10:47pm Jan 14 2011
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"You're new to this, you're basically an emotionally unstable, teenage boy." Mlle smirked and laughed. "Did you do that?" Mlle gestured to the ground. ((Epic fail.))
Love is all we need~
10:55pm Jan 14 2011
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"Thanks." he said sarcastically, then with a crooked smile he replied, "Yea, I think I did!" By that time the animals were back, one in particular stood out to Hunter. It was a large winged creature that had the head of an eagle and the body of a lion, its feet were that of a birds too. It craned its head down to get a better look at Hunter and stared him right in the eye when he said, Come, there is much to do and not much time. Hop on my back, I doubt you can fly well enough to make the long journey. Tell Mlle she is welcome upon my back if she wishes but she may fly along besides us if she wishes. Hunter repeated what the griffion said to Mlle as he awkwardly clambered upon the beasts back.
10:57pm Jan 14 2011
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"I'll fly," Mlle said. She tuned in her mind reading, which she had turned off for a while, due to her not wanting to hear Molly's inner thoughts. ((Fail.))
Love is all we need~
11:02pm Jan 14 2011
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With haste the huge creature took off into the sky. At first Hunter had a hard time staying on the beast and he fell, the griffion caught him with his claw and helped him back up. After that incident, however, he seemed to be doing pretty well. He tightened his grip on the animal and held on for dear life. He started to laugh as the thought of flying finnally sunk in.
11:06pm Jan 14 2011
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Mlle flapped her powerful black wings, letting them take her high into the sky. "Ask it where we're going." Mlle looked at Hunter and smiled, her pointy dragon teeth peeking out from underneath her gums as she flew and did a deathroll in midair. She didn't know what was going on, but she had seen several griffons before. She had also seen pegasuses and other mythological creatures. One time, she even wondered if vampires existed.
Love is all we need~
11:10pm Jan 14 2011
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Before Hunter even had the chance to say anything to him the beast spoke to him. Tell her: of course vampires exist, we are going to Velsimur, and don't be surprised that animals like me have powers too. Hunter repeated the message to Mlle.
11:13pm Jan 14 2011
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"Okay, should I be freaked out that that thing can read my mind?" Mlle glided on air for a while and looked worried. She wasn't used to being readed. She was normally the one that read others. "And I thought that there were people around me that were always different, I had my suspicions." She wondered how long the trip would be and if she should've told Luke and Jamie. They were probably freaking out over her right now, wondering where she was.
Love is all we need~
11:20pm Jan 14 2011 (last edited on 11:21pm Jan 14 2011)
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Tell her that if she is so worried I'll get my best news-bird, Gyelifua, to send a message to Luke and Jamie. I'll send one for your step-parents too if you want. No that's all right, they won't miss me anyway. They won't even notice I'm gone. I'm sure thats not true. It is. Listen, they only did what they did to you because they knew about you and your gifts, they were scared of you. Take pitty on them, at least let them know that you are safe. Fine, send someone for them but don't, under any circumstances, tell them where I am. Deal. "He says he can send someone to tell Luke and Jamie where you are, if you like."
12:05pm Jan 15 2011
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"Tell him yes. My parents don't need to send police after me. I already get in enough trouble." Mlle looked down at earth and wondered when they would get there. She was starting to tire out and her sharp talons where beginning to feel heavier. When she was worried about something or someone, such as Hunter, she isn't as into flying as she normally is.
Love is all we need~
1:16am Jan 16 2011
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Before Hunter could say a word, the beast sent out a shrill call. Answering the call came a large hawk. Its head bobbed up and down, letting the griffion know that he knew what the creature wanted before darting off into the distance to tell the two sets of parents about their adopted children. ((Epic Fail. DX))
10:09pm Jan 16 2011
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"So I guess you can talk to animals, huh?" She looked at Hunter and smirked. "I can read minds, but I choose not to most of the time. I sorta have to concentrate on a person to read their thoughts." Mlle looked off into the distance and noticed some ominous clouds. They looked like storm clouds.
Love is all we need~
9:11pm Jan 17 2011
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Love is all we need~
4:42am Jan 18 2011
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"Seems that way." Hunter replied absentmindedly staring at a cloud, he seemed to be staring right through it, not really seeing what was there. Suddenly Hunter felt the beast drop and it brought him back to reality. The creature landed with a thud on the very edge of an island, just making it on the beach. Where are we? Hunter asked Aysoli. Taking a look around the island he could see mysterious creatures roaming about, some so huge that they shook the earth when they walked. Some looked like the griffion in front of him while others resembled other creatures from fairy-tales he read as a kid. The rest he didn't reconize. It was amazing what he could see there from the beach shore and Hunter wandered what other crazy creatures lurked in the forests.
3:49pm Jan 18 2011
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Mlle dropped downward, landing beside the griffon. "Aysoli," Mlle whispered, knowing the island due to the strange creatures. She saw one in particular that she had sworn to others that she saw; a pegasus. When Mlle was little, she got lost in the woods at night and came across a horse. The horse looked at her curiously and watched her. Mlle was so overjoyed to see a living creature, that when she was running towards it, she tripped and fell, hitting her head on a rock and p*censored*ing out. When she woke up the next morning, she was in her own bed. She thought it was only a dream, until now.
Love is all we need~
9:24am Jan 29 2011
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Vertru is expecting you, child. Best not keep him waiting, he was a good friend of your fathers'. You know my father!?! Where is he? Can I see him? Is he ok? He p*censored*ed away the other night, I'm sorry. Hunters face dropped at the news, his eyes filling up with tears that threatened to fall. He never knew his father and now he never will. Don't be sad, you will see him again. Many believe, including your father, that their is another life after this one, the next one is eternal. I do not know the exact details about it but, your father was never wrong, doubt he is this time. Hunter smiled at this and continued to walk directly into the mysterious forest, the griffon following slowly at his heels. ((sorry I didn't post for a while, my computer was down and the internet wouldn't work.))
9:41pm Jan 29 2011
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7:42pm Jun 15 2011
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2:58pm Jun 20 2011
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Mlle looked at the mysterious griffin, and sighed. She was still in her dragon form, and her eyes darted around, examining all of the mythical creatures. She looked over at Hunter, and sighed. He would never know his father. She shook her head, and kept following Hunter and the griffin. She was scared around all of these things that she had been told weren't real. She wanted to take pictures, to prove to everyone that they were real. However, she held back the urge. The creatures would be none too happy about their newfound paparazzi.
Love is all we need~