1:58pm Nov 14 2010
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[ Sorry about your internet xD Mine froze up some too lol ]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:13pm Nov 14 2010
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{ hehe. Time for Danielle to make an apearance even though she's clearly not welcome } Danielle seemed to sneak into the school or well, she walked threw the door. There were lots of students walking around so she just walked into the crowd following behind some unsuspecting giggling girls. A slight smirk fell upon her face as she looked around curiously noticing a few rooms with kids sitting behind tables stairing boredly at teachers. She bit her bottom lip keeping her head low and quickly moved threw the hallways. Without paying attention she accidently ran into Miss Nakata causing her to take in a breath and focus at the teacher. "Girl!" Nakata snapped looking down at Danielle. "Where are you heading?" She asked a little snippity but that was mianly out of surprise. "Clas$" Danielle answered simply not wanting to push the subject. "Why are you wearing a dress?" Nakata asked lighlty pulling on the white fabric. "Religion. No matter what season I have to wear it. My coat is in my locker" she smiled warmly to cause Nakata to huff. "Go. I do hope your clas$ is the gym because that's where your headding" Nakta growled before making her way past the student and towards the principles office. Danielle seemed to smirk and walk quickly down the hallway noticing the doors that lead to the gym. It was easy to tell that they were to the gym on account of the dribbling ball sounds comming from behind the door and the squeeks of shoes on the floor. She took a deep breath and ducked inside the Gym glancing back threw the window wondering if anyone was following her. She had lost the giggling bunch of girls when she ran into that lady. {Mischievious little thing Danielle is. lol }

2:25pm Nov 14 2010
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[[ lol xD She has guts :3 ]] Andrew had the ball at this point and instead of throwing statements around he and Aiden were actually trying to out do each other in the game. Aiden almost grabbed it but Andrew swerved, managing to turn away from him friend and jump to the throw the ball into the net. It made it in which made Andrew smirk. Both boys lunged for the ball, ear forward and tails erect while they were emerged in their game. They had been playing for only a few minutes. Andrew ended up with the ball once more but paused the game long enough to just dribble it. "I thought you were going to go easy on me." ANdrew asked his friend, "I thought that you were banged up." The other retorted.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:17pm Nov 14 2010
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Danielle turned towards the sound of the basketball hitting the floor and smirked noticing a familar face. She made her way to the bleachers sitting a little bit down from a few others who were laughing and talking to themselves on the top of the bleachers ignoring everyone else around them. She sighed nodding lightly and focused on Andrew and who she guessed was his friend playing basketball. She leaned back just watching and actually finding the sport ineresting. She was used to catching glimses of it on television when her father sat down to watch sports on the weekend or after dinner. She was normally in the kitchen which gave her a perfect angle to catch the tv.
3:45pm Nov 14 2010
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Andrew didn't noticed his new house mate sitting behind him, and Aiden didn't know it was her to tell Andrew that she was there at all. To him, she was just another pretty face that had come to watch him and Andrew play, like the group that had already gathered behind them. Andrew flicked his tail as he spoke. "Well, I'm not as broken as you think I am." Andrew chuckled, throwing the ball to his friend who then tossed it into the net just above Andrew's head. "Obviously." Aiden replied sullenly, he had been hoping to win this match easily to tell the truth but now he was going to have to work for it. [[ I wanna know what that lady was talking about >3< See who the students like better lol ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:28pm Nov 14 2010
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{ Nakata? lol. You'll see when it comes to fourth period. lol } Daniel smirked swinging her feet lightly from the bottom bleachers as she just watched the boys play. Her interest growing but wouldn't dare step foot out on the court. The last thing she needed was to be hit up side the head with the ball, especially in her least favorite thing, a dress. She let out a small sigh just watching. -------- Back at Eric's room he was sunken down in his chair. He shuffled a few papers before glancing at the door noticing Nakata standing there smirking. "What are you doing?" he asked with an annoyed face. "Watching" She said simply making her way into his room and sitting on his desk. "I talked to the principle like you told me, our boss" She smirked playing with a pencil. "And?" Eric asked moving his papers and focusing on her. "You'll see" She grinned shaking her head just sitting on the edge of his desk watching him work on his papers. "Great" he growled letting out a huff.
9:36pm Nov 14 2010
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After much battling, dribbling, and dunking, Andrew ended up winning the little one on one and they were going to have to go back to their clas$es soon. "Ah!" Aiden panting, leaning over to rest his hands on his knees. "Fine! You win!" He panted loudy, his ears hanging low and his tail limp behind him. Andrew was nearly mirroring him, except he wasn't leaning over. "I know." He managed to smirk at his friend. [[ Ack! You're teasing me xD I wanna skip now lol]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:34pm Nov 14 2010
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:59pm Nov 14 2010
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Danielle grinned noticing Andrew won and went to stand up and go congratulate him but a hand snaked it's way around her wrist causing her to spin around rather quickly to face very wide green eyes. "Do you go here?" A orange neko asked. Her ears were pulled back and her tail was slightly bristled as she focused the green gaze on Danielle awaiting her answer. "I'm new" Danielle quickly said trying to free her wrist but the other neko was not about to let go any time soon. "You find interest in those boys no?" the female asked spinning so her body was facing Danielle. "Ummm. No...I just like basketball that's all" She frowned still trying to make the other girl loosen her grip. "I swear if you go near them I will personally glue your tail to your leg and clip those pretty little black ears of yours. I can't have you going to stalk my boys, do we have an understanding?" the female asked. Danielle pulled her ears back and curled her tail around herself before nodding lightly. "Yes now please" she frowned pulling her wrist watching the female let go of it causing her to fall off the bleachers onto the ground. Her eyes were rather wide and stairing at the girl watching her snicker with her friends and point down to her. "The new girl's a clutz" she nearly yelled revealing a fang as she smirked down at Danielle who seemed to cower away from the bleachers of laughing teenagers. She gave a slight whimper curling her tail even tighter around herself. {Evil....lol}

11:14pm Nov 14 2010
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Andrew and Aiden were both recovering, but the commotion behind Andrew caught their attention and both boys turned to see the Neko on the ground. Andrew's ears perked and tail stuck straight out behind him when he recognized the girl on the floor. "Danielle~" He said, dropping the basketball immediately and going over to help her up. "You ok?" He asked crouching next to her, offering her his hand like he had the night before. There was a rare face of concern of his face as he looked at the girl in front of him. Aiden came over behind him, looking down at the girl too. He instantly knew that this was the girl that was living with Andrew now. But he wondered how and why she was in the school if she didn't really go there. [[ So evil XD ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:23pm Nov 14 2010
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Danielle seemed to relax some seeing Andrew before sighing and reaching out taking his hand. "I-im f-f-fine" she stammered her cheeks slightly red. She glanced up at the bleachers to see the orange neko glaring bullets at her. She immediatly turned her head back to the boys before letting off a slight laugh. "I guess everytime we met I should try not to be on the ground" she gave a nervous laugh perking her ears slightly. "You two played a good game" she smiled warmly knowing good and well she didn't belong here and anticipated them asking. "Sorry. I was bored and after being forced to clean all morning, I needed to get away" She sighed pulling her ears back and averting her gaze from Andrew.
11:39pm Nov 14 2010 (last edited on 11:40pm Nov 14 2010)
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Andrew helped her up, not knowing that someone else had put her down. If he had, male or female, they would have had a bad day. "That would be good." He said in response to her not being on the ground. That was twice now, he was beginning to wonder if she was clumsy or just unlucky. Andrew was suddenly a little self conscious, now that he knew that she had been watching him and Aiden play. "Thanks. And you don't gotta apologize, just... don't get caught." He told her quietly, looking around then to see if anyone else was watching the show. Aiden wasn't sure if he should remain quiet or speak up, and if he spoke up he wasn't sure what he was going to say. So he settled for staying quiet and letting Andrew handle the situation like he was so good at doing.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:49pm Nov 14 2010
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"I ran into a teacher earlier. She didn't say anything but go to clas$" Danielle laughed lightly. "It's easy to walk into a school and blend in. Besides...i'm not sure a place like this is for me" she sighed seeming to back away from him. "I've only been here a few minutes and i've already somehow made enemies. I don't even know what I did" she explained lightly bitting her lip and pulling her ears against her skull. "Plus the teacher seemed sort of, mad and in a hurry so I don't think she was paying much attention. Others were in rooms but don't worry about it. I won't stick around. I was simply curious but then again.....curiosity killed the cat, didn't it?" she asked with a soft laugh unwrapping her tail from around her to let it gently sway behind her.
12:08am Nov 15 2010
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Andrew could tell that something was wrong just by the way that she was suddenly acting. "Enemies?" He asked with a frown. He didn't want her to leave because she felt like she had to, but if she seriously didn't want to be here then that was up to her. "Well, we have to go to clas$ now..." Aiden spoke up as other students started to leave the gym as teachers started to run them out. Andre looked up, he didn't notice everyone starting to move around them, "well, you know if you want to stay the teachers today will probably be too busy to notice you're here." He offered, now sure of what she wanted to do. He had only known her a few hours. And then he had been sleeping.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:15am Nov 15 2010
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{ Haha. Totally sleepy time for Immortal. You'll have to find out what happens with the tacher status tomorrow. lol } Danielle glanced around as well before frowning. "Umm. Mind if I follow you guys to clas$ and while there's still people around i'll ditch out the front" she smiled warmly. She gave off a light shrug kind of not wanting to address the enemy thing. The girls weren't worth her time bu tshe did have to admit that the other girls actions were totally unexpected when she had done virtually nothing wrong but watch Andrew and Aiden play basketball. "I dont know. It would be kind of hard to blend in while sitting in a clas$room with a teacher who knows every student in there" she shrugged lightly. "I mean since you guys have to go in the first place, please dont' let me make you late. That's the last thing I want to do is to get you two in trouble" she frowned dropping her tail behind her looking from Aiden to Andrew.
12:23am Nov 15 2010
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[[ Oh no xD ]] Andrew perked up, straitening, and turned to look at Aiden. "Sure, you can follow us." He responded, they were almost the last ones out by now. "And I guess you're right the whole... clas$room thing." He admitted, he hadn't even thought about that part. "And don't worry about making me late." Andrew told her. "Yeah." Aiden replied, "The school might actually blow up if Andy here was on time." He replied with a chuckle. Andrew picked up his jacket and his bag on the way out, throwing the bag over his shoulder and the jacket over his arm.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:01pm Nov 15 2010
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Danielle let out a small laugh as she followed beside them allowing her tail to swish back and fourth behind her. "I take you you don't make it to clas$ on time then" she grinned perking her ears as she watched students walk up and down the hall, shuffling off to different rooms. It reminded her of ants moving in a quick orderly fashion to get food for their queen before they became food themselves. It all amused her slightly. "So....what clas$ do you have now?" She asked curiously tagging along wondering which door the two boys would disapear in. {Fail}
1:53pm Nov 15 2010
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"That one." Aiden said, pointing to Mr. Dashaniel's clas$room. "Literature." Andrew answered Danielle. He wondered if Eric and Kakata were still in there fighting or not, and he wondered why that it had bothered him so bad earlier to see them do so. "Are you sure you'll be ok?" Andrew asked. [[ Omg. Fail post :C the brain is running out XD ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:06pm Nov 15 2010
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Danielle glanced over at the room he had pointed to before nodding lightly. "I'm fine, thank you. I'll see you tonight then?" She asked seeming to stop outside of the room watching Andrew and Aiden a little hesitant to leave. In a way she wanted to stay but then again those girls had been pretty rude on threatning her. Inside the clas$room Eric glared down at the papers in front of him making obvious angry marks on them as he graded them. Miss Nakata was still sitting on the side of his desk taking not to his every move. "Why did you do that? Do you even care if I have a job?" He asked lifting hs cold blue gaze. "Not really. You can always get another one, besides.....it's really for the students and staff to decide now isn't it?" she grinned. "Your a royal b!tch you know that?" He asked frowning only to hear her giggle. "Yep I do. Now I suggest you get to grading so I can pas$ those papers out when the bell rings" she grinned innocently only to hear Eric's low hiss.
2:19pm Nov 15 2010
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"Yeah... I guess I will." Andrew replied, stopping just outside of the clas$room as Aiden went ahead and went inside. Andrew's sensitive ears caught Eric and Nakata's conversation. He felt sort of bad for leaving her on her own, but if she didn't want to come along then there was really nothing he could do about that. More students filed in around him, a few giving him different kinds of looks but Andrew didn't notice. Andrew readjusted the strap over his shoulder and took his bag off, turning to throw them into his desk so that he didn't have to hold them anymore. "Then after school I'll get you another ID." He said, quiet enough that only she could hear him.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~