3:11pm Nov 17 2010
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Danelle glanced out the window watching them turn down the projects causing her tail to bristle slightly. She kept her ears pressed against her head watching as they progressed towards their destination. She knew a child that was sent to the projects from their foster home. He was a freckled face read head that she had a cursh on when she was like eight. As soon as he was gone there were rumors of what happened to him. Some say that a gang took him in and trained him to kill or sell drugs. Others rumored that he was a victim of a trade gone bad and that he was murdered on sight. No one really knew and honestly she didn't think she wanted to know. She watched as they pulled in front of a trailer. She watched as Andrew disapeared inside only to come out with another man. Her ears perked slightly as he opened the door listening to his every word. She gave a slight nod, drooping her ears a little bit as she turned towards her window rolling it down only to cough slightly. She brought her hand up to cover her mouth, wrinkling her nose a little bit behind her hand. She sucked in a breath before removing her hand and placing it in her lap as she looked out the open window at Stevie watching him fiddle with the camera.

5:22pm Nov 17 2010
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Andrew got back out of the car and leaned against the side, crossing his arms and bringing his tail to wrap around his hip. He watched until Stevie got the camera to the settling that he wanted and held it up to his face, stepping closer to the car to take the picture. There was a flash and Stevie was done, pocketing the camera again. Andrew pushed himself off of the side of the car. "It'll be done tomorrow." Stevie stated, Andrew handed off the money needed and walked back toward the trailer with the other male neko. "Thanks, man." Andrew said and they did a hand shake. "No problem." Then Stevie was gone back into the trailer. Andrew came back to the car and got in, "I'll come back and get the ID tomorrow." Andrew told Danielle as Aiden backed the car out and headed back to the main road.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:37pm Nov 17 2010 (last edited on 6:48pm Nov 17 2010)
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Danielle watched Andrew and Stevie until Stevie was gone. She rolled up her window, pulling back her ears while doing so. "Thanks" She smiled bringing her tail to her lap. She let out a small sigh watching back out of the window as they drove back to the main road. She couldn't help but to wonder what happened to that red head freckled face boy. In a way she didn't want to know but in other way she did want to know. She could only pray that his life was better than some of the others who were sent off to homes. { I'm being yelled at. Sorry. My mom's really pissed at me. }
7:14pm Nov 17 2010
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[[ Aw :C I'm sorry ]] "Sorry... about that." Andrew said quietly for the front seat. "I didn't you want you to get out back there because it's all too easy for some lowlife to come snatch you up back there. And who knows what would happened to a girl like you~" He took her, looking out of the window and Aiden drove quietly. "Stevie mades the best fake IDs" Aiden spoke up, he owned one himself.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:23pm Nov 17 2010
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{ Its fine } Danielle turned her attention to Andrew before shaking her head. "Your fine. I understand. There were rumors about the projects in my foster home. One of he kids that I used to talk to got sent there. I don't know what happened to him. There's so many rumors but I pray none are true. He desurves better than them" she frowned lightly perking her ears at his last statement. "You know I really do appricate everything your doing for me. I'll have to find a way to pay you back" She said bitting her bottom lip. "I know you said you didn't need it or I didn't need to thank you but I do."
7:52pm Nov 17 2010
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Andrew listened to her, continuing to look out the window. "Those rumors are true..." Andrew replied, "And if your friend got sucked in there.... then he's not coming back." He knew that from experience. Stevie used to be as good a friend as Aiden, but he got wrapped up in others in that trailer park and he was never the same again. He knew that that was something that might be a bit harsh to say but she deserved to know that and he wouldn't have said that if he didn't have someone that he'd lost. And he still didn't want any thanks from her. He was just trying to help.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:52pm Nov 17 2010 (last edited on 7:53pm Nov 17 2010)
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:10pm Nov 17 2010
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Danielle pulled her ears back shaking her head lightly. "I know. No one's heard from him and we never will" she shrugged lightly. "The main rumor that went around was that two corrupt cops lost on a drug deal with a gang. To save their lives from owing the gang leader they offered to get them someone who could work for them and not be detected by the police. A perfectly clean person. And so they agreed and the cops came to the orphanage taking away, Riezo, my friend. He was terrified but no one could help him" She sighed messing with the fur on her tail. It was probably a true story but the thing with stories was, they were always exagurated just a little bit. "Even if I did see him again, I dont know what I would do...if he's even alive. I'm not looking forward to that though, he's just another body count to the foster home suicides" she shrugged.
8:38pm Nov 17 2010
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[[ what if Andrew knew him? By a different name :O Happy Danielle lol ]] Andrew flinch slightly, body count? Nope. He didn't want to know what she meant by that. "I'm sorry about your friend." He told her, Aiden was soberly quiet behind the wheel. He'd know Stevie as well. This wasn't a very uplifting conversation. "So, do you want to go back to the house or come to work with me tonight?" Andrew said, trying to change the subject. [[Sorry my post is so fail :C I'm a bit braindead xD ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:11pm Nov 17 2010
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{ Awww. ^.^ And his name probably was changed. It's the projects. People go by fake name all the time. I know a few in my class who goes by a fake name. He wont tell me his real name and it irritates me. >.< } "It's fine" She said before nodding lightly. "I would like to go with you to work. You know, check it out before I have the fake ID and stuff. See what i'm in for, for later" She smiled warmly seeming to forget about the previous conversation. She was a little excited but then again it was a bar so she had to be prepared for what ever company walked threw the doors. { Fail! >.< Stupid brain. }
9:53pm Nov 17 2010
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[[ Yeah, theres 2 guys that go by different names at my school omg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_S5cXbXe-4 Hilarious and slightly creepie xD ]] "Ok." Andrew responded, leaning back into the seat of the car. He might as well relax while he could. He knew he wouldn't be able to fall asleep before Aiden dropped him off, and his shift was a particularly long one. So he'd have to wait a while until he could finally catch up on some sleep. Aiden glanced at Andrew, "You wanna be dropped off like usual?" He asked. "Yeah." Andrew responded, closing his eyes. Soon Aiden pulled the car off to the side of the road and parked. "He sighed, "You know, you should just tell me where you work so that you don't have to walk everywhere. It would be easier for you." Andrew got out, "Thanks Aiden." He said. [[ GAH!!! Sorry it took me so long DX Took me 3 times to post thing XD Once my page froze, once my page refreshed, and once I hit some button that erased my entire post!! DX I am so FAIL ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:01pm Nov 18 2010
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:48pm Nov 19 2010
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Danielle watched Andrew climb out before she followed after him. She waved to Aiden before pausing turning back to him. "Thanks for the ride and everything" she smiled turning to Andrew wondering he would choose to be dropped off right here. Aiden was his best friend and yet he didn't even want to tell him where he worked? That seemed a little odd to her but she made a mental note to ask him what was up with that when Aiden left. She didn't want to bring the conversation up at this moment right now in front of Aiden. {Fail. Sorry. Im working on my math HW so I can go to the HP movie tonight with friends. >.< }
5:10pm Nov 19 2010
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[[ Thats fine ^.^ Enjoy the movie! ]] Andrew grabbed his jacket and his bag and closed the door behind him and watched Aiden pull away and turn around to go to his own home. Andrew shrugged into the jacket and slung his bag over his shoulder, making sure he didn't drop anything when he did so. [[ Im feeling pretty bad at the moment and ca't think :C ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:15pm Nov 20 2010
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:01am Nov 21 2010
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Name: Seth Age: 18 Gender: Male Position: New Student ;D Looks:

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:01am Nov 21 2010
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[[ Just going to go ahead and put him up there ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:12pm Nov 21 2010
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{ Sorry! Mom and i were playing with gun powder and explosives today. ^.^ } Danielle watched him put on his jacket before bittnig her bottom lip. "Hey..Why don't you tell him where you work? He drives you every day right?" She asked curiously observing him. "I mean would it really be so bad? He's your friend so i'm sure he'd udnerstand or wouldn't critisize like some." { Totally fail post and I really apologize. }
7:03pm Nov 21 2010
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[[Nice :P LOL Sounds fun actually XD]] Andrew sighed, "At first I just didn't want him to have to drive me down there. Seeing as he's always driving me everywhere." He answered. "Then I started to think... Surely i don't really look 22... and neither does Aiden. So if he showed up with me... I figured that my boss would start wondering. Plus I don't really want my friend coming and getting drunk all the time because he 'knows the bartender'." [[mines is fail too ;P]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:31pm Nov 21 2010
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Posts: 1,825
{ Sorry! Adam came on and I freaked out and abandoned everything. I sorry! } Danielle seemed to take a deep breath and nodded lightly. "That makes sense" he frowned lightly thinking about it. "Okay that makes a lot of sense" she seemed to laugh lightly curling her tail around herself. "We can't have that now can we" She muttered to herself perking her ears looking around finding it unusually empty for being after school.