8:11pm Nov 22 2010
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Andrew had been pretty quiet throughout the school day, which meant the teachers could actually relax a little without Andrew causing problems like usual. He sighed, picking the paper up off of his desk and looked at it with a frown. Not only was he going to have to have a way to do this research but he was going to made something too? ((fail XD)) --- Seth came slowly down the hall, a piece of paper with all of his clas$es printed in black in in his hand. He was looking up at the names above the doors, looking for Mr. Dashaniel's room. He finally found it and peeked inside. the door wasn't closed and all of the students were getting papers pas$ed to them. He spotted a boy right next to the door, looking over the paper in his hand. Seth raised his eyebrows at him, thinking that he was one of the cutest guys he'd ever seen before. He smiled then stepped into the room quietly, only to announce himself soon after. "Mr. Dashaniel?" He asked, looking at the one pas$ing out papers. ((if it matters XD he's wearing the same thing in his pic on the last page))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:26pm Nov 22 2010
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Eric seemed to eye Andrew by the door before his attention was drawn away to a student who had called his name. "Yes?" he seemed to ask spinning around pausing remembering that they had told him he was getting a new student. "Ah welcome. You are...Seth?" He seemed to ask walking up front to him. "Well you've come just in time for the good news. Would you like to introduce yourself to the class or hold off on that? It's not required for my class so if you don't want to your fine. Nothing will be held against you" he smiled warmly glancing over at Andrew for a breif moment then focusing back on Seth. { Fail }
9:08pm Nov 22 2010
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Seth's ears perked up happily, "Yes, I'm Seth Nichols and I just transferred here from Toluca Lake." He said, mostly to Mr. Dashaniel but loud enough to be considered and introduction. -- Andrew looked up to the new kid, half curious as to what he had to say. Toluca Lake was pretty far away from here and he wondered why he would have transfered from a place so far away to such an extremely small town like this one. He set the paper down on the desk in front of his and relaxed in his seat. Waiting for the interruption to be over or something else to happen. [[sorry, my mom sent me out to run errands o.o]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:21pm Nov 22 2010
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"Well Mr. Nichols have a seat and enjoy" Eric nodded politly not really waiting for him to sit down as he addressed his class. "Well, Students. As you can tell we have a absence in our professional department. I wouldn't be suprised if you got a new principle but that one may not be so good to come" He spoke leaning against his desk. "There will be no more intrusion by Miss Nakata therefore i've decided to do something a little more fun. There is a two page paper involved, but seriously be thankful it isn't eight like all the lesson plans say. That peice of paper is the directions to your project. Two page double spaced paper for a topic of your choice and I want a visual presentation of that project whether you choose to be old school and do a powerpoint or an actually model or scrapbook. What ever you put your mind to. I would like you to run your ideas of what you want to do by me first and I will aprove it but there isn't a lot I won't allow" He said simply watching his class. "But alas that doesn't mean we will drop Poe and go to shakespeare like Nakata wanted to. In fact I want one of you to tell me where exactly Poe died and under what conditions. Just to pick up where we left off" He preached watching his class. He flopped his tail happily behind him as his ears were positioned forward awaiting for someone to speak up.

9:55pm Nov 22 2010
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Seth looked over to Andrew and noticed that he was looking at him too. He perked up slightly and went to sit in the empty seat behind him quietly. He set his shoulder bag down beside the side and looked up at Mr. Dashaniel as he made his announcement. "Hey." He whispered to Andrew, getting his attention. Andrew turned slightly to look back at him. "I'm Seth." He said with a smile, "Andrew." Andrew replied. Seth nodded, "Nice to meet you. So uhm... whats going on? Did something happen to the principal?" He asked, trying to come up with a reason to talk to Andrew. "No, some crazy chick tried to come and take Mr. Dashaniel's job and the principal let her." Andrew explained. "Oh." Seth replied, suddenly out of things to say. Andrew turned back to the front of the room, having a hard time staying up. Seth frowned, wanting to talk to him more. [[I'm so fail :C]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:09pm Nov 22 2010
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{Andrew should fall asleep. ^.^ Oh do I have plans for that one and it will probably shock Andrew and Seth and most of the class. It's not yelling or slaming a book down on the table either. lol. } Eric seemed to focus on Seth and Andrew during their small conversation before sighing. "I really am disapointed in you all. I've only been talking about Poe for two days before all this rucus happened. He died in Maryland said to have been found on the streets. There were rumors he was murdered, their were rumors that diseases got him but the real truth behind those lies were that he involved in Alcohlism from the weight of his very tragic life. He was burried in an unmarked grave. Tragic for Poe seeing a writer as dark and forboding as him should not have been cast to the outskirts of the grave but alas that is what happened" He explained letting out a soft sigh. "Can someone tell me what quote was written on a stone honoring him? I'll give you a hint. It's from one of his famous poems." { I fail too. lol }

10:28pm Nov 22 2010
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{ This should be good <33 XDD } Andrew sighed, he knew that, he was just wasn't interested today and very tired. He was thinking about skipping out on work today, but knew that he wouldn't. He also had to go and get Danielle's ID after school today from Stevie and then take her to Alex and try and get her a jo down there at the bar. While these things were going through his mind he had subconsciously sunk down into his seat, getting as comfortable as possible in such an uncomfortable desk. And not only that but he had homework in everyone of his clas$ses today and then this stupid project that he had to do for this clas$. Andrew rested his head in his palm, his tail coming up to rest in his lap. Don't get him wrong, he wanted to learn about Poe, and he wasn't too thrilled about sleeping in front of other people. And he was seriously trying to stay awake, but he had had a total of 19 hours of sleep this week and had early shifts at the bar this weekend. Soon he was sleeping quietly. --- Seth watched Andrew as he slowly fell asleep in front of him. Eyebrows raised and hands out in front of him. Now that I think about it.... I think he had bags under his eyes... Seth thought with a slight frown. He's absolutely exhausted! [[ Hehee >D ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:45pm Nov 22 2010
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"Quoth the raven, nevermore" Eric said watching as Andrew's head sunk down on his desk and soon was fast asleep. He sighed managing to stand up and walk down the isles of the desks. "Poe was born in Boston and his parents died when he was just a mere child. He was taken into a family within his own town who travled on account they were merchants" He spoke as he made his way past Seth to stop at Andrew's desk firmly watching him for a few moments making sure he was really asleep. "I have been happy, though in a dream. I have been happy --and I love the theme: Dreams! in their vivid coloring of life. As in that fleeting, shadowy, misty strife. Of semblance with reality which brings to the delirious eye, more lovely things Of paradise and Love---all my own!---Than young HOpe in his sunnies hour hath known" Eric quoted a poem by Poe as he placed his middle finger at the base of Andrew's spine before running that middle finger up his spine gently yet firmly to startle the kid awake. You could concider it a sexual behavior but that was not what he was intending. "In this poem...Poe speaks of how he was taught dreaming of things such as heaven was hopless and not worth it. He was told as a child to keep his head out of the clouds but alas he explains that dreams are the best prat of our lives. Anything can happen within them the past, or future. It all depends on where your mind takes them.....Isn't that right, Andrew?" He asked not moving from his spot next to him, his blue eyes focused on his student.

10:59pm Nov 22 2010
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Seth watched as the teacher started his way over here, knowing that he had spotted Andrew falling asleep and as$umed that he was going to slam a book on his desk like his teachers in California had. But, as the scene unfolded, Eric did no such thing. What he did sent shivers up Seth's spine and he felt like his eyes might fall out of his head. Did Andrew and Mr. Dashaniel have something going on between them. -- Aiden coughed, having sucked air into his lungs a little too fast as he watched Mr. Dashaniel wake up Andrew. -- Andrew's eyes flew open suddenly and he arched his back. His ears flew straight up and his tail doubled in size. He didn't like this guy touching him! Plus his back was still sore from his mother's boyfriends slamming him into the wall back at the trailer. He glared up at his teacher, who knew that his back was still so sore? "That... hurt." He growled, shaking Eric's hands off of his back. "Besides..." He said, ears laid back and tail ticking irritably now. "Dreams are for children." He responded.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:08pm Nov 22 2010 (last edited on 11:09pm Nov 22 2010)
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"It hurt? I apologize. That was not the....reaction I was trying to get from that action" Eric said simply before sighing. "Are dreams for children, Andrew? Have you never dreamed of something that you do not have? Ever longed for someone or something that you know you would in a million years never have? Dreams arnt' just your vivid imaginiations masking your childhood fantasies. Each and everyone of you dream on a daily basis" He smirked focusing on him before sighing. "I will not have you sleeping in my class Andrew. Please save that for your night life" He frowned keeping an eye on him as he glanced back to Seth. "Seth, why don't you enlighten the class on what it exactly means to dream. I have mentioned they are hopes and prayeres. Would you care to share with the class some of your own dreams?" he asked curiously eyeing his new student. "Then Aiden, why don't you enlighten us after Seth here."
11:52pm Nov 22 2010 (last edited on 12:32am Nov 23 2010)
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"Whatever." Andrew replied and averted his gaze, ears flat against his skull. He 'dreamed' for his dad to come back and take him like he promised he would, but that wasn't going to happen so he gave up on it. -- "My dreams?" Seth asked, he didn't like sharing his personal life. Especially now to a room full of people that he knew nothing about. He frowned, flicking his ears as he thought. "Well, I've always wanted to be a writer?" He said, it almost sounded like a question. He wasn't all that sure that Mr. Dashaniel was talking about. -- Aiden had hoped that he could listen to Seth and get some idea but Seth didn't really give him that much to work on. [[ I couldn't think of anything! |D ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:46am Nov 23 2010 (last edited on 10:20am Nov 23 2010)
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"It's nice to have you back, Andrew" Eric smirked before spining around and focusing on Seth as he spoke. "A writer? That's a bold statment. Do you write now? Are you inspired for the classical romance novels? The fantasis? An adventure story maybe or do you take writting seriously and actually focus on the facts and the day to day life of people?" He asked walking behind Seth placing his hands on his shoulders. "Or maybe you are like Poe and focus on the dark tales of horror." Eric leaning down to his ear breathing very softy and began to speak; "Tell us....we all here are your friends. No one will breathe a word if you don't want them to." he seemed to whisper/tell him as he straightened again letting his hand fall off his shoulders as he made his way to the other side of his desk. "A writer is a good dream to have, in fact there is a compatition comming up that you might want to enter. If you wish I will happily discuss it with you after class" He smiled warmly before glancing over at Aiden. "You may want to start thinking, Aiden. I know you all feel so uncomfortable telling us your true hopes and dreams in fear we will laugh or invade privacy but that isn't the goal here." He sighed glancing around the class before focusing back on Seth.

2:49pm Nov 23 2010
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Seth listened to everything that Eric had to say, only slightly uncomfortable to have his teacher that close. But seeing his preference in gender it wasn't all that bad for him and made it seem normal almost. Once he let go Seth sighed quietly, seeing that he was going to have to speak about something very personal on his first day. "I write now." He answered, "I've been writing since third grade actually." He said, fiddling the the pencil on his desk. "I prefer writing a mix of fantasy and adventure but I haven't really tried anything with strictly romance or horror. And I regularly use facts when I write." He said, trying to answer as much as Eric had asked. --- Aiden was slightly interested in what Seth had to say but what he wanted to do was completely different in life and more complicated as well. Andrew knew what he wanted to do when graduated High School and goes to college and Aiden knew what Andrew wanted to do though he didn't approve of it at all. [[ Seth is going to get very pushy soon XD ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:02pm Nov 23 2010
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"Fantasy and adenture. That's a good genre to write in. It lets your imagination take over. You should enter the writting contest. Not many students have entered" Eric said placing his hand on Seth's head for a breif moment before drawing back and walking over to Aiden. "You, Aiden? What are your dreams and desires?" He asked placing his hand on the back of his chair instead of actually touching him. He didn't want to push his luck with him. He only touched Andrew cause he knew it would piss him off and make him more alert. Seth was merely a test which in fact he found quite boring how the kid didn't really react to his actions. { Fail. Sorry. Eric isn't that pushy when it comes to touching and wouldn't dare touch Aiden. Knowing that kid he'd be the one to go tell the principle the teacher is 'touching' them. lol. }
3:37pm Nov 23 2010
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Aiden sighed, deciding to go ahead and go with just talking about what he wanted to when he got out of high School. "After High School I'm planning on-" Getting out of this god forsaken town Andrew thought, but he didn't blame his friend for wanting more for himself. And, unlike himself, Aiden's family had money to give him to get out. "-Moving up to New York." He said, "To go to the University of Phoenix to study to become a Surgeon." He informed, he had wanted to be a doctor since he was little. he had only resentl decided what kind of doctor he wanted to be and he had the grades and determination needed to be one. [[lol Yeah he would XD Be like "D:< He's touching us!" lol]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:47pm Nov 23 2010
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{ Sorry. I fell asleep. Ugh stupid exaustion } Eric listened to Aiden not at all suprised by his comment. "A surgeon. Good for you, Aiden. I hope you make it" He smiled releasing his chair and walking back towards the front of the class. "As you can see each person has a dream just like Poe did when he was a mere child. No one quite knows what his dreams were but being shot down time after time only made him greater thus depressed to write his horror love novels. Most of his stories came from his lost loves. He actually ended up marrying his cousin but she died from disease. Most of his family he's ever had has died from some sort of disease. Tuberulousis was the main one though that struck and haunted Poe's life" he sighed turning to sit on his desk once more. "And seeing as it is getting closer to the bell and end of the class. Since I am going to be nice I will let you work on that paper and project in groups. It's due two weeks from now so use your time wisely. I must know your topics before you start on them so I can approve. If you wish my email is on the paper therefore instead of talking to me in person you can email me your ideas" He breathed glancing up at the clock. "You are dismissed" he nodded bringing his tail up and wrapping it around himself watching some of his students stand up and pack up. { I'm debating having Danielle show up in class and actually attend school. lol. Like just randomly. ^.^ }

6:22pm Nov 23 2010
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{ Haha! My first ever Bump! ^.^ }
6:23pm Nov 23 2010
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[[ I thought you got off :O Congratz on the bump XD lol ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:26pm Nov 23 2010
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{ Psh. I've been online for the past few hours. lol. I had to update my parents on a family issue. A step child died in our family and I didn't even know he existed. >.< }
6:28pm Nov 23 2010
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[[ Oh, I must not have been paying attention. And I was kinda watching someone draw on livestream XD Aw ): How sad. ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~