(fantasy is) Private with Rabbeh (my middle name)

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10:49am Jan 29 2012 (last edited on 10:51am Jan 29 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 736
Yay for fail ti.tle.

A fantasy RP between meh, and you :D

Yay RP. 

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

10:51am Jan 29 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,557
You got my name right! =D

My middle name is stupid lol


10:55am Jan 29 2012

Normal User

Posts: 736
So. any period specific?

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

10:56am Jan 29 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,557
Eh. I really don't care. You're choice.


11:10am Jan 29 2012

Normal User

Posts: 736
middle ages it is then!

Erms, you post first.

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

11:14am Jan 29 2012

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Posts: 1,557
wait.... what do you want our characters to be? like who's what gender/species and all of that?


11:41am Jan 29 2012

Normal User

Posts: 736
Epic fail absence. mum came home.

Humanoid sentient. (preferably not wearwolf) which ever gender you choose, I will be opposite. Setting? Forest at the foot of a mountain with a waterfall. Village not too far away.

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

11:47am Jan 29 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,557
Humanoid as in...? /shot


11:53am Jan 29 2012

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Posts: 736
Human/elf/demon etc 0.0

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

11:54am Jan 29 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,557
Oh, duh. Where do you want me to start?


11:55am Jan 29 2012 (last edited on 11:55am Jan 29 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 736
Yush please ^_^

Edit: anywhere. hrm. waters edge?

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

12:20pm Jan 29 2012

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Posts: 1,557
[[Do magical people count as humans?]]

Ned rolled his shoulders, grimacing at how his back cracked. He had been running for hours now, looking for any kind of settlement. He was hungry and thirsty, and the brackish river beside him wasn't helping. He had been following it for a while now, hoping that he would find a village or something. What Ned found was nothing, a ton of stupid nothing. He sat down, upset with everything.


1:04pm Jan 29 2012

Normal User

Posts: 736
((Yus, yus they do))

Tempest leapt through the tree tops. The half elf's blue braid flailed out behind her and the breeze felt refreshing against her skin. How she loved nature. So alive, even in death. Everything goes around and helps with one another. The circle of life. Deciding against heading back to the village, Tempest had decided to venture past the brook and out into the opening that lead to the river up north. 
She inhaled deeply and was calmed by the fresh air. A small critter that resembled a chipmunk with small horns and deep auburn fur climbed up onto her shoulder. "Hey, i was wondering where you had gotten to." Said a calm voice. petting the critter with her middle finger. 
Deciding that the tree tops where enough, Tempest climbed down the tree, missing the last branch and plummeted, despite only being 6 feet, to the ground. "Ow ow ow." She muttered, grasping her foot. Her mind was drawn away from the pain when the chipmunk was no-longer on her shoulder, her face dropped. "Plato? Plato where are you?" She called out, attempting to stand, and then leaning against the tree. "I didn't squish you again did I?" She asked, however was soon comforted. Her eyelids closed in relief. "Don't scare me like that." She scorned him, looking to the chipmunk on the leaf litter. Taking a step, she collapsed. She sighed. "Would you mind taking me to the waters edge? Don't let anyone see you though."
Tempest was soon at the the forest boundaries, being carried by a young man with deep auburn hair. "Okey, settle me down here, there is a guy over there. Now changed back, I think I can manage from here." She instructed in a whisper. He nodded and did as she wished. He was a chipmunk once more.
Hobbling over to the waters edge, Tempest set herself down and Plato, cute and furry once again, sat beside her. Taking her shoe off she flinched at the pain, eventually slipping her foot into the water.

((that was longer than intended))

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

1:22pm Jan 29 2012

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Posts: 1,557

Ned looked up after hearing something. It was a voice, or something close to that at least. He couldn't really tell, it was obviously far off. Ned forced himself to stand and started walking again. He was back tracking again, but he wanted to know who the voice was.

"Hello?" Ned called out. He thought that he could see someone in the distance; a girl who was sitting at the water's edge. "Hello?" He called again, moving towards her. He hoped the girl didn't run, maybe she could tell him where the nearest village was.


1:47pm Jan 29 2012

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Posts: 736
The cool water sent a shiver down Tempest spine. "Cold." She said bluntly biting her lip. The pain only ceased for a split second, causing her to bite her lip. Her ankle had become bruised and the pain was pulsating up her leg. "Okey, calm... calm." She said, collecting herself. 
Plato looked over to the waters edge, watching, he always liked this bit. Closing her eyes and touching the stone in the centre of her circlet, faint blue veins appeared across her forehead, all originating about the stone. here blue eyes glowed, making her ex[injection]pression almost vacant through the lack of visible pupils and she lent forward dipping her hand into the water.
Almost like swirls of paint, streaks of blue encased her her foot and ankle as they remained underneath the waters surface. The pain soothed and then. "Hello?" Her concentration vanished. Shoot. She had forgotten about him. 
Pulling her foot out of the water, residual pain was still remnant, although the pain was bearable. "Hello?" He called again. 
"Erm, hi there." Tempest called back, rather mouse-like hugging her knee's, and pulling her she towards her. Plato scampered up her back and sat behind her neck out of sight.

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

1:54pm Jan 29 2012

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Posts: 1,557
"Hey." Ned said awkwardly, suddenly not knowing what to say. "Are you... um, okay?" He asked. He had sort of seen what the girl had been doing, and it had looked almost like magic. But he didn't want to just bring magic up in case she didn't possess it, which was doubtful because of her blue hair.

[[ack, don't know what to say]]


2:07pm Jan 29 2012

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Posts: 736
"Erm, yea i'm fine." She lied, releasing the grasp on her knees. "Well, I fell from a tree, but i'm fine." Grabbing one of her socks she pulled it up over her ankle and the boot followed. He sounded as if he was in a rather awkward position. Covering her face to check if her eyes where still glowing, she gave a short sigh of relief when they weren't. 
"You look lost." She decided to say, standing on a weak ankle. She twiddled with the hair that fr[injection]amed her face, rather conscious on whether he had seen the slight point of her ears. 

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

2:12pm Jan 29 2012

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Posts: 1,557
"Yeah, I am actually." Ned ran a hand through his hair, slightly embarrassed. "Do you happen to know where the nearest settlement is? I'd be grateful if you point me in the right direction." He didn't think that the girl was really okay, but he guessed that it would be better if he didn't mention anything about it. Maybe he had just been seeing things when he thought she was using magic.


2:25pm Jan 29 2012 (last edited on 2:26pm Jan 29 2012)

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Posts: 736
"Well, I'm not very good with directions, but i could accompany you back to my village." She told him, giving a small smile, and looking to the ground. neither of them where doing to well on the social side of things. "It is a nice village, but..." She trailed off. What if he didn't like magic? The village was full of travelers, refugees and magical folk, and if you didn't fall into one of those three categories, you either knew of it, or thought nothing of it. Clenching her fist, she had a decision to make. If he was one of the royal court bounty hunters, then it was a bad idea, but she had no way of knowing, not just yet anyway. 
"It is filled with folk of... Additional abilities." She said rather sternly, her innocent and shy nature vanishing. A different persona engulfed her, flecks of navy appeared in her pale eyes and she furrowed her brow. "Depending on how you react could determine if you are allowed to live or not, so I would choose my answer carefully traveler."

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

2:35pm Jan 29 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,557
[[I need to go, I'll get on later]]

Ned bl[injection]inked. Well, that obviously meant that magic. He shrugged, showing his thoughts about those 'abilities'. He really didn't want to tell the girl that he had some magic in him too because... Well, he just didn't. Ned was a bit surprised with how quickly the girl's emotions changed, and maybe telling her that he was magical would make her angry, which would mean that she wouldn't take him to the one place. Or something like that.

"Why should I care about abilities?" Ned asked calmly.

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