Publish-A-Book Hangout

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7:21pm Jun 21 2023 (last edited on 7:22pm Jun 21 2023)

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ti<br class=

📚 Welcome to the Publish-A-Book Hangout! ✍

This thread is a place to chat about PAB, offer input, and ask questions! 

We have some questions for you there to help improve the contest.



1) What made you decide to enter or not enter the PAB contest?
2) Are the rewards worth it to you?

3) If you're not interested in this contest, what would help you become motivated to enter?


If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reply! 

All talk about PAB is accepted here.

Publish A Book


9:13pm Jun 21 2023

Normal User

Posts: 678
1) I really need a prompt or something to guide me to start writing. I was stuck not even knowing where to start writing. 

2) no. I don’t collect squishies or focus much on collections, trophies don’t hold much value to me, so it felt like I’d be putting in effort to win things I wouldn’t even want. 

3) better prizes, guarantee of a participation prize if all criteria is met (it’s very vague saying entries *might* receive a prize if they show effort but how do we know what shows effort to whomever is judging?) 

Overall even without enticing prizes I’d really like to write with a prompt or a guide. Having it so open ended with such a vast expanse of things to write about just felt too daunting. 

I’d also like to point out that the contest page says there will be a final book selected but it seems three people won this PAB contest? Unless I missed an opening, this was just from one contest right? It just sounds confusing to me. 
(Talking about this quote in the contest info: “The next round will begin once the final book has been showcased.”)

Sleepy Art by ZenSleepy Mira by Zen

Art by Zen

6:02am Jun 22 2023

Normal User

Posts: 85
1) The creative outlet it provides is great. It can be a little difficult to figure out what to write about, but it has allowed me to look at my own pets differently and work on how I can fit them into their own stories. I enjoy the freedom it gives the author to basically come up with their own world. I feel as if a themed prompt would take away some of that (unless around holiday times) and books written would become rather stale as they would all be focused on a singular themed.

2) Rewards could be a bit better. As someone who won, I would have loved to received copies of each created book, possibly as a First Print Edition Book Set, that can be read without risk of being destroyed. Another cool prize could be a special skin or dye kit allowed to be used on a pet that gives them a librarian appearance.

3) I am interested in the contest, but I do agree the wording of the rules could be a bit better as well as the participation prizes being moreso garunteed. It's a little confusing at the moment and not knowing if your hard work will get you at least a reward if approved is disheartening and can be the difference between having many entries or only a few.

Otherwise the overall contest was enjoyable and I look forward to participating again. Thank you!

Find me in the Northlands. South of where the Drindians land.

10:20am Jun 23 2023 (last edited on 10:20am Jun 23 2023)

Normal User

Posts: 678
I see your input and I like hearing from the other side of things :) (re: prompts.)

Maybe if there wasn’t a specific prompt but a couple of brainstorming options that are Rescreatu based to help those who might struggle with prompt less ideas? Like not ones that have to be chosen, but just ones that could help as a guide if that makes sense. That way those that enjoy the entire freedom can still have the freedom and those that might be hesitant to join because of too much freedom can have something to get creative with. 

Sleepy Art by ZenSleepy Mira by Zen

Art by Zen

12:11pm Jun 29 2023


Posts: 59
To answer some questions, the whole project has undergone some tweaks that the rules don't really reflect, so it's worth a reread, thank you both. As for rewards, more ideas to incentivise people to participate is welcome as well. Creating unique rewards that are not just retrains of things from the previous PAB was the goal. The number of participants dictates how long the prizes will be dispersed, and this time there were only four entries, initially I wanted to do one winner at a time, but it doesn't work efficiently.


8:06pm Oct 2 2023

Normal User

Posts: 18
1) One thing that makes me less likely to enter a PAB contest is how difficult it is to access all of Res lore. It seems like the lore is pretty piecemeal and it would be difficult for me, personally, to feel comfortable writing something without wondering if I'm accidentally contradicting a part of the lore I wasn't even aware existed.

2) I don't even know what the PAB rewards are lol I know the information can be accessed, but it feels kind of buried and you have to know what you're looking for to be able to find it (which is a problem I have with a lot of Res stuff - if you know what you're looking for it's accessible, but it can be difficult if you're not pointed in the right direction!)

3) I'm interested in writing for the PAB contest but one hasn't been run since I joined in June, so that makes it kind of difficult xD
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