Zombie's Random Claw Machine

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10:03am Feb 10 2018

Normal User

Posts: 119
May I get one free and 6 extra grabs?

10:17am Feb 10 2018

Normal User

Posts: 76
Bulbasaur has put in 4 tokens!
The claw machine makes its way to the right and slowly eases its way down onto a tangled group of prizes. Unfortunately, a couple are lost on the journey. The claw drops them into the prize basket.

SecretsOfTheShadows has put in a token!
The claw machine whirs to an a spot full of odd round objects. It settles on one and gently carries it the whole journey. The claw drops it into the prize basket.

MissHalloween has put in 2 tokens!
The claw seems unsure where to go, whizzing through the claw machine as if lost and in a panic, then suddenly crashes down on one lone item and tosses it into the prize basket as if disgusted.

Prizes will be sent after the next set of prize posts.


10:36am Feb 10 2018

Normal User

Posts: 76
Wanderland has put in 11 tokens!
The claw machine goes half dark, obscuring your vision, but you think you see something shiny and rainbow fall into the prize basket at the last second. You hear a few items drop into the prize basket.

Prizes will be sent with the next prize post.


10:54am Feb 10 2018 (last edited on 11:01am Feb 10 2018)

Normal User

Posts: 76
Sliced has put in 15 tokens!
The claw machine turns completely black and starts rocking slowly. The claw smashes against the glass in front you, as if daring you to try and get a peek. The machine whirs and groans, making fate's decision. You're not sure, but you think you hear a creatu sigh. The lights suddenly come back on and all noises cease. The claw remains still and lifeless, unprovoked, but the prize basket is full.
Edit: Prizes from here up have been sent.

10:57am Feb 10 2018

Normal User

Posts: 493
^w^ Waaa Thank you ! i love them all ;w; ~

~★Dreamless sleep, follows the Nowhere King★~

12:00pm Feb 10 2018

Normal User

Posts: 89
hhhhhhh please i want 15 tickets including my free one
smooches the claw i lov u 


12:08pm Feb 10 2018

Normal User

Posts: 216
Sent 550k plus I would like to use my free one


10:19pm Feb 10 2018

Normal User

Posts: 76
Hey, guys. I'm suffering from a migraine tonight, but I'll resume the claw tomorrow morning. Sorry, everyone. ^-^

12:17am Feb 11 2018

Normal User

Posts: 1,185
May I use my free token? :) 


1:24am Feb 11 2018

Normal User

Posts: 557
Sending 100k and using my free token.


1:30am Feb 11 2018

Normal User

Posts: 49
May I use a free token please.


6:36am Feb 11 2018

Normal User

Posts: 493
may i please use my free turn and the other turns i have :D ? thank you so much.

~★Dreamless sleep, follows the Nowhere King★~

9:17am Feb 11 2018

Normal User

Posts: 21
May I use my free token?

9:39am Feb 11 2018

Normal User

Posts: 76
genbaw234 has used 15 tokens!
The claw machine's lights start flickering on and off and the claw begins to move, slowly at first then faster. As the claw races around the the machine, the machine begins to play an odd little tune, slightly reminiscent of Beethoven's 5th but in a minor key. Suddenly, the lights flicker off and don't return. Everything is black, but the music continues. It stays this way for several minutes. You jump as the music stop  and the lights return to normal. The claw stares at you, almost smirking, but is so still you can't be sure it moved. The prize basket is full.

This set of prizes will be sent with the next couple of prize sets.

9:46am Feb 11 2018

Normal User

Posts: 76
Arwantia has used 11 tokens!
The claw starts to move across the machine and crashes into the glass. You're not sure but you think you may have seen it grab something multi-colored?  The machine goes completely black. The machine whirs for a minute before the lights flicker back on. The prize basket is full.

This set of prizes will be given with the next few prize sets.

9:55am Feb 11 2018

Normal User

Posts: 76
Steampunk has used 7 tokens!
The claw immediately makes its way toward a tangle of prizes in the very center. You can't quite make out what everything is, but you think you see a creatu egg or two. The claw drops the tangle into the prize basket and it magically untangles.

Prizes will sent with next set of prizes.

10:06am Feb 11 2018 (last edited on 10:27am Feb 11 2018)

Normal User

Posts: 76
Meddler has used 15 tokens!
The claw machine moves back and forth through the claw machine, as if debating. It moves faster and faster until it begins to clank against the glass. Suddenly, the machine goes dark and quiet. After a couple minutes, the machine lights up. The claw is absolutely still. The prize basket is full.

Edit: Prizes from here up have been sent.

1:02pm Feb 11 2018

Normal User

Posts: 2,122
I would like to use my free one and then the other 14! :)
This is a cute idea and I love it!


9:16pm Feb 11 2018

Normal User

Posts: 321
May I please use my free token?


10:38pm Feb 11 2018

Normal User

Posts: 65
May I use a free token please?
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