8:33pm Nov 7 2010
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[[ Ok ^_^ Just bumping lol Oh, welcome home! X3 ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:42pm Nov 7 2010 (last edited on 8:43pm Nov 7 2010)
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Danielle kept quiet listening to him explain how school was. "Do you pay attention in school?" she asked curiously. Her ears were perked forward and tail swished behind her happily wanting to know more about him. She found him rather interesting. Hell, he was helping her when no one else would. "How exactly do you get enrolled? Is that something your parents do?" She asked raising to her toes once more and following him that way for a few moments until she dropped back to her normal walking. "I seems...intersting how you explain it. It wasn't a bad explination" she giggled bitting her bottom lip as she looked at the disapearing building. She was really curious and wondered how exactly she would fare in a place like that. She never in a million years dreamed she would be able to enter such a place due to her foster parents and her current living situation. She could easily get jobs but hadn't dreamed of going to school. { fail. And thanks. It's good to be home. Me and my hair, and gaydar is happy. lol. I got to meet my mom's gay hair dresser. He was amazing. I loved him. <3 So much information though >.< Obviously my hair is dead and I need to take better care of it and stop dying it so much. Opps. }

10:11pm Nov 7 2010
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[[ No thats ok ^_^ Sorry it took me so long... I went blind O.O So I had to change my eyeballs for new ones <3 ]] Andrew sighed. "Yeah, I pay attention in school." he replied, "But my teachers don't believe me because I'm failing all of my clas.ses so I goof off and draw attention to myself to draw attention away from my grades. i have a learning disability where all of the letters and numbers just... move when I try to read them. It's called dyslexia." He explained. "Well... Yeah. You need your parents there. But I got enrolled by getting some of my older friends to come to school and claim to be my parents and I had to lye about my address to get into that school." He explained. "Because my dad... left two years ago. And my mom just doesn't care. And my real address is out of district and I would have had to go to that school were everyone drops out and the teachers don't try and you get sick because of the lead paint and food poisoning..." He realized he was ranting and shut up about it. "But anyways... yeah." He said, his tail slowly swaying behind him.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:47pm Nov 8 2010
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:14pm Nov 8 2010
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{ That reminds me. I need to find a picture of Danielle } Danielle casually bit her bottom lip listening to every word Andrew spoke. "Don't your teachers know you have dyslexia?" She asked curiously. She had heard of Dyslexia. One of her adoptive parents had it but she didnt' really stop and ask questions. She never stoped and asked questions. "So your...kind of popular in school?" She asked moving quickly next to him to keep up. the last thing she wanted to do was fall behind. "That was probably smart of you though...to lie to get into school. Just hope no one finds out" she spoke looking around threw the dark to nothing in general. "So what time exactly do you get out of school or well...work." She returned her gaze back to Andrew. "Where exactly do you work? I have a...well it's more of like a maid type job. Just a few hours a week, when my adoptive parents are out. I sort of make sure i'm home by the time they are, but I guess now I don't have to worry about that."
6:56pm Nov 8 2010
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Danielle! Hehe. I'm debating if I should give her a crush on Andrew. Or if later make their relationship as a brother/sister thing.
8:28pm Nov 8 2010
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[[ :3 Maybe a small crush but then turns into brother sister thing? ]] Andrew slowly down for her, not sure if he was going too fast or not. "No, the teachers don't know. If I told them I would just be put into special clas$es and then everyone would know that my grades suck. Kinda defeats the purpose." He explained, he didn't want the teacher to know. "I guess I'm popular." Andrew replied, he'd never really thought about it that way before. He had always focused on the attention he got. "I get out of school at 3:35 and go straight to work down... that way.... and stay there until 10:35" Andrew answered. He had a long day everyday of the week, even weekends, then he would only go to work.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:59pm Nov 8 2010
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{ Hehe. Watch, she'll show up at school randomly. lol } Danielle smiled warmly threw the darkness and nodded just lightly. She was internally memorizing his schedual every day as he explained trying to figure out exactly how much time she could make her way back to the abaondon house and still meet him, or beat him there. She was a little excited that she got to work more often than just two hours a week which honestly wasn't enough time for her type of job. Thirty minutes to get to work, ten to get dressed and that didn't leave very much time to clean and still get back before her adoptive parents did. Oh how she hated those stessful days. "Your probably thinking about how pathetic I am for running away from my adoptive parents. I've only had like seven forster families each only had me for two years until they could either get a child of their own or decide that children wern't for them. I've travelled from home to home ever since I was five. Each family is different, each with their own rules and sets of...acomplisments they wish to see from me" she explained but shrugged. "The only reason I ran today was because for the first time ever, my apdoptive mother struck me. I wasn't in my place, she told me. I wasn't lady like enough for them. That I didn't properly serve her husband or son" She scoffed then paused realizing her own words. "heh...Sorry" She said pulling back her ears and wrapped her tail around her waist.

11:02pm Nov 8 2010
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[[ omg. The Icon next to the RP wasn't blinking -.- Or I would have replied forever ago ]] Andrew could see the house coming up as Danielle talked. "No, you're not pathetic." Andrew replied. "At home... my mom has a new boyfriend. And he hits me all the time." Andrew explained, "He's even...." He didn't want to go there," But the other night I came home and he slammed me against the wall and punched me." Andrew explained. "Said I was a disrespectful and ungrateful brat." He told her. He touched his face, the bruise still there but slowly getting lighter and lighter. It was only dark blue now. "Anyway..." Andrew said. "As long as you're here you won't have to worry about serving anyone or acting like a lady if you don't want to." Andrew said, meaning t. He didn't give a damn about adults anymore they were of no help to him. Only determined in kicking him while he was down. He was done. "Here it is." He told her, looking up at the tall white house in front of them. He led her up to the front door and picked it easily. He had learned how to do it without much at all. He opened the door to reveal the house and the few things that he had in there. There was food that didn't need to be kept warm or cold here so they wouldn't starve
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:36pm Nov 9 2010
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Danielle listened to his story finding out it was much like hers in a way. It was nice to have someone to relate to, especially when it came to family issues. "Im sorry to hear about your step father" she said softly before letting her eyes wander the outside of the house that he had told her was theirs. "It's beautiful...I wonder why it's abandoned. Do you know how long it has been abandoned for?" she asked curiouisly following him inside to look around. It was a pretty house and she was sure with working lights and a little decoration that it would or could become an absolutly stunning place. It just needed a little cleaning and decor here and there. She could already see a few ideas running threw her mind on how she could get it to look amazing for an abandoned house. "Do you think you would get into trouble if people found out you were living here?" she asked returning her curious blue gaze to him. She wondered what the extent to her decorating skills she could go before giving away that the house was being lived in.

1:37pm Nov 9 2010 (last edited on 1:39pm Nov 9 2010)
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1:37pm Nov 9 2010 (last edited on 1:38pm Nov 9 2010)
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6:17pm Nov 9 2010
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"He's not... my step father." Andrew almost growled, he didn't know why everyone as$umed that he was. "He's just my mom's boyfriend." Even if she didn't marry that ******* he would never consider him 'father' anything. As Andrew stepped into the house he closed it behind Danielle. "It's been this way for years. I don't know how long." Andrew answered, locking the door after they were inside. "And we'd probably be forced to leave." He said, "If they found us in here that is. Not too much trouble." He explained to her.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:55pm Nov 10 2010
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:02pm Nov 10 2010
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Ooc:// Well I brought Danielle in to keep me entertained and having something to type but somehow she has failed me. lol. I shall bang my head against the wall a few times till something comes up. ^.^ Oh I hate brain blockage. *goes to turn on CSI for some ideas*
9:46pm Nov 10 2010
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[[ LOL Ok xD ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:34am Nov 11 2010
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:41am Nov 11 2010
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Danielle backed up slightly with her ears pinned against her head and her tail hanging limply behind her. She watched the ground listening to him explain about his father. He instantly felt bad for as$uming. “I’m s-sorry” She stammered quietly closing her eyes for a brief moment. She focused on now trying to get in the frame of mind no one was going to jump out and hit her because she had upset someone. She sort of expected it but seemed to open her eyes a few seconds later and sighed. “Then this place will continue to look abandoned. I was just curious at to what times and all to not be spotted coming back” She shrugged lightly before taking a deep breath. “I will tell my bosses I can work past my normal time, or even find another job” she explained leaning against one of the far walls. She brought her gaze up focusing on Andrew.
10:49am Nov 11 2010
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"I think that just getting in quick whenever you come back is fine." Andrew told her, "Lingering is way more likely to be noticed." He told her, looking around the place. He did wonder what would happen if anyone ever found the two of them in here. He sighed, pushing that to the side and sat down. "You work more than one job?" Andrew asked her, looking up as he spoke. [[ small post o.o ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:04am Nov 11 2010
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"Well kind of" Danielle said slipping down the wall into a sitting position. "It's one job more than one house. I'm a maid. I clean people's houses, appartments, condos....ect. Pretty low maintnance plus I don't get a lot of money. The more houses I am employed at depends on how much money I get" She shrugged lightly. "It normally goes I gain a job and loose one. It's pretty normal though" she explained letting out a small breath of air. "But these are people who can afford cooks and other house hold maids/workers. They are to lazy to clean themselves plus their houses arn't dity. They never do anything since they are never home. I have a key to all their houses and let myself in and out" She shrugged.