Questions and Answers
Post any questions you may have about this contest in this
thread. I will post all questions and
there answers here so you guys can find them easier.
Please make sure that
the question you have has not been asked and answered already.
Question: May I ask exactly what would be classified as a craft pumpkin?
Say if I made a relatively pumpkin shaped piece of clay and carved that,
would that be counted? Or if I took a few peices of paper, 'carved' it with a penknife,
then put them together into a kind of pumpkin shape? Heheh thanks. :0
Answer: Cutting paper is not carving. If you make a clay pumpkin you must actually carve it. I know there are Styrofoam (or some material) pumpkins sold online and at craft stores for carving.
Question: Are we permitted to do them digitally?
Answer: No this contest is for actually carved pumpkins. There will be another contest released soon for you to show off you digital art skills.
Question: Does it have to be created with the stencils provided? Or can I create something original?
Answer: We would love for you entries to be original. The stencils are only there if you guys want them you do NOT have to use them.
Question: Let's say you made it out of clay. Are there size requirements,
other than the fact that you have to be able to tell it's a carved pumpkin?
Answer: It can be whatever size you like.
Question: Can staff enter?
Answer: Yes, I dont see a problem with it.