11:04pm Jan 1 2011
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Instead of the pain he was expecting to have continued, after the transformation he felt relief. His body seemed to have relaxed, as if his other form had been bottled up ever since he was born. The dragon-boy collapsed onto the floor, numb with the fact of what he was and that the pain was gone. He was a freak. There was no other word that came to his mind. Then he remembered the voice in his head. He could almost hear it hissing "The truth must come out." It was unlike any voice he had ever heard, like a serpent almost. He wondered what it meant when it said "my leige". The boy looked down at himself with wide eyes. I have surely gone mad. he thought to himself, Mlle is probably staring at me, and I'm still human, and wondering why I was screaming. They are surely going to send me to a mad house.
4:35am Jan 4 2011
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8:50pm Jan 7 2011
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10:00am Jan 10 2011 (last edited on 10:00am Jan 10 2011)
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Mlle sighed and sat down. She fought back tears that were piling up at the back of her eyes. Gosh she hated seeing her friends in pain. That's why she was so cold most of the time, to hide the fact that she's sensitive. She rubbed Hunter's now scaly back. Jamie sat in her desk and picked up the phone. Mlle immediately stopped her. "Do not call anyone," Mlle said. Jamie nodded and gulped. "Remember what happened with me? They thought you were nuts." Jamie looked down and placed the phone back onto the counter. "Now, we wait," Mlle said. The best thing to do was wait. She couldn't move him. For goodness sake, he was ten times the size of her now!
Love is all we need~
8:57pm Jan 10 2011 (last edited on 8:58pm Jan 10 2011)
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The pain started again. He could feel the bones and organs inside his body shift and transform. This time he knew what to expect and gritted his teeth while morphing. Slowly and painfully, he transformed back into a human. His tattered clothes hung loosly on him from being stretched. Thankfully, he was wearing his adopted dad's shorts that were a couple sizes too big for gym so they fit back into place after being in his dragon form. After the transformation was complete, Hunter collapsed.
9:15pm Jan 10 2011
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Mlle nodded at her mom. Jamie picked up the phone and called her husband, Luke. "It happened with a boy," is all Jamie said for Luke to understand. There were a few disbelieving shouts on the phone before she hung up. A few minutes later, Luke was in the library. He lifted Hunter from the ground and towed him into his car. Mlle tagged along behind, her father understood that she needed to explain things to Hunter.
Love is all we need~
9:50pm Jan 10 2011
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Love is all we need~
5:04am Jan 12 2011
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Hunter struggled at first, but soon gave up against Luke. The man was stronger than he looked. He tried to ask Luke questions about what happened, Hunter already knew the man was in on it. When he didn't get any answers he thought, I'll get them out of him one way or another. Surprised at his evil thoughts, he stared wide-eyed and didn't say another word.
6:09pm Jan 12 2011
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Luke sat Hunter in the back seat of the car. Mlle climbed in beside him. She didn't say a word. There was no telling who was listening right now. They had come after her before, the scientists. Her mom had to give her a completely new name and they had to dye her hair for a year until the scientists gave up. Now, she was back to being her normal self, and didn't plan on losing that privilege. Luke got into the front seat of his Suburban and sped away, tires screeching and the air reaked of burned rubber.
Love is all we need~
9:08pm Jan 12 2011
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While on the road, a strange thought occured to Hunter, what if they were going to kidnap him to do experiments on him. Suddenly frightened, the boy punched the car window and shattered it thanks to his new-found strength. Hurridly Hunter squeezed himself out of the hole, getting a few cuts and scrapes. Someone grabbed his leg, trying to pull him inside. He didn't dare look back, and he freed himself of the hand and stumbled out onto the road. That fall would have left him pretty hurt and he was surprised that the most he had was a small gash on his forehead. Wiping his face with the back of his hand, he stood up and ran as fast as he could.
9:44pm Jan 12 2011
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Luke slammed on the breaks. "Hunter! What the heck are you doing," Mlle yelled after him while getting out of the suburban. Luke opened his car door and jumped out, running after Hunter; however, Mlle was faster so she pulled ahead and tackled him. She had been a shifter for a while, so she was still a bit more experienced than Hunter, although his powers seemed to be coming faster and faster.
Love is all we need~
10:05pm Jan 12 2011
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"Let. Me. Go!" he yelled as Mlle tackled him. He tried several failed attempts to pull her off of him then finally gave up. "What do you want from me? What did I ever do to you?!?" ((Fail DX))
10:11pm Jan 12 2011
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"Would you please let me explain. I'm like you." Mlle held him down with all her might. "Get up." Her voice was aggitated now. "Don't just think that everyone's a bad guy." She brushed off her shoulders and offered him a hand after getting off of him. Luke finally caught up to them and was startled to find his daughter toppled ontop of Hunter and then see her gently and gracefully get up.
Love is all we need~
10:28pm Jan 12 2011
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"You can not trust anybody, I learned that the hard way. First mistake I made was trusting you, thinking you were different. But you know what, you are no better than my 'parents'." he replied harshly, "No way am I ever making that mistake again."
10:39pm Jan 12 2011
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"Do you want me to shift in this d-," She stopped herself from cussing, only to find herself going through the rapid changes of shifting. Her mouth elongated, feet got bigger, back elongated, skin stretched, and many more uncomfortable things happened. She closed her eyes and bit her tongue to keep from crying out. "There, now do you trust me?" Mlle's voice was a bit deeper, due to her being completely in her dragon form. "Now how do you expect we get home. I'm just going to have to wait in this alley until I change back." Luke looked at Hunter madly.
Love is all we need~
11:09am Jan 13 2011
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"We?" You think we are going home together?" he said loudly, "No way! I'm going someplace where I'll never be found, by myself." Without warning a burst of pain erupted in his back, Hunter cried out and doubled over. He bit his lip so he wouldn't yell again as he slowly transformed into a golden dragon. Small animals gathered around them chanting something. He listened a little more closely to them and caught a few conversations. "He has returned." "The dragon-shifters are not extinct!" "The Golden Dragon returns" "I told you he didn't leave us!" He looked to the others for an explanation, it seemed no one could hear the voices except him.
10:03pm Jan 13 2011 (last edited on 10:03pm Jan 13 2011)
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Mlle had a pretty good idea of what the animals were saying, but she couldn't hear them herself. "You idiot, do you want to get yourself killed?" Mlle snarled, her white teeth showing from underneath her jet black lips. "I'll teach you how to control this. Do you think that I would hurt you? I almost cried over you. You have no clue how long I've dealt with this secret." Luke walked away, sensing that Mlle's anger was heating up and that her fuse was slowly burning out; that meant that a fight was coming on.
Love is all we need~
6:32am Jan 14 2011 (last edited on 6:26pm Jan 14 2011)
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"Listen here. I didn't ask for this and I'm pretty sure you didn't either, but how do I know you wont turn me in for profit? Huh? As I said before you can't trust anyone." he replied, moving his hands apart horizontally. The ground started to runmble and shake. The animals were long gone now but a few were watching in trees. Hunter jumped back as the ground opened up a few feet from him. After the ground stopped moving he asked in a shakey voice, "What just happened?"
8:43pm Jan 14 2011
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"Listen, you're the person that's been the closest to me in years. Why would I turn you in for profit? I don't need the money. How do I know you won't turn me in for profit?" She looked at the ground, just noticing that it had shaken and that it had torn apart. She didn't realize it because of her anger. When Mlle's angry, the whole world seems like it's shaking to her. "I don't know," she said answering his last question.
Love is all we need~
10:44pm Jan 14 2011
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"What's happening to me?" he asked faintly, more to himself than to anyone. Eyes wide with fear he stared at the ground were it opened up and didn't say another word. ((epic fail DX))