12:08pm Mar 27 2011
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Posts: 849
Xavier looked at her"Ive heard of that place, a friend of mine is in that area. Were from a reserve called Aishiko in alaska but we recently came here."
4:38pm Mar 27 2011
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"Hmmm....."Ace said. "Kia, try not to switch anymore please. People were starting to stare. We can't blow our cover. Alex will be mad if we do." Kiana nodded. "Alex was our leader when we lived there. News travels fast I guess."
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7:29pm Mar 27 2011
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Posts: 849
Sabastian nodded in understandment "Our supposed leader name was Sphinx, he was ruthlesss and a mad killing machine, i was his right hand man but i couldnt take all his merciless kilings anymore. He alsmost killed Xavier". He said looking at his little brother.
7:45pm Mar 27 2011
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"Wow. Alex is my mom's boyfriend..... So it's kind of awkward. Since he can hear my thoughts about him when we're in wolf form."Kiana sighed. "It's only me and Ace basically. Me and her have an apartment together. Her brother lives with their mom."
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5:19pm Mar 28 2011 (last edited on 5:21pm Mar 28 2011)
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Posts: 849
"Yeah that is pretty ackward."Sabastian said shaking his head. "Me and Sabastian live together alone as well, our mother.....um....isnt with us anymore."He said seeing Xavier lower his gaze. His eyes became sadert but he didnt say anything.
8:13pm Mar 28 2011
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"I know how you feel. My dad. He was killed by a coven. A coven of vampires."Kiana said.
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9:17pm Mar 28 2011
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Posts: 849
Xavier winced slightly at the word. Sabasian nodded in understandment"Tragic thing."
8:40pm Mar 29 2011
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"Thank God that They went extinct."Ace smiled.
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1:30pm Mar 30 2011
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Posts: 849
Sabastian nodded and he looked over at Xavier who looked uncomfortable. "Hey X why dont you go for a walk, to calm your nerves eh?"He asked softly. Xavier looked at him and nodded with a small thanks and turned going back to the edge of the cliff to sit down.
7:44pm Mar 30 2011
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Posts: 849
(Im back)
7:56pm Mar 30 2011
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(Sorry, school.) Kiana sighed. "I'm going to go talk to him. Even if I don't know him much."She said.
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7:59pm Mar 30 2011
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Posts: 849
(Yeah i know i go to school too) Sabastian nodded "Hes just a little sensitive about that topic."He said seeing Xavier look down at the ground and fiddle with the gr*censored*.
8:05pm Mar 30 2011
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Kiana nodded and went to the cliff. She sat next to Xavier.
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8:06pm Mar 30 2011 (last edited on 8:37pm Mar 30 2011)
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Posts: 849
Xavier reverted his eyes to her then looked back down at the ground "Sorry"He murmured softly. He hated feeling weak like this, like he couldnt do anything or protect anyone. He felt uterly useless.
9:07am Mar 31 2011
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"You have nothing to be sorry for. I understand."Kiana said. She looked at him and sighed.
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1:17pm Mar 31 2011
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Posts: 849
He looked back at her "You do?"He asked.
10:48pm Mar 31 2011
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"Yes I do."Kiana smiled.
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8:39am Apr 1 2011
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Posts: 849
He smiled back and looked back down at the ground "Atleast someone besides Sabastian understands"
9:08am Apr 1 2011
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Posts: 12,418
"Ace understands to. She never had a mother or father. She had to go to five different foster homes."Kiana said.
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9:10am Apr 1 2011
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Posts: 849
He gave a sad look "I feel sorry for her. Me and Sabastian had to watch our parents die right infront of us." He said sadly.