11:34am Nov 11 2010
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Andrew nodded as she explained, "So you're doing it for the money and not because you like it." He stated slowly, he didn't exactly wait for an answer but instead continued. "Why not just get a job that pays more?" He asked, thinking of his job. He didn't do it because he liked it either, but because he needed the money. Sure, since he was still in High School he wasn't going to make that much money anywhere he worked. And working at a bar wasn't the highest paying job ever. But that was because you can easily walk away each night with $100, like he did tonight. So, that could easily add up to $700 a week which has happened before. He wondered if Alex would hire Danielle if he could get her a fake ID.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:41am Nov 11 2010
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"Who exactly has a job they like one hundred percent?" Danielle asked but just shrugged that thought off. "I don't like it, but it gets me money. And the reason I don't get a job that pays more is because that would require more hours which I don't have. Hell i'm not even suposed to have a job" she laughed softly bringing up her hand and messing with a strand of her hair. "It isn't in a ladies place to step above the male and work. Her place is in the home and to raise the children" she scoffed quoting her adoptive father's words. "If it was up to my adoptive father and mother, i'd be on my hands and knees catoring to their spoild rotten children verses caring about my own well being." Danille rolled her eyes greatful she was away from those stuck up, fifteenth centery snobs.
11:53am Nov 11 2010
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"F*ck that." Andrew barked, "Do what you want. You don't have to listen to your parents anymore." He reminded her. "Besides, I could ask my boss to let you work there if you want." Andrew offered, "You don;t have to work very long to get paid a lot there." He stuck his hand into his back pocket and pulled out his tips, dropping the bills to the floor in front of his crossed legs. "But if you want to work there you'd have to get a fake ID unless you're 22" Andrew advised. Danielle was pretty, so if she worked at the bar he was sure that she could get decent tips as well. Maybe even more than he did since most of the customers were male every night.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:22pm Nov 11 2010
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Danielle perked her ears as she listened to him speak. Her eyes traveled to the large amount of cash he had placed in front of him. "Wow..." she said bringing up her legs and resting her chin on them. "Soo....where can I aquire a fake ID?" She asked curiously lifting her gaze to him. "I am no where near 22" she laughed softly. "What would I have to do?" She asked curiously flickering her tail behind her. Oh how she would love to go up to the stuck up snobs in her work and tell them everything that was wrong with their family and house then quit.
12:58pm Nov 11 2010
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"I'll worry about that one." Andrew replied, he was going to have to get one of his older friends to help him out with that one. Like they had with his own fake ID. His own tail running over the floor behind him. "Well, its at a bar." He told her, the first he had willingly told were he worked. "And all you would have to do is take orders from customers and then make the drinks that they order." He explained. "Easy. But some of them are real pains." he warned.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:36pm Nov 11 2010
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Ooc:// The song Under Pressure and well a mix of a CSI episode had me thinking or well. I donno. Something going wrong...and I donno. I want to sacrafice someone for the greater good of another being. lol. Bic:// "Thanks" Danielle said with a light nod. "Your doing a lot for me" she said softly her voice fadding a little bit as she began thinking. Here she was being helped by a boy she had just met. In a way she was trying to figure out how to repay him but didn't know how just quite yet. "A bar. Seems easy enough. You mix drinks for a living, flirt a little bit, get more money" She said glancing up and focusing on Andrew. "Mixing drinks takes skill and an extensive knowledge on the vast majority of drinks that are out there" She said with a slight shrug. "I have time now to study" she smiled warmly leaning forward a littl bit.
2:56pm Nov 11 2010
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[[ lol xD Uh oh :3 ]] Andrew shrugged, "It's nothing." He replied. It really wasn't. This wasn't really his house and all he was doing was getting her a fake ID and a possible job. He picked his money back up and put it into his jacket where the rest of his money was. Soon he'd be able to buy a decent car of his own and not have to make his friend drive him around all the time. "Its actually pretty easy and fun." Andrew admitted, even if he didn't act like it. He just didn't like treating others better than he had ever been treated. It he could get over that and except that he was as good as he was going to get he would probably have more fun at work.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:26pm Nov 12 2010
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
5:22pm Nov 13 2010 (last edited on 6:58pm Nov 13 2010)
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Danielle nodded lightly standing up and seeming to dance a crossed the room thinking. “It would be fun” She said spinning around and focusing on Andrew for a moment. Her tail flickered slightly behind her before sighing. “Well…It’s late. Don’t let me keep you up” she said shifting her gaze up before seeming to go into another room to explore the house. Once she was behind the wall she pressed her back against it and slid down it just sitting there thinking for a moment within the darkness. She pressed her ears against her skull not sure what exactly to do. Was she tired? No. But it was late and Andrew did have school and a job. She knew Andrew would be exausted so just exed her self out of the equation letting him rest while she plotted out the next days events. If she was lucky enough she could get up early and go to her job catching her workers right before they leave so she could add more hours until Andrew could talk to his boss and friends. Some money was better than nothing right? Even if she was lucky enough she could keep both jobs. Work the houses in the day light and the bar at night. {Skip to next day? }

9:23pm Nov 13 2010
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[[ Sure ^_^ ]] Andrew watched as she left and sighed as soon as she was out of sight. He had been barely staying awake and could finally go to sleep while she was out of the room. He took off his jacket and threw it to the ground and laid down on it. He looked up at the ceiling quietly, waiting for sleep to take over. but when it didn't, he rolled over to the side to try and get a little more positiion when he spotted something that had apparently fallen out of his jacket pocket. It was that damned card that Eric had given him. He glared at the white slip as if it had slapped him before he snatched it quickly up off of the floor and shoved it back into his jacket. A few minutes after that he was sound asleep. ~Morning~ Andrew woke up to the sound of his phone going off beside his head. He sighed and slowly reached for it and turned it off before it could wale up his new house guest. He sat up and looked around him,, half asleep but still going. Yesterday and the days before his face would be hurting from the large bruise that he had been given. But not this morning, meaning that it was finally healing. He gathered what he would need for school and shoved them into his bag. Taking a few minutes to wake up completely before he stood up and picked up his jacket. He shrugged into it and slung the bag over his shoulder and head to the door to wait for Aiden to get there for him. This morning he didn't have to wait as long, seeing his friend turn the corner and come towards him. The white car stopped in front of his on the corner and Andrew jumped inside into the warmth and closed the door behind him. "Morning!" Aiden said cheerfully as he pulled away from the curve. "Morning..." Andrew yawned, closing his eyes slightly. They arrived at the school soon after and Andrew parted ways with his friend like he did the day before to go and wash the clothes that he'd worn the day before and went to clas$
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:39pm Nov 13 2010
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:53pm Nov 13 2010
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The sound of the door seemed to wake Danielle up causing her to groan and stretch. "Oh lord" She sighed managing to pop her back as she stood up and glanced around. She dug around in her pocket pulling out a small ring of keys before nodding. She had plans to do and wasn't going to sit around and stare at the blank walls. She quickly made her way out of the house and actually running down the street to get to the houses she worked at. She needed to get there before the owners left. { Fail on her part. lol } -------------- At the school house outside of Mr. Dashaniels room, Eric and Miss Nakata was currently having a not so quiet argument. "You are no longer needed here, Nakata. I will ask you to remove your things from my clas$room immediatly so I can move in and get to work on my lesson plans for today" Mr. Dashaniel frowned. He did look rather exausted and not to mention a black eye and a rather large bruise on his jaw. His lip was slightly swollen from being busted leaving a red line but those didn't seem to stop him from comming back to work. "You havn't rested. You look like hell. Go home, Eric. I've got your clas$es under control" She sighed reaching forward but Eric stepped away from her hand. "I want you out of my room or I will go straight to the principle and have him settle things. You do not want to get him involved in this so I suggest you step down" he huffed. His ears were pinned against his skull and his tail was bristled as if he was about to strike her. "He can settle things because I do not think you are worthy enough to be here. Look at you! Have you seen yourself in the mirror. You can barely walk yet alone teach" she growled stepping forward. "I am more than capable to sit behind a desk and teach my students" he sighed balling his fist, digging his own nails into his skin. He was getting fed up with her and was trying to refrain from knocking her to the ground seeing that would be very unprofessional and out of character.

11:17pm Nov 13 2010 (last edited on 11:22pm Nov 13 2010)
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Andrew, unlike eric was actually having a good day today. "You're joking!" "No!" Andrew argued, "I'm serious! Last night. When I was walking home she ran into me. Literally." He said, putting thing into his locker and taking other things out. "And what... you said that she could stay with you?" Aiden said this as if he didn't believe a word his friend was saying. "Yeah, I mean... She didn't have anywhere else to go and.... I get where she's coming from." Andrew explained, turning to lean against his open locker. "Well?" Aiden asked, making Andrew frown. "Well what?" "Is she cute?" Andrew frowned even deeper, his ears swiveling as if listening for something else to talk about. "Oh, uh, I don't know." He said, turning back to his locker. "What do you mean you don't know? She's staying with you man!" "I don't know... because I wasn't paying attention to how she looked." Andrew replied, getting to the edge of a bad mood. Aiden sensed this and backed off of the subject. He was a little disappointed but didn't want to mess up one Andrew's rare good mood. "Hey! Did you hear?" Aiden asked, changing the subject. "Hear what?" Andrew asked, obviously he hadn't hear whatever he was supposed to hear. "Today... all of the lower clas$men are having tests so they're letting the upper clas$men have a free day... Well, until last clas$..." Aiden said as they walked slowly down the hall. "Free day..." Andrew frowned, "What the hell does that mean?" He asked. "It means that they're letting the Juniors and Seniors go outside or to the gym all day. To do whatever." Aiden explained. Andrew perked up again. "Awesome! Wanna hang out in the gym? We could play a little one on one~" He said, jumping back and forth a little as if he were dribbling a basketball. Aiden laughed, "Yeah! You're going down~" He laughed, "Oh really? Have you actually learned how to play basketball?" They both laughed. [[fail post]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:30am Nov 14 2010
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:27am Nov 14 2010
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Danielle made her way into the small gated comunity and walked up to a rather large two story house. She knocked on the door and waited patiently for her client to open it. Her tail flicked happily behind her as she noticed a woman open the door. Danielle went to open he mouth but the older lady began barking at her. "Danielle! Your early and not to mention dirty. Look at you!" She sneered pulling the neko inside the house by her arm. She began pulling her up the stairs. "I-I-I.....Miss Jamiel" Daniel complained before being tossed in the bathroom. "Before I let you clean my house I want you clean. Shower...and....i'll scrounge up some old clothes for you. You look like you were kicked in dirt" she huffed shutting the bathroom door. Danielle stood there wide eyed for a minute before jumping at Mss Jamiel's yells from the stairs. "I don't hear that shower going!" she snapped causing Danielle to sigh and turn the shower on. Sometimes she loved miss Jamiel but at times like this she could be a pushy mother. She had her nice moments and then she had her really mean days. She was just thankful that she was in a good mood and yes this was a good mood. Danielle took a deep breath and stripped out of her old clothes before getting in the shower. ------------- Miss Nakata only seemed to laugh at his words. "Your not teaching Eric. It's been a day" She breaathed shaking her head. "And in a day you screw up my lesson plans. We were ahead of everyone else now we are behind. In a day you ruined everythig" Eric hissed watching her walk away. He let out a low growl and followed her still not really getting of her back. "Get your stuff out of my room, Nakata" he breathed wincing slightly as he did follow her. His sides hurt him a lot but he wasn't about to show weakness to the most irrisponsible, annoying substitute teacher they could scrounge up at last minute. "No Eric" she said simply ignoring him as he followed. "Then I have all day to bug you. I don't have to leave. I have a right to be here" he laughed causing her to freeze. "You will do no such thing!" she hissed, her tail bristling. "Then out of my clas$ and go bug someone else" he said simply standing up straight looking her in her eyes. "I..Fine" she huffed pulling her ears back. "Your students are all yours" she hissed, clearly pissed off at him.

1:20pm Nov 14 2010
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[[ lol For some reason their fight is making me giggle >u< ]] Andrew's ear flicked toward Eric's clas$room as the all too familiar sound of a verbal fight sounded from it. Both him and his friend slowed down automatically to look into the clas$room to see what was going on in there. Andrew spotted Mr. Dashaniel and the sub, both looking pretty angry at the other. But their yelling was starting to get to him, so Aiden pushed him forward gently away from the room and they continued down the hall. "They look pretty upset." Aiden said, "Wonder whats going on." He asked out loud. "Why is he even here?" Andrew asked, usually when you're hurt you have an excuse to stay out of school. Aiden looked over at his friend, "Who knows." He said finally as they picked up their pace down the hall down to the gym. "But let's hurry before everyone else wants to play basket ball too." They got to the gym to find that not very many upper clas$men had chosen to come to the gym. Which was fine, more room for Aiden and Andrew to play. Andrew took off his jacket and and bag and threw them down beside the door while Aiden went to grab a basket ball.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:38pm Nov 14 2010
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{It's something random. lol. } Nakata breathed out before standing up straight and glaring at Eric who was glaring back at her. "Well...We shall see who your students like better" she said spinning around to walk out of the room. "Hold up one minute! What do you mean by that?" He asked, his eyes wide in shock. "You'll see" She hissed leaving the room causing Eric to rush forward to try to grab her arm but missed and only hurt himself by teh sudden movment. A low throaty growl sounded from his throat as he sat down at his desk. Thank god he had first period for planning. He needed that period to recover from his little argument. He placed his thumb and index finger on the bridge of his nose just sighing. He wondered what Nakata was up to and quite frankly it terrified him. Her mind was so cunning it was beyond usefull in a clas$. He just didn't want her in his clas$room.
1:38pm Nov 14 2010 (last edited on 1:52pm Nov 14 2010)
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{I should really click the button once when it's lagging }
1:38pm Nov 14 2010 (last edited on 1:51pm Nov 14 2010)
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{ My internet froze. >.< }
1:57pm Nov 14 2010
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Aiden threw the basketball at Andrew, "I'll be gently." He said teasingly. "With you being all broken up and all." He added with a grin. Andrew caught the ball easily, even if it did send a quick strike of pain through his spine. "Oh really?" He asked, dribbling the ball a little before p*censored*ing it back. "Really." Aiden caught the ball then turned and tossed it at the net. It made it in. "Nothing but net~" Aiden cooed, clearly having quite a bit of confidence surging through him at the moment. Andrew laughed and went to get the orange sphere, "Lucky shot. You weren't even paying attention." He threw the ball back. "Oh, no, I'm just that good." He said and caught the ball. [fail :C]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~