11:52pm Mar 9 2016 (last edited on 11:39pm Mar 15 2016)
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Posts: 422
April Fools 2016 Speculations
Hey Ressians!
April Fools is creeping around the corner and with the introduction of the Derp Effect last year, I wonder what the staff have in store for us this year? What do you think?
What would you do if you could make an April Fools Event for Rescreatu?
Guessing Game Announcement! This discussion is totally open, but lets make it a little more fun. On the day of the April Fools event, I will raffle off a Derp Gold and Silver Omni and you have a chance just by participating.
You'll all go into the draw, via Random.org, to win the Omni and 10 lucky runners up will get 5tu Barter Tokens and a Murren Soup Bowl, because I'm horrible and nasty ;>
Staff are welcome to join in discussion but you will not be apart of the prize draw.
11:57pm Mar 9 2016 (last edited on 1:12am Mar 17 2016)
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Posts: 422
Shout Box Advertisement: [b]April Fools 2016![/b] [url=http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/officialcontests/april-fools-2016-speculation-and-guessing-game-/] What will the staff spring on us this year? Come and speculate, and get the chance to win a [b] Derp Gold Omni[/b]!
11:58pm Mar 9 2016
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Posts: 284
I've been pushing for the implementation of a Groucho mustache so I'm hoping for that staff pls
12:00am Mar 10 2016
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Posts: 422
@Taokaka, oh that sounds cool XD Link pictures?
12:23am Mar 10 2016
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Posts: 1,018
I think they're having the Derp effect again this year. But I'd think it'd be cool if they added random find items anywhere on the site, like the Dyekit Squishy Patterns or the Emote Squishy's. But for only April 1st you have a chance for; -a wear-able item like a broken egg on your head (like someone cracked an egg on your head) -a book that hypes for a secret recipe for something amazing but ends up not telling said secret -a clothing item add-on where there is fake webs and a toy spider to your side -a stain on your shirt clothing add-on (to go by the silly prank of making you look down just to get your nose flicked, lol) -fake TU coins that look like buttons or something fake ^^Those^^ are some examples, so my guess would be random items found around the site?
12:40am Mar 10 2016
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Posts: 422
@XAllurcore, those sounds really cool ;w; That book idea is especially awesome.
What would you do if you where making the event? You can make it as elaborate or simple as you like.
1:09am Mar 10 2016
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Posts: 1,018
I would most likely make them random finds around the whole site, but not too common. OR If possible, just like the Ice Cave (looking at your signature gave me this idea, lol) you have 10 chances with 20 creatu(only since it'd only be one day) walking around a prank store/shop and each walk through you have a chance to get one of those items; -a wear-able item like a broken egg on your head (like someone cracked an egg on your head) -a book that hypes for a secret recipe for something amazing but ends up not telling said secret -a clothing item add-on where there is fake webs and a toy spider to your side -a stain on your shirt clothing add-on (to go by the silly prank of making you look down just to get your nose flicked, lol) -fake TU coins that look like buttons or something fake
But a few other items I can think of; -An alert item that says "Hey (username), look over here, I got you some TU to help you out! You know, with that goal you have currently! I think it might really help you out!" (username of the person using said item) shouted as they used this big gun that looks like a huge coin belt dispenser to shoot some TU towards you. As you start to smile as the TU came your way, it quickly went as you watched the coins roll into a sewage drain and you wonder if today is April Fools." And the item will look as said, a gun that looks like one of those coin belt dispenser things. -wear-able socks that end up having it's toe part cut off when wearing, Toelessly Awesome Socks! -food item that looks like pudding in a cup, but tastes like mayo -a toy that looks like poo
And a chance on getting a new effect called "Mixed Up" where for all ADULT findable/seasonal (NO CS) creatu get colors all over, say an Veram with black ears, albino head, blonde/ginger legs, cream body and tails different hatch-able colors. If a dyed pet is used the same but with dye colors. And to get more chances with the creatu used you explore around Res in hopes on finding a flower coin which will pop up the same as the Dyekit Squishy Pattens/Emote Squishy's. And when you use them it'll be as if your creatu are giving these coins to the shop owner who collects them.
That's my idea if I were to make the event. :)
1:13am Mar 10 2016
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Posts: 422
@XAllucore That sounds really good, I love that idea and the notification item sounds really clever :D
2:07am Mar 10 2016
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Posts: 81
Springs announces free colour day and every one gets fake " platinum or mother of pearl egg trophy " for profile that tries it.
Exploring .... need a compass ... amd a return ticket !
2:08am Mar 10 2016 (last edited on 6:46pm Mar 11 2016)
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Posts: 18
To have eggs in the different planets of usual find? More later maybe. Simply running mouth here. XD
Edit - after loki's reply: i love xallu's idea of mixed up pets. Even better if they're permanent. Another unique event relevant and unique to the time. Rewarding those who lived it, more trophies. Not necessary good ones but that YMMV :D
Having something annoying pop up as an alert? Eg. fake tu alerts. Or if must, "you look closer and see instead mud/driftwood/lucky coin/tinkle to signify something great/something great" It's not april fools without some gleefully childish pranking! DX Edit: It would be interesting to have the event's specific egg turn up as a disguised "rare/common" egg. "Congrats you found a- Nope, it's that egg again." As if it wasn't a rare event-only egg!
Edit: A certain piece of clothing that is dull colored all year round or even invisible but within the days of april are rainbow or spectrum colored? :D
Having a little trouble trying to think of events that would involve others like the valentines did. A collection or alert game of some kind. Could be "tricking as many as you can". Could be collecting but not without the contribution of a million other users. As in each person stumbles over event-only alerts and there are so many items to collect (maybe new squishies? :)) but each person has to complete the collection or gradually (ala valentines) to get each level of prizes. However each person also isn't guaranteed every squishy and thus will have to trade with others for their extras.
Yet this opens up as if there isn;t an existing trade system. Moreover and imho, more importantly, there's no fooling aspect. Unless! Again like val (stop judging, i only been to one beautiful res event DX)! You can choose to fool them and send them the fool squishy instead. Is it too much copycat of val? That was really fun in any case. All the advertising for accepts/declines (what would be fools/true trades) became completely objective and it was hilarious to hear people make their ads within "context".
Oh maybe! The squishies are not claimable until after the event but during it, said squishies, tricks and trades, etc happen over some makeshift stock market of some kind. Because stock market is ripe 'n ready swindler base! Trading event squishies (or other item maybe but i am bias yunno) : when you fufill a trade, it's a result of either fooled or traded. "fooled" being if you complete the trade with the incorrect request. Both agree on the trade itself but like a game of cards neither knows until the trade is complete from both ends, whether it was done in earnest. So both could "fool" or both could "trade" or neither. Edit:There could be prizes or forum badges for "white lies" (if ya get my drift) or no "april sq" altogether, simply "fooled" with duplicates you don't need. Requiring you to go forth and fool somebody else. I do recall that there was 30min time limit on past event - was it to keep from overloading the server. That was perhaps everybody's greatest frustration. Other than warping in people for their milstones that is ;)
So in comparison to val, the systems could be similar to: incoming/outgoing ---> fooled/traded, accepts/declines --> april/fool squishies and or items. Pretty complete of an idea, Just dunno if it might not brew presence of passive aggressiveness amongst people. Which is hopefully, where in/outcoming come in. Since in val, we advanced or had to advance into both to gather the prizes of both, we also have to fool/trade equally to attain the items, prize milestones of fool/trade, there can be prizes like those of the wings and tatoos. Themed, rare or otherwise prizes. Not to mention gather the full set of items to be traded somehow. May the trickiest person win? Yes, i loved val's event. Thank you again and i pray for squishies always.
Edit - after secrets reply: The feature of pets able to get sick kicking off with all pets getting fleas.
2:22am Mar 10 2016
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Posts: 422
@Albion That's really clever I like that XD makes me laugh!
@Loreal oh that's a neat idea 0w0 that'd put everyone outta balance haha
2:44pm Mar 10 2016
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Posts: 119
New CS colors? Or maybe not ;D
7:50pm Mar 10 2016
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Posts: 58
Loki, so what do i guess? I am excited and hope i get it ^^
8:15pm Mar 10 2016 (last edited on 8:16pm Mar 10 2016)
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Posts: 195
I see the derp effect coming back.
Here's some of my ideas. Sorry it's a lot: "Hatchable" gold effects for all pets Filling all users' hatcheries/inventories with Ivik/Galta/Kioka/Omni/Liyure eggs that disappear when you click them and leave an item in their place Jester HA items! - Jester hats, jester staff, bell shoes, bell skirt thing, the one-sie, etc Egg shaped balloon HA handheld Egg print HA socks Egg print HA dress Fake nose glasses for HA Woopie cushions. Everywhere. Fake Kioka/Omni/Liyure morphing potions or eggs random events that instead give you an item like a squishy or HA item Item that throws pies on your HA's face (like the toilet paper/potato) launcher, just for April 1 only Putting old pet artwork back on the site for one day to confuse people Kir asking for retired pets only I agree that the eggs on the wrong planets is a good idea
Something will be here eventually.
11:59pm Mar 10 2016
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Posts: 392
Maybe for April Fools Day you'll tell us there's nothing planned for April Fools Day.
1:04am Mar 11 2016
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Posts: 422
@Dragrawr you need to guess what you think will happen to Res on April Fools day!
@Kitty YES GOLD HATCHABLES - I support this owo I hope they do that. And old pet artwork, imagine everyone's Rodi's going back to plain red again because no colours 0w0 that'd mess with their heads.
@heybay ooh, I'd hate if they do that. ;m;
5:41pm Mar 11 2016
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Posts: 571
I think that they will do something with the eggs and/or creatu =D
5:41pm Mar 11 2016
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Posts: 178
My guess is fake colored hatches!
6:31pm Mar 11 2016
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Posts: 163
XD I think we will have an April fool event and wouldn't it be funny if we got an alert saying that all our pets died or that out eggs were all spoiled and the real spoiled were fake fresh. Or maybe the colors could be all different like black and white( wash color) or hmm we could have a book that gives us -100 intelligence points and or we could open the wedsite and it says you are banned (with a little laughing squishy on the bottom of the screen that says:" April fools"
7:29pm Mar 11 2016
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Posts: 513
Guessing Res Gold accounts.