9:28pm Jun 13 2012
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Layla opened the door and left it open, propping the springy screen door open with her flip-flop. She walked through the hallway and into the kitchen. The smoke and smell of burnt eggs was gone by then, but the pan in the sink had what she guessed used to be eggs baked onto it. A smile played on her face.
She turned to face Acheron and patted the kitchen table, motioning for him to jump up onto the elevated surface. Chairs around the table were pulled out, so it should have been easy for him.
Love is all we need~
10:21pm Jun 13 2012
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He skirted around the screen door and his nails clicked on the hardwood surface. But he stopped in his tracks, there were so many scents in this place.... Though, he hated being inside buildings. They made his so claustrophobic. He always preferred being out under the sun and moon and stars.
The sound of skin against wood made him glance up at the girl. Oh. She wanted him to get up there. Blinking his jade eyes once, he glanced at the chairs. Okay... He could do this. Padding over to the closest one, he sat momentarily before jumping onto it. Finding his balance on the chair took a second and a second later, he jumped up into the table.
Feeling a bit tall, he laid down with his injured shoulder towards the female. And since he was finally staying still, he allowed himself to start panting his exhaustion.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:32pm Jun 13 2012
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Layla was happy that he was willing to cooperate. The blood had soaked into his fur pretty good, but she could deal with it without shaving the patch there off. Taking out a washcloth and dampening it underneath the faucet, she began to blot at the bloody fur, trying to get some of it out that way she could see the wound better.
She pulled out a first aid kit from a nearby drawer and wet a cotton ball with some rubbing alcohol. She began to dab the wound with it, now that she could easily see the wound. It was too late to do stitches, so she'd just have to bandage it up.
"I promise I'll get you some water after this. I'm just scared that while I'm working on you that you'll barf it up all over the table." She stroked his exposed side. His fur was soft, she noted.
Love is all we need~
10:59pm Jun 13 2012
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Acheron sniffed at the wet cloth when it came close enough. His tongue flicked out before licking down the side of his maw in a slight yawn. Glancing back up at the girl, he let out a faint whine before laying his head down on his front legs. He wouldn't barf.
At least he thought so.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:09pm Jun 13 2012
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After bandaging the wound up, Layla sat back in one of the chairs and sighed. It was strange having a shifter in her home, though she had nothing against them. She leaned her head back a bit and sighed, her eyes searching the roof for nothing in particular.
"I guess that you don't understand me, do you?" Her eyes drifted back to the wolf on her kitchen table. She had finally noticed a few minor signs that hinted at the fact that he couldn't comprehend her speech. It was funny that she was wasting her breath even now, though.
Love is all we need~
11:20pm Jun 13 2012
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Acheron glanced at her when she fell back into one of the chairs with a sigh. She said something, he could see her lips moving. But no comprehension came. He flicked one ear and shifted slightly so he could scratch at his neck with one hind paw.
Yep. Just him acting like a total wolf.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:30pm Jun 13 2012
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Layla grinned and straightened herself in the chair, reaching forward to rub the wolf's head. "But it's kind of fun that you can't understand me. I could be calling you all sorts of hellish names, and you'd still have that neutral look on your face."
She let out a light laugh, which was a silvery sound coming from her throat. "Plus, you can't complain because of the pain. That's a plus. Humans used to whine my ears off when I was tending to war wounds."
Love is all we need~
12:45pm Jun 14 2012
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Acheron lowered his head somewhat when her hand came to pat the fur in between his ears. Tilting his nose up slightly, he touched her arm and his tongue flicked out slightly before hiding behind his teeth again. He allowed the tip of his tail to twitch slightly before laying his head back on his front legs.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
1:38pm Jun 14 2012
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Layla's grin softened to a simple smile and she sighed. It would be nice to be able to nurture animals more often, but it seemed that animals weren't nearly as targeted as shifters were, and her parents weren't on the best terms with shifters in the war, though they were somewhat neutral. She let out another sigh and smiled.
"I'll get you that water now." She stood from her chair and grabbed a plastic bowl, filling it up half-way with water. "It's best not to drink too much water right after running. It'll make you sick." She placed the water on the table slighlty in front of Acheron and put her arms across her chest absent-mindedly.
Her parents were arguing in the other room. Layla knew that they would make up with eachother before the day was over, though. She'd heard them in an argument nearly every day, but they said that arguing was what made them such a good married couple. They said that if they agreed on everything, life would get boring, and they would end up losing their affections for one another.
With a straight face now, Layla watched to see if Acheron would drink the water.
Love is all we need~
1:58pm Jun 14 2012
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Acheron watched as she filled up the bowl with water, his ears flicking slightly when he heard the two adults arguing in the other room. His jade eyes blinked once before he started lapping up the water. He did is slow and when he was done, he licked one side of his maw.
Oh yea, that water hit the spot.
But he looked back up at the girl, wondering if he was allowed to get off the table now.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
2:12pm Jun 14 2012
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Layla smiled and stood from her chair, placing the empty water bowl in the sink. She ran a hand through her long dark hair and motioned for Acheron to follow her. She walked silently into the living room and sat down on the couch. Several other pieces of furniture dotted the walls of the room, and the floor was carpeted with lush beige material.
"I don't know your name, so I don't know what to call you by..." Layla let out a nervous laugh. "I don't eve know if you're a male shifter or a female, though I think you might be a guy. Just a gut feeling. If you need anything, just bark or something."
Love is all we need~
3:52pm Jun 14 2012
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Acheron hopped down onto the chair before going down to the floor. His nails clicked slightly on the floor before he followed the girl onto the carpet at her signal. Flicking on ear, he padded around a bit, getting the different scents in his nose before laying down in front of the TV.
[[ Something interesting needs to happen so he can take human form... Or change into one of his others... ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:04pm Jun 14 2012
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Posts: 6,409
Ooc:// I don't know how to get him to change into his human form? Exactly how would that happen? Perhaps the television signal could go out and go onto static and startle him into his human form? Or maybe into one of his others?
Love is all we need~
4:38pm Jun 14 2012
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Posts: 5,310
Maybe. But... I just don't know...
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:49pm Jun 14 2012
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Ooc:// Great. We're both clueless. Do you have any idea of how to get him in his human form? I could make the hunters return and try to track him down, and then Layla's crazy family would stop arguing and start hacking, slashing, and shooting. XD And that would possibly make him shift into another form.
Love is all we need~
5:05pm Jun 14 2012
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:12pm Jun 14 2012
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Ooc:// Yes ma'am. XD
Layla hadn't been sitting down for long when she heard the back door swing open and the shooting of guns begin again. She didn't even have to look to know who it was. The stupid men with guns were back.
Given that she was on her mother's section of the couch, she simply reached underneath the couch cushion she was sitting on and pulled the hammer back. It was an old pistol, but it would work good enough. She turned around to face the hallway that led to the door, only to see the men coming straight for her and Acheron.
Her parents entered the living room and stood beside Layla, her mother with her butcher knife still, and her father still with his gun.
"Trespassing is a crime. So is armed assault. You're doing both. We're about to do the latter if you do not leave immediately," Layla's father said, stepping forward to put himself between his wife and daughter and the men with guns.
Layla remembered them saying that they would be back, but she hadn't imagined for them to return so soon. While they held up on their end of the bargain, so did Layla's mother and her family. The men with guns had returned, and Layla and her family were still there.
Love is all we need~
5:48pm Jun 14 2012
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Acheron jumped to his feet, his ears flat against his skull and his fangs bared. His fur fluffed up to make himself bigger as elongated black spots. Dashing forward, he put himself between the family and the men with the guns. He figured that was their intention since he was the only shifter in the house and there were chasing him previously.
Taking a step forward, he crouched and lunged at the closest of the men. His form going from canid to feline in a matter of seconds. Fangs and claws dug into exposed skin as he aimed for the throat. Though, the man managed to deflect with one arm. But both fell to the ground.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:54pm Jun 14 2012
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Layla had expected one of the men to make the first move, but, as Acheron made a movement for the man, she immediately shot one of the other men in the knee, causing the joint to go backwards and him to fall to the ground, his foot in front of him, but his knee behind him. He let out a pained yelp that would've broken glass if it would've belonged to a girl.
Her mother stood there, not really taking action yet, seeing as the hallway was close quarters for up-close combat with the butcher knife; however, Layla's father shot the other man's gun out of his hand, causing it to go back out of the door that they entered through, landing with a thud on the grass.
The man on the floor seemed to be in too much pain to be able to even think about shooting. Layla smiled to herself slightly.
Love is all we need~
9:47pm Jun 14 2012
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Posts: 5,310
Acheron hissed, feline ears against his skull and mouth open in a snarl as he bared his fangs. The man took a punch at the shifter's face, causing Acheron to stumble off and the man stagger to his feet. His arm was bleeding and that only helped to increase Acheron's growing blood-lust. With a yowl, he leapt up on to the man's back and dug his fangs into the spine at the base of the human's skull.
Feeling the bone break under the weight of his jaws, Acheron dug in his claws as the man collapse face first onto the ground. When he was sure the human was dead, he let go and jumped off the corpse. Red faded from his vision and he glanced up towards the humans that allowed him to enter their home. Well, the two older ones were a bit iffy.
His tail swayed above the ground for a moment and glanced at the remaining male intruder. Weaponless and facing the father of the girl.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.