∂яαgσηѕ яιѕιηg (rebooted)

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2:44pm Apr 12 2019

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Posts: 34
Tucker, starting to feel a bit more relaxed, gave the stranger a bright smile. Usually people would only ask for directions and then be on their way, but in these rare moments where a person asked to be physically directed to the area was when Tucker got to know people better. Now, one might be wondering why Tucker would want to know this dragon better when he was terrified of him only a few seconds ago. Well, Tucker was thinking, if he got to know the dragon better he might be able to find out why the dragons are causing so much pain and sadness. He might be able to find a way to stop the war between the dragons and the hunters. As the dragon seemingly finished his conversation, Tucker started to speak, "of course I can take you there! It would be a pleasure." Tucker gestured for the dragon man to follow him as he made his way down the well lit street. As he left, the crowd he was playing his flute for let out groans and mumbles of frustration and disappointment. The particular street that Tucker was on was very lively and welcoming to the outside world. Colorful lights decorated the buildings, street dancers littered the sidewalk, entertaining anyone who was willing to watch. Food vendors had many open carts with delicious smelling morsels that made Tucker's mouth water. The kittens were now entranced with everything going on around them. They had climbed up onto Tucker's shoulders, looking around in awe. Tucker had decided to name the white one Cher and the calico one Ohap. All of his little friends had strange names. Tucker's excuse for this was that it made them unique. Tucker then took a glance back at the man, noticing he wasn't quite caught up to Tucker. He smiled and held out his hand, "are you coming?"

4:48pm Apr 12 2019

Normal User

Posts: 2,092
Between arguing with Amphora about her selection of food choices and scanning the glass cases filled with different pastries and other items, Merce hadn't noticed one of the cashier approach until she started speaking. Startling a bit, she offered a small, friendly smile of greeting in return. She'd never worked in the food industry, but anything customer service related looked utterly miserable to have as a job. Between the crap pay and the rude customers, Merce was glad she'd been one of the lucky few who'd been able to get her dream job and not stuck doing this. Knowing all of this, she'd always tried to be kind to her cashiers, waiter, ect.

"Good evening and welcome to Luanne's. May name is Catherine, how may I help you?"

Humming thoughtfully, Merce squinted at the menu for an extra second before smirking to herself and Amphora. "I'd like a BLT, please. On toast if possible." Amphora grumbled in irritation, muttering something about bacon being a lesser meat.

"At least get a slice of red velvet, you heathen."

Blinking, Merce scanned the pastries once again and noticed the two slices of the red cake nearly hidden in the back. Mouth watering, she gestured towards them happily. "Oh! And those too please." Perhaps it was a bit much, but if she didn't eat it all then there'd be some to take back to the hostel. Luckily, Merce'd never cared much about her physical apperance, so if she was a bit plumper than most deemed 'pretty' who was she to care? She was living her dream of traveling the world exploring archaeological sites alongside her dragon. She didn't need anything else. Pleased as punch, Merce was about to pull out her wallet when Amphora suddenly surged to the forefront of her mind without any warning.  "And my new acquaintance over there mentioned he'd pay for my selection," Amphora spoke for her, gesturing. Stunned for a long second, Merce shoved the s*censored*ing dragon aside and felt herself flush. 'Your awful.' Amphora simply cackled gleefully. Luckily the cashier laughed as well.

"Has Ant got another weird friend in town? Any friend of his is a friend of mine."

Mouthing 'weird friend', Merce turned a sarcastic look towards the Hunter and was amused to note he'd all but headdesked onto the table. Also, Ant? She really hoped it was short for something, because if not his parents had a sick sense of humor. Unable to keep from smirking, she turned back to Catherine and rolled her eyes in amusement. "Yeah, I'm one of those friends." Hopefully her words didn't come out to acerbic. "Mercé, and it's nice to meet you." Feeling a bit out of place, and also more on edge as a random thought occurred to her, Merce attempted to pry a bit. "So, if you don't mind my asking were you referring to yourself as well when you mentioned one of those 'weird friends?'" Catherine definitely didn't look like a Hunter, or act like one from what she could gather on 'Ant's' personality.


6:22pm Apr 12 2019

Normal User

Posts: 96

As the Dragon Lady chose her selection, and spoke to Catherine, Anthony listens, making faces of mild shock, fearing the worst, while Catherine remains oblivious. At the same time, his listening gains a new sliver of information. The Dragon Ladies actual name. Merce. At least he had that. Her next words cause Anthony to gulp in almost pure shock though.

"So, if you don't mind my asking were you referring to yourself as well when you mentioned one of those 'weird friends?'"

His shock, which Catherine notices, causes her to chuckle, and push an errant hair over her ear.

“Well, unless Anthony is into something really weird, no. I know him quite intimately.”

At that, Anthony feels his ears burning, to which Catherine laughs, and gets Merce’s order, plus Anthony’s bottle of water. After that, he hears Catherine talk into the intercom to the back of the store, which he listens to, while not looking at Merce.

“Luanne, I am taking a break, Ant is here.” a few seconds later, a loud Texan voice comes back through the intercom.

“Gotcha hun. We fixin’ to close soon anyway, so if y’all wan’ head home after, y’all can, long as y’ open up in the Mornin’. And tell the looker with Ant hey, y’hear.”

At that, Anthony realises he has been very distracted, and Merce had sat at his table, with all of her food, and his bottle of water on a tray. He sits up a little, and looks at Merce, who he notices has gone beet red, to which he says to Merce in a quiet but amused tone, “You must have come in here a few times for Luanne to flirt with you like that. Merce, was it?”

There is, I think, humor here which does not translate well from English into sanity.

9:58pm Apr 12 2019 (last edited on 12:41am Apr 13 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 92
"Why is he playing the flute while walking? Thats just weird?"
"Why is it weird Rizzio?"
"Who does that?"
"Well, he does obviously."
"Its annoying."
"No its not, its pretty. We should get an instrument and join in!"
"Do you want people to go deaf?!"
"Wha- why would that happen?"
"Just forget about it..."
"But I don't wanna now.."
"Sleep, lets think about sleep!"
"Okay, I'm tired."
Rizzio was grateful for that at least, Reito seemed to be growing a bit too tired to keep up the arguing. In fact he started lagging behind as he looked around the city. "This place is so lively! Ah,coming" Reito said cheerfully at Tuckers call and jogged to catch up. "Huh? Those kittens? Where they there before? They are super cute! They kind of remind me of the smiling Maine Raccoon!"
"Thats because they are all cats!"
"Noo, they said it was a Maine Raccoon!"
"So those are kittens?"
"And Misty is a raccoon?"
"A Maine Raccoon!"
"I-I don't even know what to say anymore..."
By the time they reached the motel Reito happily thanked Tuckers. "Thanks so much! I would never have found it on my own! I am going to get some rest now but we should totally meet up again tomorrow! Here take my phone number! I'll find you tomorrow when my friends tell me where they are going on vacation! You can come too right?" Reito said cheerfully as he jotted his number down again, shoved it into Tuckers hand and went off to rent a room for the night without waiting for Tucker to reply.

For once Creus slept pretty well, the warmth of his lupine companion lulling him into a deep and restful sleep. He had money, a roof over his head and he managed to put all his other worries aside. It was such a pleasant night but unfortunately it was over sooner than he would have liked. No one needed an alarm clock when you had a wolf as a pet, it started out quiet. A soft relentless whine but it slowly increased in volume and pitch as the thief tried to ignore it. Finally growing annoyed he rolled over and buried his head in the pillow muttering at the wolf to go away but as soon as Blitz saw movement he jumped up. Soon the wolf was nudging and pawing at him and he was quite relentless about it, he was stubborn but so was his person. It was the usual morning battle. Blitz did not need Creus to let him out, the wolf had chewed the door open last night and it still sat ajar but what Blitz really wanted was breakfast. After a good twenty minutes of whine, pawing and nudging the wolf finally tilted his head back and let loose a loud howl. This resulted in the rather grumpy thief pushing the wolf of the bed and wrapping himself up tightly in the blankets. The thief never won this battle, not once in the three years since he acquired this pet of his had he been successfully able to sleep in. He should have known exactly what was coming for him.

Blitz did not loose this battle and when all else failed the wolf backed up, took a running leap and landed on all fours right on top of his person. As per usual the thief woke up with a painful start, grunting and shoving the stubborn wolf aside. Blitz jumped away, as his person sat up he knew he had won as such he celebrated. He picked up the nearest ob
ject and began tossing it around huffing and making all sorts of little happy noises. The moment his person noticed what he had grabbed the chase was on. Seeing his person taking notice the wolf reacted by dropping into a play bow and when his person lunged for him, the wolf jumped out of his reach and dropped into another play bow. For a moment there was a stand off and then the thief lunged for the wolf again but no normal human could hope to match the speed of a wolf. Blitz darted past his person, staying just out of reach ad he flew out the door and out into the yard, the thief's cell phone clutched tightly in his jaws.

One didn't know pain until they had a one hundred pound animal land square on their chest and stomach balanced on only for paws, or so Creus thought at that moment anyway. Wincing he rubbed the spots where Blitz's paws hit certain that would leave seem bruising behind. At first he didn't even noticed what Blitz was playing with but as soon as he saw a moment of panic set in. That was his only connection to the world, the only way he would ever know if someone tried to rent his cabin. He knew a cell phone was simply no match for a wolfs mighty jaws. So stumbling out of bed he attempted to catch Blitz but he was no match for the quick wolf and so he gave chase hoping his phone would not be destroyed.

It took a good twenty minutes of running around, shouting curses and lunging before the thief finally convinced Blitz to trade the cell phone for a stick. As soon as the wolf dropped it he snatched the now slimy and slightly scratch up phone up and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that it was still working. "You really are a trouble maker..." He muttered glaring at the wolf for a moment before he wiped the phone clean "I guess we should go get some breakfast..." He had been away for three weeks, he didn't have any food in the house at the moment so he would have to go shopping. Later on he planned to install the surround sound system and do some general cleanup.

As soon as the word breakfast left his mouth Blitz dropped the stick,stared at him for a moment and then started to do an eager somewhat bouncy dance as he raced his person to the car. The wolf knew practically every word that pertained to food and practically everyone of them got him exited. When his person opened the door to the crosstrek Blitz was the first inside, leaping right in through the drivers seat and jumping into the back from there where he continued his little dance adding both a good wiggle and song eagerly. "How can you have so much energy in the morning?"

How had he put up with it for so long? Blitz loved mornings while he hated them, how had he survived these last three years?  From day one until now Blitz never let him sleep in. He had found the wolf after a deal with  black market dealer went wrong and the authorities got involved. In a split second things got crazy, unknown to him at the time the cops had been on the trail of the guy he was selling things too. The dealer had been suspected of murder and the ambush by the authorities happened that very night he met up with him. There had been no warning, one minute things where going well and the next there was gun fire everywhere. The dealer and his men fought back against the cops and he was caught right smack in the middle of it. He didn't hesitate to flee the scene however it hadn't been easy, he caught a bullet in the side and was grazed two more times on the arm and leg before he managed to get away. Thankfully he was not the target and he had been wearing a good disguise but it was too risky to head to the hospital. The local hospitals where mandated to report all shootings and the police would investigate, it wouldn't take a genius to connect his wounds to the raid that happened earlier.

He bound his injures the best he could to stop the bleeding and later got a hold of an emergency medical kit and hid out in the forest beyond the city where he did his best to address his injures. Thankfully the bullet that struck his side only pierced flesh and muscle and hadn't struck any deeper but it still bled like crazy. Worse yet, the weather was pretty bad, it was cold and snowy and the blood loss left him dazed and out of it. The weather grew worse as he patched himself up and he was too weary to try returning to the city so with the last of his energy he sought out an old hunting cabin he had seen in the forest before however he soon lost his way in the heavy snow fall. Exhausted an in pain he stumbled through the forest trying to find shelter when he tripped over something in the snow, what he saw gave him a bit of a fright. Right next to where he landed was a wolf, however after his initial fright he realized that it was dead. It had gotten caught in a hunters trap and left to die, immediately he felt sorry for the poor thing but there was nothing he could do as he slowly, painfully climbed back to his feet.  He had been about to leave when he heard it, a sound that would forever change his life, a soft almost silent cry coming from near the dead wolfs stomach. The sound drew his attention and he saw a few pups but only the one in the center of the litter was alive, the others had succumbed to the elements already.

That little, pitiful cry for help was something the thief simply couldn't ignore and in his exhausted and almost delirious state he scooped the small creature of and stumbled off to find the cabin. He stayed there for a few days, recovering and trying to keep the tiny pup warm. He didn't know what to do with it but somehow it hung on just long enough for him to gather his strength and get food for it. For the next few weeks he hid out in the cabin, caring for the pup and recuperating. He hadn't planned on keeping the small creature even though it quickly grew on him he didn't think he could give a wolf pup the life it deserved. Once he was well enough to leave the cabin for good he had began seeking out a wild life rehabilitator or sanctuary to take the pup but no one in the area had any openings to take a wolf. Worse yet a few people even advised him to just put the pup down as they where illegal to own in that area. So he packed up, left state and somehow became the proud owner of one hundred pounds of trouble and he wouldn't trade him for the world.


8:47pm Apr 13 2019


Posts: 2,161

Vincent smiled, nodding knowingly as Ennie told him how tired she was. “Understandable,” he said, feeling his own exhaustion seep through his refusal to acknowledge it. “I hope you sleep well.”

“Soldraleo,” he murmured as his friend entered her room. “Oh, like solgaleo and dragon combined. Clever.” His abandoned phone was picked up from the couch where he had left it as he sat back down and decided to try the name. Sure enough, it was free, and once he had set up an account he was greeted by a character who offered him a choice of an orange lizard called ‘charmander’, a blue turtle called ‘squirtle’, and what he could only describe as a cross between a cat, a toad and a plant called ‘bulbasaur’. After some thought, he went with charmander.

The next half hour or so was spent setting up his game, dressing his avatar, and finding an adorable fox-like creature sitting right in his apartment called ‘vulpix’, as he sipped his now-cold tea. He decided to call it a night after successfully catching the fox, calling quietly to Misty as he made for his bedroom. She was perched on top of her tall cat tree, gazing out the window it was up against. “Are you coming, girl?” The cat gave a ‘murrr’ as her answer and gracefully leaped down, trotting to the sun dragon’s side as he stepped into his room.

After brushing his teeth, momentarily considering brushing his hair out again so it didn’t tangle and deciding he was too tired to do so, and taking his medication with a sip of water, Vincent laid in his bed, wrapping himself up in his comforter and settling comfortably on his side. Misty situated herself in the crook of his legs, pressed against him and curled into a ball. He found himself drifting into slumber much faster than usual, and would later attribute that to the painkillers.


Vincent awoke around 11:00 am, much later than he was used to sleeping in. “I suppose last night really got to me,” he mused, sitting up and stretching in his bed. The movement prompted Misty to awaken as well, daintily jumping down from the bed and nosing the half-shut door open so that she could get a drink. Another moment of stretching later and Vincent was off to the bathroom to get himself ready to start the day.

The sun dragon looked at himself in the mirror and instantly regretted not combing his hair before he slept. He actually smirked at how silly he looked with it tangled up and stuck as weird angles. No one to blame but myself, he said inwardly as he prepared to spend the next twenty minutes de-tangling it.

Another ten minutes spent brushing his teeth, taking his medication, and getting dressed later, and he was out of his bedroom around 11:30. Next time we’re not going to bed with damp hair, no matter how tired we are, he decided as he was greeted by the cheerful (and insistent) meow of a particularly hungry maine coon.

“ι ωαѕ ησт gσιηg тσ ѕαу αηутнιηg,” Helios replied, “вυт ιт ωσυℓ∂ нανє вєєη α gσσ∂ ι∂єα тσ ∂σ ѕσ, уєѕ.”

Hush, you. Vincent huffed, padding into the kitchen.

After feeding Misty, he felt the familiar growl of his own stomach reminding him that he also needed to eat. Noticing that Ennie was not up yet, he decided to start making some breakfast for the two of them. “We have fresh fruit in the fridge that will need to be eaten before we leave unless we want to waste it, which I do not.”

“ι ѕєє ησ ѕєηѕє ιη тняσωιηg ιт αωαу,” the dragon agreed. “нσω αвσυт мαкιηg ѕσмєтнιηg ωιтн ιт?”

“Good idea,” the blonde-haired man agreed quietly, opening a small cupboard that housed an assortment of cookbooks. He selected the one that contained recipes for breakfasts and lunches, opening and flicking through the pages until he got to the section with pancakes, waffles and the like. “Do you think Ennie and Astley like crepes?”

“ι ¢αη ιмαgιηє тнєу ωσυℓ∂,” was the response from Helios.

Satisfied with his decision, Vincent got to work gathering everything he needed to make some fluffy crepes. First, he combined the dry ingredients-- the flour, sugar, and salt, and then added them to the mixture of wet ingredients, which consisted of eggs, milk, and vanilla, meticulously whisking it until the batter was free of lumps.

Keeping a careful eye on the first one as it sizzled away in the pan, he began to wash and cut up some fruit to top them with. Vincent wasn’t too sure which fruits Ennie preferred, but the selection would include strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and bananas, along with a jar of nutella and whipped cream. He would wait until Ennie woke up to whip the cream, as he didn’t want to disturb her sleep by turning on the mixer.

A few crepes had been piled onto a platter, with a bit of the mixture still left to cook and one cooking in the pan. The fruit was placed into small separate bowls so that they could top their crepes with whatever they preferred. As he worked away, he realized that he hadn’t really dreamed the last night, or, if he had, it had been nonsensical white noise. I suppose my mind decided to give me a rest, he hummed thoughtfully. Usually, even if it isn’t a nightmare, I dream about something.


12:23am Apr 14 2019

Normal User

Posts: 620
The smell was intoxicating. Ennie followed it to the kitchen, curious as to what in the heck a kitchen was doing smelling this good before noon. Did people actually get up before noon and make breakfast? Cook food? Was Vincent one of these people? 

'He's a teacher, right? So...probably. I mean, we've never encountered such a species in the wild before but there's a first time for everything.'

One look at Vincent, with hair brushed and looking clean and fresh, told Ennie that he was indeed one of those people. Suddenly she was feeling somewhat self conscious about her singed hair, ash streaked clothes, and general living habits of the last century. 

'They do exist!' 

"Good morning!" Vincent smiled warmly as he added a spoonful of batter to a frying pan. "I hope I didn't wake you. Are you hungry for some breakfast?" 

The echoing, almost impossibly loud growling of Ennie's stomach answered him as she sat down in a chair at the table, still eyeing the other dragon as though he had grown a shiny horn and hooves. "You cooked this?" she squeaked as he handed her a full plate, eyes somehow even growing wider. "You cooked this?" 


Ennie had attempted to 'cook food' from a 'recipe' but could not remember a single successful meal, and so beyond some experimentation with an Easy Bake Oven, she hadn't bothered to cook much if at all. McDonald's wasn't her food of choice because she liked the flavour, it was a matter of necessity. And here, sitting at a table surrounded by hand crafted crepes she was honestly starting to think that perhaps Vincent was magical in more ways than just being a dragon. 

'I bet it's a light dragon thing. Yeah, it totally is. I'm gonna ask Helios because that's literally the only explanation I can come up with. Dude's solar powered or summat.' 

Ennie was almost halfway through her stack of crepes before she took precious time from eating to be grateful. "These are really good," she nodded vigorously as she reached for a few more. "Thanks! Never actually had a cooked breakfast, well, besides the ones at iHop." 

Vincent was watching her consume crepes at about the same speed and voracity that a black hole devours planets. "Really? In all your life?" 

"Mmm hmm," Ennie nodded, working on a mouthful as she spooned about half the jar of Nutella onto one crepe. "Not really a morning person. And uh... I uh... I didn't actually live in a you know house until, shoot, forty years ago? It was all just living in the bush before that, in the jungle." Three large bites and another crepe bit the dust. "It was a simple life, if you managed to stay alive you were doing well. You definitely knew when you were doing poorly, it put things into perspective. Coming up here, I guess I didn't really take care of myself. I was surviving, that's all I cared about." She shrugged as she refilled her plate once more. "Take good care of my plants though, they always get watered at the same times everyday." Her smile faltered slightly as she corrected herself. "Got. They always got watered... at the same times everyday." 

Vincent cleared his throat and worked on maneuvering the subject to safer waters. "What's your plan for today? Can I help with anything?" 

She made a noise in her throat and shook her head. "You've done enough, I really don't want to bug you any further. I'm going to phone about a repaint for my car, see about going to something less recognizable. Buy some clothes, phone work and begin a leave of absence, that sort of thing. If... If you think it's smart to lay low and maybe skip town for a while I'm-I'm all for it. I believe you now about these Hunters, these plant-killers mean business."

"Um... Dragons." Vincent corrected. "They hunt and kill dragons, usually." 

"Yeah, that too."


5:11am Apr 14 2019

Normal User

Posts: 34
Tucker was left standing in complete shock, his mouth hanging open. The stranger had not only offered to be his friend but also gave him his phone number. Tucker all of the sudden felt flustered. His pale cheeks turned red and he started to twirl his hair around nervously. The kittens were curious to why their friend was acting like this. Char poked at Tucker's face as if to say "you alright buddy?" Tucker then snapped out of his act of embarrassment and chuckled, "thank you Char, I'm alright." Tucker smiled warmly and stroked the kitten's head. 

A few hours later, Tucker was in the position he was trying to avoid. He was at his front door step. Taking a deep breath, wondering which hand his father would cut off, he knocked on the door. Only a few seconds later, his mother answered the door. She was pale as a ghost, her frail frame shaking like a nervous Chihuahua. Tucker looked into her dull green eyes and saw a mixture of relief, worry, and overwhelming joy. As soon as she saw Tucker her ex
pression brightened. She wrapped her arms around him, sobbing into his shoulder. Tucker hugged his mother gently as to not break half the bones in her weakened body. "I'm so happy you came back!" His mother said between sobs, unable to control her tears of joy. "Don't worry mom, I would never leave you alone with...him..." Tucker hated even mentioning his father, it was like spitting out somthing that tasted of poison. 

Later, Tucker had found out that the only reason he was alive was because Tucker's father had to go on a last minute business trip and he wouldn't be back for a month. His mother on the other hand, sat him down to talk about his latest adventure and his newest friends. When Tucker showed her the pair of kittens he found she smiled brightly, eagerly picking up the little white kitten and giving love and attention. An hour had passed and Tucker's mom rushed him off to bed saying things like, "if you don't sleep properly how are you going to keep up that beautiful complexion of yours?!" And "you need your beauty sleep if you want to attract all the handsome boys!" Tucker of course got really flustered and embarrassed when she said this. She finally got Tucker into bed without needing to use more of her motherly powers. Tucker lay in his bed looking up at the ceiling. His ice-blue eyes fixed with a look of excitement and fear for the day lying ahead.

The next morning, Tucker woke to the smell of eggs and toast cooking in the kitchen. Tucker's mouth watered and he eagerly got up from his bed. He made his way to the kitchen and tried to grab a peice of bacon that was lying on a plate in the center of the countertop but his hand was quickly smacked away. "Not so fast Tucker!" His mother said "this is not for you! You're going to have breakfast with that nice man you met last night!" Tucker was stunned "b-but mom! He's a dragon!" His mother placed a hand on her hip, "yes, and?" Tucker had no other excuse. His mother started to push him towards the stairs leading to his room "go dress in nicer clothes and freshen up a bit!" Tucker let out a few more words of protest but then he begrudgingly obliged. Twenty minutes later, Tucker was wearing a navy blue waistcoat over a black buttondown long-sleeved shirt. His hair was in a long braid that hung over his shoulder loosely. He was also wearing long black dress pants and a pair of freshly polished black dress shoes. To Tucker, this was just a normal everyday outfit, but to everyone on the streets, he looked like a million bucks. After giving Tucker some money to buy himself and his new friend a cup of coffee, his mother hurried him out the door. Tucker knew that if he didn't do this that his mother would be nagging him for the rest of his life so with a sigh, he headed off to the coffee shop. 

A short bus ride later and Tucker had arrived at the coffee shop. He was now sitting at a table with his phone in one hand and the number the guy gave him in the other. Tucker took a deep breath and texted the number. The text read "hey, this is the guy you met last night, the one who gave you directions to the motel, would you like to have coffee with me?" He then sent the guy his location. Tucker sighed and lay his phone down on the table. Hopefully this interaction didn't end up in flames.

2:00pm Apr 15 2019 (last edited on 2:08pm Apr 15 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 2,092
Sitting across from the Hunter, Merce knew her face was turning a violent shade of red but figured if she didn't act like she was embarrassed no one would pay any attention. "Merda," She muttered in her mother tongue, feeling more comfortable with the feeling of those words in comparison to English. Unwrapping her sandwich, she looked from Catherine to 'Ant', or whatever his actual name was, shrewdly before taking a bite. It was as good as she was expecting and for a moment she chose to indulge in the food rather than answer any question or think over what she'd heard. Amphora crooned happily, though Merce knew she was still sulking a bit over the lack of fish.

After half the sandwich was gone, she was contemplated between finishing it or saving half and eating a piece of the red velvet to save the left overs for the next day. Well, you only live once. Opening the cake, she huffed happily and picked up a fork. "To answer your question, yeah I've been here some. I like their food and I like Luanne. She's a spit fire." Grinning at her first memory of the woman, Merce took a bite of the cake an hummed. While chewing, she threw a curious look towards Catherine and raised an eyebrow. "Poor girl."

Putting all of her trash together, Merce leaned back against the seat and crossed her arms. "Well, not that this hasn't been a thrilling night, but it actually is getting late and my hostels a bit of a walk. So," pausing, she stood up and picked up her items so she had a second to think.

"Don't you dare!"

"If you still want to talk, maybe we could meet here tomorrow or something? In the light of day."


4:52pm Apr 15 2019

Normal User

Posts: 96

Anthony opens his bottle of water and sips at it to get the taste of vomit out of his throat, as he listens quietly to Merce, hearing her say something in a language he didn’t recognise, which causes him to make a questioning sound while keeping his mouth shut, until he gulped the mouthful of water and chuckles at Merce’s opinion of Luanne.

“I like Luanne. She's a spit fire."

He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand to suppress any further chuckles, and responds to Merce. “You know Luanne is mostly teasing you, right? Her husband works in here too. I know them because I have been living in the area a while. Even met Catherine in here a few years ago.” at that, he hears Merce’s words afterwards, as she looks at Catherine herself.

"Poor girl."

To that, Anthony sighs and makes a sad face, hiding it from Catherine, while speaking low and quietly to Merce. “Catherine… She… Doesn’t know about that. I am scared to tell her, to bring her in. I don’t want her hurt. I...”

"Well, not that this hasn't been a thrilling night, but it actually is getting late and my hostels a bit of a walk. So, if you still want to talk, maybe we could meet here tomorrow or something? In the light of day."

To that, Anthony nods, and tries to smile slightly. “Y… Yes, we could get a couple of coffees from here tomorrow, and talk more about that somewhere people won’t listen in after?”

A moment later, Catherine comes from behind the counter to where Anthony is sitting, and pecks him lightly on the cheek, unaware of what Merce, and he, had said about her, and looks at Merce, with a small smile on her face.

“I know you and he are friends, but don’t let Anthony talk your ear off about History too much. I’ve had to sit through him harping on about the past when he’s found something interesting.”

“Kit-Kat!” Anthony says back with clenched teeth to which Catherine simply turns and pokes her tongue out at him in a teasing manner.

“Closin’ time is in 10 minutes. If y’all want takeout boxes or cups, it’ll be a dime each” comes the chirpy, but serious voice of Luanne, which causes Catherine to run behind the counter and check the stock quickly, as several customers stand to get them, which causes Luanne to come out from the back and help. At this, Anthony leans in towards Merce, and speaks to her in a low voice, before Merce can get a box and mug herself.

“Are you going to keep my heirloom for the night then, or can I have it returned before we part ways? I won’t be bringing it tomorrow, if that is any concern to you.”

There is, I think, humor here which does not translate well from English into sanity.

6:33pm Apr 15 2019 (last edited on 6:34pm Apr 15 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 92

"We're going to get coffee!"
"What! No! Oh, that is so not a good idea! Your already hyper enough! If you drink coffee we might start hearing colors and seeing music! Lets not!"
"Wow, does coffee really have such magical abilities? That sounds awesome!"
"No, its poison, just think of it as poison! We might die if we drink it!"
"But I thought you said your special ability was breathing poisons? Didn't you say that if we eat poison we can then absorb it and learn how to use it or something like that?"
"Well...not quite that type, coffee is different..."
"But then we can give the people of the world the ability to see music and hear colors? Do you know how awesome that would be!"
"Somehow I doubt people would appreciate that..."
Although Rizzio was less than willing to cooperate the dragon did not stop his person as Reito showered, dressed and headed out cheerfully humming off beat to whatever random song popped into his head. Like the other day he was still entirely dressed in black, black leather boots, a long black coat, black pants and a black shirt. He didn't actually have a change of clothes but he had managed to get them washed by borrowing a bathrobe earlier that morning. His hair was still damp and unbrushed when he arrived at the coffee shop and after looking around for a moment he spotted Tucker and waved cheerfully and headed over. "Hey, what do you recommend for coffee? It seems like they have lots of different options here!" He asked cheerfully plopping himself down on the opposite side of the table.


Although he needed to stock the house with supplies Creus didn't go all the way into town, he decided to save that trip for later. For breakfast he simply stopped by a family farm that was located only a few miles away. Out front a young woman, the farmers daughter stood by a stand that sold fresh eggs, bread, produce and meat from that mornings harvest. He had driven by the stand several times in the past before eventually stopping there. What they had to sell was more than enough to keep himself and Blitz fed for the morning without having the half hour drive to town. As soon as he pulled over the young women, who looked quite bored eyes lit up at the prospect of a sale but the moment she saw his passenger the thief saw her physically take a step back her complexion paling. Not many farmers liked wolves and unlike people in town whom might mistake Blitz for a large dog they did not. So he left the wolf in the car seeing no need to petrify the young women as he bought a dozen eggs, a loaf of bread, freshly made butter, cheese and a young freshly butchered chicken. The entire time the young farmer was tense and eying him as if he where some sort of criminal for having a wolf which he ignored. Besides, he was technically a criminal after all.

As soon as the food he had was packed up the thief beat a hasty retreat as he spotted the farmer approaching from a distance, eying Blitz wearily. He wasn't in the mood to try and explain to these people that his pet was not some blood thirsty monster many of these type made his kind out to be. He had tried in the past but rarely succeeded in convincing anyone, it wasn't worth the effort. He just needed get his supplies and go back to the cabin without anyone putting up a fuss. He had grown used to this behavior in the last few years, people either feared Blitz for what he was or obsessed over him likely due to misconceptions brought about by recent movies. Few actually saw the wolf for what he was, a large, rowdy trouble maker with a heart of gold and it would likely stay that way.

Back at the cabin Creus gave the young chicken to Blitz, fresh, raw and not messed with the thief often preferred to feed the wolf something close to what he would eat in the wild. He always offered the wolf a variety of fresh raw meats, bones and organs such as liver and he seemed to thrive on the diet. However at least twice a week the thief would prepare a cooked meal that contained some vegetable and fruit content. While Blitz made quick work of the chicken he cooked himself up a quick, simple breakfast. Since he didn't  have a toaster in his little apartment he toasted the bread in a pan with a little butter while he cracked an egg over another pan and seasoned it with just a little salt and pepper. While the egg cooked he flipped the toast and added slice of cheese on one half to melt. Essentially he made himself a grilled cheese sandwich with an egg in the middle. It was simple, quick and easy but with freshly produced ingredients from a local farm it proved to be a delightful meal.

After eating the first task he started for the day was installing the surround sound system in the main level of the cabin. Grabbing tools and a latter from the garage he mapped out where he wanted to put the speakers and carefully put them up. Unlike a normal house he could not exactly hide them within the walls as they where made of logs instead of layers of sheetrock so he had to get a bit creative. He had already purchased decorations that would both hide the speakers and work with the cabins current decor. He then hid the wire in a crevice between the logs using staples to keep it tidy and in place. From the floor they wouldn't be visible. Once that was completed he hooked the system up and tested it out, trying its bluetooth feature first he picked a random song from his phone. After a bit of adjusting Carry on My Wayward Son flowed smoothly and evenly throughout the floor from the hidden speakers.

Following that he set his phone to shuffle and started giving the rest of the cabin a quick clean up. After three weeks everything had a fine la
yer of dust, he started with the kitchens black granite countertops, cherrywood cabinets and stainless steel appliances, most of which he acquired from a foreclosed home and refitted to fit the cabin. It was a good size and a perfect place for multiple people to cook if they wanted to. After cleaning the dust off he resealed the countertops and slate floor bringing out the shine and depth of colors in the stone.

The rest of the house was easy in comparison just a bit of dusting and it looked as good as new, the cabins large windows and open floor plan giving it a bright appearance despite the cozy warmth its natural wood and stone decor gave it. The dinging room and living room where combined in one large space, with a tall ceiling and skylights. The furniture where all things he acquired from various adds and marketplaces where people where getting rid of them. Thus they where a bit mismatched but somehow worked together quite well. The dining room table was an antique, dark wood and large enough to fit a dozen people. The living room comprised of a large sofa made of a soft brown cloth that had both a chaise lounge and reclining chairs built in. There was also pair of black leather reclining chairs and both the chairs and sofa where situated to face a large stone fireplace and the flat screen tv he had set above its wooden mantle. The coffee table and end tables where all made of a dark wood similar too but not the same as the wooden mantle of the fire place and the dining room table. Those a bathroom, a small bedroom and the sunroom made up the main floor.

The sunroom was the only one that wasn't completely fixed up, it still had its old wicker furniture from twenty years ago and its wood frame was a bit aged but he had cleaned the place up at least. The previous owner of the cabin had been a gardener and their family, the one that was murdered. What was left behind was dozens of plants and gardening supplies that he did not even know the name of. By the time he bought the place, most of them where dead and rotting so he had cleaned out the old terracotta and ceramic pots and stored them in the shed but he had left the few survivors of which he wouldn't have even known the name of if the previous owner hadn't left tags in place. The survivors where a ficus tree, a jade plant and a strange vine that grew along the walls, the only reason why they survived was likely because the seal on the windows had warn out and leaked some when it rained. He didn't do much with that room other than give the place a quick dusting, taking note that the vine seemed to have buds forming on it. That was not something he had seen in the last three years but he didn't pay it any mind. As far as he was concerned if it made flowers then he would just have more mess to clean up later when they died.

The top floor of the cabin consisted of four bedrooms, three smaller, a bathroom and one larger and  master bedroom with its own private bathroom all of which contained various furniture that he mixed and matched together to the best of his abilities. The design stuff wasn't really his thing but they look good to him. That also only needed a quick cleaning and its finished basement simply contained a seating area that had an older, slightly more warn sofa and a daybed and two more tiny bedrooms both of which had bunkbeds. Overall the place could sleep quite a few people but none of the rooms where huge.


12:15pm Apr 16 2019


Posts: 2,161

Vincent had purposefully made extra batter, knowing his friend would probably be hungry enough for a whole stack of them after last night. Even he was still tired after the paces they’d both been put through; what with him getting shot and Ennie having her home destroyed, the Hunters had really managed to make their cruelty known. They truly saw dragons as inhuman monsters, while being more monsters themselves than any dragon Vincent had ever known.

His own first experience with Hunters had been directly after bonding with Helios. He had awoken with a terrible, searing pain in his arm, and a wicked headache. After paying a visit to his friend, who had happened to be a doctor, and describing what had happened, he learned all about dragons-- and that his friend had been one since before they’d met. They had spent an entire afternoon going over the basics, everything the other man had learned from experience, including the people who hunted and unjustly slaughtered people like them. The next day, he had returned for more ‘dragon lessons’, to find that Samuel’s home had been broken into, and a Hunter grappling with him in his office. Apparently, Vincent’s involuntary transformation had alerted the Hunter, who had been tracking Samuel anyway. They had both nearly died.

After that, they went on the run, moving from place to place and never truly settling down. It was forty or so years later when they got too comfortable, lulled into a sense of security by the lack of Hunters chasing them down. That had cost Samuel his life. Vincent had watched as the gale dragon fought valiantly to defend him, and both the Hunters and the dragon had perished in the battle, leaving the sun dragon with the agony of losing his only friend.

The blonde-haired man chuckled lightly at Ennie’s shock. He didn’t often cook from scratch for breakfast, but this morning had brought company with it, whom he was more than happy to cook for. He sat down across from her once the last of the batter was used up with a plate of his own, a handful of crepes topped with fruit and whipped cream. He cut off a piece and popped it into his mouth, noting that his first attempt at crepes in a long time had certainly been successful.

As the rainforest dragon described the majority of her life, Vincent considered thoughtfully. He had always desired to live among others, even if he avoided forming close relationships with most people he knew he would outlive. It made sense, he supposed, that some dragons would remain in the wilderness, especially in Ennie’s case. Silently, he was grateful that she had chosen to move here; it had been a long time since he had truly had a good friend.

He nodded, finishing up his plate as she relayed her plan. “We don’t have to leave forever,” he said, “just for a few weeks or so, until the Hunters get bored of searching the city for us. I’m going to look online and find somewhere a good distance away that we can lay low for a while. I should have come up with something and be ready to leave by the time you return. Oh, and I will contact that Reito fellow as well. It would probably be in his best interest to hide out for a while too.” As much as the moon dragon’s eccentric chatter and constant arguing with his other half set him on edge, Vincent had to acknowledge that Reito was the most likely out of any of them to be caught, and the last thing he wanted was for him to be killed.

Vincent stood then, pushing his chair in and collecting the empty plates and cutlery from the table. After a quick rinse in the sink, they were neatly placed into the dishwasher along with everything he had used to cook their breakfast. A detergent pod was popped in, and he turned it on. That finished, he wiped down the table with a damp cloth and put away the nutella. There was a bit of fruit still left, namely a couple of strawberries and a slice of banana, so he gave the banana to Misty, who had been sprawled out on the living room floor. She liked the soft texture, he supposed, and a tiny bit of banana wouldn’t hurt her, despite being a carnivore.


9:38pm Apr 19 2019

Normal User

Posts: 620
Ennie felt a little guilty, leaving the dirty dishes for Vincent, but she was burning daylight, and there were stuff needs doing. She knew flying out one of the windows would be a little noticeable in the middle of the day, and opted instead for a much safer elevator ride to the lobby. From there she ducked around to the back of the building, followed a walking trail towards the woods (probably the same one Vincent took) and then left the trail altogether for the dense cluster of trees and the relative safety they promised her. 

She kept to the shadows, watching and listening for any sign of hunters as she neared her car. Ennie waited for almost an extra half hour before she was confident that no one had found the green Hyundai, and made a break for the vehicle. She was more than happy to find an old jacket and a pair of dusty camping shoes in the back, and added them to the 'Homeless Couture Collection' she was currently wearing. 

'Honey, I believe that's called 'Grunge'.' 


Another half hour later and she was on the road and on the way to an autobody and paint shop, a trip punctuated by copious glances into the rearview and white knuckles on the steering wheel. Due to time constraints and costs, she'd decided to go with a wrap rather than a full repaint, especially since it gave her the option to go back to green if things ever calmed down again. 

Once. Once things calmed down again. 

The shop quoted her about a day and a half for the wrap, and loaned her a granny-esque Lexus sedan for the time being. The pedals were spongy, there was no bass whatsoever in the speakers, and it smelled funny, but at least she wouldn't stand out like a sore thumb in it. Her next stop was to the local mall, a one stop shop for most, if not all, of her current needs. She found new clothes, shoes, toiletries, anything she needed to start a new life. 

And also...

'Oh...my god! Look! Look! Ennie! ENNIE! ENN! LOOK! LOOK!'

'Would you calm down! Sheesh, what're you screaming about down here?' she peeked around the corner of the toy aisle, narrowing her eyes at the lego boxes along the wall. 'I didn't even look down here, how did you notice this...' 

'LOOK!' she felt her attention pushed towards a circular looking...thing. 'DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS IS?' 

'No,' she lied. 'No. Some...round doodad?' 


'Fine. It's a Millennium Falcon. With blue.' 

'Kessel Run Millennium Falcon.' 


'We wants its.' 

''Ley, it's $200.' 

'We wants the precious so bad, we does. We must haves it.' 

'I'm not spending $200 on LEGO.' 

She barely quirked an eyebrow as Astley dissolved into some very Gollum-esque screams of displeasure within her mind. 'BUT WE WANTS IT!' 

'Oh my GOD if I buy it will you stop with this Gollum crap?!' 

'Yep, totally. 100%. We promis- Er, I promise.' 

"Cool, great, excellent, fabulous," Ennie cursed to herself as she slammed the trunk of the Lexus closed over her recent purchases. "I get my house burned down, chased by homicidal freaks, lose my plants, but I got me some killer LEGO so that's good. Real good. Reeeeeaaaal adult here," she slid into the driver's seat and started up the car. "Should I get anything else to make up for our lost childhood or can we get back to reality now?" 

'I didn't see one box of Poptarts at Vincent's when I was there, did you?'

'...Oh crap.'


12:09am Apr 20 2019

Normal User

Posts: 34
Tucker jumped in his seat at the man's sudden approach. He had previously looking at the menu, trying to decide what to order. As the man had said, there were so many options and Tucker always had a hard time choosing. Tucker gave the man a friendly smile, trying to act as normal as possible. When he had asked what Tucker would recommend, Tucker started to fumble with his braid nervously "I-I've actually never been h-here before" Tucker stuttered "my father rarely lets me out of the house" Tucker quickly stopped talking, this was a complete stranger who he had only met last night and on top of all of that he was a dragon. Why was Tucker opening up to him?! Maybe because he accepted Tucker's invitation to coffee, or it was the fact that he was the only person willing to start a conversation with Tucker without being afraid or intimated by him. Or maybe it was because Tucker wanted to be his frie- No! Tucker quickly dismissed the thought as soon as it came. Tucker hardly knew anything about this man, he didn't even know his name! And if he found out that Tucker came from a family of hunters, he would probably be killed, friend or not. 

Tucker took a deep breath to calm himself "sorry if I ramble on a little, I tend to do it sometimes when I'm nervous" Tucker tried to look completely calm but he was obviously failing at it. Hopefully this man was not smart enough to notice that Tucker was practically shaking in his boots.

2:09pm Apr 20 2019

Normal User

Posts: 2,092

Merce chose to ignore  the questioning sound Anthony made at her use of Catalan. It hadn’t occurred to her until after she’d left Spain that Catalan, or Catalonian’s in general, wasn’t something a lot of people even knew was a thing. It had miffed her a bit at first, but she’d come to be amused when she spoke her birth language and people assumed it was some form of warped Spanish. If only more people understood how much more there is in the world. She sadly mused to herself and Amphora. Maybe they’d all be more tolerant if they understood others instead of remaining ignorant.

If they understood, took time to learn, maybe dragons would not be hunted. Maybe the bloodshed could end.

Amphora sounded tired and old, words colored by memories. This could be a first step to that understanding? Everything has to start somewhere. If she could get Amphora more on her side in the matter of talking to a Hunter the entire thing would go smoother.

This one is to old, to set in his ways to ever change.” Or not. “Don’t get comfortable Merce, or you’ll kill us both.”

Sighing, Merce crumpled her napkin in her palm before returning her attention to the conversation at hand.

“You know Luanne is mostly teasing you, right? Her husband works in here too. I know them because I have been living in the area a while. Even met Catherine in here a few years ago.”

Raising an eyebrow, Merce snickered. “Yes, I know she’s teasing. And I know of the husband as well. Still, it’s fun and it passes the time before I leave town again. Not all places have such friendly citizens. Trust me, I’d know.” Pausing, she tore a strip off her napkin and balled it up while Anthony’s words took a suddenly depressing turn. Unable to help herself, Merce gave him a sympathetic look. “I’m definitely not the right person to give relationship advice, but from a woman’s perspective you might be hurting her more by not letting her in. From what I’ve seen she’s smart and she cares about you. If she starts thinking you’re keeping something from her it won’t end well.”

Someone stab me with someone dragonsteel, please… It’ll be more fun then listening to you give relationship advice to a Hunter..” Amphora’s voice was as dry as the Sahara.

You don’t have a romantic bone in your body so you don’t get an opinion.

Honey, I’ve known you for fifty years. I’ve seen you flirt maybe three times, and it was frankly a sad sight.” Knowing the dragon was right, Merce shrugged a bit to herself and chose to let the conversation die. No need to embarrass herself further. As far as she was concerned, relationships were too much work with not enough reward. Catherine appeared to save Merce from further thoughts and she smirked at the display of affection. Of course at Catherine’s words she perked up a bit, cloudy blue eyes lighting.

“History huh? No need to worry about that. I’m an archaeologist whose dabbled a bit in anthropology; I could probably talk him under the table if I wanted too.” Shooting Catherine a compassionate grin, Merce wondered how such a sweet girl could fall for a Hunter who was obviously keeping so much from her. “But don’t worry, my job will send me away soon enough then you can go back to dealing with all that alone again.” Suddenly Luanne’s voice rang out and Catherine bolted back to the counter to finish the closing preparations. “She’s sweet.”

“Are you going to keep my heirloom for the night then, or can I have it returned before we part ways? I won’t be bringing it tomorrow, if that is any concern to you.

“How do I know I can trust you not to bring it, hm?” Contemplating, Merce picked up her trash and moved from the seat to throw it away. With her back facing Anthony, Merce let her shoulders droop a bit and a frown to etch it’s way onto her face. What was she doing? Amphora obviously wasn’t pleased about any of this and Merce had come to trust her dragons input over the years. But at the same time she’d not been kidding to either of them about having to start somewhere when it came to understanding. Even changing one Hunter’s views was progress, and the knowledge he gained might trickle on to others. Hopefully there would even be a chain reaction. Nothing of that sort would be swift, it could take years; if it worked at all. But at least she tried to make the world a bit better, and wasn’t that the goal of any good archaeologist/anthropologist? At the thought, Merce wondered if there was a way to go back to school to actually get another degree. Concentrate!

Turning back to the table, she made sure her conflicting thoughts were too obvious and sat back down carefully. “Well, since it’s an heirloom it’s my ethical duty to make sure such artifacts stay with their rightful owners.” Sarcasm laced her voice and she leaned back and crossed her arms. “I’ll give it back once we leave.”


3:27pm Apr 20 2019

Normal User

Posts: 96

Anthony took quiet mouthfuls of water as he listens to Merce’s little bits of advice, while listening to her talk to Catherine. Once they were alone again, he inhales quietly after taking the bottle from his lips, feeling better finally. He spoke in low tones however, to keep their conversation unnoticed.

“Y... You are right about telling Kit-Kat. It would mean her knowing the truth about you too though, if you are willing to show, and tell, her, to prove I am telling the truth. Though that might not be tonight, it is getting late.” Anthony takes another mouthful of water, as Merce asks about how to trust he won’t have the knife, but affirming she will return it.

To that, Anthony taps the side of his head and asks, looking in Merce’s eyes for a second, “Can friends help you with knowing if I have it, if I stand on the opposite side of the road before we meet up tomorrow?”

He takes a mouthful of water to whet his throat, and calm his nerves, a second later. He had seen Amphora, or at least her eyes, glaring at him. As he does however, he makes a quiet noise of shock as he realises Merce had said something that had only now piqued his interest. “Did you say you were an archaeologist?!”

On his utterance, he hears the sounds of Luanne telling people to get out because the cafe was closing, and she was including Catherine, which causes Anthony to stand slowly, bottle in one hand, and his backpack still over his shoulder, speaking at almost normal volume, for potential observers to hear.

“Should we head out then Merce? The history research won’t wait, and I have things to check, as probably do you. The new findings you brought back need to be catalogued too, right?”

There is, I think, humor here which does not translate well from English into sanity.

6:45pm Apr 20 2019 (last edited on 12:41am Apr 21 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 92
"Oh? Well lets try a whole bunch of things and see whats good!" Reito stated cheerfully, seemingly oblivious to his companions nervous state. He was generally just happy to talk with someone regardless of who they where or what their background was.
He did however seem a bit baffled when his new friend mentioned his father. "Well why don't you just leave anyway? Your old enough to leave your house on your own right? What do you think Rizzio?"
"Seems your age or near, not sure why your asking me I'm not familiar with humans."
"Well obviously you should learn to be."
"I don't see the point, its got nothing to do with me."
"But you live in a human world silly, thats all the reason you need."
"I don't care."
"Yes, you do."
"No, I do not."
"Yes you do care, I know you do. How else would you even be able to guess his age?"
"Do not! The only human I have anything to do with is you and thats because I have no choice!"
"Well thats sad, humans can be good friends!"
"I am not interested befriending humans!"
"Sure your not."
"Yes, I'm sure now lets get out of here, look your making him nervous"
"But we just got here and why is he nervous? How do you know?'
"How the hell would I know why he is nervous and he literally just said he was why don't you ask him!"
"Oh, right. Why are you nervous? We don't bite, at least not usually anyway." Reito said turning his conversation back to Tucker. "Is there something else scaring you or something? If so, there is no need to be scared while I'm here! Rizzio and I will protect you!"
"Seriously? I don't think he needs our protection and why do you think I would even cooperate?'
"Cause if he's in danger and I'm near than we're in danger."
"Thats why we should get out of here! For all we know he can be a hunter waiting to stab us in the back!"
"No way! He's our new friend, he wouldn't stab us in the back!"
"Do you even know his name?!"
"Then how do you know he's a friend?!"
"Cause he's nice?"
"That means nothing!"
"That means everything!" Reito retorted as he selected a random item from the menu and decided he wanted to try that specific one. "Right, you won't stab us in the back because your or friend now. Right? Oh, what is your name anyway? My dragons name is Rizzio, he is big and black and breaths poison. He's also super grumpy but he's got a kind heart on the inside so he's of no danger unless someone tries to kill us. ." The former assassin added his own name as an after thought as if almost forgot it after introducing his dragon. "Oh, I'm Reito by the way, nice to meet you for a second time friend!"
"Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!"
"Do not tell a stranger of my powers!"


As he finished up cleaning the cabins interior a door from the cabins rear balcony swung open and Blitz trotted inside covered with mud. Creus wasn't able to react fast enough to stop the wolf as he shook and spattered the walls and furniture which he had just finished cleaning . "Really?" The thief muttered as he shooed the wolf back outside and re-cleaned the area however he should have known better than to expect Blitz to cooperate. Within seconds the wolf jumped up and pulled the lever style door handle down and come back inside huffing at him as if the thief had just insulted him.  Even after their long day yesterday the wolf was still full of energy and Creus quickly realized that he would need to give Blitz a chance to burn off his energy lest he undo all the hard work the thief just did.

As if reading his thoughts the wolf let out another impatient huff, turned around and nosed the door back open which had swung partially shut. "Alright. Do you want to go on a hike?" As soon as the wolf heard the word his golden eyes lit up and he started wiggling and whining. "Lets go then." The thief sighed as he followed Blitz out the door and onto the balcony, following the wolf down its wooden steps to the lawn below. The cabin was located on a large plot, about half of which was over grown lawn and untended gardens the rest however was still forested. Behind the cabin was an outdoor cooking and dining area, beyond that was a stone fire pit surrounded by hand carved stone benches. The place was perhaps once meticulously landscaped with beautiful gardens surrounding the seating areas, they where now covered in grass and hardly distinguishable from the lawn. He would have to mow everything later but first getting Blitz some exercise took priority.

At the edge of the lawn, dividing the somewhat tamed land and the forest was a stream which provided a natural barrier between the two. It meandered through the area giving the layout of the lawn a bit of an odd shape as the previous owner just grew the lawn up to its banks. For a moment Creus stopped once he reached the stream appreciating the serenity provided by the sound of flowing water. It was perhaps his favorite place on the entire property, so much so that he had taken various scraps left over from renovating the cabin and built a bench near it. On the rare occasion that he had the time he enjoyed hanging out and reading books there.

His thoughts where disturbed rather suddenly as cold water sprayed his face, causing him to glare at the wolf for a moment before he followed the animal across the stream using the stepping stones he had placed there last time. Once he was clear he followed Blitz off into the forest using no set trail. The thief was content to follow the wolf where ever he went and comfortable enough in the forest to do so. After all, it was his escape from the world too and the one and only safe place he had known as a child. Still it was a bit odd, Blitz had the freedom to run around and explore as he pleased but the wolf never went far and always insisted he come whenever he wanted to go farther. Every time he had tried to convince the wolf it was okay to explore on his own Blitz would just come back and annoy him until he followed. At this time of day the forest beyond the cabin was rich with the sounds of nature. The four foot wide stream flowed steadily behind him and other brooks and streams crossed through the land, birds chirped loudly over head and a gentle breeze blew through the trees. It was truly a fine day to take be out in the woods but the thief had to remind himself that he couldn't wander with his pet for to long, he had a lot of work left to do.


12:24am Apr 23 2019


Posts: 2,161

When Vincent returned to the living room, he realized that Ennie had left his condo. Probably a good idea, he thought, she has much to do, as do I. Silently willing for his friend’s safe return, he made his way to the spot where he had dropped off his laptop bag after returning from work the previous evening. It would be faster to search for places to stay using the computer.

He sat himself down on the couch and pulled the laptop out of his bag. As he waited for it to boot up, it was set on the coffee table, while he reached for his phone to give the headmaster of the university a call. He had her number already inputted as a contact, so it was just a couple of taps to get the phone ringing.

“Good afternoon,” the familiar voice greeted, “this is Sylvia Hendrickson speaking. How may I help you?”

“Afternoon, Sylvia,” the sun dragon replied, “this is Vincent. I’m calling to request a few weeks of leave.”

“Leave?” Sylvia parroted, concern lacing her tone, “are you all right?”

“I…” Vincent sighed, “not… no, Sylvia, I’m not,” he said honestly. “I was… assaulted last night. Shot, a couple of times. Nothing vital was hit, but I’m still very shaken, and the wounds will take time to heal. I’m not certain I can perform my duties with the incident so fresh in my mind.”

A shocked gasp was her initial response. “You were shot?! By whom?!

“A stranger. It was quite late at night, and I was alone in the forested area near where I live.”

“Wait…” Sylvia paused, gears almost audibly turning in her head, “I saw a report on the news late last night, of two gunshots being fired in those woods, and a man arrested. They hadn’t found the victim, if there was one. That… was you, wasn’t it?”

A tired sigh was the blonde-haired man’s response. “Yes, Sylvia, it was me. Physically, I will be fine, especially since the man is in custody.”

“My god,” she breathed, “why haven’t you gone to the police? You’re obviously aware that you won’t be in trouble for being shot, right?”

Vincent chuckled, despite the heavy subject matter. “Yes, I know I won’t be in trouble. There is a very good reason for me to have not come forward as the victim.”

“I… won’t press, then,” the headmaster decided, and Vincent let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding, “seeing how the year has recently started, and there aren’t any exams coming up, and the fact that you are always here, right on time, and sometimes into the night working, I can grant you leave. You definitely have the vacation hours stacked up.” She let out a small laugh.

“Thank you, Sylvia,” the blonde-haired man said in earnest.

“You’re quite welcome. Now, is three weeks enough for you to ah… recover?”

“Three weeks should be plenty. I truly do appreciate this.”

“Stay safe, Vincent,” Sylvia said in farewell, “and get well soon.”

“I will,” he replied, and the call was ended by the headmaster. Thankfully, it was a weekend, so there was easily enough time for her to come up with a substitute for him.

“Now that we’ve got that out of the way,” he said to himself, “let’s start looking for somewhere to lay low for a while.”

Vincent grabbed the fully-booted laptop from the coffee table and signed in, clicking open the browser and opening an incognito window. It wasn't necessarily like the Hunters would be able to see his browser history, but he would rather not have Google giving him well-meaning advertisements for vacation homes for the next several months. Heading over to a site with listings a good distance away, he set upon finding himself, Ennie, and Reito a safe haven.

There were multiple homes up for renting, as a lot of people were still south, waiting until the very last tendrils of winter had released their icy grip on the north. Most of those were in areas they could be easily spotted, too expensive, too small, or all of the above. An hour or so into his search, he came across a rustic log cabin-style home several hours north of where they lived. The ad said it was fully furnished, with updated appliances, internet and cell connection, large enough for several people to rent, and in a nice, quiet wooded area. It also stated clearly that pets were more than welcome, which waa good news for Misty. The photos attached to the ad showed that its words were true.

What do you think, Helios?

“ι тнιηк тнαт ιт ωσυℓ∂ вє ωιѕє тσ ѕтαу αωαу ƒяσм ρσρυℓαтє∂ ρℓα¢єѕ,” the dragon rumbled in reply, “αη∂ тнαт єηηιє αη∂ αѕтℓєу ωσυℓ∂ α∂σяє тнαт gяєєηнσυѕє αяєα.”

You're right on both accounts, my friend, Vincent agreed, now to contact the owner.

The phone call was short, with the man on the other end answering his questions easily, and perhaps a little eagerly. The trio of dragons had the cabin for three weeks, and if need be, more time could be rented. He would need to take a trip to the bank to take out some cash, but it was worth it. It was such a lovely place; Vincent wondered why no one had rented it already.

“So,” the sun dragon said out loud, ruffling the fur on then neck of the cat that had jumped into his lap the second he'd set down his laptop, “we've got time off, and a place to stay. What's next?”

“ρα¢кιηg,” Helios supplied, “αη∂ α вιт σƒ ѕнσρριηg ƒσя ωнαт ωє ∂σ ησт нανє.”

“Right,” Vincent stood, much to the dismay of a dislodged Misty, who made her discomfort known with an indigent ‘mraow’. “Sorry girl,” he chuckled, soothing her with a stroke from her head to her tail, which she leaned into happily.

After putting away his laptop and dropping the bag by the door, so as to not forget it, Vincent set about gathering everything he would need. The cabin had a functioning washer and dryer, so he didn't need to bring everything; just enough to wear for a week or so and then rewash. Everything folded nice and neatly filled a medium-sized suitcase, which he also tucked his medication safely into after popping a pill when the damned ache in his shoulder returned.

A separate bag was filled with Misty's essentials; inexpensive temporary food and water dishes could be purchased on the way there, but he packed her brush, a few cat toys, and the cozy little blanket she liked to roll around in. Her vest and collar would be strapped on before they left.

That done, Vincent turned and stared at his bedroom wall, where a glass case was mounted. Inside the case, well-preserved and unused for at least a century, was his father's sword. He had kept it with him all this time; the only thing left of the man who had gone to war and never come home when he had been just a boy. Some… strange, nagging feeling in him told him to bring it. It was small enough to fit into his suitcase, and it did still have its sheath…

He hesitated, hands hovering over where the glass was attached to his wall. He hadn't touched the thing in a long time. Hadn't… been able to touch it. The blade hurt in more ways than simply physical; as though it could cut into his very soul, hollowing him out and leaving him for dead.

A shudder wracked Vincent's body

Helios stirred then, voice warm and encouraging. “ιƒ уσυ ƒєєℓ αѕ тнσυgн уσυ мαу ηєє∂ тσ υѕє ιт, ωє мυѕт вє ρяєραяє∂.”

The blonde-haired man was silent, focusing on his breathing to try and steady his heart. He nodded, taking the case from the wall and opening the latches that sealed it shut. He lifted the sheathed sword from its confines with an almost-reverence, gingerly placing it in his suitcase, and covering it with the last of his clothes.

Misty headbutted his leg and rubbed her whole body along the side, circling back around to repeat the action. The feeling was soothing, eliciting a smile from her master. “Thank you, Misty.”

A few moments later, Vincent brought the suitcase and cat bag over to his front door. He called Misty over to the living room, where she obediently sat upon the couch awaiting her collar and vest. “There,” Vincent said, scratching her ears, “now you'll be allowed to come anywhere with me.” She purred in response, leaning eagerly into his touch.

One last run-around to ensure he had gotten everything he needed later, and Vincent and Misty were off to the underground parking garage. The bags were stored in the trunk of his powder-blue Hyundai Genesis, and the two of them returned to the apartment to await the return of their friend. Once inside, Vincent sent Reito a text.

“Hello there! This is Vincent- ah, the man with the cat from last night. I have found somewhere safe to lay low for a while, with enough room for all of us. If you would like to join us, I live at the Fairview Heights complex. You can meet Ennie and I here.”


6:55pm Apr 24 2019

Normal User

Posts: 620
Ennie would have liked to say she stuck to the bare essentials. Truly, she did try. But a Lexus trunk full of LEGO, houseplants, Pop Tarts, generally unhealthy foods, and a large, inflatable, unicorn pool float said otherwise. Fortunately, she could leave most of the more...incriminating purchases in the trunk until she was ready to sneak them inside. It was a good plan, particularly since Vincent seemed to be waiting for her as she entered the condo. 

'ABORT MISSION! ABORT MISSION! We've been made, lad!'

"Hey," she huffed as she stood in the foyer, partially obscured by an armful of plants of Pop Tarts. Even though she took the elevator up, the trek from there to Vincent's place had been quite the journey. And all because Astley insisted she could get her groceries up in one trip. "What's up?" 

"I think I found a good place to lay low for a while," Vincent was obviously trying to hide his excitement as he brought his phone over to show her some pictures. "It's a nice, secluded cabin, in the woods North of here. It looks large enough for us all to stay comfortably... And it has a greenhouse area." 

'LAAAAAAAHH! Okay, that sucked, let me try again- LaaaAAAAAAHH! Ugh... Just-just imagine like a chorus of Angels. That's what I'm going for here.'

"Neat!" Ennie smiled as she caught a falling box of Pop Tarts with the tips of her fingers and deftly flung it to the top of the pile. "That's...super cool actually, Vince. I like it. I guess I'll just... Put this back in the car. No!" She frowned as he made to help her with her burden. With arms full of groceries Ennie was reduced to lifting a foot between her and Vincent, flip-flop sole facing out. "Not with your bum shoulder! Stay away from my crap! I got this!" The two watched a box of Froot Rollups begin to slide down from the top of the pile, and Ennie smooshed her face into her armful of goods, catching the errant box between the rest of the pile and her forehead just in time. "I got this! This is all under control!" Ennie yelled into her armful of groceries that were clearly not under control. "I made it up here, I can make it back down!" 

Vincent watched with a concerned air as Ennie backed out of the foyer, turned around about sixteen times more than was necessary, and made her way back to the elevator, leaving a trail of Dunkaroos and Pop Tarts in her wake. "Come on, Misty, we can't just watch this," he chuckled and followed his friend, picking up the errant boxes as he went, the Maine Coon close on his heels. 

Only seven abandoned boxes later and Ennie was back at her loaned Lexus, throwing the armfuls of stuff back into the trunk and so focused on hiding the box with the enormous inflatable unicorn that she didn't even notice as Vincent quickly added his handful of errant food to the pile. "There!" she exclaimed, slamming the trunk closed. "Told ya I got it."

"Clearly, without a doubt," her friend smiled, catching Misty as she jumped into his arms. "How long are you going to be without the Kona?"

"About another day or so," Ennie shrugged, leaning against the sedan. "Didn't notice anyone following me today, so maybe the ol' Mom Mobile is a pretty good disguise. Speaking of," her demeanor instantly changed from nonchalant to worried. "Have you heard from Reito? I was just thinking today, about the Hunters, and how if they followed me home it's very possible that they... You know..." 

"I did just text him, and haven't heard back from him, but... I'm sure he's okay. Honestly, what are the chances that both of you ran into Hunters on the same night?" The words were just empty platitudes when neither of them knew for certain if their young friend was okay, but that was all they had at the moment, and it would have to do. 

"I hope you're right," Ennie frowned, fidgeting with her hands. "He's only new, he could have ran into anyone out there, anything could have happened to him."


9:16pm Apr 24 2019

Normal User

Posts: 34
"My name is Tucker, and the reason I don't leave is because I can't. I was born into a...position and if I try to leave then let's just say I'll be permanently terminated from the position" Tucker tried to be as vauge as he could, he didn't want to give away the fact that he was a hunter. Tucker had taken a second look at the menu and noticed a breakfast bagel that looked to be appetizing. He then called one of the waitresses over and gave her his order, he then looked to his companion "have you decided on what to order yet?" Tucker asked. Just then, he caught someone at the corner of his eye. All of the color drained from his face. It was another hunter named Macro.

Tucker had known Marco from when they were both in elementary school. They had never been friends but they were forced to work with each other on occasional group hunts. Marco was a skilled hunter, he was small but quick on his feet. He always carried dragon steel throwing knives and a large dragon steel dagger. When Marco saw a dragon, he would immediately lure them into a secluded area, and kill them. But the worst thing he did, would be to put the body on display as a message to all dragons. 

Tucker instantly knew that if he was seen with Reito, then he and the dragon would be murdered on sight. Without hesitation, he grabbed Reito by the hand and bolted to the nearest alleyway. He then ducked behind a large dumpster. Tucker could obviously tell that his new friend was shocked and a little bit startled. "There is a dragon hunter near the coffee shop, and I can't afford to loose the only real friend I have.." Tucker explained. He then realized he was still holding Reito's hand, he quickly let go and his cheeks flushed in embarrassment "s-sorry for being so rough.." He stuttered. Tucker then peeked around the corner, keeping an eye on Marco.

6:34pm Apr 26 2019

Normal User

Posts: 2,092

Watching from the corner of her eye as Catherine walked away, Merce tugged on the sleeve of her jacket in a nervous gesture. No one, except this Hunter, knew what she was, who she shared her mind and body with. It was a level of crazy Merce was sure no one unsuspecting was ready to deal with. More less this poor woman whose life would be permanently altered. Yet, didn’t she also deserve to know the truth about someone she might think she was in love with?

It would mean her knowing the truth about you too though, if you are willing to show, and tell, her, to prove I am telling the truth.

Was she willing? Mouth pursing in thought, Merce ignored Amphora’s hissing and cursing as she looked from Anthony, to Catherine, then back again. It could go either of two ways, she figured. She could show the other woman and Catherine would freak out and demand never to see either of them again, or she’d be ‘okay’ with it.

Yeah, she might be okay enough to join her boyfriend on the hunt!”  

We don’t know that! Catherine might be fine with it and we’ve gained two ally’s.

Don’t think that Hunter is your ally! You get comfortable and that’s when he’s going to put that knife you’re ‘oh so stupidly’ going to give back into your skull!”  

A bit cowed by the hint of violence in Amphora’s voice, Merce hunched her shoulders a bit and turned to peer out the window until she could mask the sudden doubt. Not about talking to the Hunter, because she wasn’t willing for her own fear to stop progress, but about letting anyone else know about her - them. Blinking hard, Merce finally sighed and turned back. “My ‘friend’ has some obvious doubts about telling Catherine about them. Maybe that’s a topic to bring up later, after we’ve rested and talked more. They don’t exactly like, more less trust, you enough to bring anyone else in.” Amphora scoffed loudly at the question of knowing if Anthony brought the knife.

How does this fool think we were able to lead him into that alley in the first place? Of course I can scent that thing from across the street.” Amphora suddenly surged forward and Merce was thrown into the dark. It lasted for only a second as the dragon took over her eyes, the blue suddenly turning liquid gold as the dragon glared viciously at the Hunter. As suddenly as it was black the room reappeared in a dizzy swirl of color. Smugness radiated off the dragon and Merce suddenly felt sick.

“Yeah, I definitely think it’s time we wrap this up.” Merce muttered, rubbing her forehead. Contrite, Amphora hummed in apology. “And yes, she’ll know if you bring it. Please don’t insult her.” Pausing, Merce’s lips twitched upwards in the beginnings of an amused grin. “Her words, not mine.” Anthony’s sudden outburst at her profession of choice startled both Merce and Amphora, who Merce could feel bristling wearily. Not that Merce could blame her, it was the most animated the Hunter had been.

“Did you say you were an archaeologist?!”

“Err, yeah? Have been for… a very long time.” Pausing, she ran her hand through her hair wearily and moved to stand as well. “How do you think I met my ‘friend’?” Gathering her things, Merce turned to wave cheerily at Catherine and Luanne before starting towards the door. “And as a matter of fact I do have somethings to check. Namely zoning and preservation laws for this area.” Sometimes the truth was easier then making up lies. Exiting the shop, Merce paused to wait for Anthony and hoped he’d not take to long saying goodbye to Catherine. It was late, it had been a long day, and Merce kinda just wanted to get her work done so she could go to bed.

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