Adrian lifted his chin. What was wrong with the man? Was he unaware that in this tavern at least it was normal to witness demons, elves, and others alike? He was unsure, however this guy remained awfully quiet and it was made apparent that he dis liked being looked upon by strangers by the adjusting of the hood.
"Ya know, no one is going to kill you, Mary over here makes sure this is a death free zone, has done for a while." Folding his arms the wound started to singe at the edges; the healing process had begun.
The cub made a whining noise followed by a braking as she looked agitatedly at the door. Following shortly after a well built tanned man with platinum hair burst in through the entrance, panting as he remained leaning on the door. "Something is happening outside." He said out of breath. Many men and women ran to the opening and out side followed by a scream.
Startled, Adrian had stood and knocked the stool over. "What the hell is happening now?" He groaned rather frustrated.