{Demons} Pandora's Law {Small group}

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1:45am Dec 13 2011

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Posts: 434
Leo tried not to stare as she saw one of the men at the bar dip a piece of cloth into his drink and then press it against his wound. Was this place some sort of make-shift hospital that she was unaware of? The whole scene struck her as very strange, stranger still because the man was a demon. Then again, that in itself wasn't so very odd. Although the gigantic dog- no, wolf- he had certainly was. Seemed like an.. interesting character, to say the least. She wondered vaguely if he was there with the demon next to him, especially after she noticed the two exchange glances. This was certainly a more diverse crowd than she was used to. Without any further hesitation, she stepped up to the bar, a little distance from the two demons, but not actually separated by any people. She flagged down the busy woman behind the bar.

"Excuse me, could I get a bowl of stew and an ale at my table?" She asked evenly, with a vague gesture towards where she'd been sitting and perhaps even a touch of sympathy for this person. Her job was by no means easy.. and it certainly seemed like her patrons weren't making it any easier. And perhaps, deep down, Leokadia knew that she could never be happy living such a domestic life, and so felt bad for her without really realizing. Then again, most people didn't chose to seek to work as a hired blade either. She honestly didn't know why not.

[No sig right now, move alone.]

4:58am Dec 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 434
(( Bump o3o;. Is it, um, Graveyard's post? ))

[No sig right now, move alone.]

5:41am Dec 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,426
((I didn't know we were taking turns. xD; I don't really have much to post about.))

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

1:47pm Dec 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 736
(( We weren't ^^'))

Finally placing the cloth on the bar, glares where recived from the bar keeper. With a raised eye-brom he scratched the scalp at the base of his right horn. 
Bored, the demon glanced over to the demon whom had just been looking at him. This was the second time he had sensed being looked at by the stranger, and thought to investigate. The glass of milk his fellow demon was fondling still had some of the white liquid resting the the bottom. 
Peering at the glass cracks originated from the fingertips that where briefly touching it. He snickered. "Might want to loosen your grip there?" He said amused.

((fail, but hey.))

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

9:35pm Dec 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,426
((Gives me something to reply to, at least. XD))

Belial tensed when the demon beside him looked at him, their eyes locking briefly. When the other spoke, Belial blinked a few times, his eyes growing wide. Loosen... his grip? At first, there was obvious confusion in his ex
pression, before he realized what the other was saying. A slight crack caused his ears to swivel towards his front, and he turned his attention back to his cracking glass.

He quickly set it down, stared at it for a moment, then let out a relieved sigh. Another few moments and he might have shattered it in his hand. He glanced at his hand then, frowning slightly. It appeared he still didn't know the full extent of his subconscious strength. His fingers were as delicate as a human female's, but there was now the raw power of a demon behind it.

He glanced back over at the demon, nodding his thanks without turning his head. Belial supposed he'd been caught in his staring, and absently brought his hand up to his hood to pull it forward slightly. Usually it hid his eyes better than it had.

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

11:36am Dec 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 736
Adrian lifted his chin. What was wrong with the man? Was he unaware that in this tavern at least it was normal to witness demons, elves, and others alike? He was unsure, however this guy remained awfully quiet and it was made apparent that he dis liked being looked upon by strangers by the adjusting of the hood.
"Ya know, no one is going to kill you, Mary over here makes sure this is a death free zone, has done for a while." Folding his arms the wound started to singe at the edges; the healing process had begun. 
The cub made a whining noise followed by a braking as she looked agitatedly at the door. Following shortly after a well built tanned man with platinum hair burst in through the entrance, panting as he remained leaning on the door. "Something is happening outside." He said out of breath. Many men and women ran to the opening and out side followed by a scream. 
Startled, Adrian had stood and knocked the stool over. "What the hell is happening now?" He groaned rather frustrated.

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois
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