3:41pm Oct 19 2011
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Posts: 1,557
Davy looked at his father for a few minutes. What was he up to? Why would he be that interested in the problems of the people? He turned and walked out the door to Todd. He saw the blush on the other boy's face, but didn't commit on it. If he still had Noise, it would have mocked him for it. But his Noise was gone, so no one heard his thoughts.
Davy glanced at Todd. "Do you want to walk or ride?" He asked.
[[Omg, fail, sorry.]]
8:42pm Oct 19 2011
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Posts: 783
((Haha it's fine. I didn't exactly give you much to reply to. My post is probably gonna be fail too.))
"I dunno," Todd muttered, looking at the ground. "Whatever you want."
It really didn't matter to him. If they rode on horseback, he wouldn't have to concentrate on anything, and he figured it would make them look cooler too. All the same, walking would mean he could focus on putting one foot in front of the other, and it would be easier for Manchee to keep up.
Todd smiled to himself. Since when did he care about Manchee? That is to say, since when did he care so much? Todd had never disliked the dog, though he was irritating at times. But if it were a year ago, Todd wouldn't have batted an eyelash if he thought Manchee was having trouble keeping up. Now, though, they had just been through so much together. Manchee was as much a member of the family to Todd as Ben and Cillian. He clenched his hands into fists when he thought of the men that had raised him- and of what happened to them. Most of it was Davy's fault.
"So what do you want to do?" Todd said through clenched teeth, shooting Davy's question back at him.
3:26pm Oct 22 2011
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Posts: 783
((Bump :U))
4:06pm Oct 24 2011
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Posts: 1,557
[[Gah, sorry, I was sick]]
Davy noticed that Todd seemed to zone out for a few seconds. He didn't bl ink at the harshness of the male's question. "I guess I'd rather ride. We would be able to move quicker around town." Davy mentally hit himself. Haven was more of a city than a town. No matter, he didn't care about what Todd thought, especially since he could no longer hear his thoughts.
Davy looked down at the dog at Todd's feet. The dog would have trouble if they rode on horse back. He felt bad for the dog for a second before it passed. The stupid dog wouldn't care.
8:47pm Oct 24 2011 (last edited on 8:47pm Oct 24 2011)
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Posts: 783
((Don't worry about it. I'm in way over my head so I wouldn't have had time to reply anyway. (I think I counted 6 RPs, most of them literate, and one more that I still need to make the thread for >.<) And aw. That sucks. You feeling better?))
"Okay, sure. Let's go, then." Todd said, glancing almost apologetically at Manchee, who merely wagged his tail.
Todd began to walk in the direction that Angharrad and Acorn (or 'Deadfall', as Davy insisted on calling him) were. It was almost unbearably quiet now that both he and Davy were Noiseless, but Todd tried not to let it bug him.
Once they arrived in the little grassy field that horses were in, Todd clambered onto Angharrad's bare back. He hated saddles and was determined to never use one with Angharrad.
Boy colt, said her Noise, as soon as Todd was on her back.
"Angharrad," said Todd back to her, just as affectionately. He ran his fingers through her mane, then said "We're gonna go with Acorn and Davy for a walk around New Prentisstown. That okay with you?"
Forward? Asked Angharrad, which of course meant 'should I go forward?'.
She glanced at Davy but swivelled her ears backward to hear Todd's response. Todd noticed she never asked about his lack of Noise. Good, he didn't want to talk about the Mayor or his stupid cure.
"Yeah, girl. Forward." he said, and Angharrad began to walk forward, towards a well used path that would take them clear through to the other side of town. Todd never bothered to turn around and see if Davy was even following. If the ruddy idiot fell behind, well then that was just too bad.
3:26pm Oct 26 2011
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Posts: 1,557
[[Yeah. Sorry again, I was on, but for some reason I didn't get any notifications for my threads... Oh yeah, I'm going to have trouble getting on this weekend, and I'm going to be having issues getting on from November to February, just a heads up. I can probably get on an hour during the weekday, but that might not be enough time for me to reply]]
Davy easily got onto Deadfall's back. When Todd wasn't looked, he patted his horse. To tell the trough, he like Deadfall (Or Acorn, which was his real name). The horse was usually pretty good, he was gentle when trotting and wasn't easily frightened.
"Deadfall." He whispered into his ear when Todd stared off. He nudged the feet things (He never did care to learn the names of the parts of the saddle), and grasped the reigns as the horse started froward.
Davy noticed that Todd didn't seem to care if he got left behind or not. For some reason, it bothered him, which was strange because he really could usually not care less about the other male. Davy shook his head and grumbled to himself.
Deadfall caught up quickly with Angharrad (Such a strange name, Davy thought) and the teen riding her glanced at Todd.
9:19pm Oct 27 2011
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Posts: 783
((Don't worry about it, I certainly don't mind waiting.))
Todd allowed himself to be rocked about by the steady rhythm of Angharrad walking beneath him. He noticed that she automatically stepped to the side of the path to allow Acorn and his rider more room.
Forward, Angharrad said to Acorn, as if inviting him to walk alongside her. Todd looked away before he could see if Acorn took Angharrad's offer, since he was so intent on avoiding eye contact with Davy.
Looking for something to focus his attention on, Todd looked down at Manchee, who was actually keeping up much easier than he thought.
When Todd finally looked up again, he noticed that they had already ridden about a quarter of the way through town. They were quickly approaching the women's quarters- a fact which was confirmed by the rapid decrease in Noise as the two males rode.
8:20pm Nov 20 2011
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Posts: 783
((Bumps for Rabbah))
6:54pm Nov 21 2011
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8:36pm Nov 21 2011
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Posts: 1,557
[[Thanks you~]]
Deadfall moved up beside Angharrad and nickered happily. The horses
seemed to like being with each other. Animals were very social, so that
wouldn't be too surprising...
Davy frowned at Todd, even if the other couldn't see him. They were
usually exchanging threats and mean words, so it was strange how neither of them spoke. Davy shifted on his saddle awkwardly. He looked over at the things they were passing. Mostly it was buildings and a few trees here and there.
Davy glanced down at that stupid dog. It looked up at him almost as if it knew his thoughts. Davy started to glare at the mutt, and his ears went back.
The teen looked up and saw that they were almost at the woman's quaters.
[/fail, I'm so sorry >.<]
9:08pm Nov 21 2011
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Posts: 783
((I feel like I should be making something exciting happen, but I can't think of anything.))
Todd did a poor job of disguising the contempt he had for Davy when he stole a furtive glance in his direction. Davy Prentiss was a self serving, cruel, idiotic...
Automatically, Todd cut off his Noise, for fear of Davy eavesdropping. He smiled a bit, then, once he remembered. It was strange not to have to hide his thoughts. Now, while the effects of that horrible drug lasted, his mind was his own private place.
Is this what it's like for the women? he wondered, smiling a little. The smile faded when he realized what maintaining his mental silence would entail. Last time he had managed to get a hold of some cure, Viola refused to speak to him, saying that he 'wasn't Todd anymore' or something stupid like that. Also, he was going to need to take one of those God-awful pills every two days or so, or his Noise would turn into this horrible, irritating buzz and then eventually back to its normal Noisy self.
Todd rode quietly for a while, listening to the sound of Angharrad's hooves on the path. After a while, he couldn't stand the awkward silence any longer.
"So, the Mayor..." Todd started, instantly wishing he hadn't even began to speak in the first place.
"He... do you know why? Why he gave us the cure, I mean?" Todd glanced at the other rider, fighting the urge to shrink back at the angry retort that he had no doubt earned himself.
7:13pm Nov 22 2011
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Posts: 783
3:45pm Nov 26 2011
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3:55pm Nov 26 2011
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Posts: 1,557
[[Gah >.< I'm so sorry again]]
Davy snorted. "How should I know?" He asked. "It's not like he tells me anything. Father like you better, anyway, so he would've told you before me." He grumbled to himself. His mood had actually been pretty happy before Todd had asked that. Now he felt like crap.
Davy sunk a bit in his saddle in irritation. He was so pissed, he didn't notice the you child running towards the road. A dog was chasing her. Seeing that it couldn't catch the girl, the dog suddenly started barking at Deadfall and ran at the horse. Deadfall, startled, whinnied and stood on her hind legs, kicking at the dog.
Davy finally started paying attention, but it was too late because he fell off Deadfall. The dog ran off and the horse calmed down. Davy sat up and rubbed his head, grumbling. He had fallen on his wrist.
4:12pm Nov 26 2011
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Posts: 783
((Dun worry 'bout it.))
"Oh," Todd mumbled, biting back a snappy retort at Davy. It would only have made things worse.
Todd watched, more than a little surprised, as Deadfall reared up tried to kick a dog that Todd hadn't even seen coming. What the hell? He thought, watching in shocked silence as Davy was thrown off of the stallion's back and onto the dirt path below. Todd felt Angharrad shift nervously beneath him, her Noise full of questions. Boy colt? she asked, but Todd stroked her mane reassuringly, and she soon calmed down.
"Idiot dog," Todd muttered under his breath.
"... Me, Todd?" Barked Manchee, and his Noise said the same, in tones laced through with confusion, hurt and concern.
"No, boy." Todd said, thinking But you're none too bright neither. "The one that scared Acorn."
"Dog." Manchee said, watching the retreating figure of the dog running off.
"It's okay," Todd said, more to himself than to Manchee. "I... I think it's okay. Are you okay?" he asked Davy, cursing himself for having a conversation with the freaking animals before he even checked on Davy.
He wondered if he should climb down off of Angharrad and help him.
6:28pm Nov 27 2011
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6:33pm Nov 28 2011
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11:56pm Nov 29 2011
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9:41pm Dec 1 2011
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8:20pm Dec 2 2011
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