5:05pm Dec 22 2010 (last edited on 5:05pm Dec 22 2010)
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"Hey, you feeling any better? What happened? You just fell!" multiple questions popped out of his mouth. Slow down, he commanded himself. "Are you ok?" ((epic fail))
5:09pm Dec 22 2010
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This exactly matched Mlle's visions. "I'm feeling better." She quickly answered the first question. "I forgot to eat breakfast, so I got weak," she came up with a lie to answer the second question. "Yep, I'm fine, bye." She walked towards the door and opened it. She had a small limp and her face was still red from the nurse's explaining.
Love is all we need~
9:08am Dec 23 2010
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"Here, let me help you." the boy offered. Before waiting for a response, he wrapped his arms around her and helped her walk. Confused by his sudden outgoingness, he continued to carry more than half of her weight. "Where to?" he asked. His eyesight, which he wasn't worried about until then, continued to dim. Everything was a blur, the hallways and doors looked like shadows and he could no longer see detail in anything. He would have to drop her off to where she wanted to go then check it out. Everything he knew about himself was changing, his fitness, his sight, his smell. He didn't even think about smell until then, but he could still smell the nurse's perfume as if she was standing right beside them. Something wasn't right, yet he couldn't quite put a finger on it. The blur continued to get worse and he wondered if he would make it to where the girl needed to go without raising suspision.
11:03am Dec 23 2010
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Mlle felt that something was wrong. "Just let me go," she said wiggling out of his grasp. "I'm happy that you want to help and all, but I'm not frail or weak. I'm stronger than most people, maybe even you." She sighed and thought about what she was feeling. She kinda wanted help from Hunter, but she didn't want help at the same time. "I've gotta go." She walked down the hall and glanced back at Hunter to see if he was okay.
Love is all we need~
11:24am Dec 23 2010 (last edited on 11:25am Dec 23 2010)
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Stunned by her reaction, he let her go. He watched her walk away from her with sad, blury eyes. Realizing his eyesight again he walked into a nearby restroom. Above the sink was a single, tiny mirror. He looked into the reflection at his tired, weary face. He took a closer look into his eyes and put his fingers on a contact lense and moved it around. That didn't help. Sighing, he took out his left contact and examined his eye. Funny, he could see perfectly out of his left eye. Curious, he took out the remaining contact. Looking around the room, he saw everything in perfect detail. He walked out of the room with a smile on his face.
11:37am Dec 23 2010 (last edited on 11:37am Dec 23 2010)
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Mlle frowned and sat up against a wall. She didn't want to go to her next cl*censored*. She didn't want to get up. Hot tears formed in her eyes. She wanted to go home, to get out of here. Hunter was nice to her, the only one that had ever been nice to her, and she just blew him off. Swatted him off of her shoulder like a fruit fly. Her head hurt now, still high on the smell of the nurse's perfume. She walked to the library and began to read.
Love is all we need~
11:42am Dec 23 2010 (last edited on 11:42am Dec 23 2010)
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On his way to his next cl@ss, Hunter spotted Mlle through the huge gl@ss windowed doors of the library. Obvously skipping her next period, Mlle sat there reading. Hunter sighed and walked into the library and stood by the seat next to Mlle. "Is this seat taken?" a goofy grin spreading on his face.
12:05pm Dec 23 2010
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Mlle looked at Hunter. "No," she sighed. She couldn't help but smile back, something unusual for her. Flicking some of her hair over her shoulder, Mlle looked back at her book and read silently. She couldn't help but steal sideways glances over at Hunter. He wasn't like others, she could tell. She didn't want to interrogate him about it, but she wanted to know what was up with him. He used to be one of the least athletic people in his p.e. cl*censored*, and now he was running at the top of the pack. They seemed to be, well the same in some perspective. Then, it hit her. He wasn't normal. The exact same thing had happened to Mlle, the strange air, the abnormal athletic abilities, the changes. She couldn't be sure, so she quickly dismissed the thought as paranoia.
Love is all we need~
12:09pm Dec 23 2010
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"What'cha reading?" he asked, tilting his head to one side. The words came out before he thought, usually it took him time to say one word to a girl. Although a lot of changes had happened to him so he didn't give it a second thought.
12:17pm Dec 23 2010 (last edited on 12:18pm Dec 23 2010)
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"Year of the Dragon by Robert Daley," Mlle answered quickly. She looked up at him. "Did you come here to read, because I can find you a book. My mom made me basically memorize the catalog." She smiled. Gosh what was up with her smiling? Usually Mlle's feelings were hidden behind a cold, hard glare. Her mom was sitting behind her desk, absorbed in a very large book.
Love is all we need~
12:22pm Dec 23 2010
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"Sure, I haven't read a good book in a while." he replied with a smile. Maybe there was a kind, loving person behind that girl that pretended to be cold and heartless. Maybe she was more like him than he thought.
12:30pm Dec 23 2010 (last edited on 12:30pm Dec 23 2010)
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"What's your genre?" Mlle asked. She hoped that he wouldn't be suspicious of how there was an unnamed isle that had the books that she liked on it. Over half of the books on her isle were about dragons. She quickly wiped the smile off of her face.
Love is all we need~
12:36pm Dec 23 2010
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"I like a good novel...fantasy, or something like that. Maybe something medevil....I don't care, just as long as it's fiction. I hate informational books." He went over to one of the shelves and started searching through them. It seemed they were mostly about dragons. He grabbed one of the books. "This seems good." On the cover was a huge golden dragon who stood protectivly over a young child. On the left was a black dragon blowing fire at the gold dragon, claws grasping for the kid. The ti tle was in huge, curly, black letters; PROTECTOR. He turned it over to read the summary on the back.
12:40pm Dec 23 2010
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Mlle frowned, he had gone to her isle. "That one's a good book." Her mom glanced up from her book. "I see you've found Mlle's isle," Jamie said happily. "You like dragons too?" Mlle sighed and gave her mom an angry look. Her mom looked back and sat back down, burying her nose in her thick book again.
Love is all we need~
12:45pm Dec 23 2010
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"Yea, I love dragons. Everyone makes 'em out to be bad, fierce creatures, but I believe, if they were alive, that they wouldn't be any more evil than humans. Even though they aren't real, I love the topic and to read about them. There are so many theories..." He looked up from the book and walked over to the check-out computer. Using years of practice, he quickly scanned the book and put it under his name.
1:11pm Dec 23 2010
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Posts: 6,409
Mlle snuck out of the library and walked into the girl's bathroom. Her head was spinning again, but she didn't have a vision. This was weird. ((braindead.))
Love is all we need~
1:18pm Dec 23 2010
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Posts: 2,895
((maybe it's high-time Hunter shifts)) Hunter was about to go after her but his head was spinning too. Pain erupted from every part of his body. He no longer had control. He cried out in pain as he felt his skin stretch and the inside of him started to change. He doubled over in pain and he cried out again. This was unlike any other pain he had ever felt. He could no longer see, tears filled his eyes and spilled down his cheeks. He gripped onto the back of a chair for support. This day couldn't get any weirder, could it?
1:57pm Dec 23 2010
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Mlle ran from the bathroom hearing Hunter's cries. Her mom, Jamie, sat in the corner freaking out. Mlle entered the library and saw Hunter. It was happening. She knew one thing that made her stop shifting when she was younger. Her mom had hugged her and it stopped her once before. She thought it was worth a try. Mlle ran over to Hunter and wrapped her arms around him.
Love is all we need~
2:05pm Dec 23 2010 (last edited on 2:05pm Dec 23 2010)
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When Mlle hugged Hunter, the attack seemed to lessen. Without warning it picked up again, he continued to groan and cry out. The tears started to come again and there was nothing he could do about it. A voice entered his head, saying something in a hissing voice. "The truth must come out. Stop hiding and face it like a man. You can't hide any longer my leige" it chuckled then continued to repeat "The truth must come out." Panic entered Hunter as his body started to transform into a gold, scaley creature. Wings popped out of his back and it felt as if his body was running on fire instead of blood. Soon he was all dragon, no trace that he was ever human. He closed his eyes, sensing that it was over and fell to the floor.
1:51am Jan 1 2011
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Mlle pulled away, sensing that it didn't work. Her face was red with anger and sorrow. She hated see her friends, or in this case, people similar to her be in pain. She felt the urge to transform herself, her body longing for the fiery sensation within her dragon form. "M-Mom, pull down the shades." She managed to choke out a short sentence. Her head was still throbbing. She always seemed to see the useless stuff in her visions, not the interesting stuff or the important stuff; example... Hunter changing. Jamie nodded and pulled down all of the shades in the library, completely blocking out the sunlight. "What do I do now?" Jamie's voice was nervous and comforting at the same time. "I'm not sure," Mlle said trying not to bust out into tears. The two feelings that she hated happened to her in one day: the feeling that she was weak, and the feeling of not knowing what to do.
Love is all we need~