10:03pm Jun 14 2012
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Layla's father used his gun to motion as he spoke. The male on the floor moaned in pain every now and then from his busted knee. "You. Pick up that man with the broken knee, and get out of here. If you come anywhere near my home again, I will shoot so many times that your brain won't know which hole to leak out of." He paused. "And if you even show the slightest hint of if you're about to pick up that gun, I swear you'll be serving Satan before you know you're dead, and your buddy will have to crawl home."
Layla smiled. Her father was so... violent, but she loved him. Her mother was silent, and actually sat down on the floor, cross-legged and shining light from the knife in the man's eyes to try and get him out faster.
The man swallowed, and left, carrying his injured friend with him. Layla and her father didn't relax until they saw the two disappear into the woods from the open back door. With a sigh and a frown, Layla's mother stood and looked at the mess on the floor. There was a large pool of blood where the injured man had been sitting, and a dead man on the floor. Though there wasn't much blood around him.
"What a mess..." She scrunched her nose up. "We'll have to dump him in the river."
Love is all we need~
12:13am Jun 15 2012
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Acheron lashed his tail once and watched the two men hobble out the door and into the woods. Good riddance. But... with a faint sigh, he padded silently over to the girl and rubbed the side of his head against her knee, wishing he could purr or something. Then, he padded back over to the dead man and dug his fangs into his pant leg before dragging him out of the house backwards. He owed the family that much to get rid of the corpse he had created.
But... He was having a bit of difficulty getting it out the door. The screen kept getting in the way.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:18am Jun 15 2012
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Layla was startled as she watched the shifter walk over to her and rub against her knee, just like a house cat would do. She smiled slighlty and reached down, her fingertips barely tracing his spine as he moved away. She was quite impressed when he began to drag the dead man out.
Layla's father had gone to go clean his guns, and her mother had gone to go retrieve cleaning supplies to mop up the puddle of blood. Layla heard the clang of the screen door against the frame and she moved over to help Acheron out. Her hand gently nudged the door open and she kept it open, propping the screen open with a nearby cinderblock that had been beside the back door.
She walked into the yard and grabbed the gun that the man had left behind, sticking it into the side of her pants, the metal of the gun brushing her hip. "Nice souvenir..." She was actually happy about the gun. The gun that she had taken from underneath the couch went on the opposite hip.
Love is all we need~
12:42am Jun 15 2012
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Posts: 5,310
Acheron mewed his thanks before continuing to drag the body out of the house and into the yard. Though, when he did hit the yard, it was much easier since the dead weight slid across the grass with surprising ease. But once him and the dead man hit the forest and were completely covered by its shadows, he shifted back into his human form.
Standing, he stretched his shoulder, testing its full range of movement before nodding. "Girl did one helluva good job. Got to hand it to her there. And humans are surprisingly whiny whenever they get injured," he said, snorting in slight disgust as he heaved the body onto his shoulder.
He knew a good carrion spot to dump the body. Each side had their own. But... he hated this war still. Stalking off through the woods, he made it there surprisingly fast. He set the man down and stripped him of all the things he didn't need anymore.
Like... Pretty much everything.
Then, he kicked the body into the large hole. Already there were some decaying forms down there.
"Hey, you gonna need that stuff?"
Acheron turned around at the question. His jade eyes landed on a fox shifter. He knew because of the smell. He shook his head though and stepped aside for the fox to take what he wanted and leave. From what was left, Acheron found nothing of use. With a shrug, he shifted back into his clouded leopard form and bounded back through the forest.
Though, he stopped when he reached the boundary of the forest and that family's backyard. He crouched and hid behind a tree as he watched the mother clean up the pools of blood from the kitchen floor since the screen door was still open.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:53am Jun 15 2012
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Layla stood by the door for a while. She hummed a tune while waiting and rocked back and forth on her heels. After too much waiting for her to take, she pursed her lips together and sighed.
Maybe that shifter had taken the opportunity to run back to his home. She scratched her head. Though she hadn't known him for very long, she had enjoyed having something different in the house. She kept her hopes up, though, and sat down against the side of the house.
She heard her mom laugh inside as she finished cleaning. "Hah! The bastards thought we would be easy to beat. Shows them!" she heard her mom mumbling. Layla grinned.
Love is all we need~
12:59am Jun 15 2012
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Posts: 5,310
Acheron suddenly spotted the girl. His tail flicked subconsciously and accidentally brushed against a small shrub, causing the plant to shake slightly. He hissed softly at his own stupidity.
[[ DX
Short post is short... ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
1:04am Jun 15 2012
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Posts: 6,409
Layla heard the noise of a rustling shrub, and then some sort of hissing noise. She sure hoped that it wasn't a snake or spider. Those were toe only two animals that she wasn't fond if, though she wasn't really scared of them either.
She stood from her place, curiosity getting the best of her, and began to make her way to the bush, her hand on her mother's pistol that rested on her hip.
Love is all we need~
1:08am Jun 15 2012
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Posts: 5,310
[[ Why would a spider hiss? -headtilt- ]]
The leopard blinked with surprise when he saw the female come closer. Twitching his ears slightly, he leaned back on his hindlegs before climbing up the tree he was hiding behind. Once fully covered by leaves, he laid down on the branch and waited for her to come closer.
When she did, he let one paw drop. The pad caught some of her hair and he pulled his paw back up before rasping his sandpaper tongue across the calloused skin.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:49am Jun 15 2012
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Posts: 6,409
Ooc:// You've never heard of hissing spiders? They're creepy as hell.
Layla came to the bush and peered around the leaves. Nothing. Her brows furrowed in confusion. But she swore she heard something right there! She decided to go a little further. Once she took about two steps forward, she felt something snag some of her hair, and let out a surprised yelp, dropping to the ground, pulling her gun out of the place on her hip.
She debated on shooting upwards, trying to hit whatever had touched her, but she wasn't sure if it was hostile or simply curious. Plus, she couldn't seem to locate the thing that snagged her hair. She just saw the trees, branches, and leaves.
"I'm going crazy," Layla said to herself sitting on her knees and rubbing her temples, her gun resting on the ground beside her.
Love is all we need~
3:19pm Jun 16 2012
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Posts: 5,310
[[ Nope. ]]
Acheron chuckled mentally. He blended in with the trees. Green eyes stared down at her with amusement before he moved to another branch. Then, he dropped to the ground behind her and rubbed the edge of his jaw against her back.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:23pm Jun 16 2012
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Posts: 6,409
Layla didn't hear Acheron drop to the ground just behind her, and when she felt something brush against her back, she yelped and leaned forward, landing on her stomach. She groaned and rolled over, looking past her body to see the feline form of the shifter that she'd helped earlier.
She wasn't sure what type of cat it was, but she knew that it must be native to some sort of forest, because it was nearly impossible to find him in the trees. "You naughty thing. You scared me half to death."
She let out a few light laughs and then sat up. "I hope you took the body somewhere where it won't stink up our property..." She sighed and popped her neck.
Love is all we need~
3:26pm Jun 16 2012
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Posts: 5,310
Amusement flickered in those jade depths when she yelped. He padded around to her front and sniffed at her fingers before rubbing his head against those as well, tail flicking. But comprehension of the English language was still a No, so he just ignored her when she started talking again.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:30pm Jun 16 2012
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Posts: 6,409
Layla sighed, remembering that he didn't seem to understand what she was saying. She trailed her fingers along the middle of his skull, ending at the middle of his back. "You sure are an affectionate thing," she said to herself. She was a bit glad that he wasn't distant, though.
The raven-haired girl stood and stretched. Her parents would probably start cooking dinner soon. Maybe they wouldn't burn that, too.
Love is all we need~
3:33pm Jun 16 2012
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Posts: 5,310
He was a cat. Of course he was affectionate. Being that was the only word he recognized and could sort of comprehend. He took a step back when she rose to her feet and stretched. Then, he sat down and gazed up at her, tail curling around his paws.
He liked this female. Even if she was a human. Her eyes were also very pretty.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:37pm Jun 16 2012
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Posts: 6,409
Layla couldn't shake the habit of talking to him, though she knew well by now that he didn't understand any of it. She smiled down at him and said quietly, "I hope your wounds don't hurt..."
She then looked to the house, and then to the trees. She had already done her chores the night before, and she didn't have any to do today just yet. She didn't know whether this shifter would enjoy being in the house more or being outside.
She knew that she enjoyed it outside much better than inside. Given that he could turn into an animal, and most likely harbored some animal-like instincts, she guessed that he would like it outside.
Motioning for him to follow her, she began to walk towards the river that her mother had earlier mentioned.
Love is all we need~
4:02pm Jun 16 2012
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Posts: 5,310
Acheron had been licking at the wound caused by those gun-men earlier when he noticed her started to walk off. He leapt to his paws and bounded silently after her.
[[ Short post is short... x_x ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:07pm Jun 16 2012
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Posts: 6,409
Ooc:// Tis fine.
Layla stopped when she spotted the glittering water. The river wasn't terribly wide or terribly deep. The current wasn't rapid, but it would carry you away if you were a weak swimmer, which Layla wasn't. Both small and large fish swam in the river, and the grass and trees grew all the way out to the water.
Layla kicked off her shoes and waded into the shallow water, the liquid only coming up to her knees. It was a nice place to cool off on a hot day, and Layla liked to read out here. Especially at night. That was, if her parents weren't home. They would worry if she was out here at night alone.
However, what they didn't know wouldn't hurt them, and Layla had snuck out here numerous times to read under her tree, with only a flashlight to see by.
"I don't know if you like water or not, so..." She turned to face the feline that had followed her, sitting on a rock in the shallows that went above the water. She allowed her long legs to dangle in the river, though.
Ooc:// I think I have a pretty good idea involving alligator shifters later on for the river. XD
Love is all we need~
12:10pm Jun 17 2012
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Posts: 5,310
[[ :D
Acheron can show off his scaley lizardness then~ ]]
Acheron knew that in this form, he loved the water. Flicking his tail slightly, he padded into the shallows, jade eyes locked on a fish a little bit away. Running and dragging sure had him hungry. Moving forward with careful steps, Acheron coiled his muscles and leapt onto the fish.
Only to find that it had swam away. With a frustrated lash of his tail, he tried again. And missed again.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
1:16pm Jun 17 2012
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Posts: 6,409
Ooc:// XD
Layla watched as the shifter chased after the fish, hopping from here to there, trying to land on top of the shiny, quick animal. She let out a few light laughs and said, "Fishing poles might be more effective."
She then remembered a trick her father had taught her. Locating a group of rather large minnows in the shallows. She moved slowly towards them, careful not to disturb the water too much. With a quick kick, water was splashed onto the bank, along with several minnows.
She turned to Acheron, and stopped herself from trying to tell him to do the same. She was starting to think she was being strange, talking to someone who couldn't understand you. Instead, she just made a gesture, hoping that he would try what she did.
Love is all we need~