6:04pm Jun 12 2012
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Yes. Not an especially fancy ti tle, but my brain is lacking on epic ti tle-ness lately...
Plot = Human and Shapeshifter War
So, you're roleplaying as a male shapeshifter. I'm roleplaying as a female human.
Bios or no?
Love is all we need~
6:08pm Jun 12 2012
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Acheron is male... so yea. And definately bios. Acheron has lots of detail~
We can make our own.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:12pm Jun 12 2012
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Name: |Acheron Styxx|
Nickname(s) : |Ash|
Age: |Eighteen|
Gender: |Male|
Species: |Shapeshifter|
Powers: |Acheron can shapeshift into six animals. Two land; Clouded Leopard and Maned Wolf. Two air; Harpy Eagle and Barn Owl. Two water; Thresher Shark and Saltwater Crocodile. Because of the colour of his hair, all his forms have a crimson tint to their fur/ feathers/ scales. Though some have more of a tint than others.|
Appearance: |Acheron has dark green eyes like the colour of weathered jade with veins of gold around his pupils. His hair colour -- as seen below -- is a dark crimson and very long in the back. He has to braid it slightly for it to be manageable. He is rather tall, standing at six foot even, if he is not wearing shoes. With sneakers on, his height increases by about an inch. Acheron is very lean; not overly muscular. But lean. He is also wiry and quick of movement despite his tall frame. Acheron is 155 lbs, but none of it is fat. Although you can't see this in the picture below, Acheron wears pretty comfortable Wrangler jeans that allow a lot of movement. The jeans are a faded blue with worn knees. He also wears black Nike sneakers. Acheron also has certain features that have been changed or added to his appearance. He has feathers in his hair and soft, downy ones on his cheek bones. Scales cover his lower forearms and hands as the nails on his fingers curve out into claws. And his canines are slightly longer and sharper than the average person's. [ tle="" target="">X] |
Personality: |How to describe Acheron's personality... Well, if it could be summed up in a few words, it would be aggressive when the time calls, very protective of anything he cherishes, and extremely silent unless he has something he needs to share with somebody. But that just scratches the surface of Acheron. He is more complex than most people. Probably more complex than anybody he knows that is because he is constantly keeping secrets. Secrets about his past which he refuses to mention, about his family, and about himself. Though, once somebody does break that hard outer shell he has, they will find a very different person beneath. Acheron has a kind heart and an urge to please anybody he is loyal to. But that does not make him a pushover. He is head strong and won't do something he is not comfortable doing.|
Other: |None|
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:38pm Jun 12 2012
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Name: Layla Crosse Age: Seventeen, almost eighteen. Gender: Female Species: Human Appearance: Layla stands at a formidable 5'8", with long legs making up most of her height. She's quite curvy, but her figure is athletic. Her skin is nicely tanned, and her hair is a dark, dark blue black color and travels down to her mid-back in nice waves. She has bangs that swoop to the side, and they occasionally cover up her light, husky blue eyes. Her hands and feet are an average size and narrow, her fingers being long and slender. She has no visible scars or tattoos, and only one piercing in each ear. She prefers to wear dark, form-fitting clothes that don't flutter about when she runs or moves, and she hardly ever wears shoes. Personality: Layla is quiet around humans at first, and can come off as a bit shy. However, she can open herself up around animals, which sometimes reveal themselves to be shifters. She lives in a home that is rather impartial in the war with the shifters, but her parents are both leaning more towards the humans. When she gets to know people more, she becomes quite social and caring. She has a strong maternal nature with animals, but she isn't quite sure what to do around children. She doesn't like violence all that much, and she will help almost anyone that's injured. This can lead to her either making a new friend or to her getting hurt. History: An average human history. She grew up in an average household, went to an average school, made good grades, all that stuff. Other: No.
Love is all we need~
6:43pm Jun 12 2012
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Posts: 5,310
Nice character. I like her history. ^^
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:49pm Jun 12 2012
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Ooc:// Yep. Her history isn't the over-used sob story one. Those irk me. e.e They're used way too frequently.
Anyways, would you like to start, or would you prefer it if I started?
Love is all we need~
6:52pm Jun 12 2012
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I try not to use sob stories. I just have dark histories for my characters. I think the darkest one is for my character Ariskye Siome... I can't make a happy-go-lucky one if I tried. Its just not my style.
Can you? I have a few roleplays to reply to.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:55pm Jun 12 2012
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Ooc:// Sure. Just give me a few minutes.
Love is all we need~
7:08pm Jun 12 2012
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Layla's home was a modest one, but she would never choose to have another one. Being an only child, she had been treated as a normal child would, unlike the majority of only children, who were spoiled to the core like rotten milk. She looked down at the page in front of her, and sighed. Summer assignments were no fun at all, she thought. Though she enjoyed reading, she wanted to read what she liked to read- action novels, horror novels, and the like.
After trying to get through the first few paragraphs of the packet, she angrily pushed it aside and moved towards the chair that sat on the windowbench that sat in front of the the window in her room, which was upstairs. The cushion was soft, but the fabric was worn. She'd lived in this home all of her life, and the thought of moving out in the near future to go to a college scared her a bit. She'd have to live in a dorm her freshman year, and have a roomate, which also sounded apalling.
She hated the thought of having to live in a space with someone who wasn't family, a good friend, or a husband, which she didn't have. She sighed as she looked onto the woods that surrounded their house. The worst thing about living this far out was that animals and shifters alike seemed to pass through at all hours of the night. Owls would hoot and wake her. Wolves would howl and startle her. She'd even had a particularly stupid night bird fly straight into her window one night, making her fall straight out of her bed as she scrambled to get as far away from the window as possible.
She kept several stray dogs fed nearby, but didn't have any pets- her parent's wouldn't allow her to have a pet, saying that it would take up too much of the time that could be spent studying or doing chores. But that was okay. Layla just enjoyed being around animals, though some of their night-time behaviors were unconvenient to her. While she was fully awake, a snarling dog wouldn't scare her all that much. But being woken up to the sounds of night animals was something that would scare even the most seasoned woodsmen.
She readjusted her black shirt, and blinked her eyes a few times, the mid-morning sun reflecting off of the bright blue orbs. Some people had wondered if she was a husky shifter, due to her strange eyes, but she would deny it and move on, though she would sometimes wonder what it would be like to see the world through the eyes of an animal.
Crinkling her nose at the smell of burning eggs wafting up the stairwell from the first floor, Layla sighed as she heard the smoke detector beep a few times, and be dismembered by her father, whom she guessed was whacking at the thing with a broomstick. Her family was crazy, but she had to love them. They wouldn't fully take sides in the crazy war that was going on, and neither would she.
Love is all we need~
8:04pm Jun 12 2012
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This war was stupid.
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
Why would shapeshifters feel the need to attack humans and vice versa? It made no sense.
Though, he was now running for his life as a few humans followed hot on his heels. Caught in his human form, he had to shift -- right in front of them -- to get away. The form he had chosen was that of a Maned Wolf. His long legs carried him through the forest with surprising speed. But that did not deter the humans.
Panting as he ran, he glanced behind him and barely had time to dodge as one of them fired a bullet straight at him. The projectile grazed against his shoulder. He howled in pain and veered off, going further into forest.
Or so he hoped.
Then he realized he ran right into somebody else's back yard. Sliding to a stop, his ears flattened against his skull and his tail curled between his legs; jade eyes widening. He turned towards the gun-wielding humans as they emerged behind him. Curling his lips into a snarl, he bared his teeth as his hackles rose; fluffing up his fur in an attempt to make him look bigger than he really was.
He also favourited the leg whose shoulder had been shot.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:03pm Jun 12 2012
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Layla was just about to go downstairs to see how big of a hole her father had thwacked into the smoke alarm when she heard a noise that was much louder than the thwack of the broom on the beeping device. That noise was distinct. Her bright blue eyes widened, and she waited a few seconds.
Perhaps it was a hunter. If she heard no more gunshots, she wouldn't go investigate. Though no more gunshots sounded, she saw something break into the clearing of her back yard. It was a maned wolf, she recognized. She knew quite a bit about the animals, and they were among one of her favorites. She knew that it had to be a shifter, though, due to that particular species of animal not being native to the area that she lived in.
Her parents were out in the yard before she could even make it half-way down the stairs.
She hopped over the railing of the stairs, landing nimbly only a few steps away from the bottom floor. Her black hair flew behind her in a flurry of waves, looking like an ocean of black gold. She ran through the living room, flew through the hallway, and busted out of the back door right into the back yard, just in time to see her father pointing a gun at one of the humans, and her mom holding a gargantuan butcher knife. So it seemed that her mother was the one preparing breakfast, and not her father.
Either way, she didn't pay them too much attention. It had been a while since a situation like this had happened, but it wasn't unusual. She looked to the humans. Nobody was injured. Her eyes drifted to the lone maned wolf. Though his coat was near the color of blood, she spotted a dark wet spot on one of his shoulders. Logic told her that it was not water or saliva. Her instinct to help began to activate.
Now, Layla wouldn't normally do what she was about to do for any normal person, but, seeing as the humans still had their guns pointed at the shifter, and due to the fact that she knew that they wouldn't shoot a human, or at least she hoped that they wouldn't shoot a human, she literally threw herself in front of the maned wolf. If the shifter had any sense, she thought, it would realize that she was trying to help, and it wouldn't attack her. Hopefully.
She was the first one to speak. "There is to be no fighting on our territory. We are neutral in the war. Anyone with evil intentions must leave."
Her father then spoke up and said, "Though we are neutral in the war, you have weapons on our property, and we will not hesitate to eliminate any threats." Almost as if to emphasize his words, his wife's knife glinted brightly in the sun.
Love is all we need~
10:25pm Jun 12 2012
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Acheron's jade eyes had been glued onto the men with the guns. He didn't notice three other humans join him until a girl literally threw herself in front of him. His ears flicked forwards and his lips covered his teeth while he back up in surprised. Granted, he limped a little.
The men opposing the family scowled, but lowered their weapons. But they did not remove their eyes from him. Finally, they turned away muttering a threatening, "We'll be back," before stalking off into the woods.
Seeing his chance to slip off, Acheron did so. But he didn't make it very far. In fact, just has he was about half-way to the edge of their property, he stumbled on his bad leg. Yelping in pain as he went down.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:04pm Jun 12 2012
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Layla's mother spoke up. "When you come back, we'll still be here!" She waved her butcher knife in the air for extra emphasis, the edge of the blade glinting dangerously in the sun. Yep. Layla's family was officially crazy. She let out a light laugh and turned around to look for the maned wolf. Her father put the gun into his belt.
The black-haired girl was startled when she saw that the wolf wasn't there anymore. She was distracted from her searching when she heard a pained yelp, and she turned her head quickly toward the noise, her eyes searching the clearing furiously for any signs of life.
She saw the wolf go down on the ground, and she almost thought that someone had shot him again. However, there were no gunshots, so that was impossible. She moved forward toward the injured animal, trying to seem non-threatening.
She squatted down to get near eye-level with the maned wolf and said, "I won't hurt you. Our home is a safehouse for both humans and shifters. Can I look at your wound more closely?" She wouldn't have spoken that much if the shifter before her had been in human form, but she found herself almost forgetting that he was a shifter at the moment.
Love is all we need~
11:23pm Jun 12 2012
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Acheron watched as the girl came closer. His jade eyes narrowing and ears flattening against his skull. A low growl rumbled in his throat and he bared his fangs a bit. But seeing that the female made no outwards aggression towards him did Acheron stop. He let out a huff that shook his sides before shifting his jade eyes towards something else.
Yea, he was giving her permission. But since he couldn't make sense of human words in his animal forms, he didn't know what she was saying. Such a good time to be a wolf. But his shoulder hurt to much for him to shift back into his human... base form.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:34pm Jun 12 2012
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Layla made shushing noises when he first growled at her, but she wasn't afraid. She only saw a hurt, wounded animal. Someone who needed help. She moved forward once he had calmed down and pushed a bit of the blood-soaked fur away from the wound and sighed. It hadn't hit the bone, but it had come pretty close.
She stroked the wolf's longer neck hair and sighed. She still thought he could understand her, so, in her most reassuring tone, she said, "It didn't hit the bone, but it got the muscle there pretty good. If you don't mind, I could tend to the wound."
Her father spoke up. "We aren't letting a shifter in the house. He's just as dangerous as those men with the guns." He pointed his finger at his daughter.
"Father, don't be so idiotic." She turned with her steely gaze and stared him down. "You said that our home was equal in the war. We weren't choosing sides. You've allowed me to tend to wounded humans before. This is no different."
"He's a shifter, for god's sake!" Her father was about to say more, but he felt his wife's hand on his shoulder, squeezing the muscles there to give him a signal to be quiet. Layla's mother knew that her daughter wouldn't give up on this subject until they allowed her to tend to his wounds.
"I can't tend to the wound out here, father. It'll get infected."
Love is all we need~
11:58pm Jun 12 2012
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Acheron felt her fingers against his fur. Both on his injured shoulder and the mane along his neck. But he still couldn't understand what she was saying. Though, her words were soothing enough. He'd probably figure out later.
At the sudden loud voices, Acheron jerked, ears pricking up. Wanting to get to his feet. His favoured leg ended up over the girl's in his attempt to get to his feet.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:14am Jun 13 2012
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Layla placed her left hand gently on the wolf's back. She watched as her father and her mother walked back into the house, a thin stream of smoke leaking out of the open kitchen window. She turned her attention back to the matter at hand.
Her husky blue eyes rested on Acheron's green ones. "Don't hurt yourself trying to stand. I'm stronger than I look, so I can carry you inside if it's too painful to walk." A warm smile softened her lips and she let her hand linger on his back.
Love is all we need~
6:15pm Jun 13 2012
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Acheron's ears flicked towards her when she started speaking again. But his wolven brain couldn't make out any words... Still. Though, still feeling her hand linger on his back, he slowly made his way to his paws. At three and half feet at the shoulder in this form, Acheron came up to about the girl's hip. And most of his forward weight was on his other leg while the one with the injured shoulder was hovering about the ground slightly.
Flicking his right ear slightly, he glanced at her, wondering what next to do.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:57pm Jun 13 2012
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Layla smiled as the maned wolf stood, happy that it wasn't too painful for it to walk. She still wasn't sure whether the shifter was male or female yet. She shifted her eyes to the sky, and then back to Acheron, sighing as she also stood.
"C'mon. Follow me." Even though she stated what he needed to do, Layla made a hand motion for him to follow her, also. She began to walk slowly back to the back door of her house, looking over her shoulder every now and then to see if Acheron would follow.
Love is all we need~
9:16pm Jun 13 2012
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Acheron tilted his head when the female glanced at the sky and cocked his head as he wondered why. It was a clear sky with mustang tail clouds in the upper atmosphere. Flicking his ears at the sound of her voice, he saw that she was approaching the house and wanted him to follow her. Ears flattening sideways, he followed slowly. His limp getting a bit more pronounced.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.