April Fools 2016 Speculation and Guessing Game!

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12:14pm Mar 16 2016

Normal User

Posts: 444
What if they make the stock market crash?!!! =O
Maybe the trash will be refilled with a bunch of old items?
Looking forward to derp creatu


12:18pm Mar 16 2016

Normal User

Posts: 13
What if this raffle giveaway is the April Fools joke, and instead of winning an Omni, the winner receives a natural Otachie named "Omni"? 

What if on April 1st, Rescreatu changed all of the egg encounters of common eggs like Gondras and Drindians to CS eggs, and when people picked them up and go to hatch them, they would still hatch as common creatu? It would be kind of like Easter too, since the eggs would basically be painted to look like CS eggs. :o That would be mean to players, but I know they wouldn't be too surprised that it was a joke. XD

12:25pm Mar 16 2016

Normal User

Posts: 323
i bet all of our Avatars will have something happen to them. maybe they'll turn into children? animals? aha.
that would be something different xD


1:11pm Mar 16 2016

Normal User

Posts: 76
Place Omni eggs in everyone's hatchery. xd


1:36pm Mar 16 2016

Normal User

Posts: 2
Everyone's character will get a pair of groucho glasses put on, but when we try to unequipt it a new one appears on the sites page taunting us instead. and once we reach x amount we get a derpy based one instead.

2:05pm Mar 16 2016

Normal User

Posts: 68
cheap cosmic salve that is acctually cosnic salve


2:08pm Mar 16 2016

Normal User

Posts: 487
These ideas are the best!
I especially love Alma's picking dirt instead of a flower XD
and Westie's idea of the stock market crashing!

I hope they give us a random chance to get give our creatu the derp effect--maybe in the springs or just walking around. 

Also finding random avatar objects and fake things is always fun(ny)!
Groucho glasses please!!

"He was a dreamer at heart, chasing the stars"

Get your own adoptable in Planet Kusher!

2:53pm Mar 16 2016

Normal User

Posts: 21
My guess is
Funny avatar items like toilet paper or trashcan costumes maybe even a whoopie cushion costume
A sock shooter gun so we can shoot stinky socks at people lol idk im random or a toilet paper gun
Fake rare eggs on the planets or trash
Jester hats for everyone!
A special cave or event to find silly items
I cant really think of anything else right now o.o

The Elusive Fox

3:46pm Mar 16 2016

Normal User

Posts: 2
Maybe there will be some kind of enemy that will slowly glitch animals and items! That would look super cool!!! 

3:54pm Mar 16 2016

Normal User

Posts: 292
Maybe everyone gets an alert saying "You have been sent an albino omni", but when we go to look we find a pet without art called "Fooled Ya!"?

I have many ideas.


4:04pm Mar 16 2016

Normal User

Posts: 789
Everyone's usernames get swapped around 8) Chaos and confusion ensue.


4:07pm Mar 16 2016

Normal User

Posts: 53
What if we all collect creatu eggs like usual, but some of them don't hatch the creatu that they're supposed to hatch O.O


4:34pm Mar 16 2016

Normal User

Posts: 139

I'd love to see a horse head item for our HAs 
Which would be real derpy. xD 


4:50pm Mar 16 2016

Normal User

Posts: 461
My guess would have to be the announcement of CS morphing potions.. or retired CS morphing potions, like an Omni morphing potion etc.


5:22pm Mar 16 2016

Normal User

Posts: 524
Oh gosh, announce a new creatu but make it very similar to a creatu we already have.


5:38pm Mar 16 2016

Normal User

Posts: 422
Water I love that one OTL


6:02pm Mar 16 2016 (last edited on 6:32pm Mar 16 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 2,315
Dunno if this/something similar has already been said or if we're allowed repeats/similars because I didn't read everyones ideas woops.

Personally, I think we are either;
Going to have irremovable party hats on our HA's (why??? who knows.)
I think we're going to get fake alerts, like stumbling on 1million tu, 10million, tu etc and when you try to gather it, it just says april fools.
Announce a new color (this is similar to waters) and make it like, only one shade darker/lighter than a pre-existing color.


6:27pm Mar 16 2016

Normal User

Posts: 3
Randomize the creatu we get from eggs (like hatching a tesuri out of a myotis egg). As for seasonal and CS creatu, they can only be hatched by other seasonal or CS eggs!


7:36pm Mar 16 2016


Posts: 1,586
How about a rare CS pet that costs 100 billion CP. And then on April 2nd every pet hatched on 1st April will become one of them.

A new pet that you can find eggs and hatch and the next day it becomes a piece of chocolate in your inventory ;o

All your pets are natural for a day -the horror-


7:37pm Mar 16 2016

Normal User

Posts: 103
maybe there could be an alert where it says " hey [username]! check this out!" and is you click the link on "this" then confetti goes all over the screen and there's a small chance of some egg splatter!

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