8:16pm Apr 24 2012
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Posts: 5,578
"Mk T.V it is then." Paige said and jumped over the back of the couch sitting down in the seat of it and turning it on. She handed the remote to Jade, "Guests choice."
8:18pm Apr 24 2012
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Posts: 4,656
Jade sat down and turned it on to themusic channel.
Okay..... What ever floats ya goat
8:21pm Apr 24 2012
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Posts: 5,578
"Intake it you really like music." Paige chuckled.
1:14am Apr 25 2012
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Posts: 4,656
"I come from a musical family!" she said as her heart quickned.
Okay..... What ever floats ya goat
7:12pm Apr 25 2012
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Posts: 5,578
"I guess so." Paihe chuckled lightly. She remembered that she was inside and she could take off her hood so she did and moved some of her long black hair from her pale face.
11:02pm Apr 25 2012
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Posts: 4,656
"Your hair is so pretty! can I plait it?" Jade asked.
Okay..... What ever floats ya goat
11:15pm Apr 25 2012
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Posts: 5,578
"Uh...yeah I guess OK." Paige was a bit caught off guard. No one had ever asked her that even before she had cover all of herself up when she was outside in the sun. Paige hesitantly scooted closer to Jade so she could reach her hair easier and she could hear her heart beating fast. Her eyes locked on her neck but she shook her head a bit closing her eyes shutting out the thought.
11:23pm Apr 25 2012
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Posts: 4,656
Jade tugged just a bit and made a tight elegant plait.
Okay..... What ever floats ya goat
11:32pm Apr 25 2012
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Paihe wanted to see what Jade had done but knew better than to go I front of mirror while Jade was around though it wasn't like she had any mirrors anyway.
11:36pm Apr 25 2012
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"You look so pretty!" she said as she tucked a stray hair behind her ear.
Okay..... What ever floats ya goat
11:44pm Apr 25 2012
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Posts: 5,578
"Thanks." Paige smiled slightly looking hesitantly up at Jade not letting herself look anywhere but her eyes as she ignored the smell of her sweet blood.
11:46pm Apr 25 2012
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Posts: 4,656
Jade smiled and screatched her neck, she had an itchy bite and she scratched it.
Okay..... What ever floats ya goat
11:57pm Apr 25 2012
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Paiges eyes followed Jades hand to her neck where she had a bug bite and it started to bleed a tiny bit. Paige held back a whine of frustration as she hit into her bottom lip her fangs starting to come out and puncture her lip though she couldn't bleed because she was a vampire. She quickly stood up turning away as she shut her eyes retracting her fangs.
12:00am Apr 26 2012
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"Dude.. are you okay?" she asked
Okay..... What ever floats ya goat
12:04am Apr 26 2012
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Posts: 5,578
"Mmm...I uh can't stand the sight of blood." was the lie she came up with hopingnitnwould work.
12:07am Apr 26 2012
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Posts: 4,656
"C'mon it's only a little bit!" Jade laughed.
Okay..... What ever floats ya goat
12:09am Apr 26 2012
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Posts: 5,578
"I get kind of out of control whenever I see even a little bit." Paige said not turning around.
12:11am Apr 26 2012
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Posts: 4,656
"Then what do you do when it's 'that time of the month'"? she asked.
Okay..... What ever floats ya goat
12:20am Apr 26 2012
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Posts: 5,578
Paihe froze. Again being a vampire she didn't bleed what so ever and yes that did include womanly issues too, "I just....I just....freak out. Yeah I freak out."
12:44am Apr 26 2012
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Posts: 4,656
"So do I quite frankly" she bit her lip.
Okay..... What ever floats ya goat