cats or Dogs? Dogs


18) Snakes or Spiders? Snakes

19) Death or Living? Death

20) Ghosts or Monsters? Ghosts

21) Cemeteries or Morgues? Morgues

22) Sweeney Todd or SAW? SAW

23) Old age or Freak Death? Freak Death

24) The Bizarre (just plain freaky) or The Disgusting (gory horror)? The Disgusting


25) If you got lost in the woods, what would you do? Try and get out

26) If your house burned down, what would you do? Try and raise money to buy a new one

27) If someone locked you in a padded cell with nothing but a bowl of Jell-O and some newspapser clippings, what would you do? Make the most of it

28) If you wound up in jail in a foreign land, what would you do? Live with it

29) If you ran out of toilet paper whilst using the facilities, what would you do? Use something else

30) Do you enjoy comics in the newspaper? No

31) Have you ever been out of the country you live in? Yes

32) What is your strangest dream? When I was turned into a newspaper

33) What is your weirdest pet in real life? My black goldfish with the gigantic eyes

34) Dream pet on Res? Easero

35) Your favorite animal? Dog

36) Your favorite color? Purple

37) Your favorite food? Lasagne

38) Your favorite Song? I don’t have one

39) Your all-time favorite creatu (only 1)? Easero

40) Is this survey stupid? No


7:24pm Jun 1 2009

Normal User

Posts: 5

situation questions

1) you are in the shoutbox, and you notice a n00b who is spamming. What do you do?
a. Ignore them.
b. Tell them nicely to stop.
c. Eet there hedz lol.
d. Gang up on them.

2) you are in the shoutbox, and an older user tells you that you're a phailure/your shop prices are too high/you are a bad user. What do you do?
a. Ignore them.
b. Cry, beg for mercy, be a coward.
c. Backs*censored* thm 4 b-ing meen.
d. Get your friends to spam up their inbox.

3) someone in the shoutbox is being rude to you! They're calling you names, picking on your friend, or making fun of your profile. What do you do?
a. Ignore them.
b. Tell them that you're gonna report them omg ur mean.
c. Get all mad and throe a big fit.
d. Make a blog about your miserable life.

4) someone snipes one of your creatu from your ranch! You want it back, so you can give it to who you intended it to go to. What do you do?
a. Ignore it.
b. Whine in the sb onoez someone sniped my creatu tt^tt.
c. Screem and throe shooz at them.
d. Remember that creatu are just pixels and chill.

5) you get in a fight with your friend because they gave you a gift, and you sold it. You asked them if it was okay, and they said they didn't care, then got all upset when you sold it. What do you do?
a. Ignore it.
b. Cry to your mommy because your friend resents you.
c. Throe compootr into neerst wall.
d. Hey, they're just pixels - it's not like you sold an actual gift.

which do you like better?

6) coke or pepsi?

7) lemon or lime? (for the purpose of lemonade)

8) chocolate or vanilla?

9) curly or straight (hair)?

10) white or black (colors, not races)?

11) halloween or christmas?

12) literate or "txt-tlk"?

13) ricki or letainted (staff members)? Xd both!!!

14) pokemon or digimon?

15) drawing or photoshop?

16) rap or pop (music)?

17) cats or dogs? both!!!

which scares you more?

18) snakes or spiders? neither

19) death or living?

20) ghosts or monsters?

21) cemeteries or morgues? both...

22) sweeney todd or saw? never saw either...

23) old age or freak death?

24) the bizarre (just plain freaky) or the disgusting (gory horror)?

random questions

25) if you got lost in the woods, what would you do? grow wings and fly home

26) if your house burned down, what would you do? steal a scary costume from a store and scare the neighbors out of their house for eternity

27) if someone locked you in a padded cell with nothing but a bowl of jell-o and some newspapser clippings, what would you do? combine the jell-o and newspaper to create an indestructable creature that just so happens to like to eat padded cells and once it eats the cell, walk away and get it to eat the person who locked me in ther.

28) if you wound up in jail in a foreign land, what would you do? train my jell-o newspaper creature to eat its way out of foreign jail cells and escape, then tell it to eat the person who locked me in.

29) if you ran out of toilet paper whilst using the facilities, what would you do? get someone to p*censored* a roll of toilet paper to me

30) do you enjoy comics in the newspaper?omg! Yes!!! I wish every day was sunday just so they were always in color!

31) have you ever been out of the country you live in?oh canada!!! Oh canada!!!! Something something something something!!!!!! And mexico!

32) what is your strangest dream?i dreamed i owned the world and everybody else were my slaves who built giant buildings out of chocolate!

33) what is your weirdest pet in real life?my horse... He likes to have a saddle pad wrapped aroung his head...

34) dream pet on res? gold omni

35) your favorite animal? arabian horse (especially dark red pintos [just like mine!])

36) your favorite color?pink!

37) your favorite food?steak!

38) your favorite song?you belong with me~ taylor swift

39) your all-time favorite creatu (only 1)? oceaneyes (my ulius)

40) is this survey stupid? um no!!!!!!!!!!!!! Never!!!!!!!!!!!!1

~Amy Was Here~

2:22pm Jun 2 2009 (last edited on 2:27pm Jun 2 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 1,446

1) you are in the shoutbox, and you notice a n00b who is spamming. What do you do?
a. Ignore them.
b. Tell them nicely to stop.
c. Eet there hedz lol.
d. Gang up on them.

answer: b, except sometimes n00bs need a lesson and need to be yelled at, especially after they haven't stopped spamming after you've told them multiple times to stop. That's when i start wishing i was staff so i could ban them.

2) you are in the shoutbox, and an older user tells you that you're a phailure/your shop prices are too high/you are a bad user. What do you do?
a. Ignore them.
b. Cry, beg for mercy, be a coward.
c. Backs*censored* thm 4 b-ing meen.
d. Get your friends to spam up their inbox.

answer: a. Unless i'm actually being a bad person, then i apologize and stop doing what i'm doing. However, generally if someone tells you that and they mean it in a negative way, not a playful one, they are the bad people and do not deserve to be paid any attention to.

3) someone in the shoutbox is being rude to you! They're calling you names, picking on your friend, or making fun of your profile. What do you do?
a. Ignore them.
b. Tell them that you're gonna report them omg ur mean.
c. Get all mad and throe a big fit.
d. Make a blog about your miserable life.

answer: b. If they're being rude like that then they aren't following the rules. Of course, if they aren't doing anything against the rules, i kindly tell them to stop being rude to me and then proceed to ignore them if they do it again.

4) someone snipes one of your creatu from your ranch! You want it back, so you can give it to who you intended it to go to. What do you do?
a. Ignore it.
b. Whine in the sb onoez someone sniped my creatu tt^tt.
c. Screem and throe shooz at them.
d. Remember that creatu are just pixels and chill.

answer: a or d. If someone bought it, it's my fault that i didn't price it right or that i didn't think of a safer way to give my friend the creatu other than setting it to a low price in my ranch.

5) you get in a fight with your friend because they gave you a gift, and you sold it. You asked them if it was okay, and they said they didn't care, then got all upset when you sold it. What do you do?
a. Ignore it.
b. Cry to your mommy because your friend resents you.
c. Throe compootr into neerst wall.
d. Hey, they're just pixels - it's not like you sold an actual gift.

answer: a or d again. If they said it was ok to sell it, i don't see what the problem is. Not to mention, why are they getting so worked up? They gave it to me, it's mine to do what i want with now, if they didn't want me doing anything with it, they first of all shouldn't have told me and second of all shouldn't have given it to me, i got it, i do what i want with it.

which do you like better?

6) coke or pepsi? coke, not sure why, i guess it just tastes better to me, something about pepsi just makes me unhappy. Then again, i'll drink pepsi if it comes down to pepsi or nothing

7) lemon or lime? not sure exactly what the difference is, but i've never had a lime before and i eat lemons whole, rind and all, so i'll go with lemon for this one.

8) chocolate or vanilla? depends on my mood. Currently, i like vanilla, it really depends on if i want something super sweet or if i want something semi-sweet i guess. Also, chocolate is richer so i need to be in the mood if i eat a significant amount of it.

9) curly or straight (hair)? on me? I have wavy so both ^_^. On other people, i don't really care, it depends on the person, some people look horrible with straight hair, others horrible with curly, and others horrible or awesome with both. My boyfriend has slightly curlier hair than me but it's still in between so i'll go with both.

10) white or black (colors, not races)? black, i like dark colors better for some reason, the best color combination ever in my opinion is black and red.

11) halloween or christmas? christmas, i like presents. I can get my own candy and it'll be better than the stupid little icky candies you get on halloween, and if you feel like dressing up, there shouldn't be a holiday for it, you should do it whenever you want.

12) literate or "txt-tlk"? literate, i'm an avid roleplayer and i hate it when people use chatspeak or respond with tiny little posts to a long one i made, that's why i don't roleplay here much, not too many extremely literate players.

13) ricki or letainted (staff members)? Xd letainted, mostly because i've talked to her on the sb and she's cool. I haven't interacted with ricki much, so i can't really vote for him (i love you all staff members though)

14) pokemon or digimon? ooh, tough one, i watched both before, but i think i'll go with pokemon, for the simple reason that i've played more pokemon games and watched more of the show, digimon got really weird as the seasons went on, pokemon stayed basically the same just with more pokemon (it always bothered me that pikachu wasn't like, over level 100 after everything ash did with it, it was like it couldn't level ever)

15) drawing or photoshop? drawing, i'm horrible at photoshop or any other form of non-paper and pencil drawing. Then again, i'm not great at drawing either, but better than computer drawing.

16) rap or pop (music)? eww, neither, i really prefer rock or metal, but i guess i'd have to go with pop because there's at least some music to that (i'm a dancer, i need my music)

17) cats or dogs? dogs, but not by much. I think the deciding factor is that i'm allergic to cats. I love them immensely though, it's just that i have 2 pet dogs and i love them to death.

which scares you more?

18) snakes or spiders? neither.... I love them both, i think they're really cool. But, since i have to choose, i'd say i'm less comfortable around spiders, since i have a snake as a pet.

19) death or living? right now, death scares me more because i would be leaving behind a lot of people and i'm not sure how my death would affect them. However, living is a pretty scary thing too, it takes a lot more courage to live than to die.

20) ghosts or monsters? ghosts, monsters can be seen and you can kill them or deal with them in some way, ghosts come out of nowhere and you really can't do anything about it unless you have an exorsist (i know i spelled that wrong).

21) cemeteries or morgues? cemeteries, more time for creatures like ghouls to begin haunting them, morgues are newly-dead and it's less likely anything will come after you from them.

22) sweeney todd or saw? saw, i don't do well with horror movies, i like sweeney todd though, really cool movie, just saw it again a few days ago.

23) old age or freak death? for me, old age because i don't want to be one of those people that can't do anything for themselves and relies on soemeone else to change their diapers. However, if i'm an old person that still goes rock climbing and runs marathons and stuff, i wouldn't mind it. For my loved ones, freak death because they might be ripped away from me forever.

24) the bizarre (just plain freaky) or the disgusting (gory horror)? the disgusting, the bizarre is really cool and i'm generally interested in it. I'm not easily disgusted, but if its' something bad enough to disgust me i don't want to be around it.

random questions

25) if you got lost in the woods, what would you do? first i would make sure i found a general area to stay in, wandering around is the worst thing to do. Then, depending on where i was and what season i was, i would either make a shelter for the night or just build a fire. If it was freezing cold, i would want a fire, so i would spend the day finding tinder, then if i had time i'd build a place to hide and spend the night. Hopefully, the smoke would alert other people to my location and i could wait there for them, just better hope there aren't any wild animals that want to eat me.

26) if your house burned down, what would you do? whatever i could. I'd salvage everything i could possibly salvage and hope my pets were all ok. Then i'd go live in an apartment until i could get myself a new place. Just go on with life basically.

27) if someone locked you in a padded cell with nothing but a bowl of jell-o and some newspapser clippings, what would you do? that would be so much fun, i would bounce around on the soft fun walls for a long time, then, when i got tired, i'd munch on the jell-o because i'd probably be hungry and read the newspaper. Then probably think about some random stuff and fall asleep, then rinse and repeat.

28) if you wound up in jail in a foreign land, what would you do? whimper and hide because it's bad enough in jail when you can say something to people and they want to beat you up and do other bad things to you. If you can't even tell the guards what's going on because you don't speak the language you are so dead.

29) if you ran out of toilet paper whilst using the facilities, what would you do? if i was alone at home, run to the hall and get some from the closet. If it was in a public restroom.... I'd be in a bad position.

30) do you enjoy comics in the newspaper? they're ok, i don't read them much unless i'm really bored, mostly because we don't get the newspaper.

31) have you ever been out of the country you live in? yes, i was born in ukraine, i currently live in america. Beyond that, no, i'm a loser and don't travel enough.

32) what is your strangest dream? i was in my school and i couldn't get out, not even after i threw a chair at the window (it broke the chair) and pots were magically appearing on the floor after a loud clang and finally i got sneaky and walked out of the room they were appearing in and sprinted back in and found one of my teachers about to throw a pot on the ground. Then i asked him for help getting out of the locked school and he walked through the wall. Then i heard a banging from the lockers and i opened one and like 3 people fell out and they walked out of the wall too (i couldn't for some reason). That was a shortened version, but that was basically it.

33) what is your weirdest pet in real life? currently, i have a corn snake. I used to have a praying mantis though.

34) dream pet on res? unrealistically? A black omni. Realistically? My mallytix (draqua) blonde or black.

35) your favorite animal? white wolf definitely, they're so majestic and beautiful, i love roleplaying them. Next would be black wolf because they blend so perfectly with the darkness (and they're wolves) and their eyes have such an amazing contrast to their coat colors. After wolves (very close, almost tied) are tigers, i love them too.

36) your favorite color? green, as if you couldn't tell by the color my answers are, but i prefer a ligher green, like lime green, it's just that it's hard to read that color on the forums.

37) your favorite food? borsch, really really good stuff, especially cold borsch (it's a russian beet soup).

38) your favorite song? that's a tough one, right now i'd have to say welcome home by coheed and cambria, but it could change within the hour depending on what mood i'm in.

39) your all-time favorite creatu (only 1)? draqua (my mallytrix specifically).

40) is this survey stupid? nah, especially if my answers were detailed enough and exciting enough to get me a vampire squishy like letainted got, lol, although really any prize is loved. I just hope i did good enough to get better than a drindian egg or something.

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