7:33pm Mar 25 2011
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Posts: 849
Xavier saw Kianas eyes and his widened a little bit. Sabastian nudged him and they walked over to the girls. "Hello ladies."Sabastian said politely.
7:59pm Mar 25 2011
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Posts: 12,418
Kiana looked away. "Hello."Ace said. She looked at Kiana. "Your eyes are blue again."She wispered to her. Kiana looked back around. "Sorry about that."Kiana smiled.
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8:03pm Mar 25 2011
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Posts: 849
" Im Sabastian and this dimwitt is Xavier"He chuckled when Xavier scowled "Nice to meet you"Sabastian finished. Xavier nodded his agreement looking at Ace then Kiana.
8:05pm Mar 25 2011
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"Hi, I'm Kiana."Kiana smiled. Her ice blue eyes sparkled a bit. Ace smirked. "I'm Ace. This is my step brother Penn."
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8:07pm Mar 25 2011
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Posts: 849
"PLeasure" Xavier said putting his hand through his wet hair.
8:12pm Mar 25 2011
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Posts: 12,418
Kiana smiled. Her smile faded as her stomach churned. "I-i'll be back."She said, running off. "She's probably not feeling good. Probably had a bad muffin this morning."Penn said.
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8:15pm Mar 25 2011 (last edited on 8:16pm Mar 25 2011)
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Posts: 849
Xavier watched her go off"Hope she'll be ok"He said softly. Sabastian nodded in agreement. He groaned slightly moving his wet bangs out of his face "Cant believe i fell for that" he grumbled.
8:21pm Mar 25 2011
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Posts: 12,418
Kiana came back, her eyes amber. "Kia, eyes."Ace said. "Oh who cares? I know I don't. They'll find out sooner or later Ace. It's been a while."Kiana whispered to Ace. Ace just sighed and nodded.
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8:23pm Mar 25 2011
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Posts: 849
Xavier saw kiana "You okay?" he asked. He saw her amber eyes and blinked. They were beautiful but he could of sword her eyes were blue when he first saw her. He looked at Sabastian who seemed to be wondering the same thing.
8:26pm Mar 25 2011
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Posts: 12,418
"Yeah."Kiana smiled. Her eyes went from amber to ice blue. Then back to Amber. It kept repeating. "Kia, don't shift right now."Ace whispered in her ear.
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8:28pm Mar 25 2011
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Posts: 849
Xavier rose an eyebrow slightly. Could she be? Maybe, no probably not. Probably just a medical thing but he wasnt so sure. It was possible but he hadnt seen another one of his kind in years.
8:31pm Mar 25 2011
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Posts: 12,418
"Too late Ace. It's happening again. Can't controle this stuff."Kiana whispered back. "Just cover me." Ace nodded. Kiana hid behind Ace and turned into a wolf. "Crud."Ace muttered.
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8:33pm Mar 25 2011
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Posts: 849
Xaviers eyes widened slightly. so she was a werewolf as he had thought before. Sabastian seemed perfectly calm. He kind of figured she was a werewolf,he could smell it and her eyes werent helping much either.
8:39pm Mar 25 2011
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Posts: 12,418
Kiana came out of hiding in her wolf form. Her amber eyes narrowed and looked over at Penn, who was supprised. he didn't believe in werewolves. Now he did. Ace sighed. She was a werewolf to, but she was able to controle her shifting.
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8:42pm Mar 25 2011
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Posts: 849
Sabastian and Xavier bot looked at Kiana. "So you are a werewolf."Sabastian said calmyly. Xavier looked at his brother then back at Kiana "I knew it" he muttered.
8:46pm Mar 25 2011
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Posts: 12,418
Ace sighed. "Me and Kiana are werewolves."She said. Penn's eyes widened. "Wow, couldn't tell your own step brother?"He asked. "Whatever Penn."Ace said.
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8:49pm Mar 25 2011
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Posts: 849
Sabastian smirked. "Me and Xavier are as well, havent learned of any others around here in a while. Its a shocker." he gave a small smile.
8:51pm Mar 25 2011
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Posts: 12,418
"Well, this isn't a small reserve. You won't meet much."Kiana said, switching back to human form. She fixed her hair and smiled. Penn walked away.
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8:54pm Mar 25 2011
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Posts: 849
Xavier smiled but it faded a little as he saw Penn walk away. i know hes probably upset Xavier thought to himself. Sabastian nodded at what she said.
4:23pm Mar 26 2011
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Posts: 12,418
"We're from a small reserve named Kilonsik. It's in South Carolina."Kiana said. (Fail)
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