[[Bump <3 You don't have to reply right now. You told me why and such on Sb. I'm just bumping our threads so they don't get forgotten. Take your time. >3 ]]
[[ Something should happen then. xD Maybe Eddie can leave again, seeing as Tino isn't really cracking with the romance, and things happen in the woods? Only if you want Tino to go to the woods to find him or something. ]]
"Alright, Tino. I quit trying. I'll just leave you alone." I said before defeatedly sighing and getting up from where I was sitting. She didn't seem interested. Why should I bother her anymore? "Bye." I said quietly, slightly irritated at the turn of events before quickly going through the window. It was a cloudy day today. I wouldn't be risking much as I ran to the woods.